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May 3, 2019
Blair Witch is a cinematic IP if anything, I wouldn't really consider it a big acclaimed gaming IP. I'm pretty sure few people remember those PC games from the 2000's, and this game has nothing to do with those. But in a way, it's a similar deal, sure: give an outside studio money to work on a project they likely wouldn't have had enough budget to pull off, and in exchange give their game an exclusive status and a Game Pass launch. It's not like Street Fighter because of the IP implications, but yeah not that far.
MS most likely paid for timed exclusive/GamePass since Bloober have not denied a PS4 version, just that they were focusing on Xbox and PC "at this time."
I wonder if this is something similar they are doing for CrossFire X coming next year? The announcement at E3 almost sounded like they had teamed up with Smilegate for it to be exclusive on Xbox.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely love Gears 5. Easily top 3 in the franchise, maybe even top 2.

What improvements and new elements would you guys like added to Gears 6? I'd like to see if our thoughts align.

This is a bit of a curveball but I would love to see them lean heavily into the horror aspect. Doesn't have to be survival-horror. They have something with Gears 5 in terms of the swam, sound-design, environments and Kait's internal conflict that can make for a top tier horror game.

Dokkaebi G0SU

Nov 2, 2017
idk how many times Jack's abilities saved our arses. great inclusion to change up strategy on how you want to tackle encounters.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
Absolutely love Gears 5. Easily top 3 in the franchise, maybe even top 2.

What improvements and new elements would you guys like added to Gears 6? I'd like to see if our thoughts align.

Less clunky Jack spell controls. Having all spell share one button and one cool down is super clunky. Why not use the 4 face buttons? Y can be used for character specific ultimate.

Liked the open world areas but would like see it more busy ala ODST.

Having a horde weapons locker and fabricator on the skiff/hub vehicle would add a lot to the RPG aspect. Also means that I don't have drop my relic weapons. Extra ammo, heavy weapons can be scrapped by Jack for energy.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey look MS. Cohh and Lirik are streaming Greedfall. If only they can stream a other game starting with a G.


Chicken Chaser
Jan 21, 2019
I'm sure their goal is to get more but even if they got to 10 million subs that's 100 million dollars a month or 1.2 billion a year. I know the math is more complicated than that but I think they can make more money through subs and putting all their games on there than just selling them. A $60 game that only sells a million copies is only 60 million in revenue. (Again, using very simple math, I know that's not how the finances work)
This was debunked at the time, as it was a misunderstanding of a slide, I believe. But we have no idea where the numbers are now. They could have risen precipitously.

Serious question. Why is Gears 5 not using Intelligent Delivery aside from the 4K content?

I honestly hoped that more games would use it in the future, but Halo: MCC is still the last game that allows you to fully customize your install.
It's possible that they will add it in later, but wanted to have the highest chance that everyone will engage with all of the content. How many people would never bother to install escape for example? Or might have just passed over MP entirely without realizing that arcade was a thing.

Besides the install, while large, is still manageable. If I were running this, I'd implement ID after the holidays are past, once the first wave of players is over and as install sizes creep up.


Oct 27, 2017
Looking at the steam player stats and Gears 5 isn't doing that good. Only 8140 are playing, peak was 9958.


Oct 25, 2017
This is a bit of a curveball but I would love to see them lean heavily into the horror aspect. Doesn't have to be survival-horror. They have something with Gears 5 in terms of the swam, sound-design, environments and Kait's internal conflict that can make for a top tier horror game.

I'd love that too. 5 and 4 have some great moments that lean into that


Nov 2, 2017
My baseless bet is microsoft is pitching hard for a big 2nd party exclusive from Bungie. Bungie has a huge staff and they could support both Destiny with ongoing content while siphoning off part of their studio to work on a new IP. Spencer loves him some Bungie and announcing a Bungie exclusive would be huge at E3 2020


Jan 10, 2018
Doesn't Aaron Greenberg kind of just engage with anything pro Xbox in the console warz? Might be someone else. Either way, I wouldn't put much stock into it. That seems incredibly unlikely for numerous reasons.

Well Phil is doing that stream with Bungie today, either it's for that or he's just playing console warz as usual.


