Big Yoshi

Nov 25, 2018
No, some of the worst writing and obvious easily fixable problems I have ever seen in a game. The audio/soundmixing is the worst in any game I have ever played, Tiny text making it really hard for the game to explain its really complex systems, and with some of the worse music ever the grate my ears. easily my biggest wii u disappointment by a lot.


Oct 28, 2017
It was the best game on the console and the point at which the Xenoblade series peaked. I say that with all due respect to XC1 though. Very good game as well.


Nov 9, 2017
It's a game stuffed full of lots of little issues and annoyances.

...and it's bloody brilliant. An absolutely wondrous video game that still sticks with me to do this day. Its world and sense of discovery is probably one of the most magnificent things I've seen in a video game. And a lot of its music is gorgeous. This is one of my favourites:



Nov 6, 2017
Exploring the world was a lot of fun. The way that NLA gains new citizens and structures as you complete missions and option sidequests was great. I explored most of the world on foot, then again on a skell with it's higher jump height, then again with flight and fucking loved that. Really loved the Probe system, it was really satisfying to come up with a probe setup to max out money or resources, etc. But I do wish you could trigger events just by finding Lifehold pieces through exploration.

The story was alright, but I will take any story that provides a decent setup for me to explore an alien planet. The character affinity quests were too grindy. I would have liked to get through those a lot more quickly, I didn't finsih them all despite wanting to.

I enjoyed the combat enough to not get bored of it entirely despite how long I played the game. Actual combat aside, the character building aspect was bad. It was much too fiddly, with many MANY small pieces of equipment (or skills, probe effects, etc.) and giving you little boosts that add up to make a huge difference. I didn't fully understand all the subsystems, like the pilot view thing while in a skell, or overdrive while on foot, and on top of the equipment stuff got overwhelmed. I did have fun experimenting with the classes and skill combos and building parties, that part was fun.

Overall I loved the game, but it got too grindy and fiddly to fully complete.

No Depth

Oct 27, 2017
Definitely needed some UI and organization updates for tracking a lot of the elements you regularly are managing or referencing.

Even the touchpad aspect wasn't well implemented. The map iconography takes time to suss out, and is abysmal for finding specific NPC's you may need for quests etc...

The bestiary is a helpful tool that gives vital information on weaknesses and strengths for enemy targets... but the touchscreen showed nothing upon entering combat. Why could it not auto-show the monster data you are targeting?

So many little nitpicks the game needed refined beyond this, but it's well worth an updated port. Lots of good within, not everyone will enjoy it, but it's pretty unique.


Losing is fun
Oct 28, 2017
Xenoblade X has a lot of rough edges (particularly some of its character designs and enemy distribution and pathfinding), but it also has an amazing open world that starts off huge and keeps expanding in interesting ways. Getting skells changes your whole sense of scale, with huge monsters and terrain features suddenly made less daunting. Then getting flight modules changes everything again.

Overall I really like it. It has a lot of cool ideas and a very strong sense of exploration in a hostile alien world.


Oct 26, 2017
It's far superior to Xenoblade 2 in my opinion. It's not without some serious issues, but even the limited story ended up in an interesting place by the end.

Elma is the true MVP badass for the whole series too.


Oct 27, 2017
I love unconditionally all Xeno games, but this one strikes a particular chord and I'll revisit it on another platform in a heartbeat.
The story, characters, gorgeous environments, FUCKING TRANSFORMING MECHS, the OST and the scale of it all... A truly unforgettable experience.
I really just need more Xeno games with a playable mech. And also, I somehow have to kill god.


Oct 27, 2017
Best in the series imo, but it depends on what you want from the games. If you're in it for the story (the narrative at least) and characters, X is probably not gonna float your boat, but the world design is some of the best I've ever seen and I love the progression in the world. Also, exploring the world is a joy, even on foot. Playing XBC2 after X is a harsh wake-up call because that game is pretty slow and traversal options are...well not really there. X has great on-foot exploration and after a good chunk of time you get Skells and I love the way those are handled. And then a good chunk of time later you get to fly which is another great new way to explore the world. XBC1 and 2 don't really offer anything like that.


Oct 25, 2017
For some reason I started reflecting on my experience with this game. I haven't played it since 2018 and I beat it after a long while, of getting perplexed by it, addicted and kind of endeared to it. In hindsight I don't know what to make of it.

First off, truly ambitious implementations were at play, from the massive, seamless open world to the NLA city and the Skells, the big mechas you unlock more than halfway into the game and start fighting the REALLY hard monsters.

Secondly, the story themes, aesthetics, side-quests, even some of the main quest and the Sawano BEATS - it's all pretty damn awesome once it sinks its teeth in your arm.

But I'm struggling to figure out what I think of the game as a whole. Did you play it, and if so, what did you think about Xenoblade Chronicles X?

Was it great? Do we need a port, and do we need a sequel?
Yo DMX, what do you say to OP here?

Right you are man, right you are.

I'll buy a Switch for a remaster and sequel, Nintendo, just so you know. (Well, this or Bayonetta 3, whatever comes first)


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
It was ok. I wouldn't buy it again on Switch, it's my least favourite of the series. I didn't like the combat and I kind of felt there were too many mechanics, also the cast wasn't very memorable. I ended up getting stuck on the final boss because my Skells were severely neglected/destroyed. To me it was fun exploring the world despite the gameplay, and what a world they created. I don't think anyone can deny how impressive it was.
Oct 27, 2017
It was... good?

I'm willing to say yes because of the world exploration that it's one of the best of its time but at the same time, it has a barebones story, counterintuitive progression and one of the most lackluster casts, not only in the XC series, but also in the JRPG genre (with characters like Tatsu and Lin being downright insufferable).


