
Oct 25, 2017
mmm Yakuza 7's combat keeps getting better. I've got some new party members and better moves unlocked, its making the challenge dungeons and higher level enemies more fun to fight because I'm not 1 shot'ing everything (and neither are fights dragging on too long, its the sweet spot basically). Its definitely also one of the few games in the series (along with Kenzan, Ishin and Dead Souls) where modding is worth the effort thanks to the great gear you get.

Story remains interesting though one particular cutscene felt a little too close to one particular one in Yakuza 3 for my liking (just bring some snacks along for it... its rather long and dry!)
Oct 25, 2017
So, playing more Yakuza 7 yesterday and one piece of advice I'd have for anyone looking forward to the story - you probably want to skip all trailers. It never ceases to amaze me just how lax Sega are with spoilers for this series - this isn't even a Kiryu thing but rather the fact that the last long trailer in Japan focuses on one key character that is essentially a gigantic plot twist that occurs just after the halfway point of the game. Don't get me wrong, its still an epic moment when it occurs in the game, as the story has basically gone from a sort of introduction type deal and now its basically the "shits getting real" phase. Its so very cool, I can't wait to progress with the story more. But yeah, try to go in as blind as possible story wise, it'll certainly benefit you.

Meanwhile I met Japanese Dr Wily yesterday and I get the feeling something will befall him... (I know exactly where this side story is going and I find it hilarious that its robot related, its gotta be more than a coincidence we get a Wily looking character that's involved with robotics...)
Oh, and I forget which thread I mentioned it in, but cheat items for the slots makes things way better, means you get to see more from each without waiting for maybe hours for a payout. They are nicely presented but they are still my least favourite mini games... ones I do enjoy more though - the Virtua Fighter games. I adore replaying these, managed to find some half decent stuff with Jean yesterday in VF5 finally, last time I used him in JE I couldn't do a damn thing with him. Eventually I'd love them to get VF1, 3 and 4 added to the arcades just to have the entire series at my finger tips (I love seeing how this series evolved)

Around 70-80% done with the optional mini game completion list now as well, its definitely the easiest of the bunch, with most of the tricky stuff chopped out since there's so much else on offer. I guess its a pity there's no trophy for it though, since its not exactly all that tough or time consuming to clear... doesn't matter though, I'm enjoying myself loads just doing it, don't need a trophy for that!

Awesome art :)
But to answer your question - there are three Kiwami/Extreme heat moves that can be acquired basically straight away in the moves lists. One for each style (there's one for the dragon style as well, but you don't need to worry about that for ages yet). If you do a tiny bit of grinding you can unlock them all before chapter 4 (the funeral chapter) but that's only if you know exactly what your looking for - as aside from a quick tutorial during the prison segment the game doesn't really tell you anything about them, and then you meat two bosses in quick succession that really do need the moves to stop them from healing.
Keep in mind though, the healing part can also be canceled out by any other heat move you can pull off - so for example if your holding a sign, a bin, a weapon that has a heat move - you can pull off that heat move to snap them out of it. Very handy to do when in a pinch.

Yeah thanks. The healing thing definitely caught me off gaurd, but I think I inadvertantly stopped it with a non-kiwami heat move. This sheds some light though as I go forward, thanks.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
Woof. So I'm currently working through Judgement, I've worked through 0, Kiwami, Kiwami 2, and some of Fist of the North Star sofar. I'm trying to go for 100% completion like I did with Kiwami 2. I'm about halfway through the game and I'm working on Puyo Puyo atm....dear god that Mean Bean Machine 2 completion is killing me. I finally hit 25 win streak today and immediately beef'd it. I feel like crying but I can't stop. There's still so much game left to play but I'm fighting my own stubbornness atm!

I own Yakuza 6 but I'm saving it. I have had the physical remaster collection preordered since it was announced and just want to play Yakuza 3 so forking bad.


Oct 25, 2017
New York, NY
On the topic of the physical Remastered Collection, I'm debating canceling my pre-order. The only reason I don't want to cancel it my pre-order is for fear I think it will be fairly to find hard in a month. I have a feeling physical copies will be going on sale on eBay for at least 20% markup so I should treat myself.

