
Oct 25, 2017
Majima's Kazzy Chan is ok. It makes me laugh, since its Majima saying it so that can stay. Likewise, Haruka saying Uncle Kaz is fine by me as well. Those are series staples at this point and somehow just "work" in my mind. But it'd be weird to have someone like Yuya start saying Kazzy Chan/San or something. Actually, that'd be deeply disturbing, for characters like him, I'd rather translations stick to Kiryu san instead.

I'm not really all that bothered though. The guys working on 0 and Kiwami have done a brilliant job and I'm sure 6 will be no different. Thankfully they've got a great team, unlike back in the PS2/early PS3 days where we'd get inconsistent translations, name changes etc. that ruined a few little things.
Feb 15, 2018
Still not really sold on the Shin laugh here. Not a huge deal, but man I wish they just ripped it straight from the anime like they did the ATATATATATA's.


welcome back to yakuzaEra! enjoy your stay! Hope you end up loving Kiwami as much as I did. I rank it at the bottom of the game's I've played in the series, but I still loved the heck out of it. Like despite it being last of the games I've played it was still top 10 2017 for me lol >.<

EDIT: because you're playing Kiwami I think you'd enjoy this (plus it hasn't been posted in a quick min lol):


Wow .I don't think I have ever been made to feel more welcome, thanks! I have seen that gif in a place I used to hang out.... But that's been a while now.

The franchise is rapidly becoming one of my faves, which is saying something given my 30 plus years of passionate gaming. I'm just so happy the West is getting great support for it now.
Annoyingly my ps3 is broken, so although I have bought 4 and 5 I can't play them. I may need to dig out a soldering iron and big hammer....


Oct 25, 2017
I remember giving the Yakuza 6 demo a go but didn't dig too much into it.

What can we expect on Tuesday for those that tried the JPN version previously?
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Deleted member 1067

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
When do you get the item in 0 that allows you to find substories? I'm already at the finale and still haven't found it.

Trouble Finder I think? You get it through shrine points. Just head over to the shrine and do exchange on adventure (?) until you get it. I think you have to run through sprint to max before it unlocks tho.
Wow .I don't think I have ever been made to feel more welcome, thanks! I have seen that gif in a place I used to hang out.... But that's been a while now.

The franchise is rapidly becoming one of my faves, which is saying something given my 30 plus years of passionate gaming. I'm just so happy the West is getting great support for it now.
Annoyingly my ps3 is broken, so although I have bought 4 and 5 I can't play them. I may need to dig out a soldering iron and big hammer....
Np man! Anyone is welcome here!

And hey, if you have to you can always play 4 and 5 on PSnow for the time being.

Deleted member 1067

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
Doing "Just Hiko" speeds up the battle and very satisfying

FYI, Hokuto no ken comic volume 1 is available to read on the official site.
Not trying to be a jackass, but if you could possibly spare the time: what does that translate to in that first gif? I've been super curious as to what the word items mean in game but have yet to find anything about them.

Also really cool @ the first vol of the manga! Looking at it in Japanese is actually really cool as I've never actually even taken a look at the manga other than a cursory look here and there due to it IIRC never being fully translated--I don't do scanlations, just not my thing.


Oct 25, 2017
They are just meaningless death cries in Hokuto no ken. I think ひでぶ (hidebu) and あべし (abeshi) are fan's favorite.

Deleted member 1067

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
They are just meaningless death cries in Hokuto no ken. I think ひでぶ (hidebu) and あべし (abeshi) are fan's favorite.
Ah, that's what I figured! Thanks for real though man, it was kind of driving me nuts at how little anyone was seemingly paying attention to it lol >.<

edit: language was a little harsh first run
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Oct 25, 2017
Haruaka's mini game tasks on Kiwami 2 are worlds easier than Kiwami's (or any past games really). The Karaoke especially is night and day easier from Kiwami. Poker did suck though, since your betting increments are so incredibly small it takes forever to hit the completion requirements (even with cheat items).

Deleted member 1067

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
Playing Dead Souls now, and man the camera in this game is /bad/, yeesh...

Overall though I'm liking the game. Shooting mechanics are unique enough to make the game feel interesting to play, but I really wish they'd have just let you hold R1 to shoot instead of making you repeatedly push fire over and over and over again.


Nov 2, 2017
Playing Dead Souls now, and man the camera in this game is /bad/, yeesh...

Overall though I'm liking the game. Shooting mechanics are unique enough to make the game feel interesting to play, but I really wish they'd have just let you hold R1 to shoot instead of making you repeatedly push fire over and over and over again.
PS3 games' camera control felt kinda clunky after 0 and Kiwami for me.


