Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Inspired by the comments about him in the Phantom Pain thread, I think that in an ideal world Keifer Sutherland should have played Big Boss from the start. I think his performance in GZ/TPP (when you heard it) was good and I never really got why Big Boss looked and sounded exactly like Solid Snake when Solidus was meant to be the one who was the exact clone. I wish Big Boss had some more individuality in his prequel appearances.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
Something I've been stewing on for a while is that maybe people just need to get over it when your retro game of choice isn't the one of getting a rerelease. When it comes to retro games, people are always quick to whine about how "nobody wants this" when something gets released that isn't what they want released and never quite remember that the thing about retro games is that *somebody* grew up with them and probably is happy to see it rereleased. It's utterly obnoxious when discussions about something getting a rerelease gets flooded by people whining about it not being x-game that has probably been mostly readily available anyway.


The Fallen
Nov 16, 2017
A bit of a forum whine, but it's annoying me a bit how many Elden Ring threads are popping up again when many of them would have been okay to post in the OT. I woke up today and first thing I did was put 3 Elden Ring threads on ignore.

Agreed. I think 1/3rd to 1/2 of all my ignored threads since joining Era at its launch are now Elden Ring-related. Every subset of that game warrants its own thread apparently.


Alt Account
Feb 4, 2022
I dont know how "controversial" this is, but the criticism of a game being "too anime" is asinine and pisses me off. Whats the logic here? Art style alone? I get that anime and anime-esque works have certain tropes people may not like, but how would you even know if the sight of anything anime looking turns you off so hard immediately?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Something I've been stewing on for a while is that maybe people just need to get over it when your retro game of choice isn't the one of getting a rerelease. When it comes to retro games, people are always quick to whine about how "nobody wants this" when something gets released that isn't what they want released and never quite remember that the thing about retro games is that *somebody* grew up with them and probably is happy to see it rereleased. It's utterly obnoxious when discussions about something getting a rerelease gets flooded by people whining about it not being x-game that has probably been mostly readily available anyway.
No, I choose to always be bitter that Mischief Makers will never get rereleased, thanks!


Oct 25, 2017
A bit of a forum whine, but it's annoying me a bit how many Elden Ring threads are popping up again when many of them would have been okay to post in the OT. I woke up today and first thing I did was put 3 Elden Ring threads on ignore.
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that ERA's policy is that for a month of a game's release we kind of cracks down on threads about the game outside of the OT. It's been over a month since it released so outside threads are allowed, yet it's still dominating discourse. You don't get that often.

Like the OT is already in hangouts yet it doesn't feel like it should be lol


Apr 2, 2018
there is no such thing as a game not respecting your time. Its a videogame, if you feel like your time is being wasted just... walk away from it? Its not the game not respecting your time, its you - if you choose to continue playing something you don't enjoy, well... that's all on you.
I 100% agree with this, though I think an issue is the phrasing. It seems like it means that a game is too tedious or a slog in some ways. Which, if that's how you feel, then it's more accurate to just say that the game is too tedious for you or that certain aspects take too long or are too boring for you. If you think grindy parts of a game don't "respect your time," then how would you tell that to someone who enjoys that grind? To me it's like saying a TV show is not "respecting your time" when it gets boring. Stop watching that show if it feels like your time is being wasted.


Jun 6, 2021
I get really tired of how much game conversation revolves around negativity. Like I feel like sometimes its difficult to talk about a series without it being negatively compared to some other series, its just exhausting. That's not to say everyone has to like everything of course it just feels like it doesn't add much to the conversation most of the time. Like Kingdom Hearts as an example is difficult to talk about in certain places especially if you enjoy the story. If you don't like it great, but that doesn't mean its objectively bad! Lately I'm of the opinion that if i dont like something its probably just not for me as opposed to being like The Worst.


Oct 30, 2019
Most western Triple A games are extremely boring and lame, and indies are carrying extremely hard. Sick of games with boring super realistic graphics and other boring shit
Counterpoint: I find most japanese Triple A games to be extremely boring and lame, often way too long, padded out with inane stuff and hillariously undercooked technically. Plus, while this is subjective, I find most of the plots of japanese games to be... well silly.

