Jul 2, 2021
Xbox players can't escape some PC cheaters.

Xbox players are growing increasingly frustrated at being forced to play against PC gamers. While crossplay was initially a popular request from Xbox and PC players that Microsoft has backed strongly for years, those playing first-person shooters on Xbox are struggling to opt out of the experience to avoid PC cheaters.

Games like Call of Duty: Warzone and Halo Infinite force Xbox players to match against PC gamers in a variety of playlists. You don't have to look very far to see why people are angry about it. "Now that cheating in Halo is confirmed on PC, can we have to option to opt out of cross-play?" asked one Reddit post in November, just weeks after the multiplayer version of Halo Infinite launched.
"Forced crossplay is a scam by Microsoft," reads another post in Microsoft's Halo Waypoint forums. "Forced crossplay is a mistake," says another Redditor, and the list goes on, and on, and on.
Halo Infinite and Call of Duty: Warzone are both suffering from an influx of cheating, largely because they're free-to-play titles so it's easy for hackers to create a new account following a ban. While there's an option to disable crossplay in Warzone, if you try to load into a playlist on Xbox it will ask you to re-enable it. Whereas on PlayStation you can simply dismiss the prompt and continue to the playlist with crossplay still disabled.
Microsoft's decision to force crossplay in its own Halo Infinite title runs against previous commitments from the company's head of Xbox. "I'll never force somebody in our games whose playing with a controller or a mouse and keyboard to play against somebody with a different control scheme," said Xbox chief Phil Spencer in an interview with Gamespot in 2016. "Mouse and keyboard rotation speed is faster than controller. We know that, you'll lose."
Nothing has changed in the classic arguments between mouse and keyboard players and controllers. Xbox players simply want the option to be able to opt out of crossplay, and not to have to be forced to play against PC players. A lot of PC players would also like to avoid controller aim assist in games like Warzone and Halo Infinite.


Xbox players are fed up with forced crossplay against PC gamers

Xbox players are struggling to avoid cheaters.


Oct 25, 2017

Should have always been opt-in, imo. If you can't find a match or you have a friend on PC, you can turn it on.

Mr Eric

Oct 28, 2017
crossplay with PC should only be opt-in. At the very least input based matchmaking should be default, at best console only crossplay, and then full crossplay opt-in.

BF2042 tried to force crossplay on xbox, the only thing they did is that they simply killed the xbox community by doing so (the option did came back a few weeks after the launch but it was already too late and it's currently not working at all anyway). it's even worse than Halo or COD because there's close to no aim-assist for console players, which makes it very unbalanced vs m&kb players.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
I have yet to have a negative experience in Halo multiplayer where I'm sure a player is cheating or I felt they had an advantage due to MKB. And they give you the ability to opt out of crossplay in Ranked, where it really "counts"


Oct 26, 2017
Yea, I'd love an option to never match against PC players on Infinite.

Shit like this is becoming more and more prevalent when I play. The guy tracked through walls and instantly sniped me jumping up there while I had camo. It was a new account, and reporting is meaningless when he can just make a new account in 5 minutes.

Serious Sam

Oct 27, 2017
Opt-in goes against entire premise of cross play. Either have cross play or don't. Opt-in is the worst solution of all possible ones.


Feb 21, 2021
I have yet to have a negative experience in Halo multiplayer where I'm sure a player is cheating or I felt they had an advantage due to MKB. And they give you the ability to opt out of crossplay in Ranked, where it really "counts"

Not everyone plays ranked. Some just want to jump into quick play and still have a fair playing field. Some might not even want to play against other types of controllers for reasons.


Oct 27, 2017
Doesn't Xbox have a particular setting that deactivates all crossplay capabilities? It doesn't work for Xbox/Xbox PC games?


Jul 28, 2020
While I like crossplay because I can play with more friends, this certainly is a problem in those games.
In CoD Vanguard I frequently think that there should be an option to exclusively play against players that use a controller.


Nov 1, 2021
I wrote about this in the XBOX thread. Here in the EU, if you turn off Crossplay mutli becomes a real struggle. I'm not just talking about COD and The latest Battlefield...

There's an EU multiplayer population problem on XBOX that I don't think most people are aware of. Trouble is, it's getting worse.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
I certainly got killed many times by console players in Battlefield 2042 but in my brief time with the game it was, admittedly, very obvious when I'd find myself in a prolonged encounter what platform the opponent was playing on. Managing sticks is just a different beast to mouse and keyboard, and you can spot it in the way the opponent moves in an attempt to avoid getting hit and how off the accuracy is especially over range.

And the reverse is true. Pretty much every Xbox/PlayStation diehard I know has loathed the cross platform play and how hard it is to best the better crop of PC players over the longer encounters.


Oct 27, 2017
That last part isnt really something with Halo tho. Yes people complain about cheaters and for a good reason.
But controller in Halo seems more popular then mouse and keyboard also under pro players.

