What difficultly setting do you choose for a first playthrough?

  • Very Easy

    Votes: 51 3.1%
  • Easy

    Votes: 72 4.4%
  • Normal

    Votes: 1,105 67.1%
  • Hard

    Votes: 345 21.0%
  • Very Hard

    Votes: 73 4.4%

  • Total voters


The Fallen
Nov 19, 2017
Usually normal.

If there is no way to change difficulty later (pretty rare these days) and it is a long game I might choose an easier difficulty.


Oct 26, 2017
I always go normal on my first play through (although in some games you can't select a higher difficulty until beating the game anyway), if it's too hard/easy then I'll change it.


Oct 17, 2018
I usually look up on the internet what the recommended difficulty is, but a lot of the time it ends up being whatever is one above the default difficulty. Normal is basically easy in a lot of games these days. However some games have a large jump from normal to hard, in which case I would go normal.


Oct 27, 2017
Normal. I want the AI to be smarter and more lifelike with how they react to my play. As it stands...harder difficulties usually just makes it take longer to do what you were already doing on normal while making you weaker....and that's not much fun.

Empyrean Cocytus

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Upstate NY
Usually I go normal unless it's a genre or game series I'm good at and I know won't change much in difficulty. Then I go hard.

Sometimes I'll go Easy if I just want to get through a game, like I did with Star Wars Squadrons.


Nov 2, 2017
Usually I go Normal difficulty. However in games like Crusader Kings, I do select Ironman no matter what my skill level is because to me it just enhances the game and failing isn't a pain in the ass.

So it kinda depends game by game, how I feel. In short & intense action games I might go for Hard, but for longer games like Yakuza or JRPGs, I just go Normal.


Oct 27, 2017
Normal as the developers had intended.

The only game that I played on the hardest difficulty was KZ2 and that was a big fucking mistake when it came to the last boss. It fel broken. So, never again.
Jun 1, 2019
Normal for rpg's, and it's hard or very hard for everything else.I find myself getting disengaged with a video game rather quickly if I'm not challenged by it's gameplay.


Oct 25, 2017
Always hard, but not the extreme hard difficulties some games have. Games where there's no challenge don't interest me, unless it's a FMV game or whatever. Steamrolling enemies is boring to me, I hate being overpowered to the point where I will find ways of limiting that to keep it challenging. I'm one of those weirdos who likes enemy scaling.

Deleted member 23046

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
Normal, supposing that's how the game has been balanced, and harder if I like it.

But sometimes I can lower the difficulty just to avoid a gameplay I am not enjoying but a game I want to explore.


Feb 28, 2019
The one above normal. Works pretty well. The exception was GoW, the tutorial was brutal. So I put the level on normal, beat the tutorial, and put it on hard again.


Oct 28, 2017
If there are multiple difficulty levels, then the developer didn't intend you to play "normal," they intended you to pick the difficulty that you'll have the most fun with which may be easier or harder than the middle difficulty.

That might be the intention, but which difficulty had the most playtesting and development time attached to it? Probably normal if it's intended to be the difficulty most players will choose. Realistically, in many games not all difficulty levels are made equal.

The new God of War is a pretty recent example - that's a game that definitely felt tuned to normal difficulty, with hard suffering from huge difficulty spikes and a general unevenness to the difficulty curve that otherwise probably wouldn't exist if that was the only level available.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Whatever the game defaults to, which is typically "Normal", or the one in the middle. I look at that as the experience intended/recommended by the developer.
There should always be an easily identifiable default option/"Normal", or a minimum of three options.
Depending on your various preferences and thresholds, perhaps a different difficulty would be more suitable, but the default is basically a guarantee that most people will find that experience ok. And I'm usually most people.

I don't mind a challenge, but it is a tightrope walk between the rewarding sense of overcoming a challenge and the frustration of losing progress repeating it over and over.
I rarely enjoy harder difficulties as they often introduce more frustration and I don't play games to get frustrated.


Jun 6, 2018
Just depends on the game.

- If they've got good descriptions on what each mode is I'll go by that.

- If there is a consensus that the normal mode lacks challenge I'll start with harder modes.

- If it's a game in a series I have experience with or a genre I have experience with I'll go with harder modes.

- If it's an arcade game with shorter playtimes I'll probably play all the difficulties then stick with what I can handle until I get more experience.

- If it's a rhythm game with a control scheme I'm not used to yet I'll start with easy and move up as my hands/feet adjust. Otherwise I'll jump to the harder stuff, unless accuracy is strict then I'll usually play every difficulty because I like working on accuracy.


May 1, 2018
Normal but with some exceptions, there's been a couple of dames recently where people have been advised to up the difficulty from the start (was Trials of Mana one?).

If a review or online discussion mentions this I'll normally give it a try.


Oct 30, 2017
Always on the hardest difficulty, unless it's like an intentional torture mode (e.g. Halo Legendary) or has some very off-putting changes (Fallout 4's "can't quick save"-bs).
I also often google beforehand what the changes are to make an informed choice.

I don't think I've played a game on normal in the past 20+ years, if given the option. I made some exceptions for ND-games which I blasted through on Easy, just so the atrocious combat gameplay gets over with sooner and I can get back to the story / puzzles.


