
Oct 25, 2017
I am in my 30s... and man.. why did no one tell me how hard it would be to make friends in your 30s?
Living home at home wife/ 2 kids but real no real friends. Most of my past friends have moved out of state while others have fallen out.

Hangout mostly come from people on my wife's side...none from me.. I never actually thought of it until recently. I worked from home most days and even before the pandemic still really had no be honest I figured I was older and never really cared for it.

My question is how many friends do you guys have?
What suggestions would you give someone in their 30s on the best way to get to know people and make friends ?


Oct 25, 2017
"Best Friends" - 2 - People who know everything about me
"Close Friends" - 3 - I could crash at their place if needed for a night
"Bar friends" - oh god...


Oct 25, 2017
They're all on the discords.

edit: oh, I thought this was people I met from Era.

IRL I have a bunch too. I've been chilling on a vacay with two of them the last few weeks, and got to see a few more during my stay. I moved away a few years ago, and also covid limited interactions, so it's nice to finally see everyone again. A lot of my other friends have spread out after college.

I'd say there are probably 20+ I could rely on.
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Oct 25, 2017
2 best friends IRL, that i rarely see cause they both got family of their now... We still do thankfully, like once every month or 2 months! We don't have a lot in comon, but we're still friend cause we've been like than since early childhood! I know i can count on them

Never been able to make any other friends sadly (or find a girlfriend), i know no one that share my interests and hobbies outside internet


Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
2-3 and a bunch of acquaintances. Closest to friends I met through gaming though and we talk daily via discord.


Oct 26, 2017
Zero friends here. If I spent my time making friends, that's time I could have spent with my family, so it's not going to happen. It's a little sad, if only because I have a killer a/v setup and no one outside my wife and kids get to enjoy it. Once my kids are older, maybe they'll have friends come over.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
There are 5 people I'm close with who I've been friends with for over 20 years that I still talk to/hang out with, everyone beyond that is either family or acquaintances.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Washington, DC
Only two really good friends and then probably like five-ish more good friends who come in and out of my life at certain periods but aren't there all the time.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Like 6. I haven't seen them in over a year of course but still.


Oct 30, 2017
2 close friends
around another 10 friends
the rest are more of friendly acquaintances


Nov 29, 2017
You have to make an effort. Can't keep making excuses because of kids etc. Seek out a few people from the current crop that have some free time, invite them out for drinks, form a group, they'll invite other people, it'll grow organically and you'll meet others that you'll become even closer friends with - depending on common interests. This takes time and effort. You must be prepared to make that investment.
I have about 9 close friends (plus their partners) and many more acquaintances. Have 4 friends from childhood I don't keep in touch with much but we always come through for each other when the time comes. Majority of my current close friends are from my 30's.
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Oct 25, 2017
I have 4-5 life long friends. Don't hang out with them all the time. I hang out mostly with my family and my brothers since we are all around the same age and into similar things.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
2 or 3. When there's a day that my wife and I have friends over to play games, the group is about 7 or 8 people total.

There's only one person that I really wish I'd kept a friendship up on...he was the best man at my wedding, but it's a connection that I just let lapse, and now I haven't talked to him in years.


Oct 25, 2017
Denver, CO
Close enough to know too much about me: 2
Close enough that I wouldn't tell them EVERYTHING, but I'd try to coordinate vacations together: 4
Work/bar/game friends that I'd hang out with and get destroyed, but not really friend friends: probably 10-ish
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One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'd pretty much count 0 but by other people's metrics maybe 5, as in I see or talk to them maybe once or twice per year.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
I'm closing in on 2-3, down from many many many many more.

Hoping for 0-1 in due time.

Edit: Oh you actually want friends. I'm actively removing people from my life.


Oct 27, 2017
Well, my last IRL friend died late in an accident late last year, so the number is currently sitting at 0.

