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Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Worst movie I saw on theaters this year was MIB: International. Not even Hemsworth and Thompson together could save that shitshow.


Oct 25, 2017
Salt Lake City, Utah
I haven't seen Lion King 2019 but if it's lifeless version of the original, then i would imagine it's at least not a mess of a film.


Deleted member 16452

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
For the Disney movies I've seen this year I would go:

Frozen II > Toy Story 4 > Endgame > Captain Marvel > TROS > The Lion King

I won't get to see Maleficent 2 before the end of the year, but I'm very confident I would've rated it over Lion King as well.


Oct 25, 2017
It's funny cause I remember many fans, including some here on era, being excited of palps return and saying "finally we get a good villain after that hack Rian johnson killed off snoke"

Now fans are saying they didn't like him in the film. Like what did you expect?

By hoping Snoke was the main villain behind it all, they failed to see Snoke's death was to boost Kylo Ren to main villain status. But instead of that outcome, we get Palpatine. Again.

Snoke in TFA was basically Palpatine. He was boring (as in, we've seen this before). Killing him off was smart, but he shouldn't have existed in the first place.
Dec 12, 2017
For the Disney movies I've seen this year I would go:

Frozen II > Toy Story 4 > Endgame > Captain Marvel > TROS > The Lion King

I won't get to see Maleficent 2 before the end of the year, but I'm very confident I would've rated it over Lion King as well.
Of the ones I saw:
Endgame>>>Captain Marvel >>>>>> TROS


Oct 30, 2017
Worst movie I saw this year was Fighting with my Family. I thought Stephan Merchant would put out something at least a little funny or amusing.
Oct 25, 2017
I have litigated this time and time again but I hate the sheer cynicism that went into The Lion King remake.

I know there are plenty of worse made movies or movies that are super problematic but my worst of the year has to be The Lion King remake
Oct 25, 2017
Ready or Not was easily my biggest surprise of the year.

Alita was great and fuck the alt-right for latching themselves to it in their war against Brie Larson.

Deleted member 42105

User requested account closure
Apr 13, 2018
Ready or Not and Alita were two movies I thought I would hate based on the trailers, but ended up loving. This year in movies hasn't been that bad tbh.
Oct 25, 2017
Alita was weird cause i enjoyed it while watching but as soon as it was over, i was done. Had no interest in seeing it again and less interest in a sequel.


Ready Player One
1. Rosa Salazar needs to be a goddamn movie star, she rules.

2. I saw Ready Player One with a group and being the one person who hated the movie was the worst.


Oct 24, 2017
I have not seen a ton of bad films, since I avoid them. But worst in 2019 for me was probably The Lion King. Worse than the original in every way.
Oct 25, 2017
I think what I loved about Alita that might have been super off putting for audiences (other than her eyes) is that the movie felt very sincere and unironic.


Oct 27, 2017
I missed this post.

Yeah, the webbing acting as a metaphor for ejaculate. Peter and MJ having sex onscreen...on the top of the WTC.

There was a significant amount of nope in that script and I love James Cameron.

Cameron has a knack for pulling that stuff off though ... like a film about the Titanic with a nude painting scene and sex scene in a car in theory also sounds like a disaster, but he's able to thematically make these things work. Puberty is kind of a big part of being a teenager so that probably would have worked.
Dec 12, 2017
1. Rosa Salazar needs to be a goddamn movie star, she rules.

She was definitely not the problem. She and Christophe Waltz held that thing together.

2. I saw Ready Player One with a group and being the one person who hated the movie was the worst.
I was you. I saw it with a group too and afterwards, they were all gushing over all the pop culture placements. I just kept thinking how in the blue hell did they convince Steven Spielberg to make this film?


Oct 27, 2017
The optics for the last main saga episode of Star Wars missing a billion would be hugely negative for Disney and Lucasfilm. If they can do some funny accounting and a re-release to get TROS over a billion they will do it.
Experience the Skywalker saga finale ONE more time before it leaves theaters. Available on Blu-Ray & DVD later this year! You don't want to miss this!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Kentucky, USA
Worst movie I've seen this year is La Llorona

go see Cats or Black Christmas and report back.
Ready or Not was easily my biggest surprise of the year.

Alita was great and fuck the alt-right for latching themselves to it in their war against Brie Larson.
I expected greatness from Ready or Not because the trailers were great, and the film delivered.
Biggest surprise for me was Crawl. I expected shit, but damn do I love it so much now.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Hellboy was the worst for me... which surprised me because I was certain Cats would take that.

TROS for most disappointing was heartbreaking, especially when Lion King exists which was a poor imitation of my favorite movie of all time. Then again, I didn't think it would be good in the first place. Nothing short of a retcon or massive timeskip will save that franchise.

Dora wins most pleasant surprise. I didn't think Nickelodeon would go out of their way to make it work, yet they did it.
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Oct 25, 2017
The optics for the last main saga episode of Star Wars missing a billion would be hugely negative for Disney and Lucasfilm. If they can do some funny accounting and a re-release to get TROS over a billion they will do it.

desperate times call for desperate measures

The Original, Unaltered Trilogy. In theatres.


easy $2b


Oct 25, 2017
All you folks talking about your worst of the year pick... Im gonna assume you all watched CATS but loved it .
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