Oct 27, 2017
I just beat Yakuza 4. I loved everything about it, and it let me know that I'd be okay with a Yakuza game without Kiryu.

Anyway, now I'm starting on Yakuza 5, which I've been really excited for since it was technically the first Yakuza game I owned thanks to PS+. I'm also really dreading it because I hear it's easily the longest in the series and 4 took me 41 hours to beat. Could it really be longer than that?

Virtua King

Dec 29, 2017
4 took me 60 some hours to do all of the substories and sidequests, while 5 took me 100 hours to do the same thing. It's a much longer game, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
You've no hope of just playing the story of 5. You'll be posting back here within a week going on about how awesome Kiryu's Taxi stuff is to play ;)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Kiryu's chapter in Y5 is the most fun I've had with side content in these games. The taxi quest line and the ramen stand games are just too good.


Oct 25, 2017
I forgot about the Ramen stand. It returns in Ishin... its challenge point is bloody hard to get I found!

Kiryu's chapter in 5 is definitely one of my favourite slices of the series. His final fight in the chapter is something I wish i could replay over and over, its just so awesome :)


Senior Editor, Gameblog
Oct 27, 2017
Today, I asked Yu Suzuki what he thinks about Yakuza. I hope to get the full translation of his answer soon but the gist of it is that he is proud of Nagoshi's work and glad SEGA and not another company is continuing to make that specific kind of open world games (proof that I was with Yu Suzuki:

I thought that his answer was very classy. He seems to like Nagoshi. I think I heard him call him "Nagoshi-kun" but I'll have to check my audio file.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Nagoshi-san and Suzuki-san both worked at SEGA during the same time (albeit on different projects) so it certainly makes sense that Suzuki-san has a degree of respect for him. Though it's nice to here they're chummy as well :)


Senior Editor, Gameblog
Oct 27, 2017
If my memory serves me right, Nagoshi worked on Shenmue. I hope that I'll get to talk to him someday and to ask him what he thinks about Shenmue.


Oct 25, 2017
That's a really cool question (and answer!) I dream of the time where Shenmue III and a Yakuza game get released in the same year (I think Shenmue III will get delayed an extra year personally). Either way, can't wait for it.

Deleted member 1067

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017
Man dead souls has some really baffling design decisions. The inventory and loot system is a mess. Idk why they didn't just keep the same system every other game in the series has. I mean I get they were going for the RE system inventory, but they botched it by not letting you actually see what it is you're picking up 99% of the time. This means in actuality you'll be doing a lot of infuriating discarding items to sometimes get nothingburgers and rinse repeat a thousand times over.

K works is just infuriating due to how much you'll be using it and how it kicks you out of the shop Everytime you do anything so you'll be hearing him sigh about 6 thousand times throughout the game. Just like in Ishin too, not being able to see what you need to upgrade gear in real time means you'll be doing a lot of pointless running back to k works just to check and see what it is you need, or because you thought you had it right but actually you need the slightly chunky an rounded brown stuff and not the really chunky round stuff, and 6 of them not 5! Oh and better hope you don't also need ammo in that run back there because then you'll be kicked out of the shop AGAIN just to have to go back through the UI and hear K sigh a few dozen more times...

I'm also not really sure why they left the open world in. It feels kind of pointless and time wasting due to how often you'll be running back and forth between places just to get one item then run back to another shop and back again over and over and over again. And sit through 3-4 loading screens in between. It's made worse by the pawn shop being on the other side of the quarantine zone, making the constant back and forth about about 3 times longer than it would be in any other game in the series. Ditching the open world outside of Freeplay in the zone and just menuizing everything in one, unified UI like they did in Binary Domain would have been better for gameflow. The framerate is also really bad overall.

Despite all that I'm still having a lot of fun with the game though. I remember someone saying the game is a sort of proto Binary Domain in allot of ways, and it definitely feels that way thus far.
Oct 25, 2017
Man dead souls has some really baffling design decisions. The inventory and loot system is a mess. Idk why they didn't just keep the same system every other game in the series has. I mean I get they were going for the RE system inventory, but they botched it by not letting you actually see what it is you're picking up 99% of the time. This means in actuality you'll be doing a lot of infuriating discarding items to sometimes get nothingburgers and rinse repeat a thousand times over.

You've been playing through all the games eh? What do you have left besides Dead Souls?

