Where should Naughty Dog go with a potential TLOU Part III

  • Ellie Redemption Arc

    Votes: 225 33.7%
  • Joel's Violent Past

    Votes: 17 2.5%
  • Abby and Lev Hijinks

    Votes: 61 9.1%
  • Dina and JJ Parenting Simulator

    Votes: 12 1.8%
  • New characters in the same universe.

    Votes: 72 10.8%
  • Time for Savage Starlight

    Votes: 48 7.2%
  • New Naughty Dog IP

    Votes: 233 34.9%

  • Total voters
Oct 27, 2017
I think it would be a bad idea to return to this well. Part 2 has a perfectly good ending, no need for more. I sure as hell don't want to see these characters go through another harrowing violent experience. Like, I'd love to see an Ellie redemption arc but I'm not sure that would work in a third person shooter filled with gruesome stealth kills. Maybe they need to make an Animal Crossing style game set in Jackson where Ellie actually gets to be happy.


Oct 25, 2017
Knowing naughty dog they will do something new and different. Look at how different part 2 was compared to the original.


Dec 6, 2017
I don't understand the comments from people saying "Can't imagine another part of the story as it's pretty complete"
There's so many questions left unanswered from Part 2
1. Abby and Lev made it to Santa Barbera to meet up with the fireflies, there's no way that it's happily ever after. Maybe Abby tells the fireflies that Ellie is still out there and there's still chance of a cure?
2. Ellie is left all on her own, surely she went back to Jackson to see Tommy?
3. Dina and JJ...?
4. The war of the Scars and the WLF's may be over but what about the Rattlers? There's a whole new group to explore and they seem like an extreme bunch
There's a lot to explore for a 3rd game even if won't be out for another 3+ years or so


Apr 8, 2020
I want a redemption story for Ellie as a full grown adult. Maybe even getting help from Abby without them turning into actual friends. I would prefer an enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of relationship with a happy ending.
After that I would like to see the series to be done and see Naughty Dog do something else. Maybe try a RPG or something.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I feel like the conversations around this property are just on repeat a lot of the time.

1.) Yes there will almost certainly be a part 3. There is now an HBO show to concern with and Neil has said he has more ideas left. This is not a complete story, this is not the final chapter. Not my words, but the heavy inferences of its creator. And any clear reading of the story leaves very little doubt this is a three part act for the character. The character is left climbing out from rock bottom and is setting out for her redemption arc.

2.) It will heavily involve Ellie. This is Ellie's story, per Neil. So no new cast, no new setting. No shift back to Joel or Tommy or whatever. No Ellie's story is completed so we move on, she will be involved in some major capacity.

3.)If you don't want the game don't play it, but the game sold a fuck ton and while we might get a new IP first, TLOU is, barring some external circumstance, going to be returning. There has been zero hint this was it, and as I pointed out in bullet point one, Neil has hinted hard at continuing.

Neil already said no new setting or characters because tlou = Ellie story, plus it's a cop out he rather do a new IP if that's the case. Also, he said New IP or Part III right away best idea from the team wins. It's happening regardless sooner or later it's a matter of when.
Ellie will find the fireflies and finally sacrifice herself for a cure. Bookmark it.
No offense, but I don't understand why so many want or predict Ellie finally being a sacrificial lamb. Like that defeats the entire point of the ending from the first game and it doesn't resolve Ellie finding meaning in being Alive, which is the crux of her character! She's supposed to move past wanting to die, it's an obstacle in her journey. Ellie dying for a cure is not finding purpose in her life, it's her giving up purpose of her life for the many. it's not resolution for her journey as a character so to speak.


Oct 28, 2017
It will be about Ellie. For sure. Wether it's about redemption or something else, i don't know. But it will involve Ellie.

I'd like it to involve Abby and Lev again tho.
At the end of the day, The Last of Us is Ellie's story. Every single piece of media is about her. From American Dreams to Part II.
Seriously don't understand how some still have not grasp this yet, there's a reason Neil shot down doing a story with new characters & said the first game was Ellie's origin story: the series is about her, without Ellie, it's not the last of us.


