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Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
Yup, we are forced to accept the new "normal" of 2020 from everyday life to how we are given entertainment. If I'm being honest, I really could live with one or two first party launch titles and still be happy. There are still enough third party games to see me through.

Also, I may be remembering this wrong but didn't Phil say the X1 had too many launch games? Although I may be wrong on that.
Helps that one will be Halo lol. Yea he kinda said that. Too many launch games means each one gets too little attention and some can get buried. Plus, it makes sense for MS, since sustained interest over time is perfect for Game Pass and for people (a lot of people) who won't be jumping in on new consoles Day 1 in this climate.

He was working/joined-to-work on Stormlands project which was cancelled. Stayed a little bit longer but couldn't find position which was good enough for his talents. It was a very dark and heavy times at Obsidian. Left for better opportunity at Ready At Dawn and stayed there for 7y 4m.

Regarding Back 4 Blood, there are some news that project is still in development, but some people already left. Game co-director Jason Anderson also joined from Turtle Rock. I don't have full picture what's going on there.
Ah.. gotcha. I thought he was at Obsidian last. That makes more sense. Thanks! Hmm.. ok.. hope they're doing ok, but it seemed like they were fighting against the tides from the start.

I know I edited the comment after you started writing, so I'll ask here again. Any insight on what gameplay/combat may look like given who they're hiring in senior positions? Or is it still pretty up in the air at this point?

In Amber Clad

behind a perfect mask
Aug 26, 2018
Good. Fans don't know what they want.

While I generally agree with you, it took the H5 beta to realise that, with the settings 343 went with, crouch jumping was out.

Saying that, issues of that kind of scale would probably be within the scope of things they could change even with a late beta.

You definitely did. And it's a shame your many posts are so criminally ignored XD. It's not too late Mods! Here is your chance to do what is good and right in the world!

After my campaign to get "execution mode" recognised as an ot title, I feel like I deserve a tag. How about "The Ignored"? 😄

I'm sure they'll be able to tweak some things like weapon damage, game mode settings, etc.

Yeah, they can play around in the margins, but I wouldn't expect any sweeping changes from beta feedback this late in the game.


Apr 28, 2018
Mmmh that new ot smell

With all these former blizzad people i suspect inxile is working on a mmorpg


Jun 11, 2018

Around 2008, Microsoft put out this promotional disc promoting their first party RPGs. From 2007-2008, Microsoft published two WRPGs and two JRPGs. It's a pretty incredible output for any publisher for an entire generation, let alone a year. Mass Effect 1 is my favourite game of all time, and Fable 2 is what I would probably consider the best Fable. JRPGs aren't really my thing, but Lost Odyssey always intrigued me. Never played Blue Dragon.

It's really great to see Microsoft invest in the genre again with Obsidian, Playground, and InXile.

With a Halo game at launch and a renewed focus on RPGs, it really feels like Microsoft is embracing the things that defined the brand early on. Coupled with new initiatives like Game Pass, I'm really optimistic for the upcoming generation.

wow such great times, lets hope to have such classics back!


Dec 7, 2018
Ah.. gotcha. I thought he was at Obsidian last. That makes more sense. Thanks! Hmm.. ok.. hope they're doing ok, but it seemed like they were fighting against the tides from the start.

I know I edited the comment after you started writing, so I'll ask here again. Any insight on what gameplay/combat may look like given who they're hiring in senior positions? Or is it still pretty up in the air at this point?

I don't have concrete informations, but perspective is 1st/3rd person in target. (I don't know maybe they will drop one of two, but for now it is both)

Also development is targeting only Xbox Series (X)/PC with Unreal 4/5 and compatible tools.

If they will decide at later phase to outsource it to other studio for adaptation to XBOne I don't know but right now that's not the option.

Info that I'm getting is focused on reactivity with environments and enemies - that's very important and part of their research at this phase. Destruction will have special focus and also there will be Boss enemies and encounters.


Edited: also, Fargo's surprise with easy/full approval of the project was more in line: "do you know guys how expensive is to develop this kind of project?".

Yeah Phill and Matt know how ambitious is the project and they green-lighted it at full scale. We're in for a real treat, but we'll need to wait for it a little bit longer than usual.


Mar 26, 2020
People always complain that everything MS does is confusing, so they try to rectify it and people still complain... Can't win really.

To be honest they want you to buy the digital version anyway.

