Arcus Felis

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 26, 2017
I am not buying a single DQ game as long as this composer works and earns money for this series.

Open Wound

Nov 7, 2017
It's atrocious, and I never even listened to it in midi form (used the PC orchestral mod). Every time I heard a track that wasn't completely awful turns out it was from a previous game.

Shit like this is some of the worst stuff I heard ever:



Oct 25, 2017
I'm here for the Evergrace music and Evergrace mentions. but OT: Yea I can't stand DQ music, I can still appreciate it and its JRPG icon status, just not as much as if I had played games other than VII, never finished VII but did enjoy my time with it but I got stuck when i was younger and couldn't find this one map piece.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Thats fucking hilarious. Like they wrote the rhythm out and then just chucked the notes anywhere on the stave.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm going against the grain here, but the battle theme really grew on me. It's like an old Batman/James Bond theme, and the intro reminds me of that old 50s song Tequila. I am listening to the symphonic version though, the midi version is definitely lacking in fidelity.


Jan 15, 2018
I guess I'm the odd one out because I like the orchestrated battle theme. Honestly, none of yall listen to baroque?
Oct 25, 2017
Sugiyama is a miser that's 15 years past his prime (DQVIII was the last game with a good memorable soundtrack, and even that relied on recycling old games).
The sooner he's out of the picture, the more the franchise can evolve. Sadly, that's not happening until he dies.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't mind it, think people over exaggerate it to drag the composer.

While what I know of the composer is very negative, this music literally hurts my head, so

I guess I'm the odd one out because I like the orchestrated battle theme. Honestly, none of yall listen to baroque?

But isn't the orchestrated theme not in the game by default? I may be misunderstanding; I thought it was all poorly done MIDI arrangements. I love baroque music. I played Bassoon growing up.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah it's pretty terrible. I used the orchestral mod on PC and it still wasn't great.


Oct 27, 2017
This soundtrack is the anthem for greedy, hateful boomers/silencers who refuse to give up control.


Oct 25, 2017
It's atrocious, and I never even listened to it in midi form (used the PC orchestral mod). Every time I heard a track that wasn't completely awful turns out it was from a previous game.

Shit like this is some of the worst stuff I heard ever:

Its bad, but that is synth (though to be fair i dont think an orchestral version would save that theme, maybe real trumpets make it more bearable, but thats it).

Like i said, not everything on the switch or PC mod versions is orchestral, no matter how they spin it.

While what I know of the composer is very negative, this music literally hurts my head, so

But isn't the orchestrated theme not in the game by default? I may be misunderstanding; I thought it was all poorly done MIDI arrangements. I love baroque music. I played Bassoon growing up.

The switch version has mostly and orchestral soundtrack.
Two themes that benefit from it most are the overworld (though 55 seconds loop is still absurdly stupid) and the battle theme.
Cant save the boss theme.


Oct 27, 2017
It's not Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or FF6 but once I got over the simplicity of the soundtrack I didn't mind it too much. I feel like the discussion surrounding this OST is full of hyperbole, but it's the internet so what's new. Honestly the bigger issue for me might be repetition, for how long the game is it's a shame they didn't have more variety, and there are some scenes that have background songs that just don't feel quite right.

I think the DQ11 soundtrack fits with the overall theme of the game, a modern take on a classic (and very old) formula that doesn't deviate too much. It's a shame it's all we got but in a world where the OST from Yoshi's Crafted World is fresh on my mind I can live with it just fine.


One Winged Slayer Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
I like DQXI's OST...even the MIDI versions.


Oct 25, 2017
It's not Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or FF6 but once I got over the simplicity of the soundtrack I didn't mind it too much. I feel like the discussion surrounding this OST is full of hyperbole, but it's the internet so what's new. Honestly the bigger issue for me might be repetition, for how long the game is it's a shame they didn't have more variety, and there are some scenes that have background songs that just don't feel quite right.

I think the DQ11 soundtrack fits with the overall theme of the game, a modern take on a classic (and very old) formula that doesn't deviate too much. It's a shame it's all we got but in a world where the OST from Yoshi's Crafted World is fresh on my mind I can live with it just fine.

The bolded is actually one of the biggest problems the ost has (apart from the repetition).
Xenobalde 1 had a similar problem that Xeno 2 obliviarated out of the water, and made the cutsnces amazing in that game. And i hope they fix it for Xeno 1 remake. Make compositions that end and finish with the cutscnes instead of using the background music of normal play and cutting akwardly.

If Sugiyama was not only a not a piece of shit, but actually someone that put work onto its new compostions, he would probably have written a lot more music for the game, including cutscene's music.


Oct 27, 2017
The composer is literally a dinosaur. I think it's unethical to have him keep working on games of this scale. The soundtrack sounds like someone struggling to recall what music is supposed to sound like.

