Mr. Giggles

Oct 31, 2017
1) remake resident evil 6 so its actually good
2) create shenmue 3
3) world peace and end world hunger


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
Give myself the powers of Spider-Man.
Move to New York.
Give myself a shitty one bedroom apartment and a part time job that I'll struggle to keep in my new life.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Send racists to the shadow realm

2.Send rapists to the shadow realm

3.Send pedophiles to the shadow realm


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Release Rick and Morty season 4

Release Rick and Morty season 5

Release Rick and Morty season 6

El Toporo

Oct 25, 2017
1. I make ducks a hundred times bigger.

Give me some time to think about the other changes.


Oct 31, 2017
I make myself Silver Age Superman, I begin my reign of terror.

Which fundamentally sums up to: keep running the world the way it does, keep democracy in effect, keep your ideas, religions, traditions. But if your leaders mess up, I'll go have a talk with them. An unpleasant one. Fix your countries or you get replaced.

In the free time, I'll fight natural disasters and help build infrastructures in disadvantaged areas. Probably swat down french jets in Africa as a hobby.

Sgt. Demblant

Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
1) I create the replicators from Star Trek and solve world hunger.
2) I create a planet full of renewable dilithium crystals (yeah I don't know how that would work either) somewhere in the solar system and tell everyone about it thus re-energizing the space race and solving any potential energy crisis.
3) I release the pee pee tape.
4) Fuck free will, I make everyone on Earth fall in love with Man of Steel, blu-ray sales skyrocket and I get 5 sequels, including a porn parody starring Henry himself.

edit: lol, I misread the title and the three wishes thing.
Okay, well, forget about the pee pee tape then. Sorry everyone.
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Oct 25, 2017
1. Make Space travel easy, and make it easy to move multiple times faster than the speed of light. (Infinite space and planets for people to go to)
2. Make solar panels easily made with any sort of container of water, allowing 95% absorption for use. (basically free energy)
3. Change the human brain (and any intelligent creatures in the universe) to feel what people are feeling when you affect them. (Cause pain, you feel pain. Cause happiness, you feel happiness... lets just solve all the issues of the world)
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Oct 27, 2017
1. Give myself Jean Grey level control over the Phoenix Force
2. Give Kojima full rights of the Metal Gear Solid franchise.
3. Roll back humanity's impact on the environment over the past 200 years without completely rolling back civilization. Sure, it will remove pollution and bring animals that were rendered extinct back from the dead, but the mere act of replenishing natural resources would just make humanity dependent on fossil fuels for longer than necessary and would likely just lead us back to where we are in 50-100 years again anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Give myself Jean Grey level control over the Phoenix Force
2. Give Kojima full rights of the Metal Gear Solid franchise.
3. Roll back humanity's impact on the environment over the past 200 years without completely rolling back civilization. Sure, it will remove pollution and bring animals that were rendered extinct back from the dead, but the mere act of replenishing natural resources would just make humanity dependent on fossil fuels for longer than necessary and would likely just lead us back to where we are in 50-100 years again anyway.

#2 could just be Sony buying the rights to the "Escape From" movie series, and put Kojima in charge of everything to do with that series.


Mar 30, 2018
1. Chick-fil-a replacing all McDonald's locations
2. Chick-fil-a breakfast menu all day
C. Chick-fil-a open 24/7


Nov 4, 2017
I'd ask Morgan Freeman why is he wasting time with all the ungrateful chowderheads of his bungling creation and not playing Mario Tennis Aces in Eternity with me. Answer to all three things.


Oct 27, 2017
Remove all plastic waste
Fix the climate
Remove all nuclear weapons and uranium from the world

... or I give myself a Holodeck and unlimited pizza


Banned for use of an alt-account
Oct 25, 2017
Start again, we are to far gone to be rescued, The world needs a reset button
Oct 27, 2017
I'd go back in time and rewrite the script to Bruce Almighty and change the scene where he's replying to people's prayers as email. It makes no sense in a film otherwise grounded in reality.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I'd give everyone a companion animal like they have in His Dark Materials.

