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May 14, 2020
Wow I didn't know the representation of Muslim women in MW and Battlefield was this bad. It seems like they are token poc's to make the player feel the true hero (captain price) saving princesses.

COD is US military propaganda, always expect the worst when it comes to other nationalities and how they are potrayed.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I continue to appreciate anyone taking the time to give me these kind of replies, it really does mean a lot to feel heard by people. Especially with all the horrible toxicity around this game, it is very hard to get heard when you have real complaints about the things the haters are ragging on for dumb reasons.

For sure, there intent was not malice. But I think that is almost always true when works of media do hurtful things to minority groups. It is not done because they want to cause hurt. It is done because they lacked the care, thought, or ironically for this game, empathy to understand what they were about to do would be hurtful. Someone, in that 4 year period since they announced the game, should have realized what they were doing. But they were either lacking the empathy to understand what they were doing was hurtful, or over that 4 year period they just never even stopped to think about. Or, worst possibilty: They realized it could be hurtful and decided preserving utmost secrecy in their marketing was more important than avoiding that hurt.

Yeah. This is the thing I always hope comes across clearly when I complain about the queerbaiting. I don't dislike this game's story. I think it is really good. I think what they did with building up you hating someone only to turn things on their head and try to make you build empathy for that character was an enviable goal to try and get across in a video game.
I just wish it hadn't been done in the one video game I've every gotten and may ever get for a very long time with a character like myself as the protagonist.

Yeah, agreed on all accounts. And thank you again for your perspective, it's got me to think about it in ways I probably could't have come across on my own.


Oct 25, 2017
So CDPR CEO had an interview posted on their website (translated to English by them) which PC Gamer picked up and...

Kiciński even seems to imply that sexism isn't as big an issue in gaming as it is elsewhere, stating that "in the 20th century the superb writer Andre Norton (born Alice Mary Norton) chose to publish under a male pseudonym because her publisher believed that the masculinized readership demographic would not take interest in fantasy authored by a woman. There is no such issue with videogames".

...uh...what? Yeah sexism absolutely isn't a problem with the gaming scene. Nope no siree! Absolutely ZERO evidence of sexism in the gaming scene! /s


Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
So CDPR CEO had an interview posted on their website (translated to English by them) which PC Gamer picked up and...

...uh...what? Yeah sexism absolutely isn't a problem with the gaming scene. Nope no siree! Absolutely ZERO evidence of sexism in the gaming scene! /s

no problems here!



Oct 27, 2017
Developers are always trying to have their cake and eat it to. They often want be viewed as a mature medium to explore social and political issues but they also want everyone to just have fun and not think about these type of things. If you want to make a game set in the future as an excuse to fight mustache twirling bad dudes with sci-fi weapons, I'm actually ok with that. I would probably really enjoy it. But when the name of your game is called Cyberpunk, there are expectations that come with that. Cyberpunk as a genre has always been about conflict, about facing social issues, or asking philosophical questions. Conflict is essential to the genre. If you're gonna talk about diversity, something that is inherently political today, then there's going to be conflict. It's now a matter of which side of the issue you are on.
So CDPR CEO had an interview posted on their website (translated to English by them) which PC Gamer picked up and...

...uh...what? Yeah sexism absolutely isn't a problem with the gaming scene. Nope no siree! Absolutely ZERO evidence of sexism in the gaming scene! /s
I get the feeling their saying that just to avoid any outrage from certain fans but it kinda weird given that they already push people off with allowing a greater number of character customization without labeling any gender to it. Still this is bad way to respond to the current situation.

Developers are always trying to have their cake and eat it to. They often want be viewed as a mature medium to explore social and political issues but they also want everyone to just have fun and not think about these type of things. If you want to make a game set in the future as an excuse to fight mustache twirling bad dudes with sci-fi weapons, I'm actually ok with that. I would probably really enjoy it. But when the name of your game is called Cyberpunk, there are expectations that come with that. Cyberpunk as a genre has always been about conflict, about facing social issues, or asking philosophical questions. Conflict is essential to the genre. If you're gonna talk about diversity, something that is inherently political today, then there's going to be conflict. It's now a matter of which side of the issue you are on.

