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The Watcher

Oct 29, 2017
Well that explains the—and apologies if this is the wrong term for it—concern trolling vibe I got from the article.
I'm sorry you had to read that. I was thinking of just making a link straight to the Youtuber who raised the issue, but her video is about 25 minutes and now I'm not entirely sure if she cares or just want to get views...


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017

So I recently learned of this series
Which is currently on sale atm.

While we're talking about good ass inclusive comics, you should all be reading "Kill Six Billion Demons"


This is now my favorite webcomic. It is the FUCKING BEST.

I'm sorry you had to read that. I was thinking of just making a link straight to the Youtuber who raised the issue, but her video is about 25 minutes and now I'm not entirely sure if she cares or just want to get views...

If you want to argue the point, feel free to bring up the issues they did and we can talk about it.

But don't give them clicks.


Jan 7, 2018

I only had time to watch the first minutes of her video, but why did she shown Kitana's design from MKX and said that that's her the most recent one? Did she correct herself in there somewhere or I'm missing something? She went through some characters designs from MK11 but what I have saw she only shown the old design of Kitana
And that outfit for Skarlet is the alternative one and not her primary outfit in the game, Am I correct?

The Watcher

Oct 29, 2017

I only had time to watch the first minutes of her video, but why did she shown Kitana's design from MKX and said that that's her the most recent one? Did she correct herself in there somewhere or I'm missing something? She went through some characters designs from MK11 but what I have saw she only shown the old design of Kitana
And that outfit for Skarlet is the alternative one and not her primary outfit in the game, Am I correct?

Yes, this is the youtuber. I haven't seen this video, but in the other one she addresses the benevolent sexism expressed by one of the NRS developers who suggested that the women's clothing are more practical and respectable than previous games. She states that practicality shouldn't be brought up in a game where a character can get their spine shattered and continue battling. She also argues that the men have shirtless costumes and that the women should have alts. where they too can show some skin. I didn't finish the rest, but I think I got the gist of what she was saying.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I could have sworn I saw Chapter 2 and 3 on Amazon...
Oh look at that! They are. There's just no links to them on the actual comic page.

Neat, so yeah, chapters 1-3 are out and 4 just basically started.

Yes, this is the youtuber. I haven't seen this video, but in the other one she addresses the benevolent sexism expressed by one of the NRS developers who suggested that the women's clothing are more practical and respectable than previous games. She states that practicality shouldn't be brought up in a game where a character can get their spine shattered and continue battling. She also argues that the men have shirtless costumes and that the women should have alts. where they too can show some skin. I didn't finish the rest, but I think I got the gist of what she was saying.

I think the "everyone should be lewd because nothing in this game is realistic" argument is pretty flawed when the general consensus with certain people moving from MK9 to MK11 has been "these skimpy outfits are all trash". Much like most other fighting games, people would have a lot less issue with showing skin if there was some sort of general design document that was being followed, but most of them just fall into the "female = sexy, male = buff" trope trap every time. MK11 trying to get away from that is not a bad thing, especially when it matches the tone of the game more closely than the whiplash that is sexualizing extreme gore that we got with mk9.
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Jan 11, 2018
You can tell the complaints about some male characters being shirtless (never mind that it's not in a sexual way) aren't genuine because they're typically made by people who never question the plethora of female characters in skimpy gear in other games that make the male characters look over-dressed. They really don't care about the male characters at all, they just want the female characters to wear next to nothing because they feel entitled to having such content in their favourite games.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
That's a pretty male-gazey trailer.

Things not to take into your drop-pod. A five-foot long ponytail.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
This Korean game was already posted here?

That design is extremely korean high fantasy. A mix of club gear, cybernetics and ankle length dark hair that makes it impossible to drill down any motifs, while still being traditionally cute. This outfit itself isn't terribly outlandish, considering, but 20 bucks says there will be at least 5 female designs that drill down to "fancy t-backs and pasties" in the final version. Korean fantasy games, futuristic or medieval, cannot escape this dumb trope.


Oct 25, 2017


This is the artist notes on character design including our first look at the uniforms. Not only is the sole POC character the one that's the most sexualized in normal clothes, she's also the only one that has a sexualized uniform when everyone else has a normal getup. Also, I personally don't like the skirt look they are going for here. I prefer the "performer suit" they were in previous games but that is more minor honestly. Tite Kubo had this problem with Bleach too where Harribel was so oversexualized the anime had to cover up the costume more because of how oversexualized it was (what ever happened to Harribel anyway?)


The old uniforms fits the "performer" theme while the new ones kind of look generic.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
That design is extremely korean high fantasy. A mix of club gear, cybernetics and ankle length dark hair that makes it impossible to drill down any motifs, while still being traditionally cute. This outfit itself isn't terribly outlandish, considering, but 20 bucks says there will be at least 5 female designs that drill down to "fancy t-backs and pasties" in the final version. Korean fantasy games, futuristic or medieval, cannot escape this dumb trope.
I always wonder where this style of fantasy comes from and where did it start. I always see something like this from MMO games that are made in Korean.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I always wonder where this style of fantasy comes from and where did it start. I always see something like this from MMO games that are made in Korean.

I mean, we're getting better as time goes on, but no one game creation is free from guilt when it comes to objectification in video games. I think burgeoning markets in China, Taiwan, Korea, India, etc, are bound to fall into the same pratfalls that others have fall into, especially when the culture isn't pushing back as hard on stuff like objectification or oversexualization as the majority of noise are made by the male consumers. D