
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I know 3's main cast of six is something special because sometimes I have this almost irresistible urge to just gush about them; to just sit there and describe specific character moments and basic motivations and all the little things they do over the course of the story in an unnecessary amount of detail. Not with a larger thesis or point in mind, just out of appreciation. I've started reading fanfictions now, something I've never really done for any other piece of media before.

These characters just hit fucking different, man.


Oct 27, 2017
Just finished the game and man is this my favourite XC game. The cast, story, world building, sidequests, gameplay all of it was so good. The villians were bit of a let down at the end and the OST could've been better, but the overall package was so good that it doesn't bother me that much.

Also yeah fuck that last fight with zero checkpoints. The fight itself was very fun, but I ended up just leveling up to the level of the final boss so I wouldn't have an accidental wipe.

Glad you loved it. It's a work of passion, for sure. Make sure you give the OST another listen. There's some incredible things going on there. I give XC2 a slight edge with some of the area themes, but everything else here I consider the best in the series.


Oct 25, 2017

Mio - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - 3D model by menglow

Create a fanart of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 after I enjoy the game series! Color hue based on the artwork from lead Character Designer Masatsugu Saito! - https://twitter.com/NintendoUK/status/1552949898907160577?s=20&t=8w83ROhBTuit9P5hHzByKQformat=jpg&name=900x900 Modeling Process...

Fan 3D model of a Mio illustration


Oct 27, 2017

Mio - Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - 3D model by menglow

Create a fanart of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 after I enjoy the game series! Color hue based on the artwork from lead Character Designer Masatsugu Saito! - https://twitter.com/NintendoUK/status/1552949898907160577?s=20&t=8w83ROhBTuit9P5hHzByKQformat=jpg&name=900x900 Modeling Process...

Fan 3D model of a Mio illustration

Cute. I really love that illustration of her.



Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
My only hope is that the casts of 1 and 2 can live their lives happily after the reboot and that the cast of 3 can be together again someday.

I wanna say the former is implied in how Nio and Melia end the game with fond remembrance and waiting to go back.

My stance on the latter remains 'booooo'.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
They'll meet again. The song said so; you can't argue with that. (translation: let me cope)

Frankly, I'll be having none of this melancholic star-crossed lovers crap, thank you very much. He doesn't just immediately somehow warp over to Mio when the bird passes by the camera; that's dumb. It should take until they are they are exactly same age as they were when they were separated for them to be reunited, I think.


Oct 27, 2017
I beat the game a couple of weeks ago and am still trying to get all of my thoughts on it together; it's certainly a game that gives you a lot to think about. But I can safely say I liked it very, very much. While I do agree with the common sentiment there were quite a few plot elements under-explained and that the story really slowed down in Chapter 6, I'd say the story's general themes resonated with me more deeply than 1 or 2's did, and the character cast is now one of my favourites in JRPGs.

I can't say that I'm all that down about the game not doing as much with its connections to 1 and 2 as much as some people were hoping; that was never really a huge draw for me, and I was actually hoping that the game wouldn't rely too heavily on those connections. Guess I was satisfied on that count!


Oct 25, 2017
I saw 113 pages so I thought there must've been something insane lurking while I cleared the game, but apparently a lot of it was due to a single image showing the XB2 characters, lol...

The game definitely has very strong character to character moments, but the main plot felt very lacking compared to the spectacle of past games and you could see the incompleteness in the finale, which was a downer. I'm used to the Xeno games being fun and interesting despite lots of flaws, so that's fine. I was astounded at the amount of quality side content in the game, too.

I almost want to say that they originally planned this game without Nopon, Riku and Manana included. There are so many huge and emotional scenes where they are present and don't speak or are spoken to. Compared to past Xeno games that incorporated them quite nicely it stuck out quite a bit how they didn't fit in this game at all and there was no real worldbuilding to try to justify their existence.

Also, having a 99 limit on items is truly awful. I wasn't even trying to over-gather, and when I saw Nopon coins being auto sold I almost had a heart attack. Having more than 99 of an item doesn't break the game at all, so I have no idea what the hell they were thinking. Lots of weird bad decisions like that in regard to the game's balance and economy, that I'm surprised they haven't even tried addressing with updates, since they seem quite gung-ho on fixing things after launch.


Jun 6, 2021
I almost want to say that they originally planned this game without Nopon, Riku and Manana included. There are so many huge and emotional scenes where they are present and don't speak or are spoken to. Compared to past Xeno games that incorporated them quite nicely it stuck out quite a bit how they didn't fit in this game at all and there was no real worldbuilding to try to justify their existence.
thats not entirely true, theres a running plot thread, especially in a bunch of sidequests, that imply and at least once outright states that nopon are not supposed to interact, to the point riku and manana are often shunned for doing as much as they do. Something happened early in aionios where z i guess made it clear nopon should not interact with people and interfere with the "game". its theorized part of the reason riku at least is quiet is he is hiding...something. theres a lot of convenient coincidences surrounding him and when asked about it he acts nervous.


