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Mar 2, 2020
I know the point of the picture is the scantily-dressed red haired 17-year-old redhaired girl but the sword/thing keeps pulling my eyes away. Why is this so bad? A chainsaw on its end, rifle on the top, and... CD player in the middle? Not sure what the disk is. Either way, it's a stupid weapon to the point that it overwhelms the character wielding it.

Also, someone needs to open a thread of Really Bad Weapons.
Thanks, mate. Now I literally can't stop staring at it. That shit is so fucking busy. It looks more like she has an entire recording studio built into that absurd thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Stick to Trails in the Sky, just avoid Cold Steel.
She's actually originated from Zero/Ao (because yeah she's from Crossbell) , but just much younger and still sexually harassing other ladies. Although that was in sprite form.

She's 18 in CS3 and 16 in Ao.



Oct 30, 2017
Sky series don't have these idiotic designs, as far as I remember. Although it still bugs me that as an adventurer, Estelle doesn't wear some damn pants.
Stick to Trails in the Sky, just avoid Cold Steel.
Yea I dunno from what I can tell the Cold Steel series are more "modern" (for the lack of a better word), and while I'm an old fart who played a ton of old games, that was back in the day and nowadays I'd rather play a semi-modern game (*). Or not in this case 🤷‍♀️

(*) Not to mention I'd probably have started the series with like CS3 because I won't be able to find the time to play the whatever number of episodes there are now.

At least I can listen to their OST 🤷‍♀️

(sorry for off-topic)


Mar 11, 2019
I haven't even touched CS3 yet because I'm afraid how much lower they can go into pandering.

I'm sure it is, mostly, an OK game. I'm just old and tired of these things I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
I haven't even touched CS3 yet because I'm afraid how much lower they can go into pandering.

I'm sure it is, mostly, an OK game. I'm just old and tired of these things I guess.
It's really been a case of technological advances. The pandering always been there, like an example is seeing rixia in Zero/Ao and how she's brought to life in CS/Hajimari. I feel the pandering always been about the same amount. (well starting with the zero series) Never goes too low outside of the siscon/harem stuff. Consistent if anything.


Mar 11, 2019
Yeah it's just that I've changed more than the games.

I got Persona 5 as a gift, and I cannot get myself to play through all the, uh, things, the game throws at me. To say it politely.


Oct 26, 2017
It's why it's been sitting on the bench.

I'll stop derailing the topic about me, though. Sorry.
Persona 5's worst aspects are apparently the result of Katsura Hashino being a shitty person. The creepy sexual assault stuff and weird random slavery seem to all be his ideas (explains a lot about the past games he's directed as well...).

The original designs and story seem to take a more Carmen Sandiego feel to the game (but Hashino just had to have his high schoolers in skin-tight suits).


Dec 28, 2019
Tokyo Xanadu shares many character assets with Cold Steel series, yet I don't remember it going overboard with clothing. Even a character biased initially towards gays changes later on. Game is even tamer than Persona as if it were to copy but also correct everything wrong with it

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Persona 5's worst aspects are apparently the result of Katsura Hashino being a shitty person. The creepy sexual assault stuff and weird random slavery seem to all be his ideas (explains a lot about the past games he's directed as well...).

The original designs and story seem to take a more Carmen Sandiego feel to the game (but Hashino just had to have his high schoolers in skin-tight suits).
I still remember that creep mentioned males can't have friendship with women, that's why all MC social links with the female characters are romantic.

Hopefully now that he won't be directing Persona games, the franchise can become better.


Oct 25, 2017
I still remember that creep mentioned males can't have friendship with women, that's why all MC social links with the female characters are romantic.

Hopefully now that he won't be directing Persona games, the franchise can become better.
Catherine Full Body wasn't directed by him and look how that turned out. Same with Persona 5 Royal.

It's an Atlus problem, not a Hashino problem.


Oct 25, 2017
My GF is currently plaything through the Cold Steel series and while aspects of it intrigue me, stuff like the predatory lesbian and other shit are a big turnoff.

Rean's situation becomes obnoxious where by the final game just about every woman finds themselves in awe of how impressive he is and want to date him (superiors included).


Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018
Anybody shared this yet? Cause it's not just about what your character looks like, it's also about how your character moves. In this, it's highly exaggerated and ridiculous, and it shows how obvious it is as soon as you swap it with a male model.



Oct 26, 2017
Anybody shared this yet? Cause it's not just about what your character looks like, it's also about how your character moves. In this, it's highly exaggerated and ridiculous, and it shows how obvious it is as soon as you swap it with a male model.

The curse of anime games. FF7R does the same shit.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Anybody shared this yet? Cause it's not just about what your character looks like, it's also about how your character moves. In this, it's highly exaggerated and ridiculous, and it shows how obvious it is as soon as you swap it with a male model.

Very good way to quickly tell how exaggerated and sexualized the movement of characters is in games. And very shameful.