One Winged Slayer
Sep 24, 2018



This x10000

Whether it's worth getting a wii u just to play this game is debatable. But if you have a wii u it's worth tracking down a copy.


Oct 16, 2018
I had some issues, like just feeling burned out by the end and the horrible decision of having to go to a specific building just to change the time. Plus the lack of new game + all but guaranteed I wasn't going in for another playthrough, especially with all the time I put into raising everyone's affinity.

That being said, overall I absolutely loved it (aside from Tatsu). It definitely deserves a Switch port (but they DEFINITELY need to add NG+) and sequel.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 28, 2017
It was good. Not great or bad, just good. I put a lot of time into it and enjoyed it a lot despite some of its problems. And building up NLA was very rewarding.


Oct 25, 2017
Its no good to me. Weird to bad music, structured like a single player mmo, 40+ hours to get skells.


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
My most wanted remaster after XC. My god this would be SO SO SO GOOD on Switch and in portable mode. Hnnnnghhhh.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm in like, chapter 9 or 10 right now and my biggest takeaway is that it is incredibly uneven. Lin and Tatsu are awful. The open world design is pretty cool.

Virtually every cave is pants. City building and exploration is neat.

The word on the street mechanic rewards you for wandering. The NLA music is offensively bad. Building a party is a boring game of hide and seek where your team members are always underleveled.

The game has terrible "illusion of choice"-itis. 80% of dialogue options have zero effect and the randomly one of them will kill a character or characters. Driving big robots is fun.

Combat positioning choices can be interesting sometimes, but the game virtually refuses to let you do interesting stuff like kiting.

Items pickups are insane. Bullshit AI controlled party members (dear japanese devs: please stop with the ai controlled party members.)

Edit: the controls, especially camera controls are laggy and bad.

I think the worst part about the game for me is that the battle system is deceptively shallow. There are all these options for what to equip when to equip it. What skills, what SVs etc. But in the end it's basically just worse wow combat.
Last edited:

Jet Jaguar

Dec 3, 2017
I tried twice to get into on Wii U - the UI, bad music and aimless first part put me off. It put me off trying Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on Switch

I hope Xenoblade Chronicles DE is better.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I am so pleased to see all the love X is getting here. It's absolutely my most wanted Switch port. If this happens it will make the Switch the greatest console ever. I had to pull up the soundtrack and give it yet another listen after seeing this thread. Best Xenoblade game. The side quests added to the world and characters in ways that few games manage to match.
Oct 29, 2017
It's a flawed masterpiece.

A remaster that made small changes in the soundtrack and structure of the missions could legitimately be one of the best RPG's ever.


Oct 27, 2017
Matters, what is your opinion of this song?

[Music] Xenoblade Chronicles X - NLA: Day

The day theme for New Los Angeles.Proper rights to music mentioned at end of video.

Song selection drove me fucking bonkers in this game.

I love that song. The soundtrack's lyrics are all focused on what it would be like to crash land on a planet. You're listening to their soundtrack.

The problem is that we were all subjected to the damn music every time we were in town with no way to turn it off. I have no idea why they would do that. None.

But otherwise, I'll defend that soundtrack. It works for the game.


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
I hope Xenoblade Chronicles DE is better.

Did you never play the first one? O: Of course it is better. It is by far the best of the three Xenoblades. That's not just me saying this but one just has to look at the worldwide critical reception...
Anyway, you'll be in for a treat. :)


Oct 27, 2017
I put a bunch of hours into it and then it just sort of got lost in the shuffle.

Would buy a Switch port and give it another shot for sure.

Jet Jaguar

Dec 3, 2017
Did you never play the first one? O: Of course it is better. It is by far the best of the three Xenoblades. That's not just me saying this but one just has to look at the worldwide critical reception...
Anyway, you'll be in for a treat. :)

I had both on Wii & 3DS but never started them.

I will try the remake when it comes out, but I guess I just like Dragon Quest style of RPG more.

What is Tokyo mirage session like?


Oct 27, 2017
I enjoyed it. Robot stuff is cool, and I liked the combat the most in that one. Take XBX and telling a XBC1/2 type of story with it would be the perfect Xenoblade for me.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
I've tried twice to get into it, and dropped it at the same early place in both plays (the second continent when you're saving a scientist that's there). I want to love it but every time I've tried to play it something happens in my life that fucks my playthrough. Last playthrough took me a couple years to get started, played it for a few days, then my wife passed away :( I want to try again one day because I'm in love with the world, but man I just don't know.


Oct 30, 2017
One of the best games ever made, if not the best game ever made.

It's a technical marvel, offering a ridiculous boatload of content, with and awesome and fitting soundtrack, incredibly consistent themes, a great battle system even if skell battles are less interesting than ground battles, cool characters (yes, even Lin, seriously, grow up, she's a cool kid), surprisingly appropriate sidequests, and unarguably the best open world ever created in terms of level design. Even the plot was very good even if we all wanted more of it.

Hopefully Monolith will get their shit together and work on a proper sequel (and won't fucking botch it).


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's a good game, but as a Xeno game, it wasn't exactly what I was expecting or wanting necessarily. Xenoblade 1 and 2 are more the types of experiences I love from that studio (far more story focused while still offering a ton of exploration). That said, the world of Xenoblade X was fantastic. However, the only interesting parts of the story were really the end and even then, it just raised more questions. I hate cliffhanger endings unless it's a guarantee that the game will get a sequel (which is hard to do nowadays). Also, some of the music was great, others was pure trash to me. I prefer the soundtracks of the other two games in the series personally.