John Doe

Jan 24, 2018
1) create a disease a la Black Plague that will only affect truly evil people.
2) move the not so good but still ok people to another planet where they will have to ensure their own survival by working with nature. No technology allowed.
3) the good people and the innocent would usher in a new golden age, while making corruption due to said boon imposssible. Like, if you're a good person you're set for life. If you're an innocent person, you're set for life. This means any kind of tech, fantastic bodies without much effort, no diseases, amazing sex every time, and still make it challenging and fun enough to never have to get bored or complacent.

Have all of this happen forever. Like if a good person has a kid and that kid is evil then they die of that disease. Same for the other two categories - this would extend to whomever their kids are till the end of life itself.

What system would be in place to decide who is evil and how evil does an evil person have to be to die?

What about the "not so good people"

Would it just be determined by your own sense of morality?


Oct 25, 2017
1) Follow up every bad/selfish (stealing, cheating, killing, rape, lying (white lies to spare someone's feelings or to keep a surprise are ok) with a punishment (lose keys down a storm drain, fall down stairs, lotto tickets always lose, food expires, etc). Punishment depends on the severity of the intention.
2) Reward charitable behavior (Specifically: donating to charities, saving someone's life, adopting, caring for the elderly, cleaning up trash in the streets and parks, etc) (Rewards are simple things like finding a $10 bill on the ground or getting a random free RedBox coupon).

If I'm in control of the world:
3) Change laws of science so weapons like a-bombs, weaponized poison, weaponized diseases/germs will always end up a dud and have nuclear energy turn to harmless ash and un-creatable.

If I'm only in control of my town:
3) Create Progressive Jobs for people that range from no experience to very experienced and fix the state's financial woes by having them discover a new type of precious metal/jewel that can earn it income.

I don't want to overly spoil people by just giving them clean energy and food. I want them to have a fresh start and learn to be good instead of being bribed to be good.
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Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
1) Give everyone on the planet extreme empathy for others, human or animal.

2) Infinite resources, so maybe we'd stop fighting over them.

3) Have cures for all diseases, and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to obtain them.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Send all the conservatives to a dome on mars.
Send everyone else who acts like a prick to a dome on mars.
Everybody gets to customize how they look whenever they want they just have to take a foolproof quiz on whether they must now live in a dome on mars.


Jun 8, 2018
Is it literally like bruce all mighty where my power is limited to my town?

Well, i for one would make sure to clean up all water sources completely.

It's the thing that comes to my mind that would benefit the most people without fucking over the town.
he was not limited to his block but was responsible for it.

Jack Remington

User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
First I'd cause Trump to violently and audibly shit his pants in the middle of a press conference, with the excrement visibly emerging from the bottom of his pants and washing over his shoes. Multiple reporters are able to capture this from several angles, and the pictures and video are aired on all major news channels (except Fox, lol).

Next I'd gift some copies of the pee tape to a few reporters in the United States and maybe the UK.

Finally, I'd gift Mueller with some smoking gun evidence against Trump and whoever else is guilty.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Allow mankind to teleport anywhere in the universe with the ability to survive in any atmosphere or the lack of atmosphere.
2. Everyone knows every language.
3. I'm trying to think of a good 3rd.

#1 allows us to go anywhere in the universe, becomes whoever and whatever we want. With this kind of freedom, politics become meaningless.


Game Developer
Oct 28, 2017

This pic upsets me since that's not how your hand looks when you have snapped your fingers.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
1 - get myself out of the tiny meat gang
2 - make myself a really good bball player and if I can't do this to myself then I make everyone else terribad
3 - force myself to the warriors for the vet mjn

Moose the Fattest Cat

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Dec 15, 2017
Give all humans better "Brain Vision" to see that there is no such thing as "Other" -- all life is simply Life in various forms.

Empathy is the logical & obvious outcome of this realization, and harming/controlling life only comes when our minds are able to suppress this obvious truth and turn other life-forms into "Other" that don't deserve to live freely.

Those who lack empathy are suffering from bad Brain Vision. They can "see" the life in themselves, and those close to them, but are unable to see in the distance that the 'Other' is simply them, just further away.


Oct 27, 2017
1. Eliminating bees from America and force America's to use the native bee that is green and produces honey by consuming sweat.

2. Fact checks must be displayed at every political rally worldwide.

3. Infinite resources as well as the Thanos finger snap the planet to help maintain population and to allow technological advances to run parallel and or out pace population growth.

4. Cure cancer

5. Insurance isn't required by law, but if you want it you are required to be offered it.

6. Make everything good come in fours instead of threes and see what happens out of science.


Oct 26, 2017
1) Give myself the ability to mind control people
2) Give myself 1,000,000,000,0000 U.S. dollars
3) Kill half the entire population.


