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Oct 25, 2017
Wait, what's the opposition to internal batteries? No quick swap potential? Do MS batteries get especially bad over time? I've been using stuff with internal batteries for a decade now, and I've never noticed any issues...


Oct 27, 2017
Would it have hurt them to just include a detachable rechargeable battery? As in, the Play and Charge kit. Especially at that price.


Oct 28, 2017
Holy smokes $180 on a controller? That's gotta be one incredible controller for me to drop half a consoles worth of money.


May 30, 2019
Have the first one. After a year and a half the stuck drift was terrible with the insane rattling sound while the controller was vibrating. Won't buy Series 2 unless multiple sources confirm that it's one tough, durable motherfucker. It should be for that price.


Oct 27, 2017
I have always wanted to adjust stick tension. Razer pad did that years ago but never bought it due to Razer quality controll.
Nov 4, 2017
Have the first one. After a year and a half the stuck drift was terrible with the insane rattling sound while the controller was vibrating. Won't buy Series 2 unless multiple sources confirm that it's one tough, durable motherfucker. It should be for that price.

The rubber grip started to come away from mine. It started to stretch too so it wasn't an easy case of glueing it back. Don't need the worries of this happening again for nearly £200. Will stick with standard controllers unless this problem has been fixed.


Apr 29, 2019
As much as I like my elite controller and the 40 hr rechargeable battery. Ill only buy this if this works on the new console. Especially since I already have 2.
Oct 29, 2017
Is this forwards compatible with next year's console or are they going to expect me to buy this and use it for a year before the new system is out?


Nov 26, 2017
Why would they take away the option of having batteries? I find it much easier to have 2 or 3 sets ready to go rather than sit and panic trying to remember the last time it was charged by cord.


Oct 28, 2017
I play with my elite on ps4 via cronusmax plus. Its incredible. As for latency i've platinumed sekiro with it. So i dont think it has any problem in that regard. There is so much customization between cronus max scripting and pedals on elite controller...


Oct 28, 2017
They have said and reiterated today that Xbox One controllers and accessories will work on the Scarlett consoles.
Hey, no disrespect to you, but do you have a source for this? This is gonna come up so much in the future that we should probably have some kind of thread mark or something for this. Assuming this is true, I am glad to see they are somewhat forward thinking about this. It's also makes me more confident in buying this controller.

**EDIT** Just saw the tweeet from the MS engineer. Good looking out MS. That's a good move for me and a lot of other consumers.
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Oct 28, 2017
I think I'm sold on this, even with it's outrageous price. That is a lot of tech and I like what I've read/seen thus far.

This becomes an instant purchase if the controller is compatible with next year's console.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey, no disrespect to you, but do you have a source for this? This is gonna come up so much in the future that we should probably have some kind of thread mark or something for this. Assuming this is true, I am glad to see they are somewhat forward thinking about this. It's also makes me more confident in buying this controller.

With Project Scarlett, we continue our commitment to compatibility by ensuring your gaming accessories and Xbox career will also move forward with you, along with thousands of games across four console generations which will look and play best on Project Scarlett.



Oct 27, 2017
Those rubber grips, lord this looks incredible.

Think I will invest in one of these before Scarlett launches. Will double for PC/streaming gameplay too.


Nov 4, 2017
I just realised I am dropping £160 on this... and then £500+ on a Scarlett 12 months later. No doubt the 'in the box' controller will have the same button set up and configuration, however I guess it will come with some innovations/changes

Which means another £160+ on the Elite V3 when that comes out in 2021.

My wallet.


Nov 4, 2017
Wait, what's the opposition to internal batteries? No quick swap potential? Do MS batteries get especially bad over time? I've been using stuff with internal batteries for a decade now, and I've never noticed any issues...

I've had a play and charge kit in my Elite since I bought it day 1. Never had troubles and the controller lasts a long time.

My only concern with the built in battery pack is the lack of flexibility. And, if the battery goes, you are screwed. They could have bundled in a Play & Charge kit, but then you run into the issues with USB-C not being the standard on these.

So whichever way you slice it, there was no ideal solution.


Oct 26, 2017
you aren't really screwed by an internal battery, depending on the way the controller is constructed you can easily open it up and replace it. by the time your battery dies your warranty will also be done too. i'm sure there will be aftermarket batteries.
i've fixed an elite bumper and opening up the controller to replace the bumper then reassembling it is not hard at all, takes about 10-15 min


Oct 27, 2017
I pre ordered from the MS store. My Elite that I bought in 2015 still holds up well today. I had no idea about the rubber grips coming off until yesterday. I always thought the build quality was top notch. I will retire my Elite when this comes in. Cant wait to play Apex on it.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I want one...but im worried about it only being useful for a year unless its forwards compatible with the scarlett
May 18, 2018
Personally I don't agree with 'Elite' controllers from a competitive online perspective. They offer advantages over a standard controller and are a pay to win to those who have more money (same with games that allow unseparated m&KB controls with controllers).

Ideally I'd like controllers like this as a standard cos there is no fucking way these cost anywhere near £180 to make.

Gaming is becoming more and more 'elitist' by the day, bending the lines, like a PC.

I'm probably in the minority but that's just how I feel.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm blown away by how few people seem to care about the adjustable tension in the sticks.

That's like... .... ... my most wanted ability of a controller since forever. I've wanted stiff, highly resistant sticks since the dawn of time. Now I've got them. If they're good, I'd have paid $300+ for just that.
Apr 18, 2018
I'll probably wait until there is a white version or the possibility of creating your own in the design lab. I have an original Elite that I love and is still going strong.


