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Nov 2, 2017
Perfect Dark would be a great IP to reboot. It's essentially a female James Bond in a futuristic, sci-fi, cyberpunk setting. It could be the Xbox James Bond license if they make it a little more mature and realistic looking.

Could easily turn it into a narrative driven 3rd party game...with some gameplay advantages over the likes of Tomb Raider or Uncharted. A bunch of hi-tech spy toys in a wide linear game could be fun as hell.


Oct 25, 2017
That Gears 5 multi is looking good, the lighting is great. I'm liking the more colourful, bright and neon direction they're going with. Video below is timestamped (if it doesn't work 32:47.)

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Jul 9, 2018
Perfect Dark would be a great IP to reboot. It's essentially a female James Bond in a futuristic, sci-fi, cyberpunk setting. It could be the Xbox James Bond license if they make it a little more mature and realistic looking.

Could easily turn it into a narrative driven 3rd party game...with some gameplay advantages over the likes of Tomb Raider or Uncharted. A bunch of hi-tech spy toys in a wide linear game could be fun as hell.


Dec 20, 2017
The Gears 5 maps look mighty impressive :D




Feb 5, 2018
If Sony hasn't swooped them up by then. It remains to be seen but I wouldn't be surprised if it happens. Too many things already that I kinda doubt are mere coincidence. But hey, we'll see. Let's first see how Control does.

This just shows that even journalists really don't know what they're talking about. I saw articles with headlines along the lines of "remedy has AW back, AW2 coming?" when all of this is really just about the first game and American Nightmare. Of course there's a chance they will try to make a second one, especially after at the end of the day people really found out that the game was worth it. So there's probably more interest in it now.

You are absolutely right about their dev cycles, but since QB things have changed, they have changed. Control is not the right game to demonstrate it with but perhaps they can now have shorter dev cycles with upcoming games. I guess this "new" Remedy is what I really would have liked to see under XGS, on Game Pass. Their team has grown and it's possible they wouldn't have these kind of issues anymore so often.

Alan Wake on 360 was rather blurry but still looked nice. QB could have been something truly special had it not been for the Xbox One. The faces and expressions for example are fantastic in that game. At times the game can look really good. What you said about the other studios, it remains so be seen if they pump out quality titles in a reasonable amount of time. From the new studios we haven't seen a game yet. Many of the new studios indeed some to be about budget games, and that's another reason Remedy would have been great because they provide AAA games. I'm definitely of mind that XGS needs at least one more studio for AAA games.

Double Fine made a Kinect game?
If sony is gonna try to buy them we will know way before the deal is done because Sony will need to make a public offer by share. Buying a public company is hard to do discreetly.


Dec 12, 2018
I wonder what first reveals of games from the new studios we can expect to see next E3. Could we possibly see Obsidian's next game? Since they are busy on multiple projects, right? Same goes for Ninja Theory, I wonder if we're gonna see something from them.

Then there's Fable, judging by what (I believe Matt Booty) said it's possible that they'll announce the game, hopefully with some gameplay in the trailer but I don't know if that's too early. You can bet your ass the competition is going to show their big guns running on PS5, Xbox needs their guns ready too. I just wonder what would be realistic expectations, since these studios have only been acquired not that long ago.

The farthest unannounced project I know of for sure at Obsidian was started at the beginning of this year, they could definitely have something ready by E3 2020 depending on the scope. At least one Ninja Theory team will almost certainly have a game to show if they haven't already shown it by X019. Rare has also apparently been working on something for a while, but I don't know anything about that, could show up or could not I have no idea. Double Fine is also a wild card, obviously they've got Psychonauts and Rad, but I have no idea what else they may have baking.

Compulsion, InXile I believe have at least one early stage project, no clue about Undead Labs.

Fable I'd say is probably still too early, it's a brand new team and it's their first game like this, plus it's a genre that takes notoriously long to make. I don't think it will be a Scarlett launch title, but I think it'll be announced either with or close to Scarletts official reveal.

Scarlett is shaping up to have a hell of a launch, and then not slow down after that, which I think was the biggest problem of the Xbox One. It actually had a decent launch lineup, and some far out games at launch too, but they just didn't maintain.


Oct 27, 2017
Perfect Dark would be a great IP to reboot. It's essentially a female James Bond in a futuristic, sci-fi, cyberpunk setting. It could be the Xbox James Bond license if they make it a little more mature and realistic looking.

Could easily turn it into a narrative driven 3rd party game...with some gameplay advantages over the likes of Tomb Raider or Uncharted. A bunch of hi-tech spy toys in a wide linear game could be fun as hell.
Exactly. I have always thought this is how they should reboot the IP.