Mar 10, 2019
Girls are just different, okay?! They move like idiots, and say things like, "Don't ask me, I'm just a girl!"

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Rean seams like a rather boring protag that belongs in a iseki/harem anime.
Not, he is. Rean clicks many of the most obnoxious JRPG clichés. He is also one of the reasons I don't like so much Cold Steel; Rean doesn't have anything redeemable. Honestly, these days Falcom seems to be even worse than Atlus. Terrible MC, horrible designs for female characters, using the worst tropes possible like predatory lesbian...

The game would be a 1000x better if Laura was the protagonist, just saying. (I still love CS though)
*high five*


Oct 25, 2017
I think the biggest difference in writing is where Jessie had a crush before, with things like "you can come closer" when showing him the check points on the train and such and wanting to make his ID great and everything, now it's written instead of a normal person having a bit of a crush, it's just a full on horny person.

There's also rumors of possible "dinner with her" in the remake's sidequests but I don't have any confirmation or anything on that either, kind of doubling down on this aspect.

There's a huge difference in writing execution where a character has a crush and a character is defined by it, and new Jessie is practically defined by her wanting Cloud's dick the entire time, which is massively cringe. I can't blame the VA because she voiced Celica and I actually love her work in other entries, but the script they're giving her is trash.

Like with most things in the remake, they take the surface level read and amp it to 11, instead of having any sort of subtlety to it. Just having the first convo with her and Biggs would have been fine but then the "keep those baby blues on me" "He knows just what to say" and all the rest just makes me want to go into the code and disable her existence in the game. If the "expansion" of Avalanche is just having another girl to the Romance argument (where it was previously Aeris and Tifa and sometimes Yuffie) I'm going to roll my eyes into the back of my skull.

But they're clearly trying to double up on all plot beats, we're going to have TWO girls that the player likes get killed in one series. How "awesome" is that?

Unless I am remembering wrong, during the first mission, Jessie didn't have any flirty comments. Cloud helped her on the way out and the flirting started after when the danger had died down. All of Jessie's extra dialogue in the demo comes off as out of place given the danger of the mission.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, and it's exactly the same shit as what the Batman/Catwoman model swap, or the Quiet/Ocelot one show. Male gaze isn't just in 3D modeling and texturing, it's also in animating and framing.
Exactly, its something I kept bringing up with Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It's not just the costumes but the camera angles intentionally placed to be as creepy as possible.

The game would be a 1000x better if Laura was the protagonist, just saying. (I still love CS though)
Thumbs up!


Oct 26, 2017
Why study how people behave in real life when you can study video games and anime? Especially when your most lucrative audience loathe real life and applaud anything that behaves like a cartoon.

It shouldn't be something that needs to be studied neither but here we are lol

I'm surprised this still happens when in a era where most games use motion capture.

It's probably mocapped too. The performer is just mimicking anime mannerisms.


Nov 4, 2017
Why study how people behave in real life when you can study video games and anime? Especially when your most lucrative audience loathe real life and applaud anything that behaves like a cartoon.
That's a pretty common issue with just about all otaku media. The creators don't draw from anything other than other otaku works so what they make looks unnatural to anyone who doesn't already consume the same material. Animation and manga are very stylized so it's harder to notice this effect, but works that are closer to real like can look very odd indeed. The problem is that Japanese games are becoming more and more like this so it's just going to get worse for the foreseeable future.


Jul 11, 2018
Yesterday CD Projekt announced the redesigned predef female V

It's quite a improvement in my opinon, gone is the makeup and it has more stronger features


Oct 25, 2017
Rean's situation becomes obnoxious where by the final game just about every woman finds themselves in awe of how impressive he is and want to date him (superiors included).
Sounds like your typical harem anime. Boring, uninteresting protag yet all these girls fall head over heels for him.

I know people like to defend it with "but that happens in women's romance as well just look at Twilight". Except the genre has names for such works. Trashy romance and bargain bin romance.

Maybe we can make trashy JRPG a thing. 🤔


Oct 25, 2017
Looking up on older arcade games, why were Female protagonists in arcade and console games during the 80s all based on Dirty Pair for? :V


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Anybody shared this yet? Cause it's not just about what your character looks like, it's also about how your character moves. In this, it's highly exaggerated and ridiculous, and it shows how obvious it is as soon as you swap it with a male model.

Jesus christ
The game would be a 1000x better if Laura was the protagonist, just saying. (I still love CS though)
Yeah. Laura is honestly one of the game's saving graces.


Nov 1, 2017
Yesterday CD Projekt announced the redesigned predef female V

It's quite a improvement in my opinon, gone is the makeup and it has more stronger features

yeah that's way better. The old one looked like a protagonist in the next Life is Strange, not a AAA action game.