Regarding Dead Souls, that game would be most benefited by a remaster, as it's most impacted by it's often poor fps.
Oct 25, 2017
3, black panther games, and Kenzan. Of course 6 and K2 as well, but I have little doubt k2 will be localized and 6 is coming out soon anyways.

Edit: oh and neither 1 nor 2 either. Played K and am waiting on K2 for a 2 run.

Oh nice, 2 & 3 are some of my favorites, so you got some awesome content ahead of you. I still gotta play Ishin though, very hyped to get to that.

Really glad they're remaking Y2 since it has some really great moments.


Oct 26, 2017
Score 5 million on space harrier
Score 5 million on out run
Score 5 million on super Hang-On



Edit: ok, space harrier wasnt that bad. I got 7 million after a few attempts
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Nov 2, 2017
What does round wind and seat wind mean in mahjong?
Is there a limit to number of identical pairs of 2 tiles for winning?
PSNprofiles guide says wind tiles can only be used to form triplets but in one of my games my opponent won with a twin West wind.
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Oct 25, 2017
Score 5 million on space harrier
Score 5 million on out run
Score 5 million on super Hang-On



Edit: ok, space harrier wasnt that bad. I got 7 million after a few attempts

I thought those totals were really easy, far to low for my liking. Space Harrier is just a matter of clearing the bonus level. Which it sounds like you already did.

Outrun is simple. Just clear the second or third stage and you should easily have enough points, I average 7-8 mil on an Outrun run. Basically if your having problems, make sure to only overtake when you know you have no opposition - overtaking on corners can be a pain since if you collide with the car in front your fucked. If you find yourself in that position and you know your going to hit the car in front, shift down as that's a far more efficient way to quickly reduce your speed than breaking, you should manage to avoid the car if you do that. This tactic is also great for those tighter corners, shifting down lets you stick to the track far better so coupling that tactic with taking your finger of the accelerator usually does the trick. I don't tend to use the break button all that much anymore.
Also keep in mind you can crash I think twice and still hit the target score, I know you can crash once and still easily break the 5 mil barrier. Experiment with routes - at the end of the first stage I always go right, and then go either left or right at the end of the second stage. I find going right from the first area gives me an easier stage, just make sure you slow down near the end of the second stage where the rock walls appear on either side.

Super Hang On - similar thing in regards to overtaking, also make sure your using the boost button as much as physically possible. Play on the beginner course. Clear 3? stages and you should hit the target score.

Also, you didn't mention it, but for Fantasy Zone (which many people find the hardest) you need to clear the first 3 levels. This one is actually harder than the other three, but still if you use rapid fire (R1) to always fire, take things slow, and buy decent weapons each round (7 way spread kicks ass) you'll get there after a couple of tries.

Also, when you have to fight the Electronics King he'll challenge you to Outrun, and you have to get 6-7 mil. Bare in mind you lose to him and you won't really be all that worse off (you'll lose 10% of property ownership in the area but just buy all the places and level them up to S Rank and you'll still hit 100% ownership for the area.

And for anyone who goes for these scores in the upcoming Yakuza 6 - good news! They give you "easy mode" cabs now which makes it way easier to hit these scores. And finish Super Hang On, which was always a pain for me before.

What does round wind and seat wind mean in mahjong?
Is there a limit to number of identical pairs of 2 tiles for winning?
PSNprofiles guide says wind tiles can only be used to form triplets but in one of my games my opponent won with a twin West wind.
I'm fairly cerrtain I use wind tiles for doubles all the time. For the best Mahjong guides though head over to Gamefaqs and read the gambling guides by Barticle. He helped me tons when I was learning Mahjong.


Nov 2, 2017
I thought those totals were really easy, far to low for my liking. Space Harrier is just a matter of clearing the bonus level. Which it sounds like you already did.

Outrun is simple. Just clear the second or third stage and you should easily have enough points, I average 7-8 mil on an Outrun run. Basically if your having problems, make sure to only overtake when you know you have no opposition - overtaking on corners can be a pain since if you collide with the car in front your fucked. If you find yourself in that position and you know your going to hit the car in front, shift down as that's a far more efficient way to quickly reduce your speed than breaking, you should manage to avoid the car if you do that. This tactic is also great for those tighter corners, shifting down lets you stick to the track far better so coupling that tactic with taking your finger of the accelerator usually does the trick. I don't tend to use the break button all that much anymore.
Also keep in mind you can crash I think twice and still hit the target score, I know you can crash once and still easily break the 5 mil barrier. Experiment with routes - at the end of the first stage I always go right, and then go either left or right at the end of the second stage. I find going right from the first area gives me an easier stage, just make sure you slow down near the end of the second stage where the rock walls appear on either side.