Time to find a successor who understands why Dragon Quest music is beloved, without the "strings" attached.
Aug 31, 2019
10 hours in and I've muted the soundtracks already in my Switch. Feels a bit strange to play on the bus with so much silence but at least I'm not being tortured by those crappy songs.
Nov 1, 2017
FL, United States
Many DQ themes that stick out in my mind only do so because I have played so many entries in the series since I was a kid. I really like this series but in most cases I find the score too meandering. Like Sugiyama started scoring every tune he hummed to himself and called it a soundtrack.
Oct 25, 2017
The composer is literally a dinosaur. I think it's unethical to have him keep working on games of this scale. The soundtrack sounds like someone struggling to recall what music is supposed to sound like.

Time to find a successor who understands why Dragon Quest music is beloved, without the "strings" attached.

They're not "making him". He owns the rights to the music. Legally, only he's allowed to the make the music. Legally, they have to pay him to have Symphonic versions in the games. He makes it that way so people can go see his live shows. Live shows that are only in Japan, which only makes his screwing over of American releases all the more baffling (well, other than him being a jingoistic nationalistic fuckhead). He somehow believes that if he includes the symphonic version, it would "ruin the experience" or some outdated idea like that. Never mind that it's no longer the Famicom era and games can handle it.


Oct 27, 2017
It sounds like a lot of Square Enix's problems will go away once they buy the rights to his music from the Sugiyama estate in a few years.


Oct 27, 2017
If it wasn't for the DQ8 overworld music option on Switch I would be losing my mind.
There are a couple of tracks that are nice though.
But it also uses the same tracks everywhere too.
Overall a poor experience.


Oct 28, 2017
So glad I played this on PC with the orchestral mod. Even still, the game is lacking in quality tunes, and the original overworld music almost drove me crazy. Sugiyama has no business making game music anymore, that's for sure. Someone get this guy to retire.


Oct 27, 2017
This song is not that horrible but it plays so many times during the first half of the game that made me hate it with passion, every time I entered a town and heard it I was on the edge to drop the game entirely:



Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
DQ11 soundtrack doesn't bother me. Sounds like a pretty standard RPG soundtrack to me.

Have to go pretty far back to find an RPG where I felt like the music actively made the whole game worse. Like Persona 1 PS1 or Phantasy Star 3 are good examples of having some downright terrible music that is frequently played.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
DQXI was still so much fun to play and I didn't let the midi ost interfere with that.


Oct 25, 2017
The big problem for me is how overused a lot of the tracks were. Like towns re-using tracks, dungeons re-using tracks, the overworld theme being the same.

It got so repetitive. I installed the orchestral mod which helped a bit, but still didn't solve the inherent problem that I just got so sick of the tracks really quickly.
This song is not that horrible but it plays so many times during the first half of the game that made me hate it with passion, every time I entered a town and heard it I was on the edge to drop the game entirely:

Yep. Totally agree.

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
This was the first Dragon Quest game I've ever played. Needless to say, I found the music to be very grating. I felt like I was stuck in purgatory with a lot of similar tracks on repeat. None sound good.


Oct 25, 2017
The more of these threads I see the more I'm truly convinced the signal is getting boosted by people who really just can't stand Sugiyama for his stupid comments. Half the comments are draggin' him and then finding a cheap shot to take at the music, when at least in the Switch version having the option for orchestral arrangements and the DQ8 world swap make any complaints about music virtually a non-issue.

It's a classic game and a traditional JRPG, yeah, you're gonna hear a lot of the same music over and over. But it's good music, catchy, and fits the world. How many of you trashing it have played other Dragon Quest games? I really just don't understand the vitriol leveled at the soundtrack taken outside the idea of "I don't like Sugiyama's dumb beliefs so I'm gonna dunk on the music."


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa
10 hours in and I've muted the soundtracks already in my Switch. Feels a bit strange to play on the bus with so much silence but at least I'm not being tortured by those crappy songs.

I thought the Switch version has a better or improved soundtrack? Or is it just that the Switch version has a real orchestra playing the same compositions vs the PS4 and PC releases which feature MIDI renditions of the said compositions?
Oct 27, 2017
I realized that my problem with the music isn't that it's all awful. It's that the mediocre songs I don't like to hear play very often.

The songs I actually like don't play nearly as often. Although I love the sailing theme.

This game having Street Fighter V's bgm modding scene would be my dream. Because I really enjoy it but I can't get over the soundtrack.