Oct 31, 2017
Bungie becoming exclusive to any platform is highly unlikely, but I guess there's always a chance. All the work they've done to make it available on as many platforms as possible as well as make it easy to bounce around said platforms to then just ditch all that hard work and become an exclusive is absurd and again, highly unlikely.
Oct 27, 2017
Aaron Greenberg just liked a tweet about Bungie coming home to Xbox Game Studios.
He's probably more referring to continued marketing partnerships between bungie and MS since Sony is no longer their marketing partner

Bungie just got an influx of cash from a Chinese company. They have no reason to be purchased at this point

You guys take this stuff too literally


Nov 2, 2017
Bungie becoming exclusive to any platform is highly unlikely, but I guess there's always a chance. All the work they've done to make it available on as many platforms as possible as well as make it easy to bounce around said platforms to then just ditch all that hard work and become an exclusive is absurd and again, highly unlikely.

If Microsoft did pitch to buy them back, Destiny would likely go the Minecraft route. Difference being Microsoft could announce all DLC comes with Game Pass Ultimate.


Oct 31, 2017
If Microsoft did pitch to buy them back, Destiny would likely go the Minecraft route. Difference being Microsoft could announce all DLC comes with Game Pass Ultimate.

I could see that, but then the question becomes why? I always wonder what would've happened if Microsoft wasn't so hell bent on forcing Bungie to keep doing Halo. Destiny would be exclusive and be a huge reason to own an Xbox for years to come on top of other reasons.


Jan 21, 2018
Bungie signed a $100 million partnership with Netease, so I imagine their next project is multiplatform.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey look MS. Cohh and Lirik are streaming Greedfall. If only they can stream a other game starting with a G.
Cohh has made it clear in the past that he is not a Gears fan, he has shit on the franchise in the past. It's only now that 5 is out that he is interested, but not enough to prioritize it over other releases.
I could see that, but then the question becomes why? I always wonder what would've happened if Microsoft wasn't so hell bent on forcing Bungie to keep doing Halo. Destiny would be exclusive and be a huge reason to own an Xbox for years to come on top of other reasons.
Wasn't MS originally going to publish Destiny, act as Bungie's publisher after they went independent? Bungie didn't just want out because of Halo, they also wanted a bigger cut of the profits and control of their IP. So I doubt Bungie going independent was avoidable.
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Super Havoc

Aug 24, 2018
The Haven
This is a bit of a curveball but I would love to see them lean heavily into the horror aspect. Doesn't have to be survival-horror. They have something with Gears 5 in terms of the swam, sound-design, environments and Kait's internal conflict that can make for a top tier horror game.

I'd like more horror elements as well. Maybe a new enemy type that we'd have to deal with in the shadows from certain points in the campaign. Maybe even if they expand on the open world aspects, we'd run into the enemy type in darker areas, like caves or abandoned towns etc. I wouldn't want it to overtake the entire experience though.

Less clunky Jack spell controls. Having all spell share one button and one cool down is super clunky. Why not use the 4 face buttons? Y can be used for character specific ultimate.

Liked the open world areas but would like see it more busy ala ODST.

Having a horde weapons locker and fabricator on the skiff/hub vehicle would add a lot to the RPG aspect. Also means that I don't have drop my relic weapons. Extra ammo, heavy weapons can be scrapped by Jack for energy.

I didn't feel the Jack commands were clunky, so I disagree there but the one button option could be used. I also wouldn't want them mapped to all the face buttons as they would possibly lead to accidentally actions on our parts that would end up frustrating us.

I like the idea of adding a weapons locker on the skiff though. I've seen a few people suggest that and I agree.
Dec 21, 2018
I greatly appreciate the pacing of Gears 5 much more than the pacing of Gears of War 4 (those beginning fights against robots...ugh..). They really hit a nice stride right in the beginning of the game with how they mixed the story exposition and gameplay.

But I am not too keen on actual cover shooter gameplay. It is a top of class cover shooter for sure, but I really wanted more gameplay diversity. I was hoping the campaign would have shaken things even more up, added more melee abilities, made the cover destructible, and added more environmental exploration and interaction.