Also the box art is reversible, and I dont know if this is feasible but it would be cool if half of the copies on the shelves were "reversed" already.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Anybody shared this yet? Cause it's not just about what your character looks like, it's also about how your character moves. In this, it's highly exaggerated and ridiculous, and it shows how obvious it is as soon as you swap it with a male model.

god Iris' animations just looks so bizarre and out of place
remember how the FF15 team was very quick to try to quell concerns that the game wasn't going to have any significant female characters?
and then we get
Cindy, who is unnecessarily sexualized
Iris, who moves like that
Luna, supposedly a main character, who is barely in the game and gets fridged
Aranea, who's alright but also had to have her design altered before release to give her pants
and Gentiana, who is also ok until she turns into Shiva and looks Like That (NSFW)

and none of them get nearly as much screen time as the male characters
hell, Luna is more present in the cgi movie than the game (which also fridges a different female character lmao)

it stands out even more cuz I recently played some FF12 and, say what you will about the costume designs in that game, but while Penelo definitely has some "cute girl mannerisms", the mocap there looks and feels more naturalistic

and Vanille in FF13 does have very exaggerated motions, some people (on the english speaking internet at least) were pretty vocal about how annoying they found her
and the fact that she's laying her "cute, fun, and carefree" shtick on so thick is actually part of her character arc, for better or worse



Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
That's a pretty common issue with just about all otaku media. The creators don't draw from anything other than other otaku works so what they make looks unnatural to anyone who doesn't already consume the same material. Animation and manga are very stylized so it's harder to notice this effect, but works that are closer to real like can look very odd indeed. The problem is that Japanese games are becoming more and more like this so it's just going to get worse for the foreseeable future.
Whilst hanging around Internet writing circles - sadly a necessity when you're rural-based - I've seen people (almost always men tbh) lambast anyone who draws inspiration from real life. "It's supposed to be escapism!" they claim. "I don't want to see characters behave like real people, because I see enough of that in real life."

Thinking about it, I'm sure I've seen similar arguments on this site.
It's funny, when FF7 first came out I thought those exaggerated mannerisms were just a way of signifying the emotions these little blobs were feeling not an accurate approximation of how they wanted these characters to move.
I think that's what they were, originally - unfortunately, you now have people who have grown up consuming nothing but these abstract exaggerations, so that's how they see the real world...

Ever met people who mimic anime body language IRL? I have!! And that was over a decade ago...


Oct 27, 2017
Whilst hanging around Internet writing circles - sadly a necessity when you're rural-based - I've seen people (almost always men tbh) lambast anyone who draws inspiration from real life. "It's supposed to be escapism!" they claim. "I don't want to see characters behave like real people, because I see enough of that in real life."

Thinking about it, I'm sure I've seen similar arguments on this site.

I think that's what they were, originally - unfortunately, you now have people who have grown up consuming nothing but these abstract exaggerations, so that's how they see the real world...

Ever met people who mimic anime body language IRL? I have!! And that was over a decade ago...
Imagine a world where actors still exaggerated/moved like they were in silent films....that's anime games.


Oct 27, 2017
Unless I am remembering wrong, during the first mission, Jessie didn't have any flirty comments. Cloud helped her on the way out and the flirting started after when the danger had died down. All of Jessie's extra dialogue in the demo comes off as out of place given the danger of the mission.
While her lust for Cloud can be criticized, people lighten tense situations with "inappropriate"/goofy/light-hearted banter all the time, or joke about serious matters. That kind of behaviour is fairly normal in stressful situations and I don't think that's out of place.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
it stands out even more cuz I recently played some FF12 and, say what you will about the costume designs in that game, but while Penelo definitely has some "cute girl mannerisms", the mocap there looks and feels more naturalistic

Outfits aside, basically most of FFXII plays itself straight and serious. Recently beat it and was just completely satisfied how real most characters felt and acted.... aside from outfits.

show me your skeleton

#1 Bugsnax Fan
Oct 28, 2017
skeleton land
While her lust for Cloud can be criticized, people lighten tense situations with "inappropriate"/goofy/light-hearted banter all the time, or joke about serious matters. That kind of behaviour is fairly normal in stressful situations and I don't think that's out of place.
i'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and say that jessie's entire personality will be 'i think cloud is hot'. granted this could be seen as better than having little to no personality due to how small a role she has in the original but eh.


Fen'Harel Enansal
Mar 30, 2018
Yesterday CD Projekt announced the redesigned predef female V

It's quite a improvement in my opinon, gone is the makeup and it has more stronger features

I really like her. A side cut and pink hair? Fuck yeah, I love her already and I'll happily enjoy playing as her!
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Oct 27, 2017
i'm going to take a wild stab in the dark and say that jessie's entire personality will be 'i think cloud is hot'. granted this could be seen as better than having little to no personality due to how small a role she has in the original but eh.
I hope that a certain spoiler that has already been somewhat mentioned in this thread (though it might've left out some key info) means that we'll get a look into her life that's not just a variation from "I wanna jump his bones"
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