Oct 25, 2017
The soundtrack is honestly one of the main reasons I haven't tried out DQ11; if I'm going to play a long JRPG I want the music to not be awful. And no, I don't think it's something that can be fixed by the Switch version's orchestrated music. The tracks I've heard are just bland at the composition level as well


Nov 1, 2017
The more of these threads I see the more I'm truly convinced the signal is getting boosted by people who really just can't stand Sugiyama for his stupid comments. Half the comments are draggin' him and then finding a cheap shot to take at the music, when at least in the Switch version having the option for orchestral arrangements and the DQ8 world swap make any complaints about music virtually a non-issue.

It's a classic game and a traditional JRPG, yeah, you're gonna hear a lot of the same music over and over. But it's good music, catchy, and fits the world. How many of you trashing it have played other Dragon Quest games? I really just don't understand the vitriol leveled at the soundtrack taken outside the idea of "I don't like Sugiyama's dumb beliefs so I'm gonna dunk on the music."

It's not a non-issue when PS4 owners are stuck with this and the game blocks Spotify and Media Player.

It's comfortably the worst soundtrack in the series, and the sound quality isn't even up to the last two SFC/SNES games, DQVI and DQIIIr. I struggle to think of a modern JPRG with a worse soundtrack.


Oct 26, 2017
The loop on the new music is also super short so the bad music restarts a lot sooner than I expect it to.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
The more of these threads I see the more I'm truly convinced the signal is getting boosted by people who really just can't stand Sugiyama for his stupid comments. Half the comments are draggin' him and then finding a cheap shot to take at the music, when at least in the Switch version having the option for orchestral arrangements and the DQ8 world swap make any complaints about music virtually a non-issue.

It's a classic game and a traditional JRPG, yeah, you're gonna hear a lot of the same music over and over. But it's good music, catchy, and fits the world. How many of you trashing it have played other Dragon Quest games? I really just don't understand the vitriol leveled at the soundtrack taken outside the idea of "I don't like Sugiyama's dumb beliefs so I'm gonna dunk on the music."
I mean, couple points here.

1. Having to replace the music to make it sound palatable is kind of a self-defeating argument?
2. I actually love the music from most of the other DQ games. 3, 4 and 8 are some of my favorite game soundtracks, even with Sugiyama's BS forever tainting them. It's immediately obvious to me when the game decides to dip into an older soundtrack because it's more melodic, less bombastic and generally not an assault on the ears.

Like, even the MIDI version of the arena theme (which is just DQ4's battle theme) is significantly better because it's got a much longer melody loop and isn't such an assault on the ears and blasting horns at every opportunity.


Oct 27, 2017
By god the midi is terrible and the overworld theme is the worst in the series. Modding in the symphony version kept me from going crazy.

The fact it isn't a download for ps4 is fucking crazy to me. I feel bad for yall it is some horseshit


Oct 25, 2017
It's not a non-issue when PS4 owners are stuck with this and the game blocks Spotify and Media Player.

It's comfortably the worst soundtrack and the series, and the sound quality isn't even up to the last two SFC/SNES games, DQVI and DQIIIr. I struggle to think of a modern JPRG with a worse soundtrack.
I am willing to grant you the possibility that some of us are speaking past each other here, as it's kinda bogus that PS4 users can't use orchestral arrangements--which is the only way I've been playing it here on the Switch version, so that's "the soundtrack" to me having not played the original release. And those people who can't play it with orchestrated music probably have a legit complaint when it comes to the basic instrumentation being kind of grating in the sound quality department.

But too many of the comments I see bypass that whole thing completely and attack "the arrangement" or the actual composition or something more endemic to the music, like... I dunno man, I'm not a professional composer, but that seems like a pretty wild thing for an armchair listener to do.

Maybe it's possible I'm just more willing to tolerate the standard quirks of traditional JRPGs here since I've been playing them for a long long time--and most giant RPGs had even fewer tracks than you hear in XI, and they played a lot more repetitively. By hour 35, hearing the same battle theme for the thousandth time is just kinda... what I'm used to here. And again, I catch myself whistling them and humming them all the time, it's part of the "familiarity" that the DQ series is known for, I think.
Oct 25, 2017
I love the soundtracks of the older DQ games. I'm used to RPGs using the same music over and over.
The problem with XI's new material is that it's just... okay. It's like, you listen to Dragon Quest III's or VIII's glorious OST, and then XI's subpar OST and it's clear that Sugiyama is not the same composer he once was. He's gotten old and complacent.

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I remember when people were all like

"it's bad because it's midi, the orchestral version is way better"

and then you listen to the orchestral version and it's like


the new stuff is doo-doo


Oct 25, 2017
I play with the volume off because I am tired of hearing the same tracks for almost all of the game. The world map one in particular makes me unhappy.


Oct 30, 2017
Man imagine a DQ game with the composer of the Etrian Odyssey series. Fuck me I'd play that shit on repeat for days.
Here are some examples so people know what I'm talking about

The trumpets here man. I'm already slow dancing