Jun 20, 2022
its theorized part of the reason riku at least is quiet is he is hiding...something. theres a lot of convenient coincidences surrounding him and when asked about it he acts nervous.

That's not at all the word I would use, he shows zero distress about it coming up, he's on the contrary rather confident. He's just cryptic and evasive. Unless the English VA conveyed this in their delivery, I wouldn't know.

But yes the nopon seem pretty key to some secret Melia plot to maintain Lucky Seven for all the Noahs out there. Hardly an afterthought, even if Riku and Mananna's omnipresence might be.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Glad you loved it. It's a work of passion, for sure. Make sure you give the OST another listen. There's some incredible things going on there. I give XC2 a slight edge with some of the area themes, but everything else here I consider the best in the series.
Honeymoon phase had XB3 way up there, now that I've been away for a bit, I definitely think XB2 had higher highs. But 3 100% has a far better OST than I feel it seems at first glance. It's very much deserving of listening with more focus on the music. Removed from the game, free of the banter, the sound effects, and just everything going on all the time. The wait for 2024 or whatever for the CD set is going to be torture. :')


Nov 10, 2017
Okay, 150 hours later, I'm finally done. This is the only game I've played since launch day. Usually with a game this long I'll take breaks with other titles, but not this time. Take a bow Monolith Soft, this game is a stunning achievement that deserves heaps of accolades.


First off, the gameplay "loop" felt far more satisfying and enjoyable than either of its predecessors. Areas were a lot more fun to explore without needless hindrances like field skills. Quests were dramatically more entertaining than in any previous title. While I felt burnt out doing mindless fetch quests for shallow NPC's in XC1 or having to grind field skills in XC2, I was constantly engaged in the gameplay here. It just like a much more polished game taking in all the criticisms of the first two and delivering a very refined version of Xenoblade.

The music lives up to the impossibly high expectations. I'm still having a hard time dropping the soundtrack even after listening to it for so long. I think there's a youtube upload with the full OST clocking in at almost 12 hours and so much of it is bangers. I think overall it is my favourite soundtrack in the series because of the size and variety, even though I think It may not reach the peaks set by older tracks. I like the final boss theme but I do think it's the weakest so far. I'm not sure any field themes get to the level of Satori Marsh (Night) or got me pumped the way Mor Ardain (Day) did on the first listen. Captocorn Peak is probably the closest. But I think the music during cinematics is definitely the best so far and that probably goes for the battle music as well. Songs like Noah and N (Phase 2), Words That Never Reached You, the Moebius boss theme, all so good. But my favourite moment was hearing "Elaice Highway" for the first time and getting goosebumps as I slowly recognized the melody. Part of the reason Chrono Cross is one of my favourite OSTS ever is the hints or notes taken from Chrono Trigger to hit that nostalgic sweet spot, absolutely loved all the callbacks to prior Xenoblade music. Please Nintendo, I don't need a new character but I will pay you $5.99 solely to add Xenoblade 3 songs to Smash.

Our protagonists were really likeable! I'll admit that it took me some time to warm up to them, it was probably about 25-30 hours in before I really started to connect with the gang. But I did end up liking everyone in our group. And most of the heroes were interesting and likeable enough as well. I think they were a lot more engaging than Blades from the previous game.


I really did not like the class system leveling structure, but this is really more of a personal thing. What I don't like is that by it's nature, you're basically never in your "optimal" lineup if you want to be efficient in leveling up. From about halfway through the game, I knew how I wanted my team to be set up. Noah Incursor, Mio Zephyr, Eunie Signifier, Taion Lone Exile, Lanz Troubadour, Sena Ogre. So of course you need to unlock the proper master arts/skills from other classes you want to add. But beyond that, those arts and skills are only optimized if you're a level 20 for that class. So practically that means getting ~5-6 classes to level 20 so all your arts/skills are at the highest level. Some of those classes you'll want to level up aren't unlocked until relatively late in the game as well. As a result, I beat the game before ever playing my ideal party. For example I went through the final battles with multiple Seraphs because I was trying to level up the Ultimate Annihilation skill on multiple party members. Now of course, you don't need optimized builds to beat the game. But on normal the game was easy enough that I could randomly swap classes, not even adjust arts/skills/accessories and still do fine. And it just felt weird for me to be fighting and gaining CP if it wasn't going to anything productive.

The villains and climax were not particularly memorable compared to past entries. N has a little bit of a Jin thing going on which I liked, but overall it was disappointing. Xenoblade 1 felt like a M. Night Shyamalan movie with all the twists in the second half and man did I hate Zanza. Xenoblade 2 had an assortment of villains all more engaging than anything found in 3. Where were all the late game revelations? It felt like after the M/Mio swap happened, the plot just kind of played out very predictably. I was hoping for some kind of solid Z/Zanza connection. There was no moment that hit me like Rex begging Poppi through tears to take him to Pneuma. She's right there...