Anyway, I went back to playing Yakuza Kiwami 2 after a long hiatus yesterday. While I enjoyed Majima's story, for the most part, it was quite boring to play as him. Combat boiled down to repeating the same combos over and over again. Also spamming the same two heat actions. I felt like it was unnecessary to give him a campaign other than for the callbacks to 0. Although I have to admit, the cutscene where Majima conveniently reunites with Makoto at the massage parlor made me laugh out loud.

I also didn't realize that the cheat items in his story don't transfer to Kiryu. It explains why the devs very clearly wanted players to gamble (I ignored it) as it's very hard to get 3 million yen by beating up the optional Komaki goons and selling plates. Overall, I found Majima's mini-campaign completely underwhelming as a whole.

As for Kiryu's story, I did like the foreshadowing that the game makes with the eccentric talent scouter who tries to enlist Haruka into the idol life. That's a decision that ends up biting them in the ass in later games but children have agency as well. And that Osaka Castle! It looked ridiculous on the PS2 and it looked even more ridiculous in HD. Watching Kiryu take out the two tigers were unintentionally funny cutscenes.

I'm also finding it way easier to fulfill Haruka's favors in this game as opposed to Kiwami where I was halted by the gambling game favors. I suppose this is thanks to most of the Sotenbori tasks being either fetch quests or eat at x place.

Gravure still remains my least favorite mini-game unique to K2 along with the Bouncer Missions. Plus Clan Creator is way harder in K2 than it was in 6 from what I remember. I'm looking at a guide and it looks like some of the best members are acquired super late in the game. Otherwise, I'm about two chapters away from finishing it, then I have the two annoying sports substories to finish and Colosseum stuff. I'll probably put it on the back burner after that since I never bother to 100% the games.


Oct 27, 2017

Gotta remember to pre order the day one edition. I like how they have all the yakuza clans symbols and i assume some story about them in the box.


Oct 25, 2017
Forgot that the remastered collection is so close now. Next week I think? Will be nice to have 5 in English on the PS4, in a perfect world they'd have no cuts to music in 5, but I know that won't happen :( Guess that's an excuse to keep my Japanese copy as well!

I notice that 7 doesn't follow this path though - while 5 and 6 (and even 2 and 3) have plenty of songs at various points in games, 7 doesn't aside from the main theme which I assume will be used for the end credits. But like cutting back on face capture characters, this probably makes it cheaper, and easier to release outside of Japan. Speaking of music though, 7 does have a really, really good soundtrack (so far). The bigger fight/boss themes especially get the blood pumping.


Oct 27, 2017
The package sure does look slick but I'm still thinking about canceling my pre-order or at least move it to a credit card to delay my payment.

The product description page doesn't say anything about upscaling to 4K on PS4 Pro so I don't think so.

Well that sucks, I'm still looking forward to the collection but just bummed about not having 4k support on pro.


Oct 25, 2017
hi guys been avoiding most of the yakuza threads for i dont get spoiled :p

is there a yakuza 7 soundtrack physical anywhere? they usually release one in japan for yakuza games


May 8, 2018
Finished the game at 77 hours. Completed all the side quests. What a great game. Lived up to the expectation.

The biggest change of the series and arguably the best change of the series. Did not expect how much variety and depth turn-based system brought to the game.
- The job system is amazing. Each job is unique and the skills are ridiculous and fun.
- 4 person party brings so much more depth to the game. Unlike the style change in previous games where the styles are kind of different but also similar. 4 person party means 4 totally different and hilarious job/class.
- Ichiban's crazy imagination means more enemy variety. It will be really tough to go back to previous games when all the enemies are kind of the same.
- Turn based means you can no longer spam Toughness ZZ and cheese the fights. Actual strategy is required. Especially if you did not grind and is under leveled.
- SUMMONS ! ! ! The best part of this game. They are so funny and ridiculous.

It's a solid introduction for Ichiban. Definitely setup his character and story going forward. Ichiban and his friends create a great dynamic in both the story and side content.