This a 100%. I sometimes listen to Gamescoop and if you want to get confused you should listen to them. Not sure if they should just rename and rebrand to like a retro podcast as the host hates any Console brand that released after 2000. What Scoop did they unveil on the show in the last 5 years? Always complaining that MS does confusing things with their hardware. Also laughed out loud when they were on the aftershow of the PS5 deepdive with Cerny and Damon was so sure (along with the rest of them) that the PS5 was indeed more powerful then the XSX. How isnt that confusing?
Dec 29, 2019
I don't have concrete informations, but perspective is 1st/3rd person in target. (I don't know maybe they will drop one of two, but for now it is both)

Also development is targeting only Xbox Series (X)/PC with Unreal 4/5 and compatible tools.

If they will decide at later phase to outsource it to other studio for adaptation to XBOne I don't know but right now that's not the option.

Info that I'm getting is focused on reactivity with environments and enemies - that's very important and part of their research at this phase. Destruction will have special focus and also there will be Boss enemies and encounters.


Edited: also, Fargo's surprise with easy/full approval of the project was more in line: "do you know guys how expensive is to develop this kind of project?".

Yeah Phill and Matt know how ambitious is the project and they green-lighted it at full scale. We're in for a real treat, but we'll need to wait for it a little bit longer than usual.
Are they still in pre-production?


Jun 11, 2018
Impossible to guess without knowing more about the game's fundamental structure. If it's open- or semi-open world with exploration and side quests etc., then I could see 20+ hours. If it's a more traditional, linear Halo campaign, then it would be very doubtful to hit 20 hours.

my guess 15hr


Dec 7, 2018
Are they still in pre-production?

Very very late phase. Probably done in September/October.

They are already integrating some Senior members from Wasteland 3 project to this one. September/October will have full integration of W3 team on this project.

After that they plan to analyse and expand team with another hiring cycle at the end of this year and/or beginning of 2021.

I believe/speculate that they will have something to tease at next year's E3, probably only tease as vertical slice will probably not be ready.


Jan 18, 2018
For the love of God, 20 hours must be the minimum for Halo. It's been in development for 5 (FIVE) years!

Hope they didn't spend time only for huge graphics...
Nov 29, 2019
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
inXile is doing great with recent hires. Some people joined fully team after "testing" phase but here I'll underline three persons which are important for further development of the project;

Steven Parker, former Gaikai Project manager (3y 4m), Senior producer at Blizzard for Diablo 3 (5y 2m), Turtle Rock lead producer on Back 4 Blood (4y 11m), now lead producer at inXile
Matt Amy, former Community Manager at Blizzard (11y 7m) now Community Manager at inXile
Andy Gardner, former programmer at Rockstar San Diego (4y 3m), gameplay Programmer at Ready at Dawn (7y 4m), gameplay programmer at Obsidian (9m)


Ok, now is clear that gameplay/combat (soon to have around 8-10 Senior positions - in class of Sony's Santa Monica Studio) & community departments at inXile are already at the top of the genre, and be sure that hires there are not even close to competition. Even Senior positions are not yet filled.

Game will be huge and reactivity is the key-point with these hires. Another keystone is destruction, but that part will be later filled.

Expect soon other high profile hires (16 positions currently open (ALL SENIOR POSITIONS) , studio is at 100 people right now), some amazing people are in closing interviews stage. At the end of the year there will be over 120 people. Plan is to have two large hiring cycles for needs of this project. (over 200 to 250)

Team will be larger than Playground Games Studio 2 (the one working on Fable).

HR at inXile is doing unprecedented job !

My man doing the EX Hype Move lol

Great discoveries mate... With these hires, what is the overall feeling you have for their next game?


I don't have concrete informations, but perspective is 1st/3rd person in target. (I don't know maybe they will drop one of two, but for now it is both)

Also development is targeting only Xbox Series (X)/PC with Unreal 4/5 and compatible tools.

If they will decide at later phase to outsource it to other studio for adaptation to XBOne I don't know but right now that's not the option.

Info that I'm getting is focused on reactivity with environments and enemies - that's very important and part of their research at this phase. Destruction will have special focus and also there will be Boss enemies and encounters.


Edited: also, Fargo's surprise with easy/full approval of the project was more in line: "do you know guys how expensive is to develop this kind of project?".

Yeah Phill and Matt know how ambitious is the project and they green-lighted it at full scale. We're in for a real treat, but we'll need to wait for it a little bit longer than usual.

Ok, I'm all in. InXile, I'm ready to be mind blown (next year, when they'll reveal this game)


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Helps that one will be Halo lol. Yea he kinda said that. Too many launch games means each one gets too little attention and some can get buried. Plus, it makes sense for MS, since sustained interest over time is perfect for Game Pass and for people (a lot of people) who won't be jumping in on new consoles Day 1 in this climate.
It really does help that it's Halo lol
I thought he said something like that. Yeah exactly, Game Pass is another example for staggered releases and as you say makes sense to have it build it's next-gen library over time rather than blow its load in one.