Speaking of conflict (or more accurately conflicting) The Last Night, a cyberpunk game where feminism won, people get universal income, and somehow that makes your male character a second class citizen?
Boy re-reading the interview with the dev is just a lot.

GamerGate, Feminism, Cyberpunk: An Interview With 'The Last Night' Designer

At E3, Tim Soret wanted to set the record straight about equality, labor, and the future.
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Oct 26, 2017
Speaking of conflict (or more accurately conflicting) The Last Night, a cyberpunk game where feminism won, people get universal income, and somehow that makes your male character a second class citizen?
Boy re-reading the interview with the dev is just a lot.

GamerGate, Feminism, Cyberpunk: An Interview With 'The Last Night' Designer

At E3, Tim Soret wanted to set the record straight about equality, labor, and the future.
Jeez. That interview is the most waffle-y bullshit I've ever seen, all because his real goal is simply to try and not be "pinned down". But not wanting to be pinned down is a belief in and of itself, for some reason Soret just doesn't seem to realize that. Everything is a politic of sorts, to say you want to "avoid politics" is to be disingenuous in the extreme. If you are putting a creative work out there, especially in a very public way, that in itself is a political statement. The creation, the promotion, the product itself... all part of the politic of our current culture.

I hate it when people do this sort of stuff, where they simply aren't willing to say what they think, probably because they know it's toxic and instead want to wrap a context around it that, in their mind, somehow makes whatever bullshit they're spilling okay. You can make a game that explores the flaws of something like UBI or the shortcomings of power struggles, but be honest about it. Perhaps the greatest irony is that, in his attempts to escape dogma, he has created a dogma which he is completely unaware he's following, even to his detriment.

The nature of creative work is political. It cannot exist apolitically.

(I do know however that most anyone who says "keep politics out of games" is either a disingenuous fuckbag or monumentally incompetent - either of which is dangerous, for different reasons)
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Oct 25, 2017
On one hand you have one of the few (only?) lesbian characters in a AAA game. Whose portrayal is wholly positive with the only misstep (to me) being that idiotic bigot sandwich scene. On the other hand you have one of the very few straight women who actually fuck in a AAA game. And to top it off, she has a non-standard body type for women. It's definitely a conflicting feeling

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
So CDPR CEO had an interview posted on their website (translated to English by them) which PC Gamer picked up and...

...uh...what? Yeah sexism absolutely isn't a problem with the gaming scene. Nope no siree! Absolutely ZERO evidence of sexism in the gaming scene! /s

"A female writer chose to publish under a male pseudonym during the 1930s. Female game developers don't do that in 2020! This is clearly because videogames are less sexist than literature, right? I mean, I see absolutely no other difference in the context around these two examples."

Jesus, every time they open their fucking mouth, the sheer magnitude of their disingenuity becomes even more apparent if possible.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
On one hand you have one of the few (only?) lesbian characters in a AAA game. Whose portrayal is wholly positive with the only misstep (to me) being that idiotic bigot sandwich scene. On the other hand you have one of the very few straight women who actually fuck in a AAA game. And to top it off, she has a non-standard body type for women. It's definitely a conflicting feeling
Both of those things are great for representation of women IMO. Though I understand those who are LGBT who wanted a dedicated gay protagonist, of course. But a non-standard straight woman who gets to have a male love interest and have sex with him is basically unheard of in AAA gaming too, so I appreciated it quite a bit.


Oct 26, 2017
"A female writer chose to publish under a male pseudonym during the 1930s. Female game developers don't do that in 2020! This is clearly because videogames are less sexist than literature, right? I mean, I see absolutely no other difference in the context around these two examples."

Jesus, every time they open their fucking mouth, the sheer magnitude of their disingenuity becomes even more apparent if possible.
You'd think people with the amount of money, power, and access to knowledge that they have they would spend at least some time bettering themselves. But the reality seems to be that they just spend their time antagonizing everybody else. It's somewhat easy to understand why depression and suicide are so prevalent among the one-percenters. They don't know how to live with the intention of making things better, only how to insulate. I'd feel sorry for them, but for the fact that they actively make everyone else's lives worse.