Overall though, I was blown away. 9.5/10, up there with Persona 5 as my favourite JRPG's of the past decade.
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Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
You know the end of chapter 5/beginning of 6 gets me way harder now than the first time I watched it because I was waiting to see how Mio would come out okay the first time around, and I was confident that there was no way they were actually killing her off.


Oct 27, 2017
After 133 hours I'm so glad this torturous experience is over. This was one of the biggest slogs I've ever gone through for any game. The biggest sin in writing fiction is to be boring and Xenoblade 3 is one of the most sinful games of all time. I don't mind lengthy dialogue and exposition but this game does not earn the right to have such a vast quantity of it with how uninteresting the plot and characters are. Mitsuda is one of my favourite composers of all time and even he sounds bored with how unremarkable the soundtrack is for the most part. 80-90% of the dialogue in this game boils down to the extremely bland Noah (did you know he likes helping people?) telling people how he's going to help them, thanking them or giving a boring speech about how he's going to make his own future. Normally after playing a game for such a long time I grow attached to the cast (eg Persona 5) but I actively hated most of the characters here. Special shout out to Sena for her extremely annoying hand gestures every time she opens her mouth. The villains are laughable and Saturday morning cartoon level. How are you supposed to take them seriously when N looks like a freaking 12 year old? There were times when characters were acting shocked or appalled at something and I was struggling to comprehend why I should care. I recognise how much love went into this game with the amount of content and it's impressive how all the hero quests are fully voiced but this game badly needed better writers. I thought Rex was one of the worst protagonists I've ever seen in a game but I think Noah has him comfortably beat now. Has there ever been a protagonist so devoid of charm? The anime style speeches where every character takes turns in speaking some incomprehensible nonsense about friendship or hope or how the villain is wrong in this game is absolute cringe. I really enjoyed Xenoblade and Xenoblade X but the writing has become more and more appalling with each entry afterwards. I had high hopes this would be a return to form after having such high hopes after Xenoblade 2 but now I'm just deflated.


Oct 27, 2017
You know the end of chapter 5/beginning of 6 gets me way harder now than the first time I watched it because I was waiting to see how Mio would come out okay the first time around, and I was confident that there was no way they were actually killing her off.

I've seen it about 7-8 times now between my own viewings and reaction videos. It makes me cry every single time. From the lighting, music, performance, editing, everything... this sequence is just an absolute masterclass in directing.

This is a great post. I don't think anything is truly perfect and there are always ways to make things better, but I disagree with the original context about certain character development feeling shallow. Could be better? Sure, everything can. But I think the game gave us plenty to connect the dots of their overall journey.

Thanks for the compliments.
I meant to respond to you earlier and just wanted to clarify...I by no means think the character development in this game is shallow. There are some superb moments, and I can see the connective tissue for the characters' growth. I just think that some things don't hit as well or as obviously as they could, while being conscious of the difficulty of executing such things given everything going on in the narrative. I'm definitely not gonna be an armchair critic and say "They just should have done ABC" as if it's something that the creators didn't consider.

I do think that these are great characters overall. If you step away from a story liking or adoring the characters(as I have), the creators did something right.

Also, it's funny to see posts of people gushing over the game followed by those who seem to absolutely detest it at every level. Reminds me of the Andor thread. Takahashi's slow-paced character drama/social commentary about life (wrapped in an RPG) was really too much for some people.
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Oct 27, 2017
You know the end of chapter 5/beginning of 6 gets me way harder now than the first time I watched it because I was waiting to see how Mio would come out okay the first time around, and I was confident that there was no way they were actually killing her off.

I mean, I figured they would have to pull some kind of trick because the gameplay kind of informs that Mio couldn't be killed off permanently, but they had me hook line and sinker the first time I watched it.

So… by that nature, the writing hits me just as hard because I think it's really well written, but I am not sobbing hysterically anymore lol.


Oct 27, 2017
An awesome analysis of XC3 tracks looking at some of the different leitmotifs and callbacks, some of which I hadn't even realized. Been waiting for something like this for a while.

View: https://youtu.be/kXBtgPivFNY

Man, what an incredible soundtrack.

Also, this guy keeps riding the Xenotrain. His jam to Immediate Threst goes so hard.

View: https://youtu.be/CsO9-wj--io

Lol at the first video with the repeated joke of the menu and chain attack themes haha.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Just did the Ch 5/6 gauntlet for my replay. Pristine Fiction even with losing the element of surprise.