Dec 25, 2019
It would be nice to get a conclusive, happy-ish ending for Ellie. Dunno what the story would be about, though. I sort of imagine Ellie living as a loner nomad after Part II, maybe with a dog companion or something. Maybe some people could come after her to extract her brain, there's your story reason for more third-person shooting.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I never want to see Ellie again. I want to believe she returned to Jackson and Dina took her back and I'm not interested in some depressing alternative.

If there has to be a third one, make it about Abby looking for the Fireflies in Los Angeles.


Oct 27, 2017
If I had to bet, I'd say Lev is going to be the protagonist with Abby as his mentor, this is the only thing that can possibly make the True Gamers provide as much, or more, free marketing as they did for Part II. The butthurt over Abby's muscles will be replaced with the butthurt of Lev being

I am looking forward to this, hopefully this time the game will not be 10-15 hours too long.[/spoiler]


Oct 28, 2017
I won't play pat 3. That's 99% true. Naughty dog destroyed my good will with them after umcharted 4 and this TLoU2. Nope, they don't do games I care anymore. Bunch of mumbojumbo withouth any sense.


Dec 23, 2017
I don't need a Ellie game - she's done.

Maybe a smaller Uncharted Lost Legacy game with Abby/Lev would do me.
I was starting to type a post, but yeah. Totally this. Maybe even out in the next 2-3 years. Then I am totally down to that Ellie's ending in part 2. Open ending in this case is the best thing for her character and for the narrative of the game in general.


May 7, 2020
Naughty dog should move onto a new ip. I think last of us 2 perfectly wrapped up Ellie & Joel story we don't need a third.


Aug 13, 2020
It'll be gritty oldish Ellie. She'll be in her 40s, living alone and bitter in the wilderness until teenage JJ turns up and pulls her back into the action. Abby will have gone full commando leading a Firefly cell and they'll team up against a new organisation that's been experimenting on the infected and spreading it further. At the end Ellie gives up her life for a cure but we never find out if it works.


Aug 30, 2020
I think first Naughty Dog will introduce a new IP, then they'll swing back around to do The Last of Us Part III and the final part of Ellie's story. There's still clearly story left to be told and places for Ellie's character to go, so there's no way her journey is left unfinished. Not after the groundbreaking success of the other two games.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Abby found the Fireflies at the end of Part II.

Nah, I'm sure it was left intentionally ambiguous. That way Abby is going to Los Angeles in the hope that the Fireflies are actually there. Given the state she and Lev ended TLoU2 in, even a journey of only a hundred miles (the distance from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles) would take several weeks.

By the time Abby and Lev get to Los Angeles it will have been five or six months since they last heard from the Fireflies there and anything could've happened. It'd be a great setup for a story and they could expand on the non-linear aspects of TLoU2 by asking the player to explore parts of Los Angeles to find the Fireflies.


Oct 29, 2017
I was thinking a redemption story for Ellie where she finally moves on after the events of Part II would be neat.
Wasn't she already by the end of the game? At least that was my takeaway from the very last sequence before the game fades to the credits. It felt like closure to me.

I wouldn't mind more stories about Ellie, Abby or younger Joel, however. I really like ND's storytelling approach and their gameplay.


Oct 26, 2017
I was starting to type a post, but yeah. Totally this. Maybe even out in the next 2-3 years. Then I am totally down to that Ellie's ending in part 2. Open ending in this case is the best thing for her character and for the narrative of the game in general.

Or they should do a thing where Ellie is like 40 years old.


Lead Producer at Cold Symmetry
Oct 30, 2017
Ellie will go back to find Dina, and will be searching for her, realising she left happiness behind in pursuit of revenge.

Abby and Lev will realise she was the cure they need and will be trying to find (not hunt) her down. When found Ellie will be with Dina and will sacrifice/redeem herself by giving her life for the cure.