I'd invent a sex reassignment machine that would either automatically or manually resolve GID in one hour.

I'd help a cousin of a friend of mine who has mutism and whose life is being severely impacted by it.


Oct 26, 2017
Town adjacent to Silent Hill


Oct 25, 2017
1. Give myself immortality with the caveat that I can turn it off if I ever want to and also share it with others. Immortality includes immunity to aging, all diseases and any form of brain problems that may render me in any form of emotional or physical stress (like dementia)
2. Give myself the powers of the infinity gauntlet so I can make resources infinite and also bend reality to remove all hate and make space travel possible. As well as change myself at any point to whatever I wanted to be at the time to allow me to live many different lives.
3. Unify the entirety of earth under one banner, head towards space travel using my previously gained powers.


Oct 25, 2017
Wouldn't it be fun to do that one scene where Bruce was feeding Steve Carell gibberish words and weird noises? I would try that on Donald Trump
Nov 30, 2017
Use fear to drive men to do good things. Or just kill off 90% of the men and let woman lead without men breathing down their necks see what happens. Keep the 10% so they can still reproduce to keep humanity going.

Maybe kill off everyone older than 20, and see how kids figure it out. Is capitalism just an inherent human intelligence?

Awesome Kev

Jan 10, 2018
Remake a version of The Last Jedi that everyone loves so I can stop seeing 4 threads a week about how bad it was even though it wasn't bad at all


Nov 6, 2017
Make it so when humans point their fingers down into a container, it starts filling with it water.

Make it so when humans pretend to use a knife and fork, it materializes a plate of steak and veggies.

Make it so my powers are infinite.


The Fallen
Nov 2, 2017
1) jojo part 6 anime
2) jojo part 7 anime
3) berserk never goes on hiatus again until it ends


May 31, 2018
Damn, the amount of wannabe-Thanoses in this thread is... something.

Personally I'd:

1) Make the existence of a 'god' known so people stop fighting over who's right and who's nota
2) Make all finite resources finite, put hard limits on how much the human race can expand into nature, and remove/revert all prior environmental destruction
3) Attempt to end all kinds of discrimination, conflicts, etc by locking heads of state into a large room together and telling them they can only get out once they've fixed their shit

Wouldn't it be fun to do that one scene where Bruce was feeding Steve Carell gibberish words and weird noises? I would try that on Donald Trump

That scene always bothered me. It wouldn't make sense for Steve Carrell to just read off the teleprompter when it was clearly being hacked, and if he was doing so unwillingly it kind of breaks the "no changing free will," thing because "embarassing yourself on national television" is still very much a matter of free will.

That bit where he forces the cars aside so he can go past; surely 'driving where you want' is considered free will?

Frankly, Morgan Freeman was clearly not doing that great of a job at reigning in Jim Carrey's shenanigans.


Oct 25, 2017
1. Create 50.000 star trek ships and starbases and a ton of Data type androids as their crews who are 100% loyal to me.

2. Make myself and my family immortal, that means immunity to all diseases, invulnerability, no aging and an option to become mortal again (just in case).

3. Create a machine that can pull objects from alternate realities and has an AI that also knows my taste in entertainment, that way I can get all the entertainment I want, 8 seasons of Freaks and Geeks for example (and because the machine knows what I like it won't be a BD set from a reality where Freaks and Geeks, it'll be good stuff.

After my three wishes are done I'll use the star trek ships and their technology to make earth a paradise, unlimited energy and unlimited ressources because of replicators mean we no longer have to exploit and destroy the environment to get them, free future healthcare for everyone. A huge part of the fleet will start exploring the galaxy to find new worlds to colonize.
I won't bother building a moon colony or something like that, if people insist on living on the moon they can get a house on the moon but why live on a dead rock when earth is right next door? I'd only colonize nice planets.


Nov 4, 2017
I'd probably put an end to humans' ability to reproduce and give myself immortality and invincibility. Let the rest of the species die out.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
1. Humans can no longer harm each other
2. Humans can no longer harm any life that started on this planet
3. Resident Evil 4 on Switch