Oct 27, 2017
Here's my obscure question about this controller:

My current Xbox controller connects to my PC using the official Xbox wireless adapter. When I play Forza, or other Microsoft/Xbox store games, I get rumble in the triggers as well as the regular rumble. This does not work if I connect using Bluetooth.
Has that bug been fixed with this new Elite?


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I'm blown away by how few people seem to care about the adjustable tension in the sticks.

That's like... .... ... my most wanted ability of a controller since forever. I've wanted stiff, highly resistant sticks since the dawn of time. Now I've got them. If they're good, I'd have paid $300+ for just that.

I am super excited about this too, as much as I love the Xbox One controller the sticks are a little loose and the ability to tighten those up is amazing.
Oct 25, 2017
Too much, maybe shave like $60 off it, I'm pretty sure we can find a way. That said I still like the idea, though the Xbox controller compared to its contemporaries is lacking too much and the OG Elite seemed to have a bunch of issues for something that expensive. Also, no design lab? I want to like this but damn MS makes it so hard.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait, what's the opposition to internal batteries? No quick swap potential? Do MS batteries get especially bad over time? I've been using stuff with internal batteries for a decade now, and I've never noticed any issues...
Internal batteries are typically lithium-based batteries.
That means they need constant use/charge cycling to maintain battery life. If you leave it sitting in a drawer somewhere for a while, that can seriously degrade the battery.
If the battery runs down, you need to play wired via USB.
Replacing the battery means disassembling the controller and swapping it out for a third-party battery - which is potentially a fire hazard.
Battery sizes are less-standardized and replacements may not be available indefinitely.

AA batteries are not permanently damaged by being discharged. They can be recovered with a few battery cycles.
In my experience they have significantly higher longevity too. I have Apple-branded Eneloops which are ~7 years old now and still hold 90% capacity. My original DualShock 4 battery barely lasted two years.
Since they are charged externally, I can keep a pair charged at all times and swap them out in seconds.
If I don't plan on using the controller for a while, I can remove the batteries.

I have too many devices which need charging/maintenance as it is. I don't need more.
I've already replaced my wireless mice with with G305s since they run off an AA or AAA battery rather than having to be charged every few days. Not having to remember to charge the mouse all the time is so much better - and the battery last significantly longer too.


Oct 28, 2017
I just realised I am dropping £160 on this... and then £500+ on a Scarlett 12 months later. No doubt the 'in the box' controller will have the same button set up and configuration, however I guess it will come with some innovations/changes

Which means another £160+ on the Elite V3 when that comes out in 2021.

My wallet.

^^^^ Right there with you, brother. And I haven't even factored in the possibility of a PS5 on top of that. However - I like to compare it to the cost of a phone, that makes everything console-wise a lot more reasonable. ish.



Oct 30, 2017
Internal batteries are typically lithium-based batteries.
That means they need constant use/charge cycling to maintain battery life. If you leave it sitting in a drawer somewhere for a while, that can seriously degrade the battery.
If the battery runs down, you need to play wired via USB.
Replacing the battery means disassembling the controller and swapping it out for a third-party battery - which is potentially a fire hazard.
Battery sizes are less-standardized and replacements may not be available indefinitely.

AA batteries are not permanently damaged by being discharged. They can be recovered with a few battery cycles.
In my experience they have significantly higher longevity too. I have Apple-branded Eneloops which are ~7 years old now and still hold 90% capacity. My original DualShock 4 battery barely lasted two years.
Since they are charged externally, I can keep a pair charged at all times and swap them out in seconds.
If I don't plan on using the controller for a while, I can remove the batteries.

I have too many devices which need charging/maintenance as it is. I don't need more.
I've already replaced my wireless mice with with G305s since they run off an AA or AAA battery rather than having to be charged every few days. Not having to remember to charge the mouse all the time is so much better - and the battery last significantly longer too.


This would have been a day 1 purchase for me, but I'm not spending $180 on an accessory that I won't be able to use in 2 years. Complete dealbreaker.


Oct 27, 2017
I have one preordered, but I'm pretty disappointed in not being able to use my AA eneloops.

I hope the grips actually stay on, I have two elites now (one black and one white) and the black one's grips have had to be glued back on (I've barely used the white one).

I like that it has adjustable tension sticks, but I like them loose now.

I've already replaced my wireless mice with with G305s since they run off an AA or AAA battery rather than having to be charged every few days. Not having to remember to charge the mouse all the time is so much better - and the battery last significantly longer too.
Yes! One of the things I love most about my G305 is that it uses a single AA so I can just simply pop in a new one every once in a while.


Oct 28, 2017
Wow, people are really mad at a internal battery? Ya'll okay with constantly taking batteries out of your Xbox controllers? That was single handily the most annoying thing with Xbox Controllers.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Wow, people are really mad at a internal battery? Ya'll okay with constantly taking batteries out of your Xbox controllers? That was single handily the most annoying thing with Xbox Controllers.

It's annoying when I have to own two DS4's because the one that came with my PS4 is only two years old the but the battery barely lasts around three hours.


Oct 28, 2017
It's annoying when I have to own two DS4's because the one that came with my PS4 is only two years old the but the battery barely lasts around three hours.

This has to be Hyperbole. The PS4 controller battery life is bad but it's not that bad. I have a PS4 since 2017 and the controller battery has hold the same charge since I got it.

What about Nintendo controllers? The Wii U Pro Controller and the Switch Pro Controller have internal batteries and they last forever. It's legitimately been weeks since I last charged my Switch Pro controller and that has gyros in it which the Xbox One controllers don't even feature.

I'm more aggravated trying to find AAs that aren't around my house when people come over and we want to play Xbox One games and I have go to the store just to get some fucking AAs.

Everyone says get rechargeables but I use them so infrequently that I always lose them after a few months.
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