Plus, I don't know about anyone else, but if I have access to too many new games at once, I never fully play them as I'm too bird-brained and jump back and forth between new ones, which usually leads to me not seeing the majority of the games through to the end.


Oct 29, 2017
Not sure this should be posted here, something people close to him will see and try to get him help

Absolutely. This is getting harder for everybody and we need to look out for each other. My sister in law's mother committed suicide over the weekend so I am living this situation at the moment. She was ill but not being able to see her grandchildren due to Covid, whilst witnessing everything in the world right now, become too much.

I hope Josh has people around him to reach out.


Nov 1, 2017
inXile is doing great with recent hires. Some people joined fully team after "testing" phase but here I'll underline three persons which are important for further development of the project;

Steven Parker, former Gaikai Project manager (3y 4m), Senior producer at Blizzard for Diablo 3 (5y 2m), Turtle Rock lead producer on Back 4 Blood (4y 11m), now lead producer at inXile
Matt Amy, former Community Manager at Blizzard (11y 7m) now Community Manager at inXile
Andy Gardner, former programmer at Rockstar San Diego (4y 3m), gameplay Programmer at Ready at Dawn (7y 4m), gameplay programmer at Obsidian (9m)


Ok, now is clear that gameplay/combat (soon to have around 8-10 Senior positions - in class of Sony's Santa Monica Studio) & community departments at inXile are already at the top of the genre, and be sure that hires there are not even close to competition. Even Senior positions are not yet filled.

Game will be huge and reactivity is the key-point with these hires. Another keystone is destruction, but that part will be later filled.

Expect soon other high profile hires (16 positions currently open (ALL SENIOR POSITIONS) , studio is at 100 people right now), some amazing people are in closing interviews stage. At the end of the year there will be over 120 people. Plan is to have two large hiring cycles for needs of this project. (over 200 to 250)

Team will be larger than Playground Games Studio 2 (the one working on Fable).

HR at inXile is doing unprecedented job !
Now they just need to rename the studio. It's fair to say Brian Fargo is out of exile.


Jun 11, 2018
inXile is doing great with recent hires. Some people joined fully team after "testing" phase but here I'll underline three persons which are important for further development of the project;

Steven Parker, former Gaikai Project manager (3y 4m), Senior producer at Blizzard for Diablo 3 (5y 2m), Turtle Rock lead producer on Back 4 Blood (4y 11m), now lead producer at inXile
Matt Amy, former Community Manager at Blizzard (11y 7m) now Community Manager at inXile
Andy Gardner, former programmer at Rockstar San Diego (4y 3m), gameplay Programmer at Ready at Dawn (7y 4m), gameplay programmer at Obsidian (9m)


Ok, now is clear that gameplay/combat (soon to have around 8-10 Senior positions - in class of Sony's Santa Monica Studio) & community departments at inXile are already at the top of the genre, and be sure that hires there are not even close to competition. Even Senior positions are not yet filled.

Game will be huge and reactivity is the key-point with these hires. Another keystone is destruction, but that part will be later filled.

Expect soon other high profile hires (16 positions currently open (ALL SENIOR POSITIONS) , studio is at 100 people right now), some amazing people are in closing interviews stage. At the end of the year there will be over 120 people. Plan is to have two large hiring cycles for needs of this project. (over 200 to 250)

Team will be larger than Playground Games Studio 2 (the one working on Fable).

HR at inXile is doing unprecedented job !

hmmmm seems MMO heavy talent side


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
I don't have concrete informations, but perspective is 1st/3rd person in target. (I don't know maybe they will drop one of two, but for now it is both)

Also development is targeting only Xbox Series (X)/PC with Unreal 4/5 and compatible tools.

If they will decide at later phase to outsource it to other studio for adaptation to XBOne I don't know but right now that's not the option.

Info that I'm getting is focused on reactivity with environments and enemies - that's very important and part of their research at this phase. Destruction will have special focus and also there will be Boss enemies and encounters.


Edited: also, Fargo's surprise with easy/full approval of the project was more in line: "do you know guys how expensive is to develop this kind of project?".

Yeah Phill and Matt know how ambitious is the project and they green-lighted it at full scale. We're in for a real treat, but we'll need to wait for it a little bit longer than usual.
lol that all sounds great. Happy to wait a bit for something that everyone is happy delivering. That's very exciting.

I laughed at "1st/3rd person in target" at first. I was like.. well.. yea... what else could it be? 2nd person? XD. Both perspectives huh? Interesting..

