
Oct 26, 2017


I just came across this cute art and I wanted to share it.
Oct 25, 2017
Man, I've been playing other games after Y6 came out on steam but I constantly find myself wanting to just play Yakuza again 😅


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
These first 10 hours of Yakuza 6 have been pretty slow. Do things pick up in the second half?


Oct 25, 2017
Hey, I beat Yakuza 0 yesterday as my first game in the series, what a ride! However, there's one thing that's been bugging me, something in the ending that doesn't make sense to me. I'll put it in spoilers to be sure:
why did Kiryu go back to the Dojima family after all that went down? They framed and betrayed him and still he goes back to them 'to set things right' as he said. But what is there to set right, it was them who shafted him. Looking it up I know they had to line this up with how 1 starts but after all the events it doesn't make sense for him to go back to that family. So it could be he has to go back bc that was his place before and he has to follow his code of honor? Also I don't think dad Kazama wanted him at Kazama family proper so maybe he feels like it's something he has to do to honor him? Or maybe he goes Dojima bc the family has been emptied out after the events and is a shadow of its former self? Still it would've made more sense for him to become part of Nikkyo or Kazama.

With everything that went down I couldn't understand the decision-making there.


Oct 25, 2017
Yakuza 6 (and 7, and Judge Eyes) and pretty much most Yakuza's after Kenzan now I think about it would fit the description of "slow burn". 6 especially has a lot of establishing stuff in Hiroshima. But yes, it steadily picks up pace and the back end is filled with decent fights.


Oct 27, 2017
Sony just can't not leak stuff, lol. Well, Lost Judgment it is. Interesting that they're going with the English title even in Japan.



Oct 25, 2017
I dont like the title. Wish Japan stuck with Judge Eyes. I vastly preferred that. But that's a nit pick of a complaint at best. Sounds like the game is due around September? Unsurprisingly, its day 1 for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Judge Eyes doesn't work unless that mad scientist story continues.

Wish the standard digital version also got three day early access.
Looks like a main villain is Aiba kun. Aiba-kun vs Kimutaku fight must be a funny moment..

May 31, 2018
I'm playing Yakuza 0 (never played the series before). I was quite lukewarm at first, but after meeting Goro Majima and finishing the subsequent Chapter 4, I think I'm getting really interested/involved. I am not a fan of the combat though, and the game has a bit too many menus and loading screens for simple things. The game feels... "stiff". I hope the combat gameplay becomes better with time. Story at least is picking up nicely. And gosh, some of these subquests are completely wacky.

On that note: I would like "that" achievement to disappear from my Steam account please. I had no idea what I was doing, and I was genuinely shocked when I realized the f*** I was watching. Like, seriously, the game goes that far?!

I'm really interested in Like a Dragon, and I was wondering how that one compares to the rest. Should I play all the games in the recommended order in the OP, or will I be able to enjoy Like a Dragon without doing that once I'm done with 0?
I'm bumping this post because I have the same question with jumping to Like a Dragon.

Would I be able to put things together with the story or should we play the recommended order in the OP. The turn base fighting is grabbing my attention.

I'm currently at the boss fight in chapter 2.


May 8, 2018
September is sooner than expected. Awesome!

Hate that Sega is continuing the BS early access trend. Love RGG games but I ain't paying extra for 3 days early access.


Oct 25, 2017
The worst thing about the 3 days early access is Yakuza is the one series I WOULD pay for early access. And probably will. Sorry not sorry.


Oct 27, 2017
The GOTY just got shown off. Incredible. It looks great and the new additions all sound fantastic too. Dancing minigame? Yes, please! Boxing minigame? Yes, please!

The story sounds super interesting (and brutal) too, but damn, I think they're
killing off Mafuyu. At least I think that was her in the trailer dead on the ground when everyone, especially Yagami, got really upset and sad.

It sounds like the high-school part is like the Another Drama part from Yakuza 5. Yagami will solve teenage drama and take part in various activities. Sounds fun!

Also, in case there was any doubt for the main Yakuza games:

"The Yakuza series has been transformed into a turn-based RPG. On the other hand, over the year, Ryu ga Gotoku Studio has accumulated resources and know-how of making flashy and exhilarating action games that are effortless to enjoy. We decided that we should let our signature action gameplay live on through Lost Judgement."

The Yakuza Series Will Remain a Turn-Based RPG Series Going Forward - IGN

Ryu ga Gotoku Studios has confirmed that Yakuza will transition into a turn-based RPG series while Judgement will remain action-focused.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Glad to know RGGS pursues action games on Judge series....and command RPG on RGG...?

