
Oct 29, 2017
You're getting another water temple vote from me. Forever lost there until you can find that tiny opening in the pillar you have to sink under the block you use as an elevator to the top.
Oct 25, 2017
at least, every dungeon.

I'm sorry, I don't think that game is a total wash but the dungeons are the worst in the zelda series, easily. They are a slog, a battle of attrition and there is nothing fun or memorable about them.

I couldn't disagree with a post more than I can this one. I fucking loved the Zelda 2 palaces wayyyy more than than the dungeons in Zelda 1, granted I liked the game way more so that isn't a surprise to me. The bosses are great, the music is great, I do agree some later ones are a slog, but still loved them all. Except Thunderbird.....fuck Thunderbird.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'll go with something that hasn't been mentioned yet, but I really dislike Skull Woods from LTTP, IMO it's only real bad dungeon.

It's such a bizarre dungeon too, like so much of it is both completely optional and pointless. Even in randomizers you're more likely to just skip to the back half and hope you get lucky that you find your items in the vanilla big key spot and the boss.


Oct 28, 2017
In OOT there is a temple inside a whale. I hated that temple so much I've never played OOT after that.


Oct 27, 2017
In the weak and the wounded
it's not really a level in the traditional sense, but i never want to touch those tadtones again.

Tad tones were all right for me, had the freedom of If I could play faster/more efficiently I could finish faster.

losing all your shit at eldin round 2 and having to collect it all back was waaaaaayyyyy more irritating to me. Also the spirit tears in twilight princess. Every single one. Such a slog, fuck that shit.


Oct 25, 2017
OP named some good examples with WW's Forsaken Fortress and OoA's shipwrecked scenario. I might say the tears of light sections of Twilight Princess. I get what they were going for but they just bore me and SS's silent realms were a much more engaging execution of a similar idea.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Temple of the Ocean King in Phantom Hourglass. Timed stealth, and you have to keep returning to it throughout the game, starting from the beginning, with it getting longer each time.

After that, all the bloat in Skyward Sword.
Tadtones, Demise fights and that
flying boss fight.


Oct 25, 2017
Temple of the Ocean King brings you stealth and repetition, in a one two punch of "not this shit again" every time you roll back in to go one more floor deeper into a dungeon that is also just kinda boring to play anyway
And while not a problem for me personally, I'm sure the timer concept does no favours for others.

HM to Forsaken Fortress' stealth at the beginning of the game idea and as OP also mentions, those gosh darn lizards and their trading bit in OoA (I figured we were just talking dungeons, but if we get to include segments then boy do we have even more options! of which this is still the worst, give me tadtones over Tokays anyday)


Mar 13, 2018
I found must of the dungeons in Alttp to be a chore with unclear direction and unfair hit detection for jumping enemies, so probably one of those.

On seccond thought... delivering ICE and FISH on Spirit Tracks was awful because it was a really long segment that you needed to start over many times. And I'm not even sure if they returned you to the original spot when you wanted to retry it.

Every dowsing section in Skyward Sword
Every spirit realm section in Skyward Sword
Every Imprisoned fight in Skyward Sword
I always thought of the Spirit Realm as one of the hightlights of Skyward.

Similarly, that sneaking section in WW was pretty fun. Would have loved to have a reason to sneak in the game after you get the sword.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 27, 2017
OG Death Mountain actively uses its map system to try and confuse you. Secret passages are everywhere, meaning getting close to where you want rarely means you actually are close, and taking a secret passage is almost roulette as to where you wind up unless you have a map. It is designed to look like a skull and to force you to aimlessly wander around real danger for a big chunk of time. Zelda as a series has a decent number of dungeons that haven't aged perfectly, but that's the only one I can think of whose very premise, rather than execution, is the thing that aged so much.


Oct 15, 2020
The Netherlands
The final dungeons of the Wind Waker (Earth Temple, Wind Temple) were pretty dire, imho.

I usually complete as much of the Wind Waker as possible before picking Medli up from Dragon Roost Island (you can collect most heart pieces, upgrades, triforce charts/pieces, statuettes et cetera). The dungeons feel so... draining? Box-like rooms, stale surroundings, companion escorts, COMMAND MELODY, annoying enemy types with Bubbles and Floor Masters everywhere, sloooow puzzles (the light reflection room in Earth Temple and block pushing throughout most of the Wind Temple).


You can at least cheese through Forsaken Fortress.
Water temple from OoT says hi.

I put this shit on a 5 year hiatus as a child here lmao
Damn, I loved the Water Temple as a kid! It was the first Adult Link dungeon that I completed!

Forest Temple was to difficult for me/creeped me out and I left once I got the Fairy's Bow. Fire Temple scared me as well. Hopped on over to the Water Temple and cleared it with relative ease (except for locating the small key in the flooded basement below the central pillar).
Nov 2, 2017
Birmingham, AL
The majority of OOTs temples frustrate me. Particularly the water and forrest temples. I get confused and lost while playing them and put the game down for awhile after dealing with them.


Apr 30, 2018
Forsaken Fortress from Wind Waker is fucking boring. Who thought that it would be a fun idea to have a sneaking level in the first few hours in the game.


Oct 25, 2017
The best part about the Water Temple in OoT was having people pay me to beat it for them (in the second grade). Granted, it was only two people.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
the Great Bay temple in Majora's Mask is kind of a stinker
Perhaps my favorite Zelda dungeon of all time. I really like dungeons that have a central puzzle that you're working toward by accomplishing each smaller goal. (In this case it's causing water to flow through pipes back to the first room so that you can reverse the main water turbine.)

