
Oct 24, 2017
I'm someone who couldn't be farther removed from conspiracy theories but ermm, cockroaches are harmless and I'd rather not damage a family photo of mine...has nothing to do with believing it's sacred lol, just don't want to tear a picture of my family to shreds if it's a keepsake. If I have multiple copies then fine, I'd rather do that.

Guess it depends on the picture (old+sentimental).
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Oct 25, 2017
I read that as stab a photographer of your family and I was confused about this dilema.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
I wouldn't mind stabbing because I assume it's just a random picture you have on your cellphone, not an old relic.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
I'm someone who couldn't be farther removed from conspiracy theories but ermm, cockroaches are harmless and I'd rather not damage a family photo of mine...has nothing to do with believing it's sacred lol, just don't want to tear a picture of my family to shreds if it's a keepsake. If I have multiple copies then fine, I'd rather do that.
Yeah like how is that practical at all, why would you ruin a photo when touching cockroaches for a bit harms nothing, that makes no sense to me at all.


Oct 27, 2017
I get the study but I think understanding people who fall for modern conspiracy theories is more complicated.

I'd respect the dead for example purely for my own feelings, but we had a whole "facts before feelings" movement of white guys that most likely believe at least one of the conspiracy theories surrounding US politics.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess stabbing the photo, but eh, I could probably do the roach thing.

I'll put the nickle in my mouth.

Grind the grave. I'm not waiting 3 hours!


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I dont want to sleep in someone elses pajamas, I guess that makes me possibly more susceptible to believing QANON lol


Oct 25, 2017
Before reading the spoiler, im going to go with Photograph, Pajamas, Grave.

It's just all superstitions.
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â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Parts Unknown
I said nickel for the second question, but only because I'm pretty sure those PJs wouldn't fit me. Manson was tiny. I said photo and grave for the other two.


The Fallen
Nov 30, 2017
Your heart
Most photos I have displayed are old family pictures that were taken on film and I don't have any negatives, so I wouldn't want to lose them. I hate creepy-crawlies of all kinds, so I wouldn't want to stick my hand in a bowl of cockroaches, but it'd be preferable to losing an irreplaceable photo.

PJs is an easy choice. It wouldn't matter if they actually belonged to someone famous or not because I wouldn't believe such a claim anyway (especially if they were in my size), it's just a random pair of pajamas. No way I'm sticking some dirty old coin from the ground in my mouth.

Does waiting at the DMV include the time it would take to fly to the US from Australia, because that would be pretty inconvenient. Switch it out for Service NSW and sure, I'm not actually waiting for something so I'll just sit down and play the Switch or browse era on my phone.

Why an unmarked grave specifically? My mind immediately went to the grave of a murder victim, and I'm not big into contaminating a crime scene.

The most important question though, is why am I choosing any of these things?

Lady Murasaki

Scary Shiny Glasses
Oct 25, 2017
Might be 2 1 2 for me (or 1 1 2? I skimmed the OP before answering lol), but it tracks

Basically, are you operating on cold, hard logic or emotion. Cold, hard logic says - fuck the picture, pajamas are pajamas, and they're already dead - who gives a fuck

But then if you believe that there's something wrong with stabbing a picture of your family, wearing a monster's pajamas, or disrespecting a grave, you're thinking of stuff beyond logic. How people think of you, some mystical quality of the dead, etc.

It's pretty interesting. I wonder how it correlates with other beliefs/actions. But it tracks so far to me.

I see! It makes sense now, thank you for the spot on answer. I consider myself more on the cold logic side IRL (I've been told that) and I think my choice in the 3rd question was more of a ''thinking of the collective'' thing but even so it's not pure hard logic since it involves social and cultural factors (beyong logic). Very interesting!


Oct 26, 2017
Seems to me that picking 1 for all of them would suggest that you don't give a shit about other people. As logically meaningless as they all are, they could all (if the right people knew about them) be really offensive to someone else. Of the option 2s, only the second is actually potentially harmful in any meaningful way. I'd probably go 1/1/2, but could go 2/1/2 depending on the details. The issue is the reason for avoiding 1, not whether you would.