Also, glad to know that the upper left character is not Aiba-kun. Tamaki Hiroshi is a better actor. I kinda wanted to see Kimutaku vs Aiba fight though.


Oct 25, 2017
Game looks amazing, very much what I was hoping for. Two big cities, the school stuff looks like a different idea that I'm down for. The new mini games look cool.
Also great to see that the series are keeping separate combat styles, I want more RPG combat from 7 (but improved) so looks like we should hopefully get continued Yagami and Ichiban games that are very different to each other. Day 1 (or -3... or whatever) and will definitely get any DLC and such as it comes.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally getting trains in Yakuza lol. But really, its probably just a one time investigation section (prove me wrong RGGS). Also, that dog better get a heat move when in combat, I wanna see it jump in and bite goons.


Oct 27, 2017
The train ride does look like a one-time investigation thing BUT I can see them giving you the option to switch betweent he cities by using the train, but it will just be a loading screen like when changing cities via taxi.

Dog walking is amazing. In general: I'm so hype and happy about literally everything they showed. I just hope that my theory about the dead body Yagami and the gang finds in the trailer true though.

I still feel that it might be Mafuyu. I haven't seen her in the trailer and I feel like she would be the person that would get such a reaction out of Yagami. Of course, it could be somebody else.


Oct 25, 2017
Had a chance to properly sit down and watch the reveal/gameplay snippets again. So far, very strong first impression:
Story instantly has me hooked. No surprise there but I like how they revealed the hook as to why Yagami travels to Ijincho, while also showing just enough of the plot to get me invested. Looks like another solid plot.

Combat looks solid, new stance looks cool. And thankfully its gonna be 60FPS (on next gen consoles) so that's gonna be sublime.

Chases/stealth/platforming is the only doubt I really have. Chases look at least a bit more dynamic than before but I fear platforming will be way too easy (like most platformers these days) and stealth... well if ever there's an element that can ruin a game, its bad stealth.

The whole idea of the school as the games "Another Drama" section already puts it above the last several Yakuzas in side content for me. Looks more varied than what 7 and 0 had, (JE objectively had nothing like this) and I like the idea of several different mini games and side stories being based here.

Odd's and ends:
Skateboarding? If done well this could be fun.
Kaito and friends returning? Nice to see the cast brought back. I honestly wasn't sure it'd happen.
Rain? RAIN??? This shouldn't excite me as much as it does, but for the scenes its shown in (big setpieces) it has me so hyped that we might get some nice varied weather in the game, though I dont expect it to be a dynamic feature but rather something used for certain scenes like 1/2/4 did it)
Ijincho returning is cool, it could certainly benefit from being fleshed out more.
World wide release date rocks. Cant complain there.

So basically, I just need to now know the following:
Mini games

Namely - what's new, what's back, what's cut. Honestly don't know quite what to expect in any of this. I do hope that its improved over 7 in terms of mini games (sans the awesome new stuff 7 added) as 7 reused a lot of stuff. Basically for old mini games like the UFO catcher I want more new toys. For something like Mahjong I want either another new rule set or something. More new gambling games, obviously no Karaoke, hopefully refined Girlfriend/dating system, wonder if we can get a party conversation system like 7 (I mean, there's enough regular "friend" NPCs for it to work), a new idea/gimmick for baseball, can Pool/Bowling return yet? Please? No? How about Cho Han then? (was that in 7? I forget).

Oh, and the most important part:

Judge Eyes still reigns supreme when it comes to the arcade. Between the new stuff it added and some returning favourites, its amazing. However 7 stalled by just recycling past games. Was it a bad arcade? No. Was it lacking? Objectively yes. So please gimme a nice even split of new and old arcade games. My dream arcade would be a nice split of 10 arcade games - 5 brand new, 5 returning. Returning wise - keep Kamuro of the Dead (maybe update it to an EX version), VF5 (its the best), Puyo Puyo (because I want people to freak out, also its fun), Super Hang On (I've yet to master it) and Boxcelious 2 Turbo. No idea on new games but a new fighter and new racer would be awesome (not sure what racer they can use where licensing wont be a hurdle), otherwise just gimme Spikeout, Super Monkey Ball, Planet Harriers, and Golden Axe the Revenge of Death Adder


Oct 25, 2017
From the latest interview,

"A school part, called Youth drama, has its own big mystery and Yagami interacts with various people and the students to solve that mystery."

Sounds good. This one is pretty much the smae as another drama in 5.

"Ijincho has used a slightly higher percentage as locations."