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
You'd think people with the amount of money, power, and access to knowledge that they have they would spend at least some time bettering themselves. But the reality seems to be that they just spend their time antagonizing everybody else. It's somewhat easy to understand why depression and suicide are so prevalent among the one-percenters. They don't know how to live with the intention of making things better, only how to insulate. I'd feel sorry for them, but for the fact that they actively make everyone else's lives worse.
The sad reality of our world is that it's far easier to get ahead when you're a sociopath willing to trample over others to get what you want.


Oct 25, 2017
Today I was talking with a couple people about cancelled games, and one of them mentioned a Jack the Ripper game where Jack would be the good guy hunting vampire prostitutes. Thinking no fucking way, that's too tasteless to be true.

And yet:

The Ripper: The disturbing Visceral Games project that never was

About 10 years ago, Electronic Arts developed and then canceled a game about Jack the Ripper. This is its story.

You would play as The Ripper himself — a real-life serial killer — in a game that would be unthinkably bloody, brutal and controversial. Your victims would be modeled after the actual victims, and you would recreate the real murder scenes. But here's the catch — in the game, Jack the Ripper was actually a hero, as his victims were vampires in disguise. I conceded that it was a clever twist, albeit one still certain to incite controversy, and I kept quiet about it.

"In no way were we trying to sully the history of these victims and the families associated with them and all that; we wanted to be very respectful," says a developer on the project, though he admits they knew the controversy it was courting. According to him, the team had full executive support for the idea; in fact, higher-ups liked the idea of a game that created consternation among those who thought it lacked taste. A game that didn't play it safe would create more conversation than one that did.

Surreal moments like these were juxtaposed with bloodier and more brutal sections, such as boss battles against five vampire queens. Unlike the regular vampires, these enemies wouldn't just disappear when you killed them. After fighting a vampire queen, a world transformation effect would change the scene to suddenly show a human woman lying there dead, not a creature with pale skin and fangs. The Jack the Ripper myth would begin here in Chapter Zero. These women were named after the killer's real victims, and in the game, their mutilated bodies would have been used by the Freemasons to further their agenda of keeping things hushed up.

Foolish to doubt the game industry, I know.


Oct 29, 2017
I can't believe EA wanted to out edgelord Dante's Inferno, so much so that even marketing was like "how the hell do we sell this"


Nov 4, 2017
Today I was talking with a couple people about cancelled games, and one of them mentioned a Jack the Ripper game where Jack would be the good guy hunting vampire prostitutes. Thinking no fucking way, that's too tasteless to be true.

And yet:

The Ripper: The disturbing Visceral Games project that never was

About 10 years ago, Electronic Arts developed and then canceled a game about Jack the Ripper. This is its story.

Foolish to doubt the game industry, I know.
Unfortunately, it's not just the game industry making men who do horrible crimes to women the "anti hero" or "misunderstood". The Joker came out last year - also a project that suggests mental illness is tied with violence, a false and very damaging narrative. I hate these kind of projects, at least that one never came out but it's baffling it got that far.

Princess Bubblegum

I'll be the one who puts you in the ground.
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
A Cavern Shaped Like Home
Today I was talking with a couple people about cancelled games, and one of them mentioned a Jack the Ripper game where Jack would be the good guy hunting vampire prostitutes. Thinking no fucking way, that's too tasteless to be true.

And yet:

The Ripper: The disturbing Visceral Games project that never was

About 10 years ago, Electronic Arts developed and then canceled a game about Jack the Ripper. This is its story.

Foolish to doubt the game industry, I know.
I shouldn't be surprised yet here I am. Holy fuck. They must have axed this only because Dante's Inferno was a flop.


Jul 9, 2019
Today I was talking with a couple people about cancelled games, and one of them mentioned a Jack the Ripper game where Jack would be the good guy hunting vampire prostitutes. Thinking no fucking way, that's too tasteless to be true.