Mr Eric

Oct 28, 2017
Doesn't Xbox have a particular setting that deactivates all crossplay capabilities? It doesn't work for Xbox/Xbox PC games?

yes there's a system option to disable crossplay. But doing so it turns xplay Off for every game. While I would like to have it off while playing a FPS, I don't care for games like Forza. Xplay on/off should exclusively on a game by game basis.


Oct 25, 2017
Opt-in goes against entire premise of cross play. Either have cross play or don't. Opt-in is the worst solution of all possible ones.

Some of the main reasons people want cross-play is the community is small or they have friends on other platforms. In those cases, those people can opt-in.

For games with decent-sized communities the opt-in means that console-only matches remain populated because it's the default.


Oct 27, 2017
It does but doesn't work with all games.

I really wish cross-play was opt in vs PC players. Don't mind going against other consoles.
yes there's a system option to disable crossplay. But doing so it turns xplay Off for every game. While I would like to have it off while playing a FPS, I don't care for games like Forza. Xplay on/off should exclusively on a game by game basis.
But at any case, does that option work for Halo Infinite in particular? Or does it ignore it and pool everyone together?

I do agree that crossplay should be a toggle in the menu and that's it.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't had a problem with it. If anything, I've heard more PC users complaining about console/controller users in games like Halo.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
Wasn't this one of the worries people had when voicing concerns about cross-play? I am a bit ignorant in the matter since I don't basically play any multiplayer games at all, but I do remember that specifically.


Jan 27, 2018
Microsoft could have implemented a universal anti-cheat for PC a long time ago, instead we are going to get a lot of DRM in the background from Riot, Acitivison etc.

crossplay with PC should only be opt-in. At the very least input based matchmaking should be default, at best console only crossplay, and then full crossplay opt-in.

BF2042 tried to force crossplay on xbox, the only thing they did is that they simply killed the xbox community by doing so (the option did came back a few weeks after the launch but it was already too late and it's currently not working at all anyway). it's even worse than Halo or COD because there's close to no aim-assist for console players, which makes it very unbalanced vs m&kb players.
I thought Infinites aim-assist was pretty strong?


Nov 6, 2017
Dropped Warzone exactly because of that and despite Halo being a little bit more fair in TTK, i still do not enjoy the fact that i can't opt out crossplay. This is just sad, specially since there is a lot of games doing crossplay right.

The problem is that instead of unifying all players with crossplay, opt-in splits player bases into even smaller and smaller chunks.

i prefer less people in the matchmaking and be fair (without hackers) than have more people to beat my ass just because of a input (or hackers)


Oct 27, 2017
And here I'm getting pissed off at being killed by gamepad players who move and aim like tanks but still have more accuracy with the battle rifle in Halo Infinite.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm very pro cross-play, and I don't think there's a solution that will please everyone. In Halo, for example, I think controller players have the advantage at mid-range where the majority of the fights happen. You could argue it's not fair to PC users. It goes both ways.


Oct 25, 2017
When we said cross play, we meant with console multiplats, not with PC players lol. First party exclusives of course should be with their respective consoles, but I'm not trying to play Halo and COD with some PC players. There is a huge difference.


Jan 21, 2019
Doesn't Xbox have a particular setting that deactivates all crossplay capabilities? It doesn't work for Xbox/Xbox PC games?
Yes, that option exists, but people want a built in option directly in the game.

Personally, cheaters are the reason I stopped playing Halo's multiplayer, It's virtually impossible to beat one of those guys.


Oct 27, 2017
Better anti-cheat then?

This is an overreacting article, like all PC players are cheaters. If a cheater joins a match, everyone suffers from it, not just Xbox players.

Looks like platform entitlement more than anything else IMO.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I have yet to have a negative experience in Halo multiplayer where I'm sure a player is cheating or I felt they had an advantage due to MKB. And they give you the ability to opt out of crossplay in Ranked, where it really "counts"

No they dont. They just sort by input devices. You can do K&M or Controller but both of those input methods are viable on both Xbox and PC.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
cross-play is great in coop games, to bring friend groups on different platforms together to play a game. in competitive games, because of cheating and and differences in input devices, it's definitely a lot more nuanced. i don't want pc cheater invaders that can permanently mess my save file in souls games for example

it's great to see some more nuance on the topic of cross-play. for a while, discussion on here was dumbed down to CROSS PLAY GOOD, BARRIERS TO CROSS PLAY BAD, but it's a bit more complex
Oct 27, 2017
crossplay with PC should only be opt-in. At the very least input based matchmaking should be default, at best console only crossplay, and then full crossplay opt-in.

BF2042 tried to force crossplay on xbox, the only thing they did is that they simply killed the xbox community by doing so (the option did came back a few weeks after the launch but it was already too late and it's currently not working at all anyway). it's even worse than Halo or COD because there's close to no aim-assist for console players, which makes it very unbalanced vs m&kb players.