So you will spend more time in Kamurocho in J2 than in R7.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, you couldn't spend much less time in Kamurocho than with 7 so that's good to hear. Plus hopefully those new mechanics are put to good use for the sequel. I always imagined a sequel with multiple cities would do the hook which is basically "reveals a lead that points to other city, so Yagami and friends head over there to investigate).

And yeah, Yakuza 5 was exactly what I thought of when the school stuff was shown off. Looks like a huge area to accurately render as well, which is cool. Plus those mini games look like a blast. Seems like another home run already for the series.

Hilariously it has me more excited than any other game announced this year. Nothing beats new Yakuza.


Nov 29, 2017
I don't know why exactly, but I get the feeling that this will be the best game they ever made. Everything looks just amazing.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Had a 3 month long pause from Kiwami 2 and the Lost Judgement reveal made me want to continue my playthrough.

When I'm done I'll move right to Yakuza 6 because of the new FPS Boost.


Oct 28, 2017
Haven't played Judgement yet. It is on my list but I just found out there is no way to rotate minimap in Judgement. Why the hell was this not fixed in re-release? Very disappointing.


Oct 27, 2017
Had a chance to properly sit down and watch the reveal/gameplay snippets again. So far, very strong first impression:
Story instantly has me hooked. No surprise there but I like how they revealed the hook as to why Yagami travels to Ijincho, while also showing just enough of the plot to get me invested. Looks like another solid plot.

Combat looks solid, new stance looks cool. And thankfully its gonna be 60FPS (on next gen consoles) so that's gonna be sublime.

Chases/stealth/platforming is the only doubt I really have. Chases look at least a bit more dynamic than before but I fear platforming will be way too easy (like most platformers these days) and stealth... well if ever there's an element that can ruin a game, its bad stealth.

The whole idea of the school as the games "Another Drama" section already puts it above the last several Yakuzas in side content for me. Looks more varied than what 7 and 0 had, (JE objectively had nothing like this) and I like the idea of several different mini games and side stories being based here.

Odd's and ends:
Skateboarding? If done well this could be fun.
Kaito and friends returning? Nice to see the cast brought back. I honestly wasn't sure it'd happen.
Rain? RAIN??? This shouldn't excite me as much as it does, but for the scenes its shown in (big setpieces) it has me so hyped that we might get some nice varied weather in the game, though I dont expect it to be a dynamic feature but rather something used for certain scenes like 1/2/4 did it)
Ijincho returning is cool, it could certainly benefit from being fleshed out more.
World wide release date rocks. Cant complain there.

So basically, I just need to now know the following:
Mini games

Namely - what's new, what's back, what's cut. Honestly don't know quite what to expect in any of this. I do hope that its improved over 7 in terms of mini games (sans the awesome new stuff 7 added) as 7 reused a lot of stuff. Basically for old mini games like the UFO catcher I want more new toys. For something like Mahjong I want either another new rule set or something. More new gambling games, obviously no Karaoke, hopefully refined Girlfriend/dating system, wonder if we can get a party conversation system like 7 (I mean, there's enough regular "friend" NPCs for it to work), a new idea/gimmick for baseball, can Pool/Bowling return yet? Please? No? How about Cho Han then? (was that in 7? I forget).

Oh, and the most important part:

Judge Eyes still reigns supreme when it comes to the arcade. Between the new stuff it added and some returning favourites, its amazing. However 7 stalled by just recycling past games. Was it a bad arcade? No. Was it lacking? Objectively yes. So please gimme a nice even split of new and old arcade games. My dream arcade would be a nice split of 10 arcade games - 5 brand new, 5 returning. Returning wise - keep Kamuro of the Dead (maybe update it to an EX version), VF5 (its the best), Puyo Puyo (because I want people to freak out, also its fun), Super Hang On (I've yet to master it) and Boxcelious 2 Turbo. No idea on new games but a new fighter and new racer would be awesome (not sure what racer they can use where licensing wont be a hurdle), otherwise just gimme Spikeout, Super Monkey Ball, Planet Harriers, and Golden Axe the Revenge of Death Adder

Fantastic write-up on the first glimpse we have of the game. I couldn't add anythign more. I fully agree with the arcade. I'm having a lot of fun with it in 7 but it's as you said: We've already seen all those games. Kiwami 2 and Judgment did good to add something new so I really hope that for Lost in Judgment they continue with this rather than just recycling again. I mean, I would even be happy with just one new arcade game. Just give us something fresh here, he. In general I think we haven't seen everything just yet, so I'm super excited for the very likely overview trailer. As for skateboarding: Yeah, I hope the controls won't be too stiff. I can see it being tied to several sub stories where Yagami is making his way through the toughest skaters Yokohama has to offer. Kinda like Draon Kart. Them bringing back the idea of "Another Drama" is fantastic. One of the many reasons why I like Yakuza 5 so much.