Ichiban's voice actor gave a top tier performance. Reminded me why he was so good as Nishiki in 0. Honestly, with how good Ichiban's VA is and legacy characters such as Kiryu and Majima, people would really miss out if they play DUB when the game comes out in English.

Side Quests:
The side quests are pretty fun. However, the big side activities are not as good as 0 or Kiwami 2. Still enjoyable though.

The "Mirror man" character felt like a bail out. Otherwise, the ending was pretty good. Still liked 6's story more overall.

Removing Tojo and Omi is a great way for Ichiban to have his own adventures in future games without being tied to Kiryu's past. This also means we might get Majima as a protagonist again. He definitely needs a proper send-off that is on par with 0.

Kiryu's storyline also gave hints of a potential return? The way they characterized Kiryu left the impression that he will return one last time and clear his name to finally retire. Definitely can see them doing a Kasuga/Kiryu two protagonists game in the future.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Approaching the end of Yakuza 3 and it's been... interesting.

The Okinawa stuff was a nice change of pace but everything in Kamurocho has been kinda dull, especially coming off 0 and Judgement which had great substories, and Kiwami and Kiwami 2, which were rather similar to 3.

I'm also not loving the combat in 3? At first I thought it was going to be too easy, but now it's just kinda annoying. Bosses block everything and then hit you once to stun lock you. Everything feels just kinda slow and less intuitive than every other Yakuza game I've played.

I'm not hating it, by any means, but I get the feeling when I've played them all Yakuza 3 will be hard to remember.


Sep 29, 2018
So they're not 4k on pro?
Well that sucks, I'm still looking forward to the collection but just bummed about not having 4k support on pro.
The remasters are Pro enhanced. My Japanese import copies of 3,4 and 5 have the Pro enhanced label on the back. They are not 4K however, they run at 1440p. I deducted the resolution by taking a couple of images of the games and using this nifty guide from DF. You can pixel count them yourself if you'll like using the video. Just make sure to enable PNG format for uncompressed images in the Share settings on PS4 for the best results.


Oct 25, 2017
Will it be possible to buy certain parts of the remaster collection on ps4 as single games?
Cause I wanna get to 3 and 4 at some point but I already platted 5 still remember it super well and I don't think I'll have the urge to replay it until I truly have nothing else to play or I've forgotten about it entirely.


Oct 30, 2017
I just got the remastered pysical edition yesterday and I was kinda disappointed by the quality of the disc case.
the paper is very thin and it gave me the impression that it can be damaged pretty easily.
I think this is like the first time that a Yakuza limited edition felt so cheap to me unfortunately :/
Last edited:


Senior Editor, Gameblog
Oct 27, 2017

Gotta remember to pre order the day one edition. I like how they have all the yakuza clans symbols and i assume some story about them in the box.

Thanks for sharing my video (I'm the guy in the video)!

The text you can see inside the box are messages from members of the Ryu Ga Gotoku team (Toshihiro Nagoshi, Daisuke Sato, Masayoshi Yokoyama, etc.).


Oct 28, 2017
I find it somewhat odd that they went with Majima and Daigo's tattoos for the art behind the discs (as opposed to Majima and Saejima's), but I guess it makes sense if you go by the reasoning that, aside from Kiryu, they're
the only two yakuza that appear in all three games of the Remastered Collection.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, Daigo (as much as I like making fun of his rather... unique management style) is a focal point of each of the stories, as much as I love Saejima's tiger tattoo he doesn't serve quite as much importance story wise. Well, they are probably tied in Yakuza 4...


Oct 28, 2017
Saejima is at least a playable, competent main character, though, while Daigo gets jobbed left and right.


Oct 25, 2017
Saejima loses one competent point for events at the end of Yakuza 4 (seriously, that still annoys me to this day). Daigo gains 1 competent point for his plan in Yakuza 5, then loses half a point for being too trusting.


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for sharing my video (I'm the guy in the video)!

The text you can see inside the box are messages from members of the Ryu Ga Gotoku team (Toshihiro Nagoshi, Daisuke Sato, Masayoshi Yokoyama, etc.).

Oh really lol thats funny, i was looking for an unboxing to see how it looked and yours it's like the only one.