Super Hang On - similar thing in regards to overtaking, also make sure your using the boost button as much as physically possible. Play on the beginner course. Clear 3? stages and you should hit the target score.

Also, you didn't mention it, but for Fantasy Zone (which many people find the hardest) you need to clear the first 3 levels. This one is actually harder than the other three, but still if you use rapid fire (R1) to always fire, take things slow, and buy decent weapons each round (7 way spread kicks ass) you'll get there after a couple of tries.

Also, when you have to fight the Electronics King he'll challenge you to Outrun, and you have to get 6-7 mil. Bare in mind you lose to him and you won't really be all that worse off (you'll lose 10% of property ownership in the area but just buy all the places and level them up to S Rank and you'll still hit 100% ownership for the area.

And for anyone who goes for these scores in the upcoming Yakuza 6 - good news! They give you "easy mode" cabs now which makes it way easier to hit these scores. And finish Super Hang On, which was always a pain for me before.

I'm fairly cerrtain I use wind tiles for doubles all the time. For the best Mahjong guides though head over to Gamefaqs and read the gambling guides by Barticle. He helped me tons when I was learning Mahjong.
OK, I will. With my current knowledge I can't go out against advanced AI.


Oct 25, 2017
Kiryu's animations in mahjong are amazing.
Yeah, I think those were introduced in 4? At least I remember seeing them there first, they changed them for 6, I really love them there. His sad/defeated animation when you swap out the wrong tile is rather painful, gets me every time! I always feel gutted when I mess up and see that one.


Nov 2, 2017
Yeah, I think those were introduced in 4? At least I remember seeing them there first, they changed them for 6, I really love them there. His sad/defeated animation when you swap out the wrong tile is rather painful, gets me every time! I always feel gutted when I mess up and see that one.
Can't wait for the Dragon engine mahjong.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait for the Dragon engine mahjong.
I mean, bar the animations the only actual gameplay change is the sound tiles make. Its far softer now. Rather nice and calming for some strange reason! (is it strange that I notice that they change the tile sound effects for Mahjong?)
Technically the rank 1-30 Mahjong tourney is gone as well, changed to a special high stages match after winning 10-12 matches in Mahjong. Higher entrance fee but also a huge 1 million yen payout if you win (just save before you start the match and reload if you don't win). Keep in mind Mahjong is playable in this weeks Yakuza 6 demo and you can take money/experience over into the main game from the demo!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
"Kazuma-chan" from the dub was the best, same for tje use of uyabun and aniki.


Oct 27, 2017
You've no hope of just playing the story of 5. You'll be posting back here within a week going on about how awesome Kiryu's Taxi stuff is to play ;)
You weren't kidding. I'm 7 hours in and I haven't really done anything storywise, which is funny because I have so many question. But the taxi cab calls to me.

It also doesn't help that substories are marked on the map, so I feel I have no excuse not to do 'em.

Deleted member 12555

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Playing Kiwami right now.

So they interspersed Nishikiyama's fall backstory between chapters. I gotta say, it's pretty compelling so far. And yeah, there's a pretty noble reason at the root of it all.

The story is so well presented, damn.


Oct 25, 2017
You weren't kidding. I'm 7 hours in and I haven't really done anything storywise, which is funny because I have so many question. But the taxi cab calls to me.

It also doesn't help that substories are marked on the map, so I feel I have no excuse not to do 'em.
Yeah, I had a feeling that would be the case! I love the taxi stuff in 5 in its various incarnations, its such a well done piece of side content and has a good enough overarching side story to go along with it. Plus the side stories related to the taxi company are really funny (there's a really good one slightly later involving a computer in the taxi place, its well worth doing for the dialogue choices alone!)

Also, while its a far less liked part of the game, I love Seijima's part in the game as well. It is a bit long and uneven how it divies out the content for the chapter, but I still really love the hunting aspect of things.

Playing Kiwami right now.

So they interspersed Nishikiyama's fall backstory between chapters. I gotta say, it's pretty compelling so far. And yeah, there's a pretty noble reason at the root of it all.

The story is so well presented, damn.

Yeah, the Nishiki story bits are probably the best new bits of content to Kiwami. Really helps build the story nicely for him which is something sorely missing from the original if you go back and play it now. Glad to hear your enjoying the game ;) Its not quite 0, but I love the game just for some of the characters you meet (and fight!) along the way.