And yet:

The Ripper: The disturbing Visceral Games project that never was

About 10 years ago, Electronic Arts developed and then canceled a game about Jack the Ripper. This is its story.

Foolish to doubt the game industry, I know.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Everything else aside - the twist isn't even that outstanding, I'd say. The hero being seen as a villain by others, cause they can't see / don't know what he does, is not that rare.

I personally like the idea very much. The premise alone is just "cool" as something like "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Killer". An absolute trashy premise but it has something to it.

I would just change a few bits here and there:

1. You can keep Jack the Ripper as being the secret hero.
2. Jack the Ripper is a woman and not a murderer.
3. She hunts vampires that prey on prostitutes (not just women) and others with a low social standing. Because of the time period the papers are only talking about the women though.
4. Don't use the real names and likenesses of the victims.
5. Hire poeple smart enough to not make it "sexy" to sell a few more units.

But i don't think EA would've been able to do that.


Oct 25, 2017
The recreation of the real murder scenes was the most fucked detail, considering how increasingly brutalized the poor women were.
Mary Kelly's in particular being the most horrific.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe EA wanted to out edgelord Dante's Inferno, so much so that even marketing was like "how the hell do we sell this"
Remember when they sort of tried to trick people into reading the actual Divine Comedy by reprinting it and selling it as a novelization of the game?

Like, the cover was the game cover, but the book inside was the actual 14th century epic.
I personally like the idea very much. The premise alone is just "cool" as something like "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Killer". An absolute trashy premise but it has something to it.

I would just change a few bits here and there:

1. You can keep Jack the Ripper as being the secret hero.
2. Jack the Ripper is a woman and not a murderer.
3. She hunts vampires that prey on prostitutes (not just women) and others with a low social standing. Because of the time period the papers are only talking about the women though.
4. Don't use the real names and likenesses of the victims.
5. Hire poeple smart enough to not make it "sexy" to sell a few more units.

But i don't think EA would've been able to do that.
I was thinking something more like, the Ripper is still the villain, but the reason he disappeared is because some other prostitutes (the heroes in this case) actually secretly took him out and covered it up. I think at least one comic artist has tried to run with that idea.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't have time to read that full article right now but I just want to add my voice to the notion of: Holy fuck why would you make a game about "murdering prostitutes but what if you were secretly the good guy for doing so." That is such an astoundingly bad idea.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
The recreation of the real murder scenes was the most fucked detail, considering how increasingly brutalized the poor women were.
Mary Kelly's in particular being the most horrific.
Wait... I thought I recognized that name from watchdogs 3, did ubisoft really name their human trafficking and organ selling villain after a serial killer victim?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I personally like the idea very much. The premise alone is just "cool" as something like "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Killer". An absolute trashy premise but it has something to it.

I would just change a few bits here and there:

1. You can keep Jack the Ripper as being the secret hero.
2. Jack the Ripper is a woman and not a murderer.
3. She hunts vampires that prey on prostitutes (not just women) and others with a low social standing. Because of the time period the papers are only talking about the women though.
4. Don't use the real names and likenesses of the victims.
5. Hire poeple smart enough to not make it "sexy" to sell a few more units.

But i don't think EA would've been able to do that.
To go along with the "Jack as a woman" part, she might be wearing clothing that conceals her identity (AKA some cool assassin's creed ninja outfit thing) and the sexist Londoners just assume it has to be a man.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I don't have time to read that full article right now but I just want to add my voice to the notion of: Holy fuck why would you make a game about "murdering prostitutes but what if you were secretly the good guy for doing so." That is such an astoundingly bad idea.
It's cool though since they were literal evil whores of Satan all along, you see /s


Oct 30, 2017
So CDPR CEO had an interview posted on their website (translated to English by them) which PC Gamer picked up and...

...uh...what? Yeah sexism absolutely isn't a problem with the gaming scene. Nope no siree! Absolutely ZERO evidence of sexism in the gaming scene! /s
You just need to play their games to understand where they stand. The Witcher series (1 to 3) is the epitome of this toxic bigotry and this stuff is legit one of the main reasons I won't play Cyberpunk 2077.