Thats a nice touch.


Oct 25, 2017
New York, NY
Will it be possible to buy certain parts of the remaster collection on ps4 as single games?
Cause I wanna get to 3 and 4 at some point but I already platted 5 still remember it super well and I don't think I'll have the urge to replay it until I truly have nothing else to play or I've forgotten about it entirely.
I mean you can get 3 and 4 piecemeal digitally. But if you prefer physical, then simply don't play 5 since 5 is on a separate disc.
I just got the remastered physical edition yesterday and I was kinda disappointed by the quality of the disc case.
the paper is very thin and it gave me the impression that it can be damaged pretty easily.
I think this is like the first time that a Yakuza limited edition felt so cheap to me unfortunately :/
That's a bummer to hear. You'd figure something that's hyped up as Day One edition would have good production quality. Then again, I've been let down by Yakuza 6's thin and somewhat flimsy artbook. It's making me consider waiting for the second print run but I would hate for 5 to be a digital download code. Especially since I have a slow home Internet connection.


Oct 27, 2017
The remasters are Pro enhanced. My Japanese import copies of 3,4 and 5 have the Pro enhanced label on the back. They are not 4K however, they run at 1440p. I deducted the resolution by taking a couple of images of the games and using this nifty guide from DF. You can pixel count them yourself if you'll like using the video. Just make sure to enable PNG format for uncompressed images in the Share settings on PS4 for the best results.

Aww yeah! 1440p looks a lot cleaner on 4k displays so that's great news. Thanks for the update.
Oct 27, 2017
Approaching the end of Yakuza 3 and it's been... interesting.

The Okinawa stuff was a nice change of pace but everything in Kamurocho has been kinda dull, especially coming off 0 and Judgement which had great substories, and Kiwami and Kiwami 2, which were rather similar to 3.

I'm also not loving the combat in 3? At first I thought it was going to be too easy, but now it's just kinda annoying. Bosses block everything and then hit you once to stun lock you. Everything feels just kinda slow and less intuitive than every other Yakuza game I've played.

I'm not hating it, by any means, but I get the feeling when I've played them all Yakuza 3 will be hard to remember.
The combat of Yakuza 3 was let down by the constant blocking. I can't understand their decision for this.

4 is much better. 5 is the best one pre style combat. Kiryu and Saejima in particular are so damn amazing to play as in 5.


Oct 25, 2017
I of course gotta disagree (I really wonder if I'm just a contrarian at this point...) but 3's combat isn't harmed by the blocking for me, its absolutely the opposite. It makes it so you gotta open enemies up on hard mode, gotta use those counters and not just spam your default combo over and over to win. I loved that, 3 has some of my favourite bosses in the series once you get to around chapter 4 and you get all of the Komaki moves - Tiger Drop + wall bounce creates some amazing combos especially in the arena where fighting area is limited.
Now look at Yakuza 4 with its braindead AI... if I have to acquire several champion rings so that the combat isn't pathetic on hard mode, someone fucked up. And annoyingly this was never really addressed because Yakuza difficulty dive bombs after 3 and hasn't ever recovered. Which annoys me because its not as if it doesn't have several difficulty levels. In a perfect world hard mode would be hard, not brain dead... Only parts of 4 that manage to challenge are Saejima's first two chapters because you have a slow underdeveloped character who's at that point outmatched. Once his chapter is over, he should be a beast (and then 5 patches up a few of his faults and basically makes him invincible, which is hilarious to behold). Oh how I miss Yakuza being challenging... oh well, at least the last few bosses of Yakuza 7 are supposed to be tough!
Oct 25, 2017
Regarding Yakuza 3 stuff, I just finished my replay of the storyline. Though I still have to wrap up some of the side content.
Anyways, I feel like it opens and closes excellently, but the middle third isn't as engaging. Also, I'm fine with the combat. The games that came after Yakuza 3 aren't challenging enough on hard (especially once you're familiar with the series). It's nice having some level of difficulty.

Excited to start up Yakuza 4 sometime this month.