So you think if Sony announces price we see Lockhart pushed up to be revealed on the 23rd
I really doubt it. The show is probably already in full production (and likely prerecorded), and you don't just drop in a new console as an afterthought. We maybe get a tease as just an orphaned voice line or something. But I doubt it. If Sony drops a bombshell, MS will need time to think about how to counter. And if it's really high and MS can counter, then they can essentially go whenever they want. If everything comes in at expected around $500 or $550, then maybe MS matches it at the July event? But I imagine they'd prefer to wait til August even then.


Aug 25, 2019
If they really do throw up a PS5 pre-order page and "announce" it with just a blog post or something, I'm expecting the worst case scenario in terms of price.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Why aren't all of microsofts exclusives on gamepass if they are putting all new releases on gamepass


Oct 29, 2017
If they really do throw up a PS5 pre-order page and "announce" it with just a blog post or something, I'm expecting the worst case scenario in terms of price.

I doubt Sony are going to announce today, but you're right about them having "bad" news if it's just dropped like you suggest.

If they do go today then MS could happily wait until 23rd to respond.

I just get the feeling both are waiting as long as humanly possible. Since nobody can by these things until later in the year, they can actually wait pretty long.


Oct 25, 2017
Why aren't all of microsofts exclusives on gamepass if they are putting all new releases on gamepass
Which ones aren't there besides the Forza games? It probably has to do with licensing issues.

Also I don't see the PS5 being priced higher than $450. Maybe the digital version will be $400.

I think MS will match non digital version.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Which ones aren't there besides the Forza games? It probably has to do with licensing issues.

Also I don't see the PS5 being priced higher than $450. Maybe the digital version will be $400.

I think MS will match non digital version.
Blue dragon, lost odyssey, dead rising 3 are some examples I'm sure theres more


Honest Work
Oct 27, 2017

Gujian 3 sold over 1.3m copies

Some gifs from Dlanor A. Knox And some pics I took: It was my GOTY last year (when it got english localization), but I can see how the localization can turn lots of people off, since its often quite a literal translation, so much stuff doesnt really make much sense if you are not...

Why MS should focus on China and Korea ASAP.

MS relationship with Korea was always good (Ninety Nine Nights, Black Desert, Magna Carta). They should stop giving up after one game I guess.


Jun 9, 2020
This may sound dumb, but I just took a look at the games I've played so far this year. 11 out of 15 I've played on Xbox were all part of Game Pass!

Not gonna lie, that makes me more tempted to get the Series X on day one. I have a feeling I might not buy and play as many games otherwise.

What about you folks? How many games have you played this year and how many of those titles were through Game Pass?
Dec 29, 2019
I posted twice about this around here. Xbox fans told me they don't need this weeb trash game.

Can't fault devs like Bandai for skipping games like Captain Tsubasa (releasing on all but Xbox LMAO) when the general attitude is like this.
Even in mainland china, most gamers just frown upon Genshin. Simply say it's a boring & empty F2P/pay to win game.


Honest Work
Oct 27, 2017
Even in mainland china, most gamers just frown upon Genshin. Simply say it's a boring & empty F2P/pay to win game.

I don't care if it's pay to win or boring trash. I don't want MS to miss another million seller because they don't look at the Asian market unless Spencer flies personally there.


Jul 10, 2019
I hope sony announce price & pre orders tonight so Lockhar and XSX price is unveil too in July.
Last edited:


Jun 25, 2019
Guess we'll find out soon enough. Current rumor is PS5 pre-orders going live in ~14 hours (12:30 pacific on Monday the 13th). I think a bunch of PS5 console/accessory SKU's have started appearing on various regional Amazon's as well in the last day or so.

If Sony does actually announce price tomorrow, I would bet MS moves Lockhart reveal to the 23rd and announce price/launch date at the same time. No reason to wait until August at that point and the August show could simply turn into a deeper dive on launch games + showing the updated dashboard, etc...
Where did the that PS5 preorders and price would launch today come from?
Jan 4, 2018
I really doubt it. The show is probably already in full production (and likely prerecorded), and you don't just drop in a new console as an afterthought. We maybe get a tease as just an orphaned voice line or something. But I doubt it. If Sony drops a bombshell, MS will need time to think about how to counter. And if it's really high and MS can counter, then they can essentially go whenever they want. If everything comes in at expected around $500 or $550, then maybe MS matches it at the July event? But I imagine they'd prefer to wait til August even then.

This isn't the first time Sony would have an announcement close to something Xbox-related :
- PS5 DualSense reveal just before Inside Xbox of April
- TLOU Part II trailer the day before next-gen showcase Inside Xbox of May

I don't know if it was on purpose but after that, I don't see how Microsoft would be surprised or shocked if PS5 prices and pre-orders are being announced today. I think they probably thought about that scenario.

If they didn't think about that possibility, then it means they are very confident about their strategy I guess.
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