I didn't get quite as emotional as others seemed to have but I still teared up and the sequence def becomes more layered on replays as well


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Even if I have 215 hours on this game I still encounter new dialogue just by swapping heroes in sometimes. I think it's really easy to miss voicelines in this game during the main story. I've had Nia in my party in Origin a few times and she's never said anything outside of battle but tonight she said "Let's finish this and take back the future!" which was really exciting since I thought Nia in origin is not canon since she'd have to be in the cloudkeep to activate her mech. I wonder if Melia has any hidden voicelines I missed.... surprisingly i've took Ino everywhere and i've got no dialogue at all. I'm going to try some other hero combinations to see if there's more. Even with every chest on the map looted, all husks saved, and the map full... I still can't believe i'm getting new dialogue at all.

Hopefully there is a video of every voiceline in the game.... somewhere lol cause this is just crazy to me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Okay so in general I've been harsh on XC3 on multiple aspects but the biggest one is one that a lot of people have brought up against XC3 in general which are the villains. Now granted while most of the Moebius aren't that interesting I'd argue their biggest flaw is that they don't really have much of a pay off particularly for the climax of the story.

I bring this up because now especially I think N is probably one of the best Xenoblade villains point blank. In fact legit he's probably my favorite villain in the series now that I've gotten more of an appreciation for him.

Something I've come to realize on my replay is that the Consuls are as much of a victim to Moebius as the rest of the people on Aionios. They're given immortality and great power but now their existence is tied to constantly harvesting lives through maintaining an endless war between nations. Then as we find out later from Z the lives they harvest aren't really for anything and the set up is more for his entertainment than any reason. Now that's a frustratingly basic motivation but the game does make it a point to say he's a concept more than an individual and all this concept wants is to preserve the Endless Now and the Endless Now can get boring without something to happen in it and I guess a war is the best premise to have constant events happening especially if it's maintained by self serving immortal douchebags that all have their own ideas to abuse their power which is entertaining in its own right.

Now as for N I think he's a fascinating tragic character because rather than acknowledge his tragedy directly instead it's mainly shown through his actions. The big one being his freakout in Ch 6 when he finds out about the Mio and M switch up. Now yes it's funny seeing him freak out and cry about being abandoned by his GF but really it is sad that after a milenia of sacrificing basically his whole being, maintaining a fucked up status quo he hates, sacrificing the future more literally by destroying the first City, and living this entire life exclusively to be with the one he loves she basically abandons him and now his entire world is crushed as he can only face his sins with no silver lining. He's a broken man who lost his entire world and now has to face with the present he's left with and made.

I think that's why he tried so hard to break Noah and the crew in Ch 5 while talking about how they should face reality because he's largely projecting about his mistakes and if they succeed then everything he's done has been for nothing. Then when he has to confront the reality of M being gone he kind of doesn't really have any meaning to his life and can only lash out at Noah and the crew until eventually Noah accepts him in Origin in Ch 7 and finally N can move on to the future free from Moebius.


Oct 27, 2017
A few random thoughts on the game.

So the original City is to Agnus castle what Fort O'Virbus is to Keves Castle, right? It's interesting because Fort O'Virbus seems to retain aspects of what were probably part of that settlement in the orginal world, like the large cathedral, even though the larger function is to train new soldiers and nurture the elite among them. I wonder what the Moebius reasoning is to not rebuild the Agnian city then? Perhaps just to be an eternal reminder to the Lost Numbers not to cross Moebius?

I also wonder if the elements/architecture are more obviously Agnian(based on a real settlement from Alrest)? I suppose its possible that the opposite is true: The City existed before the Agnian Castle. Since the City seemingly existed in broad daylight, it also implies that Moebius didn't get immediate full control of Aionios following the merger, and that there was likely a much stronger resistance early on, with Nia presumably being a major player involved. I'm definitely looking forward to learning more about it in the DLC.

Next, a lot of people seem to wonder why Nimue just reappears at the Lost Colony in Taion's ascension. AFAIK it's never actually explained, but I wonder if it's just supposed to be a take on how the people of Aionios seem mostly stuck on doing or being fated to have similar things happen to them ala Noah and Mio/Joran/or Ashera. In my head cannon then, after being birthed, Nimue more or less always finds her way to the Lost Colony somehow, yet she longs to escape it. This fate-like repetition is just another aspect of the Endless Now. It would have been nice to get something more definitive on this however.

Finally a bit of a cursed thought. So, seeing as how we have a prison sequence in XC3 to mirror Xenogears, does that mean that
Shania is this game's version of Hammer?
I definitely prefer the former as a character though.

Okay so in general I've been harsh on XC3 on multiple aspects but the biggest one is one that a lot of people have brought up against XC3 in general which are the villains. Now granted while most of the Moebius aren't that interesting I'd argue their biggest flaw is that they don't really have much of a pay off particularly for the climax of the story.

I bring this up because now especially I think N is probably one of the best Xenoblade villains point blank. In fact legit he's probably my favorite villain in the series now that I've gotten more of an appreciation for him.