And yes, I'm also super excited for rain. Finally! I remember it being so cool when it rained in previous games.


Oct 25, 2017

Clean Japanese copy of the trailer (with Japanese VAs of course). I was waiting for this to come out since the performances in the English trailer just didn't sound as good (some characters more so that others). This just sounds way more natural to my ears. Glad we get the option to pick the VAs, best of both worlds and all that.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey, I beat Yakuza 0 yesterday as my first game in the series, what a ride! However, there's one thing that's been bugging me, something in the ending that doesn't make sense to me. I'll put it in spoilers to be sure:
why did Kiryu go back to the Dojima family after all that went down? They framed and betrayed him and still he goes back to them 'to set things right' as he said. But what is there to set right, it was them who shafted him. Looking it up I know they had to line this up with how 1 starts but after all the events it doesn't make sense for him to go back to that family. So it could be he has to go back bc that was his place before and he has to follow his code of honor? Also I don't think dad Kazama wanted him at Kazama family proper so maybe he feels like it's something he has to do to honor him? Or maybe he goes Dojima bc the family has been emptied out after the events and is a shadow of its former self? Still it would've made more sense for him to become part of Nikkyo or Kazama.

With everything that went down I couldn't understand the decision-making there.
So no one has anything for me here? It just doesn't really make sense like I think?


Oct 25, 2017
Silent Hill
So no one has anything for me here? It just doesn't really make sense like I think?
You pretty much said why yourself, I think. On one hand, it was to get Kiryu to the position he was supposed to be in Y1 (years spent within the Dojima family), but on the other it was Kiryu himself wanting to keep tabs on Dojima and prevent him from pulling this sort of crap again, dragging what was his former family through the mud (hence the honor part).
I imagine Kiryu wouldn't just jump to another family or organization, he would probably feel some sense of duty towards the one he was part of. This sort of duty is a defining part of his character.


Oct 25, 2017
You pretty much said why yourself, I think. On one hand, it was to get Kiryu to the position he was supposed to be in Y1 (years spent within the Dojima family), but on the other it was Kiryu himself wanting to keep tabs on Dojima and prevent him from pulling this sort of crap again, dragging what was his former family through the mud (hence the honor part).
I imagine Kiryu wouldn't just jump to another family or organization, he would probably feel some sense of duty towards the one he was part of. This sort of duty is a defining part of his character.
Oh ok, that keeping tabs part makes sense, thanks.

Think if I didn't have a backlog I'd be tempted just to jump right to Kiwami, but it's probably best to play some other stuff first. My urgent log is thinning out either way so there will be more Yakuza for me in the future I think, 0 left a really good impression.

I finished Kiryu's sidestories and real estate, only have like 10 Majima substories left but I noped out when it looked like I had to go fishing and do all those hostess convo's. Enough for now, if anyone ever got 100% in this I have mad respect for the perseverance. 50% already kinda felt like 100% lol.


Oct 25, 2017
if anyone ever got 100% in this I have mad respect for the perseverance. 50% already kinda felt like 100% lol.
Now imagine 100%ing every game in the series. Its less about perseverance at that point and just general insanity. Trust me, I should know ;) But hey, it taught me the rules to plenty of gambling mini games lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Now imagine 100%ing every game in the series. Its less about perseverance at that point and just general insanity. Trust me, I should know ;) But hey, it taught me the rules to plenty of gambling mini games lol.
Man, that's crazy, congrats. I played this on PS4 and I thought it was funny the trophy for 'play every minigame once' only has a completion rate of 2%. There are so many it's kinda overkill. I didn't even step foot in the casino. I'm sure there are people that can't get enough of this but like 10 total would've been the sweet spot for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, that's crazy, congrats. I played this on PS4 and I thought it was funny the trophy for 'play every minigame once' only has a completion rate of 2%. There are so many it's kinda overkill. I didn't even step foot in the casino. I'm sure there are people that can't get enough of this but like 10 total would've been the sweet spot for me.
There's really just one trophy in 0 that goes to far and that's the 10 wins in JCC (as that mini game is the worst in series history for me, so badly designed). But the trophies for playing everything once is a-ok to me. It basically just encourages to experience everything seen in the game (well, usually, there's actually some stuff in certain entries that aren't required, but I do it all anyway). Yakuza was the series that actually got me interested in Mahjong, something that then helped for other games down the line (like the Capcom RPG that replaces battles with Mahjong - its a bizarre yet awesome game!)
Its not for everyone though, which is probably why they reduce the trophy requirements in later games and just have an optional completion list for those (me) that still want to do everything - I think its a fair compromise.