Oct 25, 2017
Regarding Yakuza 3 stuff, I just finished my replay of the storyline. Though I still have to wrap up some of the side content.
Anyways, I feel like it opens and closes excellently, but the middle third isn't as engaging. Also, I'm fine with the combat. The games that came after Yakuza 3 aren't challenging enough on hard (especially once you're familiar with the series). It's nice having some level of difficulty.

Excited to start up Yakuza 4 sometime this month.
The final chapter in Yakuza 3 still remains one of the strongest ends to the series ever, maybe 6 manages to equal it almost but the final boss falls flat on its ass. 3 has not only one of the best final bosses in the series, but also perhaps the best long fight in the entire series - with it being a nice long fight that just lets you bust out every single move in the game (well, assuming you took the time to unlock them all). I absolutely adore it, plus the Richardson fights before the finale were a blast as well. Amazing music as well. Just thinking about it again makes me wanna boot up Yakuza 3 again!


Oct 25, 2017
For those that have played Yakuza 4 on PS3 & PS4, are there a lot of script changes or just minor adjustments throughout?


Oct 25, 2017
For those that have played Yakuza 4 on PS3 & PS4, are there a lot of script changes or just minor adjustments throughout?
Mainly just minor changes, to the point where you wonder if it was really worth retranslating it really (the original script was pretty solid). Only notable changes are the word "tranny" being removed from the script (for obvious reasons) and Akiyama's/Hana's whole "what if they rape me?" line getting retranslated to something like "I'm a delicate flower" - which I get the intention behind the change, if it were a text only bit you'd not really notice the difference, but its fully voiced and the VA's are blatantly saying "rape" so while the change is somewhat understandable it also sticks out like a soar thumb as a blatantly mistranslated scene that's impossible for me to not hear the original line.

But that's really it, some minor text here and there for side stories is altered slightly to insert a meme into for some reason, but other than that its rock solid.


Oct 27, 2017
The Shin Amon fight in Judgment sure was something. Probably the hardest Amon I've ever faced in a Ryu ga Gotoku studio game. Amazing music for that fight, though. That being said: I finally reached the final chapter. Lots of reveals, lots of twists, lots of moments that got my blood boiling. Can't wait to experience the rest of it. It's been a long time coming and I'm still somewhat embarrassed that it took me so long to finally reach that point, but I'm very much looking forward to the finale and finally beating Judgment. it's such a fantastic game. I have more thoughts on it once I've beaten it.


Oct 25, 2017
Mainly just minor changes, to the point where you wonder if it was really worth retranslating it really (the original script was pretty solid). Only notable changes are the word "tranny" being removed from the script (for obvious reasons) and Akiyama's/Hana's whole "what if they rape me?" line getting retranslated to something like "I'm a delicate flower" - which I get the intention behind the change, if it were a text only bit you'd not really notice the difference, but its fully voiced and the VA's are blatantly saying "rape" so while the change is somewhat understandable it also sticks out like a soar thumb as a blatantly mistranslated scene that's impossible for me to not hear the original line.

But that's really it, some minor text here and there for side stories is altered slightly to insert a meme into for some reason, but other than that its rock solid.

Thanks. I expect that's why the turnaround was notably quicker than 5.

Intrigued to see if there's been much undertaking where 5 is concerned in that regard.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks. I expect that's why the turnaround was notably quicker than 5.

Intrigued to see if there's been much undertaking where 5 is concerned in that regard.
Most of 5 is solid, hopefully not much will be changed. I wonder if any of the comedy mini game will be touched in some way to make it easier (as its certainly something mainly designed for native Japanese speakers, still pretty easy to nail with a guide though when you know how).
At least this time round we should get all the fighters in the arena properly translated, as those weren't in the PS3 version.


Oct 25, 2017
Most of 5 is solid, hopefully not much will be changed. I wonder if any of the comedy mini game will be touched in some way to make it easier (as its certainly something mainly designed for native Japanese speakers, still pretty easy to nail with a guide though when you know how).
At least this time round we should get all the fighters in the arena properly translated, as those weren't in the PS3 version.

With the whole 5 saga, did Western audiences actually miss out of much content (aside the above)?