This is a matter of opinion, of course.

I get really tired of how much game conversation revolves around negativity. Like I feel like sometimes its difficult to talk about a series without it being negatively compared to some other series, its just exhausting. That's not to say everyone has to like everything of course it just feels like it doesn't add much to the conversation most of the time. Like Kingdom Hearts as an example is difficult to talk about in certain places especially if you enjoy the story. If you don't like it great, but that doesn't mean its objectively bad! Lately I'm of the opinion that if i dont like something its probably just not for me as opposed to being like The Worst.

Same. I'm sick of games being compared and people thinking liking a game they don't being a point of discussion. I don't care about Zelda at all, I don't give a shit if you think BOTW broke all the ground regarding open world games and every game is inferior to it, if I like this other open world game you are not going to convince me it's bad because it's not BOTW.

Conversely, I hate how tribal gaming communities are. I'm not insulting you for saying this game isn't perfect. I'm stating an opinion. You're welcome to tell me I'm wrong, I'm also entitled to disagree with you.
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Jun 9, 2018
Arcade games are basically microtransaction-fests designed to siphon as many quarters as possible from the players.


Oct 25, 2017
I went back through the last 5 pages are barely any of these opinions are controversial. You guys have very standard opinions!
Jan 21, 2019
I went back through the last 5 pages are barely any of these opinions are controversial. You guys have very standard opinions!
Breath of the Wild is just good and Elden Ring is just Dark Souls 3 with an open world and has copy paste nonsense that other games get criticesed for.

Is that controversial?

How about: Games without a narrative are nothing more than toys and a complete waste of time (basically all multiplayer competitive games).

Another one: Children today have no appreciation for the gaming medium and are sucked into low effort mobile games that have no artistic merit.

Gaming "journalism"/media is just the long arm of the marketing department of big AAA publishers and there exists no real critical discourse around games outside of long video essays and maybe some fringe authors and the hype that is peddled by these sites let anti consumer practices and other abusive behaviour go unscathed AS LONG AS THE GAME IS GOOD.
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Oct 25, 2017
Breath of the Wild is just good and Elden Ring is just Dark Souls 3 with an open world and has copy paste nonsense that other games get criticesed for.

Is that controversial?

How about: Games without a narrative are nothing more than toys and a complete waste of time (basically all multiplayer competitive games) and children today have no appreciation for the gaming medium and are sucked into low effort mobile games that have no artistic merit.

The second one would definitely light some fires because a shitload of highly acclaimed classic games have close to zero narrative lol.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
How about: Games without a narrative are nothing more than toys and a complete waste of time (basically all multiplayer competitive games) and children today have no appreciation for the gaming medium and are sucked into low effort mobile games that have no artistic merit.


You just torpedoed the entirety of Simulation, Strategy, Management, City/Colony Builder genres.

Jan 21, 2019
so, what separates a digital toy from another digital toy is... if it has a story?

Not story, narrative. Dark Souls has no traditional story but it definitely has a narrative. I'm not talking about presentation. For example, an hour of playing Fifa, playing with a toy, an hour of playing God of War or Elden Ring, that's a game.

EDIT: Seems like it was a controversial opinion. Well I never claimed it was a good one. IT's just that feeling that an hour shooting dudes in Call of Duty is wasted when an hour of Final Fantasy VII has a bit more value and lasting appeal and the difference is generally narrative.


Oct 25, 2017
How about: Games without a narrative are nothing more than toys and a complete waste of time (basically all multiplayer competitive games) and children today have no appreciation for the gaming medium and are sucked into low effort mobile games that have no artistic merit.
So Tetris, chess, fighting games, etc have no artistic merit and are mere trinkets for children?


Dec 25, 2019
EDIT: Seems like it was a controversial opinion. Well I never claimed it was a good one. IT's just that feeling that an hour shooting dudes in Call of Duty is wasted when an hour of Final Fantasy VII has a bit more value and lasting appeal and the difference is generally narrative.

I guess, but someone could argue an hour spent playing Final Fantasy VII is also childish when you could be reading Crime and Punishment or something.