Deleted member 59

Just finished Yakuza 6 via my series x, and man if the last couple hours weren't up there with the best in a yakuza title. The ending stuff was fantastic.

Initially planned to go in to judgment next, but decided to give Like A Dragon another chance after really not liking it last year.

After going from 6 at 60fps to this (in performance mode to get 60fps), it seems like a bit of a downgrade when we talk about the visuals and textures and the cutscene quality, or maybe it's just me?


Oct 25, 2017
Silent Hill
Oh ok, that keeping tabs part makes sense, thanks.

Think if I didn't have a backlog I'd be tempted just to jump right to Kiwami, but it's probably best to play some other stuff first. My urgent log is thinning out either way so there will be more Yakuza for me in the future I think, 0 left a really good impression.

I finished Kiryu's sidestories and real estate, only have like 10 Majima substories left but I noped out when it looked like I had to go fishing and do all those hostess convo's. Enough for now, if anyone ever got 100% in this I have mad respect for the perseverance. 50% already kinda felt like 100% lol.
Kiwami is about half the size of 0, and despite the badmouthing it gets online because, being a remake of a 2005 game, it feels a lot rougher (which is true), it's a great game, and a lot better than the reputation it has.

It's still very similar to 0 in terms of gameplay, to the point one may almost consider it a large DLC epilogue, so playing a breather or two in between may be a good idea to avoid fatigue and appreciate it more.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished Yakuza 6 via my series x, and man if the last couple hours weren't up there with the best in a yakuza title. The ending stuff was fantastic.

Initially planned to go in to judgment next, but decided to give Like A Dragon another chance after really not liking it last year.

After going from 6 at 60fps to this (in performance mode to get 60fps), it seems like a bit of a downgrade when we talk about the visuals and textures and the cutscene quality, or maybe it's just me?
6 had better textures and some better visuals in places, but ran like ass on old gen consoles, the engine was consistently tweaked to get a better performance/graphical balance hence why 6 in places actually looks the best out of all the dragon engine games. Doubt much will really change until the last gen consoles are given the boot, the first next gen only Yakuza should see some sort of visual boost, but I just hope now that performance modes are more common, they dont again abandon 60FPS like what happened with 2016-2020 with Yakuza releases on PS4.


Oct 25, 2017

Saw this making the rounds and thought it was interesting: Yakuza 7 is the most successful game in the series worldwide. We know and 0 and 6 did well internationally, selling around 1 million units, 7 had done 500K in Asia as of around March/May last year (whenever the DLC was released) so I guess its managed at least another 500K? Either way, seems like a solid result already for the game and hopefully means they'll stick to the more worldwide strategy moving forward (dubs, faster releases etc.)
I just hope they dont try to cater to a worldwide audience too much, the reason why I like the series is because its so very "Japanese" for lack of a better term. I don't want it turned into a souless openworld game like so many Western games have over the years.


Oct 27, 2017
I feel like RGG Studio understands that part of the appeal of their games is that they're Japanese. Nagoshi did say that tastes are different and sometimes things work differently (cultural barrier) and how to edit a trailer so that it doesn't alienate anyone (he mentioned something like that during the Lost in Judgment announcement), but at its core I do strongly believe that they understand that their biggest appeal is that the games are so "Japanese" (for a lack of a beter term indeed). Of course, I could be wrong. But that's at least the vibe I got from all the interviews with him over the years. Of course, I could be wrong.

But I feel you. Of course, I'm afraid of something like that happening. That's why I'm against them trying to have locations not in Japan or Asia in general. Keep the locations in Japan and if you want to expand, then let the chracters travel to other Asian countries like Taiwan, but don't take the plot to like the USA or Europe. Now, I doubt that would ever happen, but when I learned something in the last couple of years is to expect the unexpected, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Definitely agree about the settings. I've nothing against choosing European locations though I dont quite trust the dev team to manage to represent those nationalities well. Id definitely like them to maybe focus more on Korea, China etc. in the future.

My only concern that Ive seen the dev team have commented in the past about making it more appealing to more international audiences via an interview. And depending on what that would mean... just has me a tad concerned but hopefully that is unfounded!


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Very happy for Like A Dragon's success, and unless some brainless corporate type comes along and ruins everything I think the series is in the clear. The appeal is that it is an intimately Japanese story.