I still chat with former coworkers and online friends occasionally, but I haven't built a strong new friendship in a long while. I miss how much easier that whole process was during school.


Wrong About Cheese
Sep 21, 2020
I would say 12ish. All but two are from my wild teenage days and they live 6 hours away in SF, so I don't see them that much, like 3 times a year.

My best friend from high school died last year so I have become closer with those friends in SF, we are better about staying in touch.

I'm also back in touch with 25ish other people because of that tragedy, but I wouldn't call them all friends again. I see their lives through Instagram but I'd be shocked if we ever hung out again, despite some of them being pretty close in HS.


Oct 26, 2017
Early 30's and I've somehow stumbled upon more really close friends than I had almost at any point in my life since high school. Having a lot of hobbies helps, but genuinely had an incredible amount of support in the past few years despite the pandemic. Feel super blessed.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
I'd say about 8 or so total, of those maybe 5 or so are 'good friends' and of those only 2 are "best friends".

It's not a lot, but I'm happy.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
One or two, really. I don't have any "close" in-person friends, though. Never have been very good at opening up to people, and I'm not really the "make a friend just to have someone to do things with" sort of person, so the number's not really on the incline. Sometimes I feel fine about it, sometimes I don't.

Deleted member 3010

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
At least five real doods, all from kindergarden and high school eras.

Today I can't imagine making a friend like them ever. It's the kind of relationship you can't reproduce at that point in life (I'm 32) imo.


Jan 22, 2019
About 8 good friends and another handful of acquaintances. Only two of out of eight
live close by unfortunately. The rest I keep in contact with on WhatsApp and movie nights online about once a month.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Hmm 7 or 8. Thats enough. I do wish I had more friends i could unload tough stuff to but that is a very difficult place to reach in a friendship

I had more "couples friends" but my ex got most of them in the divorce ;p

I have two friends who have known each other their entire lives, and I wish I had a relationship with someone like that sometimes. It is like they can read each other's minds sometimes. But I'm grateful for what I have, I love my friends.


Oct 27, 2017
I have a couple close friends, then a bunch of friends I hang out with in group settings but not necessarily 1 on 1. I'm 32 and these are friends I made all throughout my 20s. If I were to move to a different city I'd be completely fucked.


Oct 25, 2017
I have maybe two close friends. I have about 10 others that are decent who I'll hang with. Most everyone else is a friend or acquaintance based on circumstance.

Edit: single and 32
Jun 14, 2019
Like 0?

I moved to my current locale 11 years ago. For damn sure haven't tried to make any friends outside of work (and those are just acquaintances, really). So then there's the friends from back home, friends from since we were children or at least teens, but it's not like I've seen them that often over the past few years, and I really don't want to see them any more often.

So, yeah, 0. And that works for me.

Darren Lamb

Dec 1, 2017
As someone who recently has put together a wedding guest list, not that many!

Like 8 of my own, and I haven't seen a few of them in ages


Oct 30, 2017
Real friend 1 but lives half way across the country.

Work friends maybe 1.

I have a wife, two kids, house, work full time, and workout all the time so I don't have time for friends.


Oct 27, 2017
Best friends (talk to almost daily) - 5
Work friends - 3 very close work friends

and then about, 5-10 acquaintances that i see/talk to every few weeks/months.


Dec 8, 2018
Real true friends that I can count on when things get tough: maybe 4

The rest are acquaintances that are fun to talk to at times, but I know better than to depend on them, so I don't really care about them much.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
I have a couple close friends, then a bunch of friends I hang out with in group settings but not necessarily 1 on 1. I'm 32 and these are friends I made all throughout my 20s. If I were to move to a different city I'd be completely fucked.

Yeah tbh every time I think about moving to my dream city, I remember how fucking hard it was to make friends as an adult and how it only seems to get harder. This is a large part of why I will likely stay here despite being terrified of where this country seems to be headed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
That I see regularly? 3. The circle of regulars was higher pre covid :/