Something I've come to realize on my replay is that the Consuls are as much of a victim to Moebius as the rest of the people on Aionios. They're given immortality and great power but now their existence is tied to constantly harvesting lives through maintaining an endless war between nations. Then as we find out later from Z the lives they harvest aren't really for anything and the set up is more for his entertainment than any reason. Now that's a frustratingly basic motivation but the game does make it a point to say he's a concept more than an individual and all this concept wants is to preserve the Endless Now and the Endless Now can get boring without something to happen in it and I guess a war is the best premise to have constant events happening especially if it's maintained by self serving immortal douchebags that all have their own ideas to abuse their power which is entertaining in its own right.

Now as for N I think he's a fascinating tragic character because rather than acknowledge his tragedy directly instead it's mainly shown through his actions. The big one being his freakout in Ch 6 when he finds out about the Mio and M switch up. Now yes it's funny seeing him freak out and cry about being abandoned by his GF but really it is sad that after a milenia of sacrificing basically his whole being, maintaining a fucked up status quo he hates, sacrificing the future more literally by destroying the first City, and living this entire life exclusively to be with the one he loves she basically abandons him and now his entire world is crushed as he can only face his sins with no silver lining. He's a broken man who lost his entire world and now has to face with the present he's left with and made.

I think that's why he tried so hard to break Noah and the crew in Ch 5 while talking about how they should face reality because he's largely projecting about his mistakes and if they succeed then everything he's done has been for nothing. Then when he has to confront the reality of M being gone he kind of doesn't really have any meaning to his life and can only lash out at Noah and the crew until eventually Noah accepts him in Origin in Ch 7 and finally N can move on to the future free from Moebius.

Avatar change!

I agree that N is probably the most compelling and complex of the villains. I wanted more from him overall, but what we got was pretty great. I actually think it's interesting how much of a contrast there is between his complexity and Z's absolute simplicity. I hope we get him a bit more in the DLC(assuming a prequel), even though I'd prefer if he weren't the focus. I definitely expect to get a more explicit look at him destroying and slaughtering the city, perhaps early on. Takahashi very intentionally kept the scene muted in the main game, and it would be a great way to reestablish the brutality of Moebius for a new narrative if we're going for a full-on Founders storyline.
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Oct 27, 2017
Nimue reappears in the lost colony because they have the "pods" there, so when they die they "respawn" there.

Right, Isurd saw the pods with Nimue in her previous incarnation in the lost colony because it was the previous location of a castle. What was repeated was her desire to go out and see the world beyond the lost colony, with her later reincarnation realizing to some extent that she missed the warm glow of the saffronias and her home.

This is why the conclusion of Taion's Side Story is the way it is. It's a recognition that security and rest are valued components of living, perhaps sometimes more than going out and seeing the world. Ironically, this is closer to the Moebius philosophy that preserving a place is not inherently ignoble.


Jun 20, 2022
Something I've come to realize on my replay is that the Consuls are as much of a victim to Moebius as the rest of the people on Aionios. They're given immortality and great power but now their existence is tied to constantly harvesting lives through maintaining an endless war between nations. Then as we find out later from Z the lives they harvest aren't really for anything and the set up is more for his entertainment than any reason. Now that's a frustratingly basic motivation but the game does make it a point to say he's a concept more than an individual and all this concept wants is to preserve the Endless Now and the Endless Now can get boring without something to happen in it and I guess a war is the best premise to have constant events happening especially if it's maintained by self serving immortal douchebags that all have their own ideas to abuse their power which is entertaining in its own right.

Disagree here, the "entertainment" IS probably the sustanence of Z. Z was created by fear of the worlds' annhilation. He forestalled that event by establishing Aionios, hence the immediate fear is mitigated. So he creates a world of war to create a whole class of people constantly in fear of losing their life, in order to keep him and his control of origin going. When robot Melia accused the party of threatining Aionios itself she wasn't wrong, the war or something like it is needed to keep Z in power so he can keep Aionios going. Nia also stated that Moebius do use the lives of soldiers as sustanence, and she's in a position to know.

Consul U also went over this. Colony Tau falling into resignation and depression was a failure state. What U wanted was for the colony to fight against nature for their very lives. The best lifeforce comes from people who want to live and know they are in danger of losing that, i.e. a state of fear. Fear itself is what sustains all of Moebius, and Z knows that you need to give people a little hope to cling on to so that they can fear losing something. X said something similar with regards to the colony ranks.

If they just wanted war, the whole rebirth thing and functional immortality of the soldiers could have been disclosed; promises of afterlife have often featured in actual war throughout history. It was concealed here purely to up the uncertainty and fear factor around death, to allow for stronger emotions to harvest.

I think that's why he tried so hard to break Noah and the crew in Ch 5 while talking about how they should face reality because he's largely projecting about his mistakes and if they succeed then everything he's done has been for nothing. Then when he has to confront the reality of M being gone he kind of doesn't really have any meaning to his life and can only lash out at Noah and the crew until eventually Noah accepts him in Origin in Ch 7 and finally N can move on to the future free from Moebius.