Oct 28, 2017
Got Kiwami 2 today after it being lost in the mail for 5 weeks. I'll start it up tomorrow after work. Can't wait to step back into this series!! Loved Zero and liked Kiwami.


Oct 25, 2017
With the whole 5 saga, did Western audiences actually miss out of much content (aside the above)?
5 wasn't missing any content actually. While the comedy stuff was just barely translated, it was left in. Only stuff cut is the great vocal songs that play in several scenes, and one important boss fight. Pity as they really add to scenes. And I don't doubt they'll be cut again in the PS4 version.


Oct 25, 2017
Mainly just minor changes, to the point where you wonder if it was really worth retranslating it really (the original script was pretty solid). Only notable changes are the word "tranny" being removed from the script (for obvious reasons) and Akiyama's/Hana's whole "what if they rape me?" line getting retranslated to something like "I'm a delicate flower" - which I get the intention behind the change, if it were a text only bit you'd not really notice the difference, but its fully voiced and the VA's are blatantly saying "rape" so while the change is somewhat understandable it also sticks out like a soar thumb as a blatantly mistranslated scene that's impossible for me to not hear the original line.

But that's really it, some minor text here and there for side stories is altered slightly to insert a meme into for some reason, but other than that its rock solid.
This is interesting, thanks for the write up.

Can you speak to any other changes from the original Yakuza 3 in terms of visuals/music/audio/content?


Oct 25, 2017
This is interesting, thanks for the write up.

Can you speak to any other changes from the original Yakuza 3 in terms of visuals/music/audio/content?
For Yakuza 3 (I was talking about 4). But 3 is probably more interesting across the board for changes because of a few things:

So between the Japanese original release of 3 (PS3) and all remaster releases (PS4) it has the following changes:
Answer X Answer is cut. This was actually cut in 4's remaster as well. Its localisation difficulties I bet - the questions for the mini game are stored as images so changing them would be far more difficult for each language (even if its just Korean/Chinese/English). So rather than put in that effort, the mini game was cut completely from all remasters, though the machines remain in the Sega arcades, unplayable!

3 has 4 side stories cut out from the remaster. 1 was for Answer X Answer (just competing against an NPC for a side story) and three revolving around a transexual character. It was implemented clumsily and could certainly be seen as offensive. So rather than trying to rewrite the side stories they just outright cut them, I can see why.

Another small change is Tamashiro's family crest. Its original design was redesigned slightly as it resembled the old Japanese imperial flag.

Interestingly - Yakuza 3's trophy requirements were tweaked a bit - mainly just reducing the number of times you need to do certain things. Just so it takes slightly less time to unlock certain ones. Mini Game Master is still in though, so its not as if its made any easier!

Now, these I can't speak with much authority on, as I personally noticed no difficulty with them, but there are some issues with a couple of mini games:
Bowling is tweaked so that pins are more sturdy, and are slightly harder to knock down. Comparing it to the original PS3 version, it just requires you to be slightly more accurate. I cleared the requirements for bowling on my first try (hit a 250+ game...) but some people REALLY seem to struggle with it in the remaster but I certainly didn't. I think people like to maybe exaggerate its difficulty just a bit... (its not broken, despite what some people say).
Pool apparently has an issue where if you touch the left stick in a certain way while shooting will cause the ball to curve and become less accurate. But again, I certainly feel this issue is grossly exaggerated as I cleared all difficulties on Pool in 3 (and 4) with ease, and if I (who sucks at Pool) can do it, then anyone else can.

Musically the main changes in 3 are the English version loses the awesome song "Loser" for the intro and instead gets a slightly remixed version of "Fly". Now Fly is an awesome theme, but I prefer it ONLY being used in a particular boss fight. 3 also has some other vocal/licensed song(s) that are cut from the English version - most notably in a specific part of chapter 11 (super duper spoilers, don't read if you haven't completed 3)
where Rikiya dies ;( Its a really nice song that plays in the background and really adds to the moment

Now in the remaster (all versions) they lost a few licenses, so a few little things are changed - you can't look at magazine covers and read their descriptions in the Poppo Mart now (similar point, you can't read Manga in the convenience stores in 5 anymore either in the remaster, because that was a buttload of licenses. No more Initial D or Attack on Titan for you!)
The hostess clubs were originally licensed real places, with real hostesses. Not sure what changes between the girls they use in 4/5 compared to 3 but they couldn't bring the girls in 3 back. So they swapped them out with names and models from previous Yakuza games but didn't change their dialogue. So Kiryu does't recongise anyone! That said, this is more of a problem in the Japanese version continuity wise, 3 never had hostess clubs in the English release so it feels less butchered by comparison.

