Diogo Arez

One Winged Slayer
Oct 20, 2020
I'm impressed 3 hours later I still haven't found another hero quest, I'm having fun exploring the world tho


May 3, 2021
Man, I love this cast so much. I'm only in chapter 4 but Noah is a top tier protagonist in my eyes. Such a kind soul. I haven't found a protagonist so compelling since Arthur in RDR2.


Oct 25, 2017
Aetia is lovely. I just discovered the Transcendent Retreat secret area and its jaw dropping. Thats one hell of a view. Opening region still has lots of surprises and I'm grown to really appreciate it.

How the hell is there not a landmark in Murmur Rise though.

Prophet Five

Pundeath Knight
Nov 11, 2017
The Great Dark Beyond

me when people are being wrong

I have a long time before I get to play this (I'm on chapter 13 of the first game...) but he's already my favorite character and this just reinforces it lol


Nov 15, 2017
Can someone help me? Does anyone know where to find the hero quests to unlock the class in the second row final column and then third row first column?
I'm not at home so can't open game/map
But i know the colony areas and vague circumstances when you would be in the area
Colony Tau, Agnus Area (Forest Area)
Colony 11, Syra Hovering Reefs (If you are at the point in the plot where you are grinding a lot of rails across floating islands like Sonic Adventure 2 Lost Canyon, then you are in this major area)

If neither aren't ringing any bells, then just need to progress naturally
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I was hoping you would go into the Urayan Titan. The Fonsa Myma ruins is so cool! Wonder what happened to the city. Just how far into the future are we? Don't answer this btw


Oct 27, 2017
Aetia is lovely. I just discovered the Transcendent Retreat secret area and its jaw dropping. Thats one hell of a view. Opening region still has lots of surprises and I'm grown to really appreciate it.

How the hell is there not a landmark in Murmur Rise though.

I keep saying that they hold their cards very deliberately when it comes to surprises in this game. Perhaps they could have gone a little more exciting but I think the trade-off and implementation leads to a sensation that the world is utterly massive, not unlike souls games in a way (shoutouts to the short cuts you can make in the overworld)


Jun 1, 2022
So I forgot/missed something important to the story I need a bit of clarifying on

Early spoilers: What exactly is the benefit of destroying the Flame Clocks? Do they kill everyone if they hit 0?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I've noticed recently that I can use the same fusion arts back to back, like it completely resets or something. Anyone have any idea why or have this happen to them?


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
I'm overlevelled to hell and I love it.

It's just how I roll with JRPGs.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still early in chapter 2.
I like tanking, but is there a way to scroll through engaged enemies that I'm fighting and not every distant enemy that happens to be on screen in the background?

Also, healing is strange. It feels the game wants me to top the character's health off all the time, because once someone is in orange, or god beware read health, it' really rough to heal them in time before they die because of cooldowns. I don't remember having problems like this in XC2 (which I've only played for like 18 hours though).
I'm hoping more potent healing spells will arrive soon.


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
I'm still early in chapter 2.
I like tanking, but is there a way to scroll through engaged enemies that I'm fighting and not every distant enemy that happens to be on screen in the background?

It should have been the default (I have no idea why not) but there is an option in the settings to only target enemies in combat with you at that moment.


Oct 25, 2017
Am I missing something with ouroboros chains? Starting a chain while having your controlled character in ouroboros mode gets you an extra ouroboros round right off the bat, but then you're forced into a second ouroboros round and the chain ending as soon as that finishes.

Isn't it way more efficient, in terms of getting the chain multipliers up, to start the chain in normal mode so you can have 4 regular rounds before finishing off with an ouroboros round?
Use the ouruborus order at the end.

Use orders from both people from an interlink form during your chain and on the 4th or 5th round you will get a free oroborous order.

You get max three orders from main party + one free hero + one free oroborous if you do it right.


Oct 30, 2017
Ribbi Flats is like top 3 area theme in the entire series for me. It fits the area so well and the general theme of the game. Can't get enough of it man


Nov 15, 2017
I need help regards a quest (unlocked in Chapter 3):


How do I get there? I looked up a Quest Guide (RPG Site) and it says that the marker is in an area I reach later in Chapter 3 but I am now Chapter 4 and still wasn't there? I think that I might need to use the vines to go up but I am not even knowing how to get to the area with the vines?