I don't know about COD because I don't play it but there is definitely aim assist in Halo for controller players. I know this because I do a lot better in cross-play ranked matches compared to controller only.

On cross-play, I'm only Gold 6 so maybe the cheating is something you see mostly in the top ranks.


Oct 25, 2017
Better anti-cheat then?

This is an overreacting article, like all PC players are cheaters. If a cheater joins a match, everyone suffers from it, not just Xbox players.

Looks like platform entitlement more than anything else IMO.

Obviously not all PC players are cheaters, and the article isn't saying that.

If you could flip a toggle in the menu on PC and not have to deal with cheaters, would you do it?

Mr Eric

Oct 28, 2017
The problem is that instead of unifying all players with crossplay, opt-in splits player bases into even smaller and smaller chunks.

That could split the player base in 2, with consoles on one side and pc on the other, or controller and m&kb depending on the solution that would be implemented. Don't think it would be a problem for anyone.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
"Online gamers are fed up with other online players" more realistically.

I appriciate that there are problems with cheaters sometimes. That sucks. I've never experienced it first hand myself but have seen enough videos to know that it exists. That's rubbish.

But the only Xbox player that I've ever known who was fed up with crossplay against PC players doesn't get invited to join our games anymore because they whined and whined about 'fucking PC players' every time they got bested in a game and it was truly the worst when everyone else was just having fun.


Prophet of Truth - HDTVtest
Oct 29, 2017
I have yet to have a negative experience in Halo multiplayer where I'm sure a player is cheating or I felt they had an advantage due to MKB. And they give you the ability to opt out of crossplay in Ranked, where it really "counts"
Agree. I've never felt there has been cheating and for every time I suspect someone is doing super well because they are on PC, there is a time when they are not.
The matchmaking system takes care of it really well, so any advantage that someone has simply manifests itself as them playing with/against players who can perform just as well as them, regardless of input.

"Online gamers are fed up with other online players" more realistically.

Indeed. Halo players hate losing, will rarely accept they were actually not the best player.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Crossplay would be fine if the game had a real anti-cheat. Nobody has a big advantage from just using a mouse in Halo.

Or it wouldn't be as big of a problem if the game wasn't F2P….. I'm still wondering where the positive effect of that change is at
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Oct 27, 2017
Keep complaining everyone, they will get it sorted eventually. While I am a huge proponent for crossplay, I can see why some don't want it for some senarios. I think devs are still trying to figure out how to deal with it honestly.

1. Cross play should be available for every multiplayer game.
2. Every game should have the ability to opt in or out.


Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
Not everyone plays ranked. Some just want to jump into quick play and still have a fair playing field. Some might not even want to play against other types of controllers for reasons.
I don't play ranked exclusively, I mean Quick Play, Tactical Slayer, etc. I haven't played as much as some, but I'm halfway through the Battlepass and PC players have not soured my experience. Maybe an opposing player has been cheating at some point, but I don't go looking for evidence if I lose a match.
Look, cheating is bad and 343 needs to maintain anticheat, but it's not like the current state is some dire Wild West of obvious cheaters spawning rocket launchers or something. I'm not going to get outraged unless my experience is affected (see Big Team Battle's broken matchmaking)
No they dont. They just sort by input devices. You can do K&M or Controller but both of those input methods are viable on both Xbox and PC.
Oh you're right, it is by control method.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
It should always be opt-in for both sides. I can't get into a multiplayer game in any serious manner if I'm going against console/controller players with a ton of aim assistance making strafe 1v1 battles unfair, I don't care if I have advantage in other situations, everyone should be on a level playing field at all times.


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
pc console crossplay was never a 'popular request' in the way console crossplay was. Nobody was clamoring to play against pc cheaters lmao.

that's some revisionist history. All we ever wanted was to play cross play with our xbox and playstation friends. I'm not against PC being in the mix for shooters but any sort of mandatory matchmaking with PC players is just a horrible decision by developers.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Better anti-cheat then?

This is an overreacting article, like all PC players are cheaters. If a cheater joins a match, everyone suffers from it, not just Xbox players.

Looks like platform entitlement more than anything else IMO.
That, and start hardware banning legit cheaters. Don't let them make new accounts.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm very pro cross-play, and I don't think there's a solution that will please everyone. In Halo, for example, I think controller players have the advantage at mid-range where the majority of the fights happen. You could argue it's not fair to PC users. It goes both ways.

Most Halo fights are in very close range where you absolutely have an advantage as a gamepad player. There's a reason gamepad players have way higher accuracy stats.



Oct 25, 2017
Obviously not all PC players are cheaters, and the article isn't saying that.

If you could flip a toggle in the menu on PC and not have to deal with cheaters, would you do it?

I'd then only have to deal with m/kb adapter and special anti-recoil controller players while having a smaller matchmaking player base.

It's been a long, long, /long/ time since playing on a console meant an even playing field in general.