Dec 16, 2019
For me, The Last of Us is about Joel and Ellie. There are no more stories to tell from them. I don't care about any other characther (Abby, Lev)
I think the story is finished.


Oct 27, 2017
Bonn, Germany
I don't really think a redemption story is necessary for Ellie. It's more than a little implied that by the end of The Last of Us Part 2, she has finally come to terms with quite a bit of what she had been carrying with her throughout both games: Her burden of being immune to the virus and feeling like it's the only thing that makes her life worth anything. Her estranged relationship with Joel being one of the many motivators behind her vehemently pursuing revenge despite all reason telling her to drop it. Even her thirst for revenge against Abby herself. By the end of the game, I feel like she went through her 5 stages of grief, and settled on acceptance. That her actions had consequence, and almost cost her everything.

I also have no interest in a Joel prequel story. I don't feel like there's anything in that story that absolutely needs to be told. A prequel is generally something that builds upon the previous stories, re-contextualizing events from the "sequel" story. To be honest, TLOU2 did just that. It re-contextualized TLOU1. I don't need to play as Joel during the 20 year time period before TLOU1 starts. We already know Joel and Tommy did some fucked up shit that caused their split. They sold that well enough when they met again in TLOU1. Joel's actions throughout that first game weren't entirely heroic, it was just directed at a cause we could get behind (escorting Ellie to the Fireflies to save humanity), as opposed to a more general and generic cause of "It's the apocalypse, and we do horrible things to survive." He brutalized and murdered plenty of people during TLOU1. I don't really need an even less relatable story of him killing innocent people because he and Tommy were raiders/bandits. No thanks.

I'm in the camp of seeing the ending of The Last of Us Part 2 as much more hopeful and optimistic of an ending compared to the ending of the first game, which was a gut punch. I think Ellie is on a path to further recovery, now that she's put all that anger, guilt, and distrust of Joel behind her.

I'd rather have Naughty Dog work on something new for their next game. Then, if they have another story in the TLOU world that they feel is worth exploring, have at it, but I was incredibly satisfied with Part 2. As massive of a game as it is, it honestly felt like two games already. Naughty Dog is an immensely talented studio, so the idea of them tackling a new concept/genre/whatever, is more exciting to me than another Uncharted or The Last of Us (don't get me wrong, I adore both series, but man, I can't wait to see what they do next).
Good post.

And gimme Savage Starlight, dammit.


Oct 25, 2017
No more games. Given the incredibly controversial reception of TLOU2 based on how they continued the Joel/Ellie narrative, a separate story should have been done from the start. Each game should have had a different story with their own cast of characters.

EDIT: Changed a few words to provide better clarification
Yup. Should've been an anthology series. Centering these kinds of stories around one set of characters is silly, but what do you expect, Sony wants that recognition!


Oct 25, 2017
I'm down for another time jump. We had 20 years in the first game and 4 years in the second. Immediately seeing what Ellie does after Part II doesn't appeal to me. Give her room to mature and grow as a person. We can jump forward 10 years and she is still a young woman. Jump 20 and then we can really see what kind of life she has, who she has around her if anyone, and then we can appreciate what heinous thing is going to happen to her to kick start the story. I'd be down for a grown-up JJ coming to track her down as his Mum is dying and who wants to see Ellie before she goes. Ellie and JJ travel back, hijinks and danger ensue, emotional ending with Dina and Ellie, and with her younger self's past now fully closed behind her she can set off back home to end her days in this grey and hopeless world. No happy endings. Would go against the tone of the games that have gone before to have an insipid inane happy ending to Ellies' story. Let her die of old age - that is as happy an ending you can hope for in that world.

Tawney Bomb

Oct 25, 2017
I'm personally torn on whether I would want Ellie to still be dead set on sacrificing herself for a cure. I would hope she's come to terms with her life having meaning without carrying that weight around. But this franchise isn't much for happy endings. She'd probably sacrifice herself and then no cure be able to be made.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I'm assuming a large part of it will focus on her now embodying Joel's moral position and need to seek forgiveness from others (namely: Dina). Hopefully she makes good on what Joel never had the time to do with her.