Jan 6, 2018
One day out the year, everyone's mind is dosed with LSD and it's a national holiday. Everyone prepares for it and it's the best holiday every replacing Christmas.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Send racists to the shadow realm

2.Send rapists to the shadow realm

3.Send pedophiles to the shadow realm

Very poorly thought out plan actually. Such a waste of time.

Just do a "send all evil people to shadow realm". It's all encompassing.

Also: Grant me omniscience which I could use to figure out a plan to "fix everything and make everything in the world good for everyone".


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
1. Cure aging.

2. Create benevolent(keyword) artificial super intelligences to take over as the highest political authorities in the world.

3. Create Faster Than Light travel technology because immortality will probably cause overpopulation.


Oct 26, 2017

Allow my family to live without sickness

Tons of money

Every other desire I have, I can either wait or buy.


Oct 27, 2017
1. Create habitable planets all around our solar system.
2. Create space ship technology allowing us to reach each planet in the solar system within days.
3. Create light sabers.


Dec 27, 2017
What system would be in place to decide who is evil and how evil does an evil person have to be to die?

What about the "not so good people"

Would it just be determined by your own sense of morality?

How evil? I mean, if you kill someone (unless it's in self defense) or rape, or believe a group of people should die because they're a different race than you, are evil. If you take advantage of people who are weaker than you (elderly, kids, handicapped people) and you abuse them, then you are evil. And thus, deserving of death.

If you fall in the grey area -- you do things that are things that, while bad, are not evil -- you'd get to go to that other planet where no technology will ever be available and you'll have to live off the land to survive.

If you're just generally a good person that doesn't harm others (emotionally, physically, financially), then you get to live in the utopia realm. I guess it's sort of a heaven / earth / hell type of deal


Dec 7, 2017
Without compromising human free will, I can do nothing.

Maybe give everyone the ability to hear others' thoughts and feel their feelings.
And fix environmental damage.
Also cure illnesses.
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Oct 25, 2017
1 - Eliminate all life-threatening and debilitating illnesses/diseases (cancers/cerebral palsy/etc)
2 - Heal the world, restore natural resources/extinct and endangered animals/ozone/pollution
3 - Create global cheap renewable clean energy while making coal/fossil fuels/etc unable to produce energy/pollution

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017
Wouldn't it be fun to do that one scene where Bruce was feeding Steve Carell gibberish words and weird noises? I would try that on Donald Trump
His cultists would see it as a divine language that only a few chosen people can speak.

I'd just have him rant and confess everything and insult his followers for buying into everything he and the Right was scamming.


Oct 25, 2017
Make myself immortal

Make myself have to ability to phase through anything so nobody can trap me and I can steal millions of dollars

Make myself invincible
Feb 13, 2018
New Jersey
1.Reverse climate change.

2. Make Trump shit a pineapple every hour of everyday and make him mute with debilitating athritis that no medicine can treat.

3. Bring back Black Tea and Oolong Tea Sobe.


Nov 4, 2017
1. Give myself all of supermans abilities without any weaknesses.
2. Give myself the ability to heal with just a single touch.
3. Give myself the ability to control time, pause, restart, travel forwards and backwards.


Oct 28, 2017
Step 1: Cat girls are a thing now. Deal with it.

Step 2: Make it so that Magic exists in the world in the truest sense, with myself at the top of the heap in levels of knowledge, and strength in that knowledge and skill, and ingrain in myself forever innate powers of my own design and making that can never be taken from me save by God. Make it so that magic can never be used for nuclear warhead level attacks on anything or anyone.

Step 3: Make knowledge freely available to all, forever, without anyone ever being able to charge, toll, or require anything in exchange for that knowledge save the person's own commitment to take the time to learn.

Step 4: Eliminate Cancer, forever, from the face of the earth.

Step 5: Create centers of healing, where all ailments, illnesses, and diseases can be treated for free, and access is never denied to anyone, completely making for profit hospitals, insurance, and health care systems extinct.

Step 6: Erase and eradicate all nuclear weapons, and nuclear reactors from the earth, then erase and forever bar humanity from ever having, knowing, or learning that knowledge ever again by engineering memory and learning so that it is impossible to relearn it.

Step 7: Create a renewable source of food and fruit widely available to all and never able to be hoarded or charged by any, so that no one ever goes hungry again.

Step 8: Take the homeless. The Downtrodden. Feed them, clothe them, shelter them in homes given to them by me, and rehabilitate them and give them the life all people should be graced with. One of happiness, joy, and the freedom to pursue their goals and dreams in life so long as it does not bring harm unto others.

Step 9: Heal the planet from all of the damage we as a species have done to it.

Step 10: See to it that all corruption is known to the world so that the justice may be done in a peaceful manner and those who have ever harmed others, gamed the systems, brought about ruin, or are mired in political corruption reap what they sow. In essence, up Karma is a ***** to 11.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
1. bring a natural or unnatural disaster to random places at random times

2. Tell everyone to play nice or shit will get worse

3. wear a pope hat with a superman outfit

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck free will. I'm turning all conservatives everywhere into SJW tree hugging socialist hippies.

