
Oct 25, 2017
Toscana, Italy
As public officials consider making masks in public spaces mandatory, Ashley Smith, co-founder of ReopenNC, is promoting a concerning "Burn Your Masks" challenge.

Smith posted a video on the ReopenNC Facebook page explaining her opinions.

"As you know, we are a group that is completely against mandatory anything," she said. "We are for personal liberty and the constitution and personal freedom."

Smith, holding a blue medical mask, the kind used by many workers in healthcare settings, read the description on its packaging, which cautions users, "When properly worn ... the mask reduces potential contact by the wearer to fluids but does not eliminate the risk of contracting any virus, disease or infection."

"This does not prevent the spread of COVID," Smith addressed viewers in the video. "This is not a sign of your compassion or how much you care for another human being. This is a sign of control."

Smith then proceeds to light the mask on fire and burn it in a frying pan.

The challenge is sure to offend medical workers and health officials who depend on masks and other PPE to limit the spread of COVID-19. Less than two months ago, mask shortages were a problem in many healthcare settings, forcing desperate health workers to wash and re-wear masks or seek out replacements.

Some groups still have limited access to masks, and burning perfectly good PPE is concerning to many.

Link to the video:

WTF is wrong with these people. Even if you don't want to personally wear a mask, buying some surgical masks and burning them is completely insulting to healthcare workers.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
You forgot to add (satire) to the thread title

I mean this is the Onion, right?


Dec 7, 2017
The masks protect people. It represents empathy. Are you surprised the right wants to burn it?

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
At least leave it on your face if you're gonna do that. I'm sure setting one's head on fire to own the libs is pretty close to happening anyways.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
What does she think of speed limits, drinking age restrictions, or getting consent for sex?


Oct 27, 2017
Can someone actually explain to me why wearing a mask is considered a form of control by right wingers?

Are we against no shirt no shoes no service policies too?

Even if you dont "believe" in corona, I dont understand the whole assault on our civil liberties bullshit.
Oct 29, 2017
The same kind of person who would condemn and flip out over the burning of a flag would go and burn actual functional and essential tools for fighting a threat to our collective lives. Fucking embarrassing examples of the human race.


Oct 31, 2017
How long until someone discovers the limits to her "personal liberty and the constitution and personal freedom" outside of masks?

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017
Can someone actually explain to me why wearing a mask is considered a form of control by right wingers?

Are we against no shirt no shoes no service policies too?

Even if you dont "believe" in corona, I dont understand the whole assault on our civil liberties bullshit.

You're looking for reason and logic where there isn't any.

It's pure petulance, but that's the US conservative movement. These people modify their trucks to pollute more just to piss off the liberals. If there was a way to literally cut off their nose to spite their face, they would.


Nov 13, 2017
Can someone actually explain to me why wearing a mask is considered a form of control by right wingers?

Are we against no shirt no shoes no service policies too?

Even if you dont "believe" in corona, I dont understand the whole assault on our civil liberties bullshit.

Because the Democrats are for it and the President is not. If the opposite were true they would change their stance in a heartbeat.

Also some crazies seem to believe that it's poisoning you forcing you to breathe in carbon dioxide or something, according to those OC nutjobs.


Oct 26, 2017
Can someone actually explain to me why wearing a mask is considered a form of control by right wingers?

Are we against no shirt no shoes no service policies too?

Even if you dont "believe" in corona, I dont understand the whole assault on our civil liberties bullshit.
Because The Man is telling you what to wear.

Or in other words, masks make us uncomfy, so what's the next way we can twist the bible/constitution/founders/the civil war to suit our narrative.


Oct 26, 2017
Can someone actually explain to me why wearing a mask is considered a form of control by right wingers?

Are we against no shirt no shoes no service policies too?

Even if you dont "believe" in corona, I dont understand the whole assault on our civil liberties bullshit.
No offense to you, but who cares. Whatever their reason is it's fucking stupid. There's no "understanding" these people. Infuriating


Oct 30, 2017
It would be unfortunate but not altogether disagreeable if all of these people were extinguished by the second wave.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Can someone actually explain to me why wearing a mask is considered a form of control by right wingers?

Nobody can reasonably explain this. People that would have called themselves "the party of personal responsibility," are not completely opposed to doing anything responsible because they act like petulant babies, follow the petulant baby in chief, Donald Trump.

If Trump just took coronavirus seriously and wore a mask, like how Biden did, it would be so different. Sure, some people would still object to it, would still be stubborn, but millions wouldn't act this way.


Oct 25, 2017
Every time I see someone not wearing a mask, I give them a big fucking glare of how moronic they are.


Oct 27, 2017
Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, ON
"This does not prevent the spread of COVID," Smith addressed viewers in the video. "This is not a sign of your compassion or how much you care for another human being. This is a sign of control."

What she actually means is, yes, even if it prevents the spread of COVID or is a sign of compassion or care, my desire to do whatever I want, whenever I want, for any reason, and my absolute refusal to be even slightly inconvenienced in any way, is more important than the former social benefits.


Oct 25, 2017
As an immigrant American, there's nothing that boils my blood more than the words "personal liberty" and "It's a free country".

Fuck these people.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
" of ReopenNC"
I went to the website out of morbid curiosity &... yeah, it's pretty much what I expected.
Oct 26, 2017
Also I bet this person has plenty more masks they still will be using when they go out. Republicans are so easy to grift Republicans grift other Republicans all the time.

The Climaxan

Oct 27, 2017
As an NCer, I am so fucking tired of these people. If they could only infect and destroy themselves I'd be fine with it, but these fuckers are still to dense/ignorant/brainwashed to listen to any form of reason. They do not grasp how COVID works and never will.


Oct 25, 2017
Toscana, Italy
I also like the aside she throws in there about the masks being made in China and then asks "and where did the virus come from?"

Like, wow. You really cracked the case there.


Oct 27, 2017
Hopefully she stocked up on toilet paper because there's probably a TON of shit coming out of her mouth.


Oct 28, 2017
The masks protect people. It represents empathy. Are you surprised the right wants to burn it?

Those evil fuckers.

Dying to own the libs?

I got nothing.
Getting Covid to own the libs.

Actually, no. Those surgical masks and many homemade/non-medical ones only prevent the spread to others by catching droplets of spittle that might contain viruses. They do not protect the wearer from breathing in droplets (since the airflow can go in large parts around it), aerosols or getting viruses into his/her eyes. For your own protection you'd need different masks, like a N95/FFP2 or 3 mask.

So this absolute wanker does not endanger herself but OTHERS, as does everyone not wearing a mask.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
"As you know, we are a group that is completely against mandatory anything," she said. "We are for personal liberty and the constitution and personal freedom."

OK. Guess you don't mind if we cut the National Anthem from sporting events or the Pledge of Allegiance from schools, right? Maybe we should take "In God We Trust" off of all of our money, too?

After all, PERSONAL FREEDOM is more important than anything else, right? Or is it just "I want what I want and fuck everyone else"?