The problem is, forming gameplay around that theme presents many... Issues.
May 27, 2018
I loved Part II. But I don't know if they should make a Part III. Because the narrative about how cycles of violence are bad and the metacommentary about violence in games is a thing that they can pull off only once. It'll feel cynical to me if they make another violent game to talk about how games are violent or how violence is painful.

If they made a Part III they should have a totally different take on the series and its themes.


Jun 17, 2018
It should be Ellie doing whatever epic stuff they come up with, but the last mission of the game she should not be immune anymore, get really infected and we actually seeing her transform over the traversal of the level/passage of time and at some point she becomes a clicker but we still control her. Then, during a very unexpected moment, she attacks some random asian kid and he barely kills her. End of game. Credits. Turn out the kid is JJ.


Oct 25, 2017
Yup. Should've been an anthology series. Centering these kinds of stories around one set of characters is silly, but what do you expect, Sony wants that recognition!
Why is it silly? The sequel directly follows what happened after the first game in a way that makes complete sense. Plus it has inspirations from multiple games, including mgs. Plus inspired by the Godfather. Sony didn't foece them at all. Neil himself wanted to tell this story and came up with it when Left Behind came out.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm personally torn on whether I would want Ellie to still be dead set on sacrificing herself for a cure. I would hope she's come to terms with her life having meaning without carrying that weight around. But this franchise isn't much for happy endings. She'd probably sacrifice herself and then no cure be able to be made.

Honestly I think Neil is smart enough to realize how much of a dead end and narratively weak retreading the sacrificial cure plot is for both the character and the overall story.

And I think part 2 hinted pretty heavily that such a plot pathway is dead by mentioning that the knowledge and expertise to even do that was lost during Joel's rampage.

To go that direction would be very contrived and basically undo or undermine all the themes and character development the series has presented in its story so far.


Oct 25, 2017
Nah, I'm sure it was left intentionally ambiguous. That way Abby is going to Los Angeles in the hope that the Fireflies are actually there. Given the state she and Lev ended TLoU2 in, even a journey of only a hundred miles (the distance from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles) would take several weeks.

By the time Abby and Lev get to Los Angeles it will have been five or six months since they last heard from the Fireflies there and anything could've happened. It'd be a great setup for a story and they could expand on the non-linear aspects of TLoU2 by asking the player to explore parts of Los Angeles to find the Fireflies.
The title screen for the post game shows their boat docked right outside the catalina resort, with lights on. Plus it was even confirmed they got there.


Nov 23, 2017
How the fuck do you even redeem Ellie without her dying for the cure? I voted for new IP.


Oct 25, 2017
No offense, but I don't understand why so many want or predict Ellie finally being a sacrificial lamb. Like that defeats the entire point of the ending from the first game and it doesn't resolve Ellie finding meaning in being Alive, which is the crux of her character! She's supposed to move past wanting to die, it's an obstacle in her journey. Ellie dying for a cure is not finding purpose in her life, it's her giving up purpose of her life for the many. it's not resolution for her journey as a character so to speak.
It's the only logical way I can see how she absolves herself of the cruelty she inflicted on others, like killing a pregnant Mel and an innocent Owen. I think all these things are going to weigh really really hard on her as she realizes she's a monster in her eyes, which will lead her to do her ultimate sacrifice to the benefit of humanity.

Tawney Bomb

Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I think Neil is smart enough to realize how much of a dead end and narratively weak retreading the sacrificial cure plot is for both the character and the overall story.

And I think part 2 hinted pretty heavily that such a plot pathway is dead by mentioning that the knowledge and expertise to even do that was lost during Joel's rampage.

To go that direction would be very contrived and basically undo or undermine all the themes and character development the series has presented in its story so far.
That's what I'm hoping. It's not something I'd want to see. I personally just want to see Ellie happy after everything she's been through.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
My ideal TLOU3 is playing as Ellie and helping her achieve her dream of going to space. I hope the Abby business is over and done with, I would rather not see her again.