Overall the graphics are beautiful, the sound is great, and I've been enjoying my overall experience with the game, I can't help but feel that they were spread thin due to all the different game modes and didn't have the time and/or resources to create, polish, and reinvent the campaign to the level I was hoping for.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
I'd like more horror elements as well. Maybe a new enemy type that we'd have to deal with in the shadows from certain points in the campaign. Maybe even if they expand on the open world aspects, we'd run into the enemy type in darker areas, like caves or abandoned towns etc. I wouldn't want it to overtake the entire experience though.

Yeah. Maybe an entire open world act at night would be great! Complete with "haunted towns".

I didn't feel the Jack commands were clunky, so I disagree there but the one button option could be used. I also wouldn't want them mapped to all the face buttons as they would possibly lead to accidentally actions on our parts that would end up frustrating us.

Happens already when I forget to switch out ping for stim before an encounter and then use ping in a tough spot. :p

If we have them mapped to face buttons, then it becomes second nature.

Trigger + face buttons for offensive abilities: flash, mind control, mines, etc.

Left bumper + face buttons for support abilities: ping, stim, shield, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Never had any problems with Gears 4 or Gears 5 (played yesterday). Maybe you should just upgrade

You serious dude?

Since when should I upgrade from a 2600 and a gtx 1060 6gb to get decent performance in a modern game at any settings?

Loading has fuck all to do with any of that anyway, and I've been on SSDs since 2012.
Dec 21, 2018
This is a bit of a curveball but I would love to see them lean heavily into the horror aspect. Doesn't have to be survival-horror. They have something with Gears 5 in terms of the swam, sound-design, environments and Kait's internal conflict that can make for a top tier horror game.

More horror would be a great fit for the series.


Oct 31, 2017
This is a bit of a curveball but I would love to see them lean heavily into the horror aspect. Doesn't have to be survival-horror. They have something with Gears 5 in terms of the swam, sound-design, environments and Kait's internal conflict that can make for a top tier horror game.
Maybe doing a spinoff game that does not have the Gears in it. Make it more about survivors etc.


Oct 27, 2017
Unless you get matched with PC players and their snipers :(

There is a setting to turn off crossplay with PC.

This was debunked at the time, as it was a misunderstanding of a slide, I believe. But we have no idea where the numbers are now. They could have risen precipitously.

I was just pulling a number out of my ass as an example, I didn't realize there had been any place that suggested they already had that many. I think it's a number they can get to eventually and likely surpass if they keep putting games on the service with the quality of Gears 5.

Super Havoc

Aug 24, 2018
The Haven
Yeah. Maybe an entire open world act at night would be great! Complete with "haunted towns".

I really, really like the sound of that. It kind of puts me in mind of the mission from Gears 1 with the Kryll if anyone recalls that. Maybe even have the Gears equip their weaponry with ultra violet light that harms the creature type. I think it'd be memorable.

Happens already when I forget to switch out ping for stim before an encounter and then use ping in a tough spot. :p

If we have them mapped to face buttons, then it becomes second nature.

Trigger + face buttons for offensive abilities: flash, mind control, mines, etc.

Left bumper + face buttons for support abilities: ping, stim, shield, etc.

I see your point but I never once made that mistake so I can't quite relate lol

But I'm all for streamlining things even more going forward and with my idea of actually giving the Gears themselves RPG-like abilities that can be increased through whatever means, it'd have to be, right?

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
You serious dude?

Since when should I upgrade from a 2600 and a gtx 1060 6gb to get decent performance in a modern game at any settings?

Loading has fuck all to do with any of that anyway, and I've been on SSDs since 2012.

Ignore him. Gears 4's issues with NVidia 10 series cards is well-documented at this point. Supposedly it was fixed a few driver updates ago. I would suggest updating your drivers if you already haven't.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA
But I'm all for streamlining things even more going forward and with my idea of actually giving the Gears themselves RPG-like abilities that can be increased through whatever means, it'd have to be, right?

After Gears 4 I was sure they would replace the Y button with a stalemate breaker ability. There are lot of times on higher difficulty where an encounter just stalls because you're waiting for a Swarm character to pop out of cover. There was no way to force the action and you can't rush them on higher difficulties without dying. I think 80% of the time I spend in battles in Gears 1-4's insane mode was behind covers either regenerating or waiting for AI to make a move.
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