They do put some effort into their writing but hell if being a woman is tough in their games (and don't get me started about PoCs).


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
To go along with the "Jack as a woman" part, she might be wearing clothing that conceals her identity (AKA some cool assassin's creed ninja outfit thing) and the sexist Londoners just assume it has to be a man.


You could even habe a moment were someone, ideally a woman eye witness, is adamant that she saw a woman. " I know what i saw!" as the Police is laughing her out of the room.

Because it couldn't be a woman...


Oct 25, 2017
She's definitely been brought up many times already in these threads. But I feel like I need to give a shoutout to Amicia in Plague Tale, as I recently started to play the game. I really love her design, truly excellent. One of my all time favorites probably.

Edit: Picture for those who might not be familiar

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
She's definitely been brought up many times already in these threads. But I feel like I need to give a shoutout to Amicia in Plague Tale, as I recently started to play the game. I really love her design, truly excellent. One of my all time favorites probably.

Edit: Picture for those who might not be familiar
Absolutely love Amicia's design.


Dec 11, 2017
She's definitely been brought up many times already in these threads. But I feel like I need to give a shoutout to Amicia in Plague Tale, as I recently started to play the game. I really love her design, truly excellent. One of my all time favorites probably.

Edit: Picture for those who might not be familiar
I really love her outfit.


May 29, 2020
"says a developer on the project, though he admits they knew the controversy it was courting. According to him, the team had full executive support for the idea; in fact, higher-ups liked the idea of a game that created consternation among those who thought it lacked taste. A game that didn't play it safe would create more conversation than one that did. "
This just goes to show how ingrained edgy humor and a lack of desire for good representation is in these companies' workflow. They frame it as wanting to create more conversation but it is almost always from the "let's rustle some sjw feathers" side of things. Tweets like CDPR's most recent controversy are just one of many many examples of this
Feb 24, 2018
I really wish "waifu" culture just not a thing in gaming and in media, it's so creepy and demeaning of women and it's sad that so many in ERA endorse it and defend it. It feels like justified sexism and objectification and lot of the time and used to undermine powerful or used to try to push out women for being "waifu bait", aka, any women who has any importance from what I've seen.

Edit: Honestly, the more I read of that creepy "I have to ask: why is Nintendo allowing games like Waifu Uncovered on the Switch eShop? " The more I feel I should just stop going to ResetEra or take a very long break, I've seen regular doing it before but seeing so many regular era members normalising and defending sexism and indulging in "Waifu" culture just makes me feel that so many people on ERA are fake when they say they care about sexism and mistreatment of women in the game industry and in the games themselves (present commenters of this thread and many others who have done great work not being included of course), that they will turn against us the moment we call something they like out.

Plus, everything I've been reading lately about Ubisoft and the fighting game scene, it just feels sometimes that gaming just wants us gone, we're not want and only tolerated for profit.
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Deleted member 56306

User-requested account closure
Apr 26, 2019
I really wish "waifu" culture just not a thing in gaming and in media, it's so creepy and demeaning of women and it's sad that so many in ERA endorse it and defend it. It feels like justified sexism and objectification and lot of the time and used to undermine powerful or used to try to push out women for being "waifu bait", aka, any women who has any importance from what I've seen.

Edit: Honestly, the more I read of that creepy "I have to ask: why is Nintendo allowing games like Waifu Uncovered on the Switch eShop? " The more I feel I should just stop going to ResetEra or take a very long break, I've seen regular doing it before but seeing so many regular era members normalising and defending sexism and indulging in "Waifu" culture just makes me feel that so many people on ERA are fake when they say they care about sexism and mistreatment of women in the game industry and in the games themselves (present commenters of this thread and many others who have done great work not being included of course), that they will turn against us the moment we call something they like out.

Plus, everything I've been reading lately about Ubisoft and the fighting game scene, it just feels sometimes that gaming just wants us gone, we're not want and only tolerated for profit.