Oct 25, 2018
Ok, then, you want an unpopular opinion?

I think that while Uematsu is an excellent musician, FF is better now not depending on him because he had a very specific style of music and it could get repetitive from one game to the other, and I think the diversity of styles has added to the brand. I still love his songs, but I definitely think it was about time.

I feel like an absolute dick I am so sorry Mr. Uematsu I love you okay.


Feb 14, 2019
Breath of the Wild is just good and Elden Ring is just Dark Souls 3 with an open world and has copy paste nonsense that other games get criticesed for.

Is that controversial?

How about: Games without a narrative are nothing more than toys and a complete waste of time (basically all multiplayer competitive games) and children today have no appreciation for the gaming medium and are sucked into low effort mobile games that have no artistic merit.

Gaming "journalism"/media is just the long arm of the marketing department of big AAA publishers and there exists no real critical discourse around games outside of long video essays and maybe some fringe authors and the hype that is peddled by these sites let anti consumer practices and other abusive behaviour go unscathed AS LONG AS THE GAME IS GOOD.
That is controversial and I agree with both of your points!


Oct 27, 2017
How about: Games without a narrative are nothing more than toys and a complete waste of time (basically all multiplayer competitive games) and children today have no appreciation for the gaming medium and are sucked into low effort mobile games that have no artistic merit.

So something like Super Mario Bros is not a game and just a waste of time according to this logic.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
I don't play anything if it doesn't feature Action Man slowly walking between cinematic locations talking into his ear piece.
Jan 21, 2019
So Tetris, chess, fighting games, etc have no artistic merit and are mere trinkets for children?

Dang it. I shouldn't have put those two into one sentence. Those were two different things. Street Fighter, Tetris and co all have artistic merit and so do all other games, narrative or not. I was talking about addictive shit being peddled to kids on mobile. I will clean it.

So something like Super Mario Bros is not a game and just a waste of time according to this logic.

Super Mario has a narrative, albeit a rather simplistic one.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
Dang it. I shouldn't have put those two into one sentence. Those were two different things. Street Fighter, Tetris and co all have artistic merit and so do all other games, narrative or not. I was talking about addictive shit being peddled to kids on mobile. I will clean it.

Your original quote:

"Games without a narrative are nothing more than toys and a complete waste of time (basically all multiplayer competitive games)"

Even Multiplayer games have a "narrative" usually, there are two sides fighting over something. Fortnite has seasonal narratives. Really, dunno what you're going for here.

If that's policy, it sure wasn't applied to Elden Ring threads.

it's a gaming cultural zeitgeist right now, for better or worse. people i know with the most "normie" taste in games that have never touched anything from FROM before are playing it.
Jan 21, 2019
it's what happens when you don't condition your brain with video game stories.

Calm down, you seem really upset. It's just a stupid controversial opinion because someone complained that there hasn't been on multiple pages. I know it's stupid and it's not a hill I wanna die defending. Just my controversial opinion that playing fifa (unless it's a social thing with friends) is a waste of time to me when you could experience other worlds, their stories, characters, atmosphere, music and so on. That's it. I have no qualms with anyone playing stuff like this.

Your original quote:

"Games without a narrative are nothing more than toys and a complete waste of time (basically all multiplayer competitive games)"

Even Multiplayer games have a "narrative" usually, there are two sides fighting over something. Fortnite has seasonal narratives. Really, dunno what you're going for here.

Sure, I'm all for interpreting the hell out of media. I meant a narrative crafted by an / or a collaboration of author/s.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
I don't really care to play old games. Services like PS+ Premium, Xbox Backwards Compatibility, and NSO + Expansion Pack, do absolutely nothing for me. 99% of games older than like 2010, I have no desire to play. Nowadays I really only play games that came out in the past year or two. If I don't have anything to play, I'll just stop playing games until a new game I want comes out.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
it's a gaming cultural zeitgeist right now, for better or worse. people i know with the most "normie" taste in games that have never touched anything from FROM before are playing it.
For sure. It's just very noticeable that so many redundant threads have been left open compared to what usually gets shut down.