Oct 25, 2017
It's definitely interesting. Each of the 1st options holds some kind of superstitious or overly emotional connotation. It checks out that conspiracy theorists would buy into that sort of thing,. For instance wearing Manson's pajamas probably makes them think something bad will happen, because they probably believe in ghosts. I know the one thing about conspiracy theorists for sure is they don't just believe in one, they believe in basically every single one that's presented to them. From the innocent ones like bigfoot and aliens visiting earth all the way to Qanon and anti-vax shit. I do wonder if it's nature or nurture for them.

DoctorPlayer MD

"This guy are sick"
Feb 4, 2021
I'd rather stab some family members 5 times than put my hands in the cockroach bowl. I'd also pick the pajamas and the grave, so I guess I'm normal.


Jan 15, 2019
Do i have to stand in line doing nothing for 3 hours? Or can i sit and relax waiting my turn? I mean I've waited longer in concert lines so.. but then you usually just stand around staring.

Not putting my hand into a bowl of insects so would to the very weird thing, stabbing a photo.

Not too fussed about coins so would put it in my mouth for a second or so. Rather that than sleeping in uncomfortable pjs.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
Sorry family photo, you're being stabbed as many times as it takes to prevent me from waiting in line for 3 hours at the DMV. Nickle lickers are psychopaths. Have none of y'all hear about ass pennies?

Yeah like how is that practical at all, why would you ruin a photo when touching cockroaches for a bit harms nothing, that makes no sense to me at all.
One is placing emotional wellness over physical wellness. Cockroaches are still nasty and capable of biting. It's also assuming the general reaction of, "OH MY GOD COCKROACHES NOOOOO," applies here.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
One is placing emotional wellness over physical wellness. Cockroaches are still nasty and capable of biting. It's also assuming the general reaction of, "OH MY GOD COCKROACHES NOOOOO," applies here.
Yeah I guess so, just feels like it wouldn't be that big a deal, I like looking at old family photos and remembering my kids when they were young and stuff and just wouldn't wanna lose one of those pictures, cockroaches or whatever few bites they'd inflict having my hand in there for half a second doesn't seem too bad. If it was like getting bit by a venomous snake that'd be a whole other ballgame!

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I guess so, just feels like it wouldn't be that big a deal, I like looking at old family photos and remembering my kids when they were young and stuff and just wouldn't wanna lose one of those pictures, cockroaches or whatever few bites they'd inflict having my hand in there for half a second doesn't seem too bad. If it was like getting bit by a venomous snake that'd be a whole other ballgame!
I'd say the study is wildly reductionist and somewhat nonsensical considering your perspective, yeah. It's essentially saying that sentimentalism > mild discomfort is a bad thing and that's a silly idea.


Oct 25, 2017
This is stupid

Your options are be a dick or be very unhealthy

According to this study if you are a dick then you are unlikely to be fooled.

But what if I told you that intelligence doesn't have anything to do with being a dick or not?


The Fallen
Nov 30, 2017
Your heart
There's a lot of things in your post that could be resolved by just telling you to read the plain text of the hypothetical, but this takes the cake.



Feb 17, 2019
I would go 2,1,1. Pictures of my family hold a sentimental value to me and I don't think it would feel good to stab it violently. Got no problems with the pyjama. And as long as I can make the grave look neat and pretty again I don't mind that either
Oct 25, 2017
Photo, neither, DMV
I don't like wearing other people's clothes, couldn't care less if it's Manson's or Jesus'
Don't like it, no thanks. Keep your pajamas and your nickel


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017

Respect for a grave apparently indicates that I could be susceptible to becoming a cultist. Oh no!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Why the fuck are y'all weak when it comes to cockroaches? I'd rather not have to buy more family photos to replace the ones I stab, thanks.


Oct 26, 2017
1,1,2 for me. Don't mind waiting at the dmv. I ain't getting my heels dirty

Too much work to clean lol