It's really, really tiring.

Same with the "Violence is okay but sex is not?" drek that shows up every single time.

EDIT: But this is also the same website that bandies about ND's crunch at every waking moment but were crickets about mass sexual assault (they are both bad don't get me wrong).


Nov 4, 2017
I really wish "waifu" culture just not a thing in gaming and in media, it's so creepy and demeaning of women and it's sad that so many in ERA endorse it and defend it. It feels like justified sexism and objectification and lot of the time and used to undermine powerful or used to try to push out women for being "waifu bait", aka, any women who has any importance from what I've seen.

Edit: Honestly, the more I read of that creepy "I have to ask: why is Nintendo allowing games like Waifu Uncovered on the Switch eShop? " The more I feel I should just stop going to ResetEra or take a very long break, I've seen regular doing it before but seeing so many regular era members normalising and defending sexism and indulging in "Waifu" culture just makes me feel that so many people on ERA are fake when they say they care about sexism and mistreatment of women in the game industry and in the games themselves (present commenters of this thread and many others who have done great work not being included of course), that they will turn against us the moment we call something they like out.

Plus, everything I've been reading lately about Ubisoft and the fighting game scene, it just feels sometimes that gaming just wants us gone, we're not want and only tolerated for profit.
Yeah I feel the same, the only reason that I think this forum is better for minorities than the other games forums is because the mods try to push down the sexism, racism, homophobia and transphobia that occurs, not because the majority of the posters care. The only thing that still keeps me playing games is that I do see more visible women and other minorities (they were always there just pushed out) then there used to be and I hope that continues as realistically it's the only way we will see change.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah. We can all agree that Resetera is FAR from the bastion of progressiveness that a lot of members like to pretend it is. That moderation tries to stomp down on it at all is the only thing we have going for us here, and even that only goes so far.

Resetera's slogan could be something to the effect of "at least its not gamefaqs". The biggest thing ERA honestly has going for it is just that threads like this one can at least exist, since mods will stop people who come in and troll the shit out of it.


Oct 25, 2017
I really wish "waifu" culture just not a thing in gaming and in media, it's so creepy and demeaning of women and it's sad that so many in ERA endorse it and defend it. It feels like justified sexism and objectification and lot of the time and used to undermine powerful or used to try to push out women for being "waifu bait", aka, any women who has any importance from what I've seen.

Edit: Honestly, the more I read of that creepy "I have to ask: why is Nintendo allowing games like Waifu Uncovered on the Switch eShop? " The more I feel I should just stop going to ResetEra or take a very long break, I've seen regular doing it before but seeing so many regular era members normalising and defending sexism and indulging in "Waifu" culture just makes me feel that so many people on ERA are fake when they say they care about sexism and mistreatment of women in the game industry and in the games themselves (present commenters of this thread and many others who have done great work not being included of course), that they will turn against us the moment we call something they like out.

Plus, everything I've been reading lately about Ubisoft and the fighting game scene, it just feels sometimes that gaming just wants us gone, we're not want and only tolerated for profit.
I mean when you look at something like xenoblade 2 being a major switch game, it kind of opens the door and is telling anyone that creepy waifu designs like that are fine I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean when you look at something like xenoblade 2 being a major switch game, it kind of opens the door and is telling anyone that creepy waifu designs like that are fine I guess.

I feel a little sad when folks that throw in the phrase "well the sexualization never bothered me" as if it isn't there at all (or it's just implicit that games have this shit. i dunno).
There's barely a cutscene in that game that doesn't have a girl with a suction-cup-titty outfit and short-shorts while, literally, every male blade is dressed up normally.


Oct 26, 2017
The Void, MA
AAA games not really. But I do want to say that I'm really happy for the first award winning videogame that has a female, muslim protagonist: Heaven's Vault
It will be a long wait till something like this happens in an AAA title.

Heaven's Vault doesn't take place on Earth, and Aliya isn't Muslim. (Earth religions aren't in the game.) Although the game is amazing and the cast is very much not white.

Now I want to play it again.
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