N also pulled this when the party faced down robot Melia. He reveled in showing her first hand how futile her hopes were, I assume for the same reason, to justify his own choice of abandoning hope of resisting Z. Even M kind of echoes the same but as resignation rather than sadism.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Disagree here, the "entertainment" IS probably the sustanence of Z. Z was created by fear of the worlds' annhilation. He forestalled that event by establishing Aionios, hence the immediate fear is mitigated. So he creates a world of war to create a whole class of people constantly in fear of losing their life, in order to keep him and his control of origin going. When robot Melia accused the party of threatining Aionios itself she wasn't wrong, the war or something like it is needed to keep Z in power so he can keep Aionios going. Nia also stated that Moebius do use the lives of soldiers as sustanence, and she's in a position to know.

Consul U also went over this. Colony Tau falling into resignation and depression was a failure state. What U wanted was for the colony to fight against nature for their very lives. The best lifeforce comes from people who want to live and know they are in danger of losing that, i.e. a state of fear. Fear itself is what sustains all of Moebius, and Z knows that you need to give people a little hope to cling on to so that they can fear losing something. X said something similar with regards to the colony ranks.

If they just wanted war, the whole rebirth thing and functional immortality of the soldiers could have been disclosed; promises of afterlife have often featured in actual war throughout history. It was concealed here purely to up the uncertainty and fear factor around death, to allow for stronger emotions to harvest.

N also pulled this when the party faced down robot Melia. He reveled in showing her first hand how futile her hopes were, I assume for the same reason, to justify his own choice of abandoning hope of resisting Z. Even M kind of echoes the same but as resignation rather than sadism.
Yeah that's a much better way of putting it. The point is Moebius are kind of also victims of the world of Aionios it's just that they also perpetuate it because they basically have to and are incentivized to. I just mainly brought it up to bring it up in association to N especially when you consider that he likely hated being a Moebius but found it all worth it just for Mio


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure people already made the connection awhile ago but it's really cool how the menu theme is called Iris Network... a very nice reference/callback to U.M.N. from Xenosaga.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rsj8Q_WB_8

It's stuff like this which makes me appreciate Xenoblade 3 so much. I will be really sad if Mitsuda doesn't come back for the next game..... very sad.


Oct 26, 2017
Just beat this yesterday. What happens to Monica, Ghondor, and the rest of the City people at the end? Do they just disappear since they're not Agnus or Keves?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sure people already made the connection awhile ago but it's really cool how the menu theme is called Iris Network... a very nice reference/callback to U.M.N. from Xenosaga.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Rsj8Q_WB_8

It's stuff like this which makes me appreciate Xenoblade 3 so much. I will be really sad if Mitsuda doesn't come back for the next game..... very sad.

UMN is like the first thing that came to mind when I heard it. lol

I want Mitsuda back as much as everyone, but even if this is the last time we see him in such a prominent role for Xeno games, the people under him at Studio Procyon like Mariam Abounnasr already show great promise to carry on the essence of his music.

And ACE, Kenji Hiramatsu and the like have handily proven that they can carry a metric ton of the soundtrack as it is..

I never thought we'd be getting such a rich Mitsuda score in the first place, so I'm already immensely satisfied.


Oct 27, 2017
Just beat this yesterday. What happens to Monica, Ghondor, and the rest of the City people at the end? Do they just disappear since they're not Agnus or Keves?

Yes, though it might be more accurate to say that they are yet unborn.

The game hints that people may find their way back to each other, but also wants to say that nothing is guaranteed. While the moral dilemma of the people of the City could have been explored a bit more, I think the game ultimately proves through its hypothesis that remaining in Aionios is a false choice that only leads to destruction.

For anything else, we'll just have to wait and see with the DLC.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
That's why...you're not allowed to say it's been for nothing. T_T


Oct 25, 2017
I'll say that the OST has grown on me a lot. I'll defend XB2's OST to the death, but I think 3's pretty unique as far as the Xenoblade games go -- it feels more like a film score than a game soundtrack. There's so much intent embedded into the OST (what motifs are used where, what *instruments* are used where) that it almost feels like we're witnesses to a conversation between the storytelling and the OST.

Also, Kenji Hiramatsu is a god


Oct 27, 2017
Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to make mention of is just how good Harry Lloyd's performance as Z is. Guy could totally find success doing an ASMR on the endless now.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh yeah, one thing I forgot to make mention of is just how good Harry Lloyd's performance as Z is. Guy could totally find success doing an ASMR on the endless now.

Harry Lloyd's performance as Z is part of why I think the character works. His voice inflections just work with the kind of Star Wars Emperor vibe he has (The scene with N and Z in the theatre Chapter 6 felt so much like revenge of the sith lol) with a more coherent philosophy which lends him more of a kind of soft pity for people.


Oct 27, 2017
Harry Lloyd's performance as Z is part of why I think the character works. His voice inflections just work with the kind of Star Wars Emperor vibe he has (The scene with N and Z in the theatre Chapter 6 felt so much like revenge of the sith lol) with a more coherent philosophy which lends him more of a kind of soft pity for people.

