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Oct 25, 2017
That Roberto Ferrari guy is working on the designs right? I remember that was someone in the previous thread who tried arguing that he worked at Tatsunoko in the 90s so they're all like "JUST LIKE AMANO" when 90s Tatsunoko went full horndog back then, really upping the nudity and sexualization of their characters, a lot of who were Amano designed.

It's a disappointment to be sure, I wouldn't mind the boob plate so much if it weren't for total midriff exposure.

On the same subject I'm wondering what they'll do if they reveal Erdrick for Smash how they'll handle the female version. If they'll go with the "raised as a man" SNES design or the "there, she's CLEARLY female" GBC design.

Really hoping for the SNES version. The SNES version is awesome and unsexualized.


Oct 25, 2017
So i actually took a look in that Nakamura thread and it's good to know that some people on here are perfectly fine keeping the creepy nerd stereotype alive 😐


Nov 4, 2017
I feel like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall in that Cyberpunk thread - why is every time I bring up an issue that specifically affects a woman I get treated like a prude or over sensitive or I "being coloured by me experiences". Yeah, being called slurs due to my gender does mean I have a different understanding to those words than straight guys do, whodda thunk?????


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall in that Cyberpunk thread - why is every time I bring up an issue that specifically affects a woman I get treated like a prude or over sensitive or I "being coloured by me experiences". Yeah, being called slurs due to my gender does mean I have a different understanding to those words than straight guys do, whodda thunk?????
Lots of folks showing their privilege in there. Like the one dude who didn't understand that
was a slur. Like dude? What the fuck did you think that word meant???


Oct 25, 2017
Seen on the Kinda Funny Games Showcase. What even is that top.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Wow, Tifa is not a walking pair of tits.

Good work Sqaure-Enix.

The meltdowns are going to be something else.
Oct 25, 2017
i like tifa's design in the remake. it's the original, but she doesn't have comically large breasts and she looks like she can actually move around in her skirt since it isn't as tight


Oct 25, 2017
Well, I'm happy to see that Tifa redesign being reasonable.

And if anyone spots a decent counterargument for why Tifa being redesigned to be less sexually objectified is bad but Jessie being redesigned to be more, hit me up.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol, why is everyone surprised about Tifa? She's basically looked that way in all her other appearances.

Lol those breasts are still comically large and would be a fucking pain for any female fighter.

As someone with large breasts, while annoying they aren't that bad. Just need the right kinda support. However....wish i had Tifa's magical support, cause what's she's wearing wouldn't hold anything.


Oct 25, 2017
It definitely is a very subtle redesign. The black undershirt is new, the skirt is loftier, and she wears stockings now. Overall, I think it is a more tasteful design, but I still don't think it holds up at all in modern graphics. On the other hand, I understand why they didn't want to steer too far from her original look, and like the changes well enough overall. I think shorts under the skirt would have made sense and gone a long way however, and am not sure why we didn't get them (I know why we didn't).


Oct 27, 2017
I still would prefer the AC design but they definitely improved the OG design. Sensible changes were made.

Do wish they'd have given her some muscle definition.


Oct 25, 2017
I still would prefer the AC design but they definitely improved the OG design. Sensible changes were made.

Do wish they'd have given her some muscle definition.

One hundred percent this. I think they did a good job. I would consider it a minor win. However, I really wish they had given her some muscle definition. If she had Clouds arms she would have been perfect.

P.S. I really wish Jessie was playable, too. She looks great. It would be awesome to be able to use her.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
So the last thing I ever expected was them giving Tifa smaller breasts, skorts, an undershirt, and a noticeable six pack. Along with no dynamic bones for breast physics. This is literally the exact opposite of what I expected and the meltdowns from the usuals are gonna be glorious. 👏 Literally the only thing missing is bigger arms.


Oct 25, 2017
So the last thing I ever expected was them giving Tifa smaller breasts, skorts, an undershirt, and a noticeable six pack. Along with no dynamic bones for breast physics. This is literally the exact opposite of what I expected and the meltdowns from the usuals are gonna be glorious. 👏 Literally the only thing missing is bigger arms.

Is it really a skort? Whenever I saw, it looked like panties to me. If it is a skort, then yeah, that's great.


Oct 25, 2017
So the last thing I ever expected was them giving Tifa smaller breasts, skorts, an undershirt, and a noticeable six pack. Along with no dynamic bones for breast physics. This is literally the exact opposite of what I expected and the meltdowns from the usuals are gonna be glorious. 👏 Literally the only thing missing is bigger arms.

The first comment I read, when I looked over to the chat box, was... "She looks awful". So yeah, the tears are definitely going to rain down. I shall bathe myself in them.

Crossing Eden Wow! That was like my one big gripe. Yeah, this is a solid update to her design.

It is a fairly classy update.

Deleted member 49179

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Oct 30, 2018
I mean she didn't have a six pack either. But they added one. I mean something along the lines of:



Just some proper muscle tone considering her fighting style involves lots of punches.

I agree. Some realistic muscle tone would have looked so much better. But it's definitely not the societal beauty standard they are aiming for. And have you seen her tiny, tiny, tiny waist? Everything in the design is totally a conscious decision. They know what they are doing (unfortunately).


Oct 28, 2017
I agree, her remake look is the best iteration so far, but I would love to see her show off some muscles. Kind of a shame that SE doesn't like definition on their female characters. Lightning's muscles were even toned down between FFXIII's 2005 E3 reveal and 2009 release.


EDIT: Added her prototype and final renders.
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Feb 19, 2018
I agree, her remake look is the best iteration so far, but I would love to see her show off some muscles. Kind of a shame that SE doesn't like definition on their female characters. Lightning's muscles were even toned down between FFXIII's 2005 E3 reveal and 2009 release.
Everything about Lightning was toned down. SHe was barely a character by the end of her games and more of a weird love creature made by the creator of that game series for himself.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I agree, her remake look is the best iteration so far, but I would love to see her show off some muscles. Kind of a shame that SE doesn't like definition on their female characters. Lightning's muscles were even toned down between FFXIII's 2005 E3 reveal and 2009 release.
I mean to be fair this was less them toning down muscles, that was the result of decimation. As the models pre-release were way higher poly than in the released game, so pretty much EVERYTHING got smaller lol and less detailed:

She still had noticeable muscle detail in the game compared to Vanille and Fang:


Deleted member 32679

User requested account closure
Nov 12, 2017
Her updated design looks far better and I forgot her og suit didn't have thigh highs. They complete the outfit imo.
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Apr 9, 2019
Think I still prefer Advent Children's face but at least they tried to compromise and it LOOKS like they gave her shorts under the skirt but I could be wrong. Either way I'm happy she looks "like Tifa"

I've seen people complain that she doesn't have big boobs anymore. And I was like...what?

That's so silly. I think people are so used to Anime boobs they forgot what real boobs look like. I love Xenoblade 2 but that style has made people loopy haha
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