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Oct 28, 2017
Egyptian residing in Denmark
projections but do you actually know this?

No one charges out like that against an old lady. If you do, then you are either a psychopath or have real anger issues that are just waiting to explode.

Some real shit talkers here insisting that people just ignore this racial hatred forever.
Keep your heads down, don't react. Don't do shit.

Have you arseholes just once in your lives tried to get into the head of a black person being called nigger throughout our lives?
You sit there and have the gall to denigrate us for being non-chalant about what happened to this racist piece of shit, privileged cunts.
"Oh my good Lord! look how violent these people are."
Racists really showing their asses here.


I saw all your fucking gifs before you deleted them. So you assumed I was southern just because I am against hitting elderly racist people? Real classy, I'll keep that in mind.

That's an odd reaction to racism. You are basically saying "racism is just words breh".

I'm not justifying the obvious over reaction to the woman here, but, people like you dismissing the harm of racism continues to piss me off.

I know the harm of racism, so don't lecture me.

Wood Man

Oct 30, 2017
Damn, he slammed the hell out of her.

Of course he shouldn't have done that but she's damn lucky all she got were breaks and fractures. But something tells me she'll think twice about throwing the n-word around in public. Most likely not the first time she's done it.


Oct 25, 2017
You know what, no sympathy for the lady. There's a ton of words in the English dictionary and the racial slur was the one she chose. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Jul 17, 2018
Has anyone brought up MLK yet? That's a staple when trying to tell black people what they should and shouldn't do when confronted with racism.


Alt Account
Nov 3, 2019
I've been called many racist slurs in my life but I can't be putting hands on women and kids because of that. I just can't do it.


Apr 4, 2018
User banned (permanent): racist trolling
We can call you whatever we wan't, that does not make it OK to use violence because someone uses a special word that triggers you.


Oct 28, 2017
1000 excuses for Whitey. None for us.

Yep, I try not to get pissed off because I expect this but I can't help it. These people are snivelling pricks who'd be better off just airing their views out instead of being cowards.
Many of these fake "woke" allies do more harm than good. They talk big talk. They post about racism being bad on their instagram and twitter. But when shit hits the fan, the cower away, shitting their pants; their spines collapsing.
Oct 25, 2017
I assume the people who say violence is never OK with no exceptions don't have shit in their lives worth fighting for. Must be nice to enjoy the kind of existence where you always have an avenue of recourse available to you.


Oct 25, 2017
No one charges out like that against an old lady. If you do, then you are either a psychopath or have real anger issues that are just waiting to explode.

I saw all your fucking gifs before you deleted them. So you assumed I was southern just because I am against hitting elderly racist people? Real classy, I'll keep that in mind.

I know the harm of racism, so don't lecture me.
the state of his mental health remains to be seen, but you were trying to apportion some form of motive.


Oct 25, 2017
faces aggravated assault charges.
He shouldn't have done that. Now he might go to prison for years and have a felony on his record for the rest of his life. The rest of his life will now be worse off compared to before.


Oct 27, 2017
I hope that this situation now has many people on board with the need for hate speech laws and how not only highly appropriate but necessary it is that Republicans are called out for being racist. That includes family and friends too.
This shit should be lobbied for hard. I'm honestly shocked this isn't being lobbied for harder. It's the best way to squash and punish this shit.


Oct 25, 2017
We can call you whatever we wan't, that does not make it OK to use violence because someone uses a special word that triggers you.

you're right that it's against the law, but Just as its not ok to use violence, its not OK to say those words as well, and well, for every action there is a reaction. And regardless of the consequences of the reaction, you might really regret your action based on the reaction, just like the person may regret the consequence of a reaction.

and imagine, if u just stuck with Not saying those words, none of it would occur.

Deleted member 18944

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Bro, why even waste your time with these people. It's not worth it.

It's because I feel obligated to call this bullshit out. I'm not tired of doing this shit. I'm not gonna sit back and let it happen. Fuck that. When you grow up in a community where all of your friends are treated like dog shit because of the color of their skin and you are treated like you're fucking human, it's enraging.