Unfuck the environment.

Free perpetual clean energy sorces around the globe.


Oct 27, 2017
...can I just uncreate all forms of divinity/supernatural fuckery?

If I'm Bruce Almighty'd then I'd be faced with the realization that God actually exists, and that would bring to light a lot of things that won't let me sleep at night.

For one, wherever I got these powers from in the beginning? They'd go back. And all the shitty, terrible things that were allowed to happen in the world before my little upgrade? They'd get right back to it after I got my 3 "wishes".

So I guess that'd be my first and only action. Or... make it my third. First thing's first would be to create an actual truly benevolent, selfless, empathetic guardian for the planet. Something capable of solving the biggest problems with it's own superpowers like... global hunger... extinction level events... stuff like that. Second would be to give myself something selfish like infinite wealth or something. Third would be no more supernatural influences.

John Doe

Jan 24, 2018
Step 1: Cat girls are a thing now. Deal with it.

Step 2: Make it so that Magic exists in the world in the truest sense, with myself at the top of the heap in levels of knowledge, and strength in that knowledge and skill, and ingrain in myself forever innate powers of my own design and making that can never be taken from me save by God. Make it so that magic can never be used for nuclear warhead level attacks on anything or anyone.

Step 3: Make knowledge freely available to all, forever, without anyone ever being able to charge, toll, or require anything in exchange for that knowledge save the person's own commitment to take the time to learn.

Step 4: Eliminate Cancer, forever, from the face of the earth.

Step 5: Create centers of healing, where all ailments, illnesses, and diseases can be treated for free, and access is never denied to anyone, completely making for profit hospitals, insurance, and health care systems extinct.

Step 6: Erase and eradicate all nuclear weapons, and nuclear reactors from the earth, then erase and forever bar humanity from ever having, knowing, or learning that knowledge ever again by engineering memory and learning so that it is impossible to relearn it.

Step 7: Create a renewable source of food and fruit widely available to all and never able to be hoarded or charged by any, so that no one ever goes hungry again.

Step 8: Take the homeless. The Downtrodden. Feed them, clothe them, shelter them in homes given to them by me, and rehabilitate them and give them the life all people should be graced with. One of happiness, joy, and the freedom to pursue their goals and dreams in life so long as it does not bring harm unto others.

Step 9: Heal the planet from all of the damage we as a species have done to it.

Step 10: See to it that all corruption is known to the world so that the justice may be done in a peaceful manner and those who have ever harmed others, gamed the systems, brought about ruin, or are mired in political corruption reap what they sow. In essence, up Karma is a ***** to 11.

As far as Step 4 and Step 5 goes....

Would it not be simpler to just eliminate diseases and illnesses on a whole rather than just cancer and treating everything else?


Oct 29, 2017
1. All good tasting things are good for you; all else is bad. Yes, this is subject to each person's personal tastes.

2. All land is able to grow a steady, consistent variety of crops regardless of climate. Some even taste like meat.

3. All machines operate whenever we want them to without any external power source. No need for oil, electricity, coal, etc.


Oct 28, 2017
As far as Step 4 and Step 5 goes....

Would it not be simpler to just eliminate diseases and illnesses on a whole rather than just cancer and treating everything else?

As weird as this may seem, and mind you I agree with you on the level of easing suffering and pain...mind you I hate saying this.

But, I think disease and decay is a part of the natural order of life, and is a way of balancing out things so that decay and entropy occurs naturally. The problem is, disease is kind of necessary because it acts as a way of culling over population in any life forms. Whether that be disease or bacteria itself, wildlife in the world, or humans in general. Flora and Fauna, I believe disease should exist to help balance these things out. Otherwise, things get out of control. Plus, eliminating all disease would mean eliminating some necessary forms of how nature has to break things down. And we've all seen how fragile some ecosystem chains are.

That having been said, I also believe in empowering humanity and nature to fight said diseases. Hence the centers of healing and making knowledge available to all. That way we continue to grow, learn, and develop as a species. Hopefully towards the betterment of us as a race as a whole.

Cancer is the one thing I would eliminate outright, as well as Alzheimer's and dementia now that I think about it. Because Cancer often is virulent, unstable, uncontrollable, and more often than not is a Death Sentence to those who are diagnosed with it. I have a deeply personal history involving cancer, having nearly lost close family to it, and having seen a Friend of mine wither away into a skeleton of a man because of it.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Banish Republicans who are still on board at this point.

Enrich myself beyond my wildest dreams.

Change Blizzard's animated short schedule so Lucio gets one.


Oct 29, 2017
1. Create a "god particle" that lets human tech advance rapidly.
2. Put it in every scientists mind that we need a Gundam style tomorrow.
3. World peace where everyone has said gundams but only uses them for entertainment.


Oct 27, 2017
1. Replicators

2. Cold fusion

3. All pets don't need food drink and of course don't poop or pee.