Oct 28, 2017
Usually Hard. If the game is known to be difficult, then I'll play on normal.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Between Normal and Hard. Depends if it's a kind of game or genre I might be familiar with. The last few games I played were all on Hard difficulty: Part II, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man Remastered and Miles Morales and the current one is Jedi Fallen Order. I don't recall if Tropical Freeze and Mario Galaxy had a difficulty setting, if they did then I played on the regular one.


Sep 20, 2020
I've gotten too old to care about any difficulty beyond Normal these days. When you have responsibilities/get older the difference between"having fun" and "becoming a chore" is often time the difficulty you select when you start a game.


Oct 27, 2017
Normal, occasionally hard depending on the type of game. Hard on any tactics games for instance. Challenge is what makes well playing games interesting. I wish more developers had variable difficulty sliders like fallen order so you can really customize the challenge.


Oct 27, 2017
Normal. Now while I do like a number of games that are hard by default its actually rare I enjoy hard difficulty settings when they are an option. Too often that just makes encounters too long and damage spongey.


Oct 26, 2017
Highest difficulty for survival horror games and the easiest for everything else.
I just want a general idea of the full game and chill, i'll probably replay it in the highest difficulty if i really liked the game.


Oct 25, 2017
Bonus question: Does it annoy anyone else with the difficulty settings are not clear? I'm playing Gears of War (the 360 game) right now and it only has Causal and Hardcore, and neither of them sounds like Normal to me, and as someone who mainly plays Normal, neither seem like a good compromise

I wonder how many people really got caught out by Viewtiful Joe's difficulty settings of "Kids" and "Adults"


Oct 25, 2017
Depends on the game but usually hard, unless normal is specifically highlighted as the "intended" experience. Otherwise I find with most games "normal" feels like easy mode tuned for general audiences, while "hard" feels like the way you were meant to engage with the mechanics.

Horror games, though, I pretty much exclusively play on hard. Without danger, tension, or stakes I don't see much point. It's what the genre is all about.


Aug 22, 2020
Mostly normal, sometimes hard for rpgs. I need there to be some level of difficulty to feel like I've got some agency in the story. If I'm not struggling alongside the hero, it definitely breaks immersion and worsens the experience.

I would prefer to go with harder options all the time but difficulty balance is generally pretty poor across the industry.


Apr 14, 2020
Almost always I'll pick Hard, because games on Normal tend to be too easy and on Very Hard they tend to be tedious. So Hard is almost always the sweet spot with few exceptions when scaling is ass on higher difficulties.


Oct 27, 2017
Used to be Normal cause it was only 3 difficulties. Now I would sometimes go for hard as normal became easy and just not balanced or fun to play.


Oct 25, 2017
I usually select Normal, but I like those "guided" difficulty level selection screens that kind of prompt you to choose based on your familiarity with that genre. Those usually work out pretty well for me, as I feel that the developer has a pretty good idea as to how "hardcore" their game is relative to the expectations of the genre as a whole.


Oct 25, 2017
Normal to enjoy and get a hang of the mechanics then a hard/very hard playthrough if it's a game I'm invested in. If it's a game my wife is watching me play? Then it's on easy/Story.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Normal usually unless I see online that the game should really be played on higher difficulties (like people reccomended playing hard for HZD which I agreed).

If I get too annoyed or bored by a game, I will switch to easy with no problem though.


Oct 27, 2017
Generally hard, unless it's a genre I don't play much, like racing. I play games more than any other form of media so I figure if hard isn't meant for me then who is it meant for?

Lately I have been searching the same question on reddit before starting a game because sometimes normal is the most enjoyable.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how many people really got caught out by Viewtiful Joe's difficulty settings of "Kids" and "Adults"

Yeah that's another one that annoyed me as a child, I think I went with adults and found it too hard and bailed

I think "kids" is actually meant to be normal and "adults" is hard, but either way I only think it's worth changing the names of the settings if it's clear what they relate to. So something like:


Is fine, because it's clear what they are, and which one is easy, normal and hard, but when games have 2 settings and they're not clear which is best for new players, it's bad design

Kids seems like it would be a baby mode with Adults being the standard mode, but kids could also be Normal and Adults Hard, so it's not clear, meaning at least some players will make the wrong choice for them because they don't have all the info

It's the same with Gears 1, Casual and Hardcore seem like Easy and Hard, so do I opt for a mode I think will be too easy for me, or a mode I think will be too frustrating?

If Causal is Normal then call them Normal and Hardcore, or Standard and Hardcore, if Hardcore is normal then call it Normal and call Casual Easy, If Hardcore is hard, then call them Hardcore and Normal

Panic Freak

Oct 26, 2017
Long RPGs - Easy
Horror games - Easy
Shooters - Normal/hard depending on the franchise
Everything else - normal


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
I don't select a difficulty; I just go to turn on subtitles and press X until the game starts. Whatever it is set to must be what they intended you to play on, so I do that.

Partially why I like games without difficulty settings; I get tired of hearing people say "oh, but they INTENDED you to play on Hard!" or "it's MEANT to be played on EXTREME BRUTALITY DIFFICULTY"

Just make it the default then. And if it's too hard for me, I'll just... play something else.