Graphically also... not really a change per se but the higher res used in the remaster makes an enormous difference to Okinawa especially. Textures especially around the market just look far, far better because its running at 1080p or above, as opposed to the sub HD mess that the PS3 version was.

I think that mainly covers it. Might be missing a few things... but then you have the comparisons to the original version of 3's localisation to the new one... which is just too much for me to list again. Basically, the PS3 localisation of 3 outside of Japan is really, really butchered in many ways and the remaster is superior in every way (unless your still mad at bowling!)


Oct 25, 2017
For Yakuza 3 (I was talking about 4). But 3 is probably more interesting across the board for changes because of a few things:

So between the Japanese original release of 3 (PS3) and all remaster releases (PS4) it has the following changes:
Answer X Answer is cut. This was actually cut in 4's remaster as well. Its localisation difficulties I bet - the questions for the mini game are stored as images so changing them would be far more difficult for each language (even if its just Korean/Chinese/English). So rather than put in that effort, the mini game was cut completely from all remasters, though the machines remain in the Sega arcades, unplayable!

3 has 4 side stories cut out from the remaster. 1 was for Answer X Answer (just competing against an NPC for a side story) and three revolving around a transexual character. It was implemented clumsily and could certainly be seen as offensive. So rather than trying to rewrite the side stories they just outright cut them, I can see why.

Another small change is Tamashiro's family crest. Its original design was redesigned slightly as it resembled the old Japanese imperial flag.

Interestingly - Yakuza 3's trophy requirements were tweaked a bit - mainly just reducing the number of times you need to do certain things. Just so it takes slightly less time to unlock certain ones. Mini Game Master is still in though, so its not as if its made any easier!

Now, these I can't speak with much authority on, as I personally noticed no difficulty with them, but there are some issues with a couple of mini games:
Bowling is tweaked so that pins are more sturdy, and are slightly harder to knock down. Comparing it to the original PS3 version, it just requires you to be slightly more accurate. I cleared the requirements for bowling on my first try (hit a 250+ game...) but some people REALLY seem to struggle with it in the remaster but I certainly didn't. I think people like to maybe exaggerate its difficulty just a bit... (its not broken, despite what some people say).
Pool apparently has an issue where if you touch the left stick in a certain way while shooting will cause the ball to curve and become less accurate. But again, I certainly feel this issue is grossly exaggerated as I cleared all difficulties on Pool in 3 (and 4) with ease, and if I (who sucks at Pool) can do it, then anyone else can.

Musically the main changes in 3 are the English version loses the awesome song "Loser" for the intro and instead gets a slightly remixed version of "Fly". Now Fly is an awesome theme, but I prefer it ONLY being used in a particular boss fight. 3 also has some other vocal/licensed song(s) that are cut from the English version - most notably in a specific part of chapter 11 (super duper spoilers, don't read if you haven't completed 3)
where Rikiya dies ;( Its a really nice song that plays in the background and really adds to the moment

Now in the remaster (all versions) they lost a few licenses, so a few little things are changed - you can't look at magazine covers and read their descriptions in the Poppo Mart now (similar point, you can't read Manga in the convenience stores in 5 anymore either in the remaster, because that was a buttload of licenses. No more Initial D or Attack on Titan for you!)
The hostess clubs were originally licensed real places, with real hostesses. Not sure what changes between the girls they use in 4/5 compared to 3 but they couldn't bring the girls in 3 back. So they swapped them out with names and models from previous Yakuza games but didn't change their dialogue. So Kiryu does't recongise anyone! That said, this is more of a problem in the Japanese version continuity wise, 3 never had hostess clubs in the English release so it feels less butchered by comparison.

