
Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
Just look at this:

Gears is a franchise sometimes associated with the derivative styles and trends which defined a lot of Gen 7 AAA's shortcomings: drab brown and vaseline covered visuals, over-the-shoulder shooting, waist-high cover sprinkled in wide corridor level design, and an edgy grimdark setting/characters. Even at the time, I turned my nose up at the franchise for being just a fun but dumb console seller, but looking back on it, it really has a lot of charm and love put into it that's easy to look over in retrospect.
Oct 28, 2017
If mic's weren't a thing then Gears 1 would have been the absolute coolest shit. Unfortunately a bunch of assholes with mic's turned it in to simply pretty cool shit.


The Fallen
The Fallen
Oct 31, 2017
The original Gears was the first game that I played that I was absolutely blown away by the visuals.


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
Gears 1 - 3 are well worth going back to if you either haven't played them in a long time or skipped them in the past. It's very easy to get a hold of all of them for cheap or through gamepass. While some of the criticism can stand against them (Made a whole era of gaming cover shooters; first titles were a bit too brown). You can see a lot of impressive stuff from them even today.


Oct 30, 2017
Had some of the most fun in multiplayer with Gears 1. Coop was amazing as well. They failed to do anything worthwhile in the subsequent games, but that first game was something special. Typical trend for MS games really. Halo was the same way.


Nov 2, 2017
That rain level where you descend into hell underground was unforgettable. Gears 1 was, and still is, incredible.


Oct 26, 2017
Its genuinely tactical and thoughtful in a way most cover shooters that followed it are not

Edit: and genuinely heartfelt despite being knowingly and unashamedly dumb as hell


Oct 29, 2017
Gears 4 was pretty boring and the new characters have no charisma whatsoever.

I thought Gears 4 was really fun but I agree about the characters. They aren't bad, but... they just seem.... flat. I'd have loved a grumpy old men type of Gears with Marcus, Baird and Cole with the new characters being the support characters, instead of the other way around.


Dec 20, 2017
Got pretty late in the franchise. Ever since my purchase of my Gears UE Xbox One bundle in mid 2015, i started getting into Gears via the 360 version first and later the UE version. Gears 4 is probably the game i poured most hours into this gen and i'm eagerly anticipating the next gameplay showcases for Gears 5 :D


Oct 25, 2017
I could never get a hang of the Multiplayer. I loved the story, but I was a big Halo guy back then so I always on that with multiplayer. The second I play Gears multiplayer, I get fucking wrecked with one shot from the shotgun.

Horde was great though, way better than Firefight until Reach's.


Nov 3, 2017
I thought Gears 4 was really fun but I agree about the characters. They aren't bad, but... they just seem.... flat. I'd have loved a grumpy old men type of Gears with Marcus, Baird and Cole with the new characters being the support characters, instead of the other way around.
The campaign took too long to really get going and never reached the heights of the first three. The part where you're mostly fighting robots felt like a poor mans Binary Domain.
It looks pretty though, not gonna lie.


Nov 14, 2018
Costa Rica
The cover system and the active reload are the best parts of the game (the shooting feels good too) but the aesthetic and story/characters never did anything for me. The whole vibe is kinda a parody of the dude bro game even if the gameplay is good.


Oct 27, 2017
I got 4 for my PC for like $3, I still haven't played it yet.
It's not just great fun (and gorgeous, to boot), but also an amazingly well-optimized PC port with tons of features and UI tweaks specifically designed to make playing on PC versus console a lot more enjoyable. The Coalition really went all-out.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Sep 2, 2018

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I agree OP. The shooting gameplay, the cover system and reloading, they were the best in the genre. Much better than competing TPSes. Also, when the game launched I had just gotten my first big-screen TV (Panasonic plasma) and the visuals just blew me away on it. It was drab but gorgeous, with stellar effects and inky dark scenes.

Some of the criticisms of Gears are fair, though. Like the story, the world-building, is awful. The characters are awful. It's mostly incoherent. And the series just kinda... didn't go anywhere? I played GoW4 for like, an hour, and that was enough for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Just look at this:

Gears is a franchise sometimes associated with the derivative styles and trends which defined a lot of Gen 7 AAA's shortcomings: drab brown and vaseline covered visuals, over-the-shoulder shooting, waist-high cover sprinkled in wide corridor level design, and an edgy grimdark setting/characters. Even at the time, I turned my nose up at the franchise for being just a fun but dumb console seller, but looking back on it, it really has a lot of charm and love put into it that's easy to look over in retrospect.

Agreed OP. I wish they'd turned into a fully-fledged franchise, but alas, it was not meant to be. :(


Brand Manager
Oct 27, 2017
Right there with you, OP. I know a lot of people are down on Epic and Cliff B these days- but god damn, Gears of War franchise had some incredible games!


Oct 25, 2017
First Gears of War MP is maybe my fav MP game of all time. So many late nights playing. It was virtually perfect MP shooter with hilarious host advantage but people loved. Maps were so classic.

And people forget how many awesome things it introduced too like active reloads and horde modes.


Oct 28, 2017
The original Gears was the first game that I played that I was absolutely blown away by the visuals.

It was my first "Ohh shit this is next gen" moment last gen.
The Gnasher instagibbing enemies quickly put it as one of my favorite shotguns.

Gears 3 had those enemies that jump outta the sand.....and that sound with the animation sticks with me to this day, such a cool way to spawn in enemies.

And the blood splatter was really satisfying in that game.
Its why I didnt like the first 3rd or so of Gears 4, shooting DBs just didnt have the same level of satisfaction as shooting living I a sadist?


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Sep 2, 2018
It was my first "Ohh shit this is next gen" moment last gen.
The Gnasher instagibbing enemies quickly put it as one of my favorite shotguns.

Gears 3 had those enemies that jump outta the sand.....and that sound with the animation sticks with me to this day, such a cool way to spawn in enemies.

And the blood splatter was really satisfying in that game.
Its why I didnt like the first 3rd or so of Gears 4, shooting DBs just didnt have the same level of satisfaction as shooting living I a sadist?
Nope. You're just a Gears player. WE WANT SHIT TO BLEEEEEEEEEED! Oil spilling everywhere isn't the same.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
It was a solid trilogy. Past that point, I've never heard of her.

Tried playing 4 but it's dreadfully boring shooting at robots that look like toys.


Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey
What kind of moron can't admit that Gears 1 and 3 were top 5 shooters of the 7th gen?

Also for all the "dude bro" flak the series gets it is/was a LOT more emotional than any other war based shooter series out there. Just because the characters were jacked (in a world where 99% of the previous population was dead and the threat baseline soldier is literally a superhuman freak experiment) doesn't mean the series couldn't be deep.

Edit - I genuinely feel bad for people who didn't get to play 06-08 GoW1 online. They missed out just as hard as people who didn't get to play 04-06 Halo 2 online.


Oct 31, 2017
Its dopey and unapologetically hyper-masculine, which stops people from giving it its due but its also a fun, well designed and captivating shooter about a splinter group of fighters overcoming impossible odds. I loved the hands off approach to Gears 1's storytelling, you're just plopped out of a cell and set loose with next to no exposition for the entirety of the game.

The sequels were handled the same way. I feel that the designers of 4 let the (dumb) criticisms of what gears was get to them and it shows in 4, it lacks confidence. I think they can make something good out of part 5 though.