Jan 31, 2019
This may be controversial but I never understood why MS didn't try to buy Remedy or Insomniac and went for Undead Labs, InExile and Complusion Games for example. The latter 2 studios are potential but haven't delivered a great game yet. Of course, the first 2 would have been much more expensive but were also AAA quality. You could argue the genre was a big part but still.

Define trying. If by trying you mean a hostile takeover, I don't think that would do well in the long run and it would just ruin everything they are trying to build here. Just because we haven't heard about it, doesn't mean there haven't been talks with MS and those companies about the possibility of buying them.

They want to buy companies, that want to be under the MS umbrella. Remedy values it's independence after working only for MS.
Oct 27, 2017
Only not RPG… There's too much games or franchises which moved to action-RPG genre or just RPG elements 🙄

I'd like to see action-adventure Halo spin-off with 3rd person perspective 😊
Yeah but, in that allowing the coalition to do other things thread. People were saying that the gameplay is not modern. When I asked the explain modern gameply, not having RPG elements was cited....


Nov 2, 2017
Define trying. If by trying you mean a hostile takeover, I don't think that would do well in the long run and it would just ruin everything they are trying to build here. Just because we haven't heard about it, doesn't mean there haven't been talks with MS and those companies about the possibility of buying them.

They want to buy companies, that want to be under the MS umbrella. Remedy values it's independence after working only for MS.

Remedy is publicly owned. It's not an easy buyout. You have to get Remedy's leaders to be on board or they bail to another developer. You need to buy out a public company in another country. You need to come up with a price that makes sense to investors.

It's much more complicated than Remedy values their independence. They aren't independent. They're publicly owned. Buying an independent developer is much easier. Less variables.


Jan 31, 2019
Remedy is publicly owned. It's not an easy buyout. You have to get Remedy's leaders to be on board or they bail to another developer. You need to buy out a public company in another country. You need to come up with a price that makes sense to investors.

It's much more complicated than Remedy values their independence. They aren't independent. They're publicly owned. Buying an independent developer is much easier. Less variables.

Yes, which is why I said it would require a hostile takeover to buy the company and even that might be impossible. 20 biggest owners own 56,1% of the company. Many of them are Remedy employees and all of them are Finnish, so you need them to be on board for this to happen. (Sam Lake and the CEO(?) Mäki own around 34% of the company)
Accendo Capital owns 22,2% of the company which leaves about 22% of stock unaccounted for (some of those might be owned by employees as well).

Yes, they aren't independent in the way that they own the company solely themselves, they are independent from being under one publisher which is what they value after working with MS for so long.
Apr 6, 2018
Morgoth Bauglir believes Coalition is working on Perfect Dark, and Rod said never say never when asked about working on a different IP. 343 seems to be busy with the engine, managing Splash Damage with MCC, and Halo: Infinite so it may take a while to see them try something new. Though I expect 343 to do more side stories, spin-offs, and games of a different genre in the Halo universe than work on a different IP.
Well I'm not 100% sure because the source used a peculiar choice of words, but he definitely confirmed that PD was involved at the inception, maybe the project is changed in a new ip or something like that
Perfect Dark would be a great IP to reboot. It's essentially a female James Bond in a futuristic, sci-fi, cyberpunk setting. It could be the Xbox James Bond license if they make it a little more mature and realistic looking.

Could easily turn it into a narrative driven 3rd party game...with some gameplay advantages over the likes of Tomb Raider or Uncharted. A bunch of hi-tech spy toys in a wide linear game could be fun as hell.
IMHO should be a mix of tps and immersive sim, more than tomb raider or uncharted
What is that grey batman-vision that pops up all the time? It looks AWFUL
It's the tac command, an option that is present since the very first gears, way before than any batman from rocksteady was a thing.


Oct 29, 2017
Are there any games on GP that are modable? I think I read something about MS wanting to allow that but I dont know if thats already a thing


Oct 25, 2017
I was wondering how long it was going to take him to get himself a perm lol, good riddance.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Oof... So yeah escalation in gears 5 looks pretty good right?
I think it's got a lot of systems. I'm not sure how many of those will be... like, meaningfully additive? Though Gears multi has never really been my thing.

It's gonna require a TON of team coordination and strategizing if the picks system is at all useful, though. Not something to play with randos.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's got a lot of systems. I'm not sure how many of those will be... like, meaningfully additive? Though Gears multi has never really been my thing.

It's gonna require a TON of team coordination and strategizing if the picks system is at all useful, though. Not something to play with randos.
Its mainly used for esports with Gears 4 also. Or scrims.
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