Kitty, doggy, or monkee?

  • Cheetah

    Votes: 979 64.9%
  • Wolf

    Votes: 382 25.3%
  • Chimpanzee

    Votes: 148 9.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 28, 2017
Lancaster, CA
And probably another animal I'd argue would be more hard to deal with than cheetahs: swans.


And anteaters with their hug of death.


And another special mention, but no herbivores? I can mention a lot that would be more dangerous than even a wolf.
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Oct 26, 2017
Cheetahs won't attack you if you have your back to a wall and no visual opening to your nape.

But a cheetah with a good therapist and some xanies? Game Over.


Oct 27, 2017
Cheetah. They don't even have good claws. They sacrificed being able to retract their claws to make them better at gripping the ground, which makes them dull as far as feline claws go. All you have to worry about with the cheetah is the mouth. They also have low endurance and low agility. You might have to sacrifice an arm, but it should be entirely possible to stay alive for the duration.

Also, I like my chances of befriending the cheetah.

Wolves have more attitude and endurance than cheetahs, so you're less likely to be able to intimidate or outlast it.

A chimpanzee with tear off your genitals and eat your face, or maybe the other way around. The 92 people (at this point) who voted for chimpanzee are idiots.
I was trying to think of three animals in the same weight class. And I actually thought a leopard was way heavyer than it turns out, or else I would have used that instead of the cheetah
If it were a leopard, then I'd go with wolf. Leopards have more dangerous claws and are strong enough to carry their prey up trees. A wolf isn't as bad as that.
If you win, you're instantly transported to a freshwater pond where you have to swim for 2 minutes with a crocodile, hippo, or anaconda.
Crocodile, easily. They very rarely attack anything in the water, preferring to attack at the water's edge. If you end up fighting them at the water's edge, the muscles that open their jaws are quite weak. They also have terrible endurance. If, and I admit that it's a big if, but if you could jump on their backs and hold on for like thirty seconds while they roll around, the fight would be over in your favor.

Anacondas are basically big muscle ropes with nothing good to grab onto.

Hippos are the deadliest of Africa's big five.


Oct 28, 2017
Also fun fact. A few months ago I ran some ChatGPT scenarios of an adult Chimp going up against The Mountain from Game of Thrones.

The Chimp was predicted to win 90% of the time. Even against an armored Mountain. The only time the Mountain had a chance to win was when he was allowed to use his sword AND fill platemail armor.


May 5, 2021
My mum used to work in a zoo, specifically with monkeys/apes. She didn't get to properly fight any of them, but she does to this day has a scar from a bite of annoyed 3 yrs old baby chimp. It escaped and she tried to grab it but it was so springly it would keep getting away.

Adult chimp would sometimes manage to grab the broom she was cleaning floors with. She and her coworker, two grown women, would try to wrestle the broom back by hanging on it with all their weight, the chimp would be holding it with one hand while hanging off his cage, until chimp would get bored and simply snatch the broom away, quickly break it to pieces (solid wood), and start throwing at them.

An orangutan (admittedly stronger animal than a chimp) once pinned her friend's hand to the bar with one finger and they couldn't pull her away until orangutan got distracted.

I assume they have much higher pain tolerance so good luck with that as well.


Mod of the Year 2006
Oct 25, 2017
People who are picking the monkey are out of their minds.

I'd probably go for the Cheetah as it's the smaller than a wolf.


Oct 30, 2017
People who are picking the monkey are out of their minds.

I'd probably go for the Cheetah as it's the smaller than a wolf.
Dr Forester I implore you to heed the words of your colleague Dr Mario:
You know what, you're right. The only really dangerous thing about a wolf is its bites. You will lose a limb and possible bleed out, but while it's chewing off your arm, you still have your other hand free to claw its eyes out or get a hold of its windpipe. The cheetah meanwhile is raking open your stomach while you fend off its bite.

A cat is nothing to trifle with, and keep in mind all three of these choices are equally weighted at 130lbs. 130lbs for a dog is pretty damn big, but 130lbs for a cat is gigantic.


Dec 5, 2021
Anything but the chimp. I feel like apes and bears are the deadliest mammals other than the terrifying hippos.


Oct 28, 2017
Lancaster, CA
Anything but the chimp. I feel like apes and bears are the deadliest mammals other than the terrifying hippos.
Well to be fair, you have a better chance of dealing with a bear than either of those animals. Black bear, just make noise and make yourself bigger. Grizzlies, just be in a fetal position or perhaps back away slowly or stand your ground. Polar bears meanwhile are entirely different story though.

And yeah can't underestimate hippos; dangerous on both water and land.
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Oct 25, 2017
Is it a guarantee that the animal will be aggressive? Out of those 3, I feel like if you just stay calm the wolf would be the least likely to even attack you for 2 minutes.

Big big dog. Just hey hi cute buddy hello sweet boy and give it some pets.


Dec 10, 2017
The Chimpanzee will maul you and the wolf at the same time. The cheetah will just run away and probably have a heart attack.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think the wolf of cheetah are likely to try and attack a person. The chimp will rip your balls off for fun. It would also be the slowest death.