I'm not going to pretend that I will ever be able to fully empathize with someone treating me like shit because the color of my skin. But mother fucker I know what it feels like to be treated like shit and imagining that anger and hurt 10 million times that boils my fucking blood.

Can't go around jailing people for being racist. But you sure can for attempted murder, which is what slamming someone face first into concrete is. I'd be interested to know your race since you're talking to me on such a high horse about racism.

Figure it the fuck out you racist defending clown. Can't wait to hear how you're going to invalidate any of things I've said.
Oct 27, 2017
Yep, I try not to get pissed off because I expect this but I can't help it. These people are snivelling pricks who'd be better off just airing their views out instead of being cowards.
I'm at the point where I'm disillusioned as fuck. People hide behind calling themselves "allies" and claim they're "woke" but the moment it's inconvenient for them, in even the smallest way, they show their true colors and prove that they really don't give a shit about us or our experiences and the shit we have to endure. But hey, they quote MLK and call out Trump on social media so that's good enough for them.

Feels like we're going backwards.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Doesn't change the fact that someone in the prime of their youth shouldn't lay hands on someone who's close to senior citizen age. I mean how would you feel if a 20 something guy body slammed your mom like that?

Well my black mother wouldn't be calling anyone the n-word. Now would she?

Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
If you calling me a nigger you getting a slap, I aint going bodyslam your ass though. Well unless shit get nasty
Dec 31, 2017
What did he accomplish by doing that except for ruining his own life? He's going to enter a prison system that's already biased against him.

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
If a nazi gets knocked out, are you lot going to come into a thread and say "physical violence is warranted." and "he could have died!!!!!" ?
As a Jewish person, with people in my family who were survivors from concentration camps I'd say nazis shouldn't get punched in the face for being nazis or spreading hate speech on US soil, even though they are my enemy and enemies to the United States.

Look, if I were in nazi Germany, I would've burned the nazi flag to the ground in protest. But I would've been physically harmed for doing so.

In the United States, unlike Nazi Germany, we have court systems and laws in place to protect unpopular people and unpopular opinions against a tyrannical majority. We cannot, on the one hand, say Nazism is wrong, while, on the other hand physically punish non-violent nazis for having minority extremist views.

It's hypocritical. We have to protect everyone in our country from mob mentalities equally, even our enemies. That's what makes the United States what it is vs Nazism which does punish minority views with violence.

Now, does our system do a perfect job of protecting all minorities equally? No. In fact it does an absolutely abysmal job. But as a matter of normative principles, we cannot physically punish those who have political views full of hateful provocation without actual incidents of violence while still being correct. It's completely hypocritical and just another form of tribal vigilance.


Alt account
Oct 18, 2019
According to white people the only thing acceptable when we are being harrased by one of their aunts is to all hold hands and hmmm "We Shall Overcome" . They saw the African Immigrant family hug Amber Guyger and stroke her hair and started smelling themselves.

Here's another video showing a different perspective. Look how compassionate and forgiving we are, even moments after being berated by that woman. Still nigga tho..

Its alot of black people up in arms about this as well. In the words of a great man, "I'm too Malcolm X for all of this MLK shit going on."
Oct 27, 2017
It's because I feel obligated to call this bullshit out. I'm not tired of doing this shit. I'm not gonna sit back and let it happen. Fuck that. When you grow up in a community where all of your friends are treated like dog shit because of the color of their skin and you are treated like you're fucking human, it's enraging.

I'm not going to pretend that I will ever be able to fully empathize with someone treating me like shit because the color of my skin. But mother fucker I know what it feels like to be treated like shit and imagining that anger and hurt 10 million times that boils my fucking blood.

Got ya. Wish we had more people like you on our side willing to stand up and forcefully call this shit out. Feels like a lonely battle so much of the time. So thanks man, it's appreciated more than you know.


Oct 28, 2017
We can call you whatever we wan't, that does not make it OK to use violence because someone uses a special word that triggers you.
Tough internet guy acting tough but i bet you all the money in this world that this coward will shit his pants like a baby if he even mutters anything racists to a minority and they call him out on it.


Oct 25, 2017
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Was it excessive force, yes. Dude is going to pay for that. But lady shouldn't be saying shit in the first place. Don't call someone shit if you don't expect them to retaliate.
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