Graphically also... not really a change per se but the higher res used in the remaster makes an enormous difference to Okinawa especially. Textures especially around the market just look far, far better because its running at 1080p or above, as opposed to the sub HD mess that the PS3 version was.

I think that mainly covers it. Might be missing a few things... but then you have the comparisons to the original version of 3's localisation to the new one... which is just too much for me to list again. Basically, the PS3 localisation of 3 outside of Japan is really, really butchered in many ways and the remaster is superior in every way (unless your still mad at bowling!)
This is fantastic information thank you so much!


Oct 25, 2017
This is fantastic information thank you so much!


Oct 28, 2017
They keep desecrating and disrespecting the lore... continuity errors galore. If they don't start honoring the lore with Yakuza 8, we might just have to cancel Nagoshi.


Oct 25, 2017
They keep desecrating and disrespecting the lore... continuity errors galore. If they don't start honoring the lore with Yakuza 8, we might just have to cancel Nagoshi.
Nah. Lets have a MK9/11 type affair and just reboot the continuity. Bring back dead characters for real, have Ichiban and Kiryu team up back in the glory days of the Tojo... oh, and make it so Daigo never becomes boss...
Now I come to think of it, that doesn't sound like a bad idea for a Yakuza story...


Oct 28, 2017
Nah. Lets have a MK9/11 type affair and just reboot the continuity. Bring back dead characters for real, have Ichiban and Kiryu team up back in the glory days of the Tojo... oh, and make it so Daigo never becomes boss...
Now I come to think of it, that doesn't sound like a bad idea for a Yakuza story...
Some more wacky non-canon stuff would be great. I think it'd be cool if they did a superhero game someday, or something equally absurd.


Oct 25, 2017
Some more wacky non-canon stuff would be great. I think it'd be cool if they did a superhero game someday, or something equally absurd.
They already did the super hero game. Its out next week. Its called "lets max level Saejima in Yakuza 5". It indeed is absurd(ly awesome)

But I agree. I totally want to see a sentai/kaiju/super hero game with the Yakuza characters (including Haruka). It would be something fun and different, yet familiar. Plus crazy Majima would be amazing in every scenario.


Oct 28, 2017
They already did the super hero game. Its out next week. Its called "lets max level Saejima in Yakuza 5". It indeed is absurd(ly awesome)

But I agree. I totally want to see a sentai/kaiju/super hero game with the Yakuza characters (including Haruka). It would be something fun and different, yet familiar. Plus crazy Majima would be amazing in every scenario.
Haruka can fulfill the magical girl archetype, while Kiryu is ridiculously overpowered like Goku or Superman, and Saejima can be something akin to The Incredible Hulk.

Perhaps Majima can play the villain again? Been a long time since Yakuza 1, after all.


Oct 25, 2017
Just make Majima an anti hero. Sorta like The Punisher, he can then fulfill both roles, ditto with Ryuuji. And Shimano would totally need to be brought back as a scheming villain, I love that guy and his bushy eyebrows. Oh, and bring back Hayashi as well. Always bring back Hayashi.


Oct 26, 2017
Man I already forgot what a jobber Daigo is. He always has a big mouth and has one epic scene and then immediately gets wrecked, shot, kidnapped or is lost from the begining. What a sucker.


Oct 25, 2017
Daigo gets a cool moment at the end of 3, I'll give him that. And I kinda liked his plan in 5, even if he wasn't good enough to properly follow through with it (good thing Watase is a better man than him...)

That said, if you want some cool Daigo side content, his story in RGG Online is ace, gives a lot of backstory around his feud with Ryuuji.


Oct 25, 2017
5 wasn't missing any content actually. While the comedy stuff was just barely translated, it was left in. Only stuff cut is the great vocal songs that play in several scenes, and one important boss fight. Pity as they really add to scenes. And I don't doubt they'll be cut again in the PS4 version.

Ah, ok. I presumed some sort of DLC might have not been available due to the hassle it took for 5 to be localised in the first place.