He's great in the role. He's got a, as you mentioned, pitying condescension for everything around him. It's good. And then the ~I HATE IT~ comes off as this big condescending idiot falling apart haha.

Also, Harry McEntire playing more of the game today. He's so precious and must be protected at all costs lol. 🥲


Oct 27, 2017
He's great in the role. He's got a, as you mentioned, pitying condescension for everything around him. It's good. And then the ~I HATE IT~ comes off as this big condescending idiot falling apart haha.

Also, Harry McEntire playing more of the game today. He's so precious and must be protected at all costs lol. 🥲

Does he have a twitch or YouTube channel? Curious if he knew of the series before getting the role.


Oct 27, 2017
Does he have a twitch or YouTube channel? Curious if he knew of the series before getting the role.



Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.


Not so much—I don't think he's much of a game player? He said he had watched some videos on YouTube of 1 and 2 but hasn't played any before.

Loooooool I can't.

View: https://twitter.com/daeltan_181/status/1587131326938980357?s=46&t=o0AuiA41pZ_3aFfguxwFVA
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Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
Finally beat the game and really enjoyed it, but at the same time I'm incredibly disappointed. I really enjoyed the characters, but the villain being unconnected to the first 2 games is a disappointment, I was expecting something that tied their stories together. We don't even have any mention of The Conduit, or Alvis and there aren't even any explicit Monados. The story feels more like a side story than a conclusion to a trilogy to me.

I'm also disappointed that the worlds being split and everything being reset is the resolution of the story, it makes it feel all so pointless. If the worlds had to be split I wish they could have at least not reset them, so everyone kept their memories. Then there is the issue of the City and its people. Them getting erased feels so fucked up. I know Ghondor mentions that they'll be reborn, but where? It doesn't sit right with me that the conclusion of the story is effectively everyone dying, even if the final moment has Noah hearing Mio's flute.

I have so many questions that are left unanswered (maybe some are and I missed it?). Why are there 2 Swords of the End? What was up with the nod between Melia and Riku? Why aren't Nopon also tank bred? Why do Riku and Manana act like they don't know where babies come from even though Nopon obviously must sexually reproduce in this world? What exactly will happen to the citizens of the City after the reset? What exactly is the Black Fog, and is it related to the Fog from Future Connected? Why aren't there any regular Machina in Aionios, only some seemingly hybrid Human-Machina? What about all the other races from Alrest? Why are all of the people of Agnus Human and Blade? Where the hell are The Conduit and Alvis? The list goes on.

It's weird to me that I made such a big wall of complaints for something I really did enjoy a lot. I've never had such a weird combination of satisfaction and dissatisfaction from something like this. I still hope the next game is X2, but after that I want to return to the main series for a direct follow up to 3. I need so much more.

As an aside, does anyone else find it odd that Xenoblade 2 got a nice follow up with the big family photo while 1 just got Melia looking at the Monado EX?
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Oct 30, 2017
My i add how did the people of the city learn to grow more than the other people?
Some Founders even?
And how could they Hide from Z?
Is Z an ai?
How come the worlds in the beginning are merged yet only Melia and mia are Alive and with their Memories and so on?
Why n sword seems to fight him back with Noah?
Why does Noah exist if n became a consul?
What does Noah understand about Moebius in origin?

List goes on and on...and i had hopes to see onthos this time...
It seems like takahashi put a kojima move: people expected an Epic conclusione, he writes an almost side story with almost no ties and zero answers of many points of the game, not Just of the Trilogy.
Maybe It was rushed


Jun 20, 2022
Why aren't there any regular Machina in Aionios, only some seemingly hybrid Human-Machina?

While there's something weird with Keves machina, I wouldn't read too much homs into them. A lot of what you saw on Machina in XC1 was body armor, which might be partially cybernetic grafts. They aren't born looking like serrated tin cans.

As an aside, does anyone else find it odd that Xenoblade 2 got a nice follow up with the big family photo while 1 just got Melia looking at the Monado EX?

Nia gets the big family, Melia gets suffering. Only natural.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
While there's something weird with Keves machina, I wouldn't read too much homs into them. A lot of what you saw on Machina in XC1 was body armor, which might be partially cybernetic grafts. They aren't born looking like serrated tin cans.
The Machina were still tall and had different proportions from humans.


Jun 20, 2022
My i add how did the people of the city learn to grow more than the other people?
Some Founders even?

Not sure what "grow more" means... but the founder statues aren't necessarily to scale.

How come the worlds in the beginning are merged yet only Melia and mia are Alive and with their Memories and so on?

At least Shulk and Rex also survived the merge, as suggested by the founder's plaques. So did Poppi although she's not technically alive.... I would be a ton of people survived. But by the time of XC3 most of them have been purged either by war with Moebius or by 1000+ years of aging. There's good odds some of their descendants populate the city.