Sadly I don't find a video on the quest... :C

Maybe someone can explain and/or draw on the map lol

Go to the landmark where you were near when you took the picture, and walk along the mountain on the hard left of it, there is a cave entrance around where i circled in red (in retrospect not a good color but w/e)


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Ribbi Flats is like top 3 area theme in the entire series for me. It fits the area so well and the general theme of the game. Can't get enough of it man
It has this somber feeling to it that reminds me of FFII Main Theme/field theme, it's so so fucking good. I looked for it on YouTube and there's an extended night version but nobody has uploaded the day theme yet.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Riku can be really brutal, telling Kite he will always be a runner-up in life is far too savage for a Nopon!
Oct 29, 2017
There is absolutely no mistaking Nia's voice. It's truly one of a kind and a joy to hear again.

I'm enthralled with this game. It's a little different than I expected going in. It's much more serene than the previous games, especially with the area themes so far. But when it wants to get you hyped, it goes to 200% with ease. The battle themes here are easily my favorite of the franchise.

On to Chapter 3 where I know I'm about to finally be set loose!

Pastel Melon

Jan 2, 2020

Go to the landmark where you were near when you took the picture, and walk along the mountain on the hard left of it, there is a cave entrance around where i circled in red (in retrospect not a good color but w/e)

How could I not see that??? I walked passed the mountain but somehow did not see the cave... many thanks!


Nov 15, 2017
I love nopon party members, very cute and (usually) not annoying (depends)
Got me with the Brother/Sister pair in Future Connected, and got me again with 3 with Riku/Manana
How could I not see that??? I walked passed the mountain but somehow did not see the cave... many thanks!
To be fair, I only know this because it fucked me up too, until i got a Quest line that dealt with said area, so it led me to the cave entrance lol


Oct 25, 2017
I keep saying that they hold their cards very deliberately when it comes to surprises in this game. Perhaps they could have gone a little more exciting but I think the trade-off and implementation leads to a sensation that the world is utterly massive, not unlike souls games in a way (shoutouts to the short cuts you can make in the overworld)

Thats exactly how it feels like. There are so many massive areas that are just completely optional and you may never discover them without some exploration. Being curious and accidentally stumbling upon them feels incredibly rewarding. Its like BOTW all over again.

You absolutely need to spend time off the critical path in this game. Problem is, you might easily spend 50 hours off the critical path before coming back lol

Ribbi Flats is like top 3 area theme in the entire series for me. It fits the area so well and the general theme of the game. Can't get enough of it man

Absolutely. I think this OST will be like BOTW where many people who didnt like it at first will come around to really appreciate it at a later time.

Rest / camping theme is goated too. Cant wait for the 20 hour rainy mood camping music to relax/study to videos on YT.


Sep 17, 2020
No confirmation from anyone, but (spoilers up to chapter 3? But not really, just a character you've probably seen) but am I the only one thinks
the identity of the leader of the consul is extremely obvious? This happened in Xenoblade 2 where the moment I saw a character (if you know you know) I knew it was them immediately.
I hope I'm wrong though. Very curious to learn more about the motives of everyone involved.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh my god I'm dying of laughter now.

I got a sidequest with the objective "wait for rain". After reloading/changing the time of day a bunch of times to no success, I noticed a ? marker nearby on the map.

It was a Nopon you could pay to call forth the rain.

They really did address every criticism of previous games lol.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017
Man, how do you combat the overlevelling problem? I want to train up all my classes, but it's becoming a bit of a challenge when nothing is giving me XP due to being overlevelled. I'm even refusing to use "Rested XP" and I'm still overlevelled.


Writer/Critic at Hardcore Gamer
Oct 28, 2017
It's funny how the developers can almost read the mind of the player ahead of time.

I'm all-but-convinced Takahashi and co have pulled off some 3,000,000 IQ 5D chess move with Eunie in so far as how her overall personality is slowly revealed throughout the early game. I was already on-board with the premise of a High Entia girl...with all the brash, prickly swagger of a working-class Cockney Londoner. But as I've been playing, Monolith keep baiting me again and again into thinking they're done, only to pull the rug from under me. And all that does is just make me love this character more and more the further I play.

Me whilst playing: OK so they're clearly playing up the London BRI'ISH persona here. Sure...but it's not like they're comically going all-in on that. It's not like she's said "innit" at the end of her sentences- oh wait, there it is. OK OK...but it's not like she's deliberately missing the letter T's when she's speak- dammit, alright alright. OK NOW this is clearly the extent of things and they're not ACTUALLY playing off the memes/stereotypes here - it's not like she's...

actually gone "u wot m8"

at any point in this ga-OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE! But I love it, goes for the whole of the main party in general. The best parts of this game's writing thus far have been the characters and their interactions with one another and I sincerely hope Monolith never drop this. Just picturing one or two Monolith employees sat at their computers tasked with spending the day researching BRI'ISH memes/shitposts because Takahashi wills it.