The wolf is big, but is also a pack hunter and dog like behaviors I'd be used to. I'm also not worried about a wolf's claws compared to the cheetah that will dig deep into your skin.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
You know what, you're right. The only really dangerous thing about a wolf is its bites. You will lose a limb and possible bleed out, but while it's chewing off your arm, you still have your other hand free to claw its eyes out or get a hold of its windpipe. The cheetah meanwhile is raking open your stomach while you fend off its bite.
A cat is nothing to trifle with, and keep in mind all three of these choices are equally weighted at 130lbs. 130lbs for a dog is pretty damn big, but 130lbs for a cat is gigantic.

This is what a cheetah's claws look like

They aren't gutting anyone.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
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Oct 27, 2017
New York
Cheetahs are surprisingly terrible at actually being dangerous, so I guess a cheetah.
Wouldn't want to fight any of them and I'm definitely not coming out of that fight in good shape, but at least I'll be coming out of it…

Ive been up close and personal with a wolf before and they're absolutely gigantic for something that only weighs in that same general ball park. And while their claws aren't particularly dangerous (still wouldn't want to test that), they have amazing reach with those teeth.

Not to mention I'd just generally feel terrible if I ever killed a wolf or a cheetah.
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Oct 25, 2017
I picked wolf because I was thinking about the cheetah having claws and teeth to worry about. Anything but the fucking buff face-ripping monkey.

Edit: Just realized I can change my vote. After seeing the stuff in this thread, I'm going for Low Tier Cat.


Jul 26, 2023
Wolf is the easiest to kill since it only has it's teeth.

People picking the cheeta will get their stomach clawed open.


Nov 15, 2017
None are good options, but I'd take on a wolf before I would a large cat or chimp anyday. I'd probably still die, but at least I'd have a fighting chance.


Oct 27, 2017
It's definitely not the chimp - they're fucking maniacs and I would not want to be locked in a cage with one.

I still think the remaining two would mess me up, but among larger cats the cheetah is less threatening than its peers (their claws are shit). A wolf is terrifying in comparison.

I'll take the cheetah without much hesitation.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm going for chimp as i feel like if I don't provoke the animal it won't fight me and I can survive 2 mins.

Wolf no change and cheetah is a second pic


Apr 19, 2020
I am very confident that i could beat a cheetah in a fight. They dont have sharps claws and they're not strong. All they have is a mid bite that hurts for sure but it would probably be really easy ro get out of jist by punching it's ribs or something.


Apr 19, 2020
Figured the cheetah would be worse than the wolf because cats can claw with all four feet while a wolf can just bite. You might be able to clamp the wolf's jaws closed and survive.
Cheetahs claws are not like other felines because those claws would suck at high speeds for turning. They got claws like dogs or.. wolves. The cheetah can literally only bite too but they're smaller than wolves and much less muscular, their rips look like they would break with a single punch lol. Cheetahs suck. They only get to eat a third of what they hunt because every other animal scares them away. An average adult cheetah weighs less than 60kg on the top end. Thats like your average 12 year old human male or something. And again that's the top end. The lower end is 35kg.. choosing wolf over cheetah is the objectively wrong answer, there is zero debate to be had.


Apr 19, 2020
Just curious. Those of you who picked the cheetah: Would you have voted different had it been a leopard? (still 60kg/130lbs)

Leopards are 60kg on the somewhat lower end. Cheetahs are 60kg on the high end and that's already stretching it, google say 54, leopards are like twice the size in practice. But look at that thing, it's so much muscle, on the other hand you can almost count the rips on a cheetah, they have very little muscle outside their legs, leopards and other big cats are built like trucks. That guy could take a beating. How many kicks or punches to the ribs could a cheetah take? Not many.


Oct 28, 2017
Leopards are 60kg on the somewhat lower end. Cheetahs are 60kg on the high end and that's already stretching it, google say 54, leopards are like twice the size in practice. But look at that thing, it's so much muscle, on the other hand you can almost count the rips on a cheetah, they have very little muscle outside their legs, leopards and other big cats are built like trucks. That guy could take a beating. How many kicks or punches to the ribs could a cheetah take? Not many.

I've never fought a leopard, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say if you're unarmed: a leopard that is determined to kill you is gonna kill you. I can't think if any situation I'd be confident in; even if you started the fight on it's back with a body triangle and choke sunk in, I don't think you have the strength to keep it from destroying you. In short bursts, cats are *insanely* strong animals.


Apr 19, 2020
I've never fought a leopard, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say if you're unarmed: a leopard that is determined to kill you is gonna kill you. I can't think if any situation I'd be confident in; even if you started the fight on it's back with a body triangle and choke sunk in, I don't think you have the strength to keep it from destroying you. In short bursts, cats are *insanely* strong animals.
That's what i'm saying. Leopards are beasts compared to cheetahs.


Apr 6, 2020
Chimpanzee out of that list. The other two are very fast and have very sharp teeth and claws.

Feel like I could out maneuver a Chimpanzee.


Oct 28, 2017
Chimpanzee out of that list. The other two are very fast and have very sharp teeth and claws.

Feel like I could out maneuver a Chimpanzee.

I dunno about you, but I can't imagine how I'd be outmaneuvering anything that essentially has 4 hands.
Better odds with a cheetah or wolf.

Not the chimp. Stay far away from chimps!

Yeah, I don't think I'd feel safe even around a "friendly" or well-trained chimp.