Why does Noah exist if n became a consul?

Noah only got offered to become a consul because he came back after a homecoming, which should be impossible by Z's reckoning. So Noah and Mio are just special and doing impossible things, all the way back to the very opening when the worlds collide, time slows down but Noah keeps going. Probably they have the support of the hopeful souls within Origin that Melia attributed the power of Oroboros/Lucky Seven to.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally beat the game and really enjoyed it, but at the same time I'm incredibly disappointed. I really enjoyed the characters, but the villain being unconnected to the first 2 games is a disappointment, I was expecting something that tied their stories together. We don't even have any mention of The Conduit, or Alvis and there aren't even any explicit Monados. The story feels more like a side story than a conclusion to a trilogy to me.

I'm also disappointed that the worlds being split and everything being reset is the resolution of the story, it makes it feel all so pointless. If the worlds had to be split I wish they could have at least not reset them, so everyone kept their memories. Then there is the issue of the City and its people. Them getting erased feels so fucked up. I know Ghondor mentions that they'll be reborn, but where? It doesn't sit right with me that the conclusion of the story is effectively everyone dying, even if the final moment has Noah hearing Mio's flute.

I have so many questions that are left unanswered (maybe some are and I missed it?). Why are there 2 Swords of the End? What was up with the nod between Melia and Riku? Why aren't Nopon also tank bred? Why do Riku and Manana act like they don't know where babies come from even though Nopon obviously must sexually reproduce in this world? What exactly will happen to the citizens of the City after the reset? What exactly is the Black Fog, and is it related to the Fog from Future Connected? Why aren't there any regular Machina in Aionios, only some seemingly hybrid Human-Machina? What about all the other races from Alrest? Why are all of the people of Agnus Human and Blade? Where the hell are The Conduit and Alvis? The list goes on.

It's weird to me that I made such a big wall of complaints for something I really did enjoy a lot. I've never had such a weird combination of satisfaction and dissatisfaction from something like this. I still hope the next game is X2, but after that I want to return to the main series for a direct follow up to 3. I need so much more.
From what I can somewhat confidentially answer.

Everyone in the City was recorded into Origin. Either they were automatically recorded this whole time, which is why they show up as the blue particles when they die, or Nia/Melia did it following Z's defeat. Meaning they could eventually be born sometime after the reset. N's sword I'm not too sure about. Either Z gave it to him...for some reason, or he got his own copy from a Nopon in on the plan, like Riku. Riku and most likely the other legendary Nopon, are at least aware of the plan to take back Origin. Which is what the knowing nod between Melia and Riku is most likely about. The most popular theory regarding the Fogbeasts and Black Fog is that the Fogbeasts were just a warning of the inevitable collision of the incompatible worlds.

My personal guess regarding the races. I think Nia played a part in how the races are presented in order to facilitate Ouroboros being possible. I believe all Agnians have core crystals. As for Alvis...there's no Consul A sooo, who know lol

My i add how did the people of the city learn to grow more than the other people?
Some Founders even?
And how could they Hide from Z?
Is Z an ai?
How come the worlds in the beginning are merged yet only Melia and mia are Alive and with their Memories and so on?
Why n sword seems to fight him back with Noah?
Why does Noah exist if n became a consul?
What does Noah understand about Moebius in origin?

List goes on and on...and i had hopes to see onthos this time...
It seems like takahashi put a kojima move: people expected an Epic conclusione, he writes an almost side story with almost no ties and zero answers of many points of the game, not Just of the Trilogy.
Maybe It was rushed
They didn't learn to grow more. Reproducing a child allows them to bypass the rules set by Moebius. The parents, who were free from the flame clock, are still constrained by the 10 year rule, while their child grows as they should.

The eye patches and Black Fog are good covers from Moebius. Irises malfunction a bit when there is too much fog about.

Melia, Nia and probably some others initially survived the merge and fought back against Moebius for a time before Melia was captured by Z. A lot of people died in the time since the merge.


Oct 27, 2017
Very likely a manifestation of Origin. Just like the game explains, he is a real person that exists because of the fears and anxieties of the peoples of the two worlds.

How come the worlds in the beginning are merged yet only Melia and mia are Alive and with their Memories and so on?
Each of the Queens carries a "key" to control Origin. I imagine this allowed them to avoid memory erasure, though I think we'll get more on this in the DLC.

Why does Noah exist if n became a consul?

Noah and Mio are special. We know Noah is from the very first scene in the game. Furthermore, as Z later states, Noah, and presumably Mio are outside of the "rules" of the world, partly evidenced by their lack of permanently disappearing from the lifecycle after ten years. What this means exactly is something that I suspect we will learn in the DLC.

Steamy Manatee

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 18, 2022
this was my GOTY all the way until the ending. I... just didn't get it? Like, I don't know. I really didn't like the ending.

Which is weird, because it's what Xenoblade used to always nail?