It's definitely on the more complex side which is why some don't like it, but it's a great feeling when you crack what exactly is going on.


Oct 27, 2017
Summerside PEI
I couldn't disagree with a post more than I can this one. I fucking loved the Zelda 2 palaces wayyyy more than than the dungeons in Zelda 1, granted I liked the game way more so that isn't a surprise to me. The bosses are great, the music is great, I do agree some later ones are a slog, but still loved them all. Except Thunderbird.....fuck Thunderbird.
i'd be interested to hear what you like about them, compared to the first zelda or even other zelda games. it's the one that divirges completely from the formula and to my knowledge there are no real puzzles or interesting design in them, just a series of battles, map memorization, finding keys which never requires any kind of problem solving or anything remotely clever, and then some pretty much copy paste boss battles.

I'm legit curious what you like about it and what you think is better, outside of 'it's great' lol.


Nov 5, 2017
the "Hyrule" level in Breath of the Wild. Boring, repetitive and no good loot or incentives to reveal the map.


Mar 11, 2019
As a kid, I didn't like the tower in Link's Awakening. I always would wall jump to the boss instead. I haven't played it in over 20 years, so my kid self could be wrong!

(And I don't remember a damn thing about Oracle of Ages, which may be even worse)

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
Water Temple made me stop playing OoT. I mean I could've done it but I had several other games I was enjoying but I wasn't having fun with the OoT so I dropped it.

To this day it's still the one main Zelda game I never finished.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I'll just say that I don't enjoy a single Young Link dungeon in OoT. I'm so happy once you get to be Adult Link.


Dec 7, 2018
The Tadtones are when I decided I had enough of Skyward Sword, so it's got to be that. Still haven't gone back to finish it.



Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
When the tad tones shit showed up in Skyward Sword and I noticed just how many I had to collect I was extremely close to dropping the game right there and then.

And the developers KNOW how shit it is given that they offer you to use dowsing to locate them halfway through lol.

Skyward Sword is such a problematic game.


Nov 5, 2017
Mermaid Cave from Oracle of Ages.

A miserable dungeon who tried to do the Water Dungeon from Ocarina of Time where you need to raise and lower water. Even worse you have to do parts both in the past and present. It's confusing as all get out and if you mess up it takes ages to lower/raise the water again.

It's the soul reason I don't like replaying Oracle of Ages.

Total Cereal

Oct 28, 2017
I've found that I don't particularly like the Shadow Temple in OoT. It's neat that it's kinda split into 2 dungeons since you need to go to the BotW first, but that is incredibly short and easy. The Shadow Temple itself is so linear that it barely qualifies as a dungeon, more like a gauntlet of sorts. The best Zelda dungeons are mazes that you have to figure out like a puzzle, and really use your brain to navigate, The Shadow Temple is just a straight shot.
Oct 25, 2017
i'd be interested to hear what you like about them, compared to the first zelda or even other zelda games. it's the one that divirges completely from the formula and to my knowledge there are no real puzzles or interesting design in them, just a series of battles, map memorization, finding keys which never requires any kind of problem solving or anything remotely clever, and then some pretty much copy paste boss battles.

I'm legit curious what you like about it and what you think is better, outside of 'it's great' lol.

Keep in mind I'm only comparing it to the original so the "formula" wasn't a thing yet. There are tons of dungeons in the later games I prefer to 2. It was also my first Zelda which I'm sure is part of it, but I prefer the difficulty that the dungeons in 2 bring as opposed to the easier but with puzzle elements that are in the 1st. Also the bosses are definitely not copy pasted outside of 2, the others are unique in some way. Anyway it's just a preference, and for me personally the palaces were just more memorable to me than the dungeons in 1 but again probably just because it was my first game in the series, although I did go through it again recently and still enjoyed them just as much as I did in the past.
Nov 17, 2017
Reading the OP and I'm thinking... wow there really are a lot of dreadful parts of Wind Waker. I don't know if the Triforce Hunt or the Lord Jabun portion count as levels but those are other examples.

The Ganon's Tower section is bland. You mentioned the boss repeats but there's also a Lost Woods section in there that's really uninspired for a final dungeon.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If I recall, the Oracle dungeons in general were pretty meh, but Ages Jabu Jabu's Belly was awful. OOT Water Temple is excellent, Temple of the Ocean King has is pretty satisfying to learn, and Zelda 2 is fun come at me, but I can't defend Oracle Jabu.


Jul 14, 2020
Collecting the tears of light in Twilight Princess. The wolf parts are the main reason I finished the game only once. They are so long and dull and I don't like the atmosphere they were going for. In Skyward Sword at least you were on the edge of your seat while collecting those things.


Jul 17, 2019
The overworld in BotW (well the one in TWW is worse, of course, but it is also not taking such an excessive amount of time).


Jan 22, 2019
Shrines in BotW. I don't mind annoying, long or convoluted Zelda dungeons, but BotW shrines were pure boredom for me after the first few. I went from dreading entering in one to just skipping them late game.


Oct 26, 2017
Every dowsing section in Skyward Sword
Every spirit realm section in Skyward Sword
Every Imprisoned fight in Skyward Sword
This is silly. The dowsing just replaces map markers.
The Silent Realms are the Twilight Realms from Twilight Princess but actually good.

I'd say the answer is the golf shrine from BotW. It's easily the worst "puzzle" ever in Zelda. You have to use stasis to drive 2 balls into a distant hole and only a very exact sequence of hits will launch the balls the correct distance. The only way to "solve" it is through trial and error. It's like having a combination lock puzzle where the only way to solve it is to enter random combinations until you unlock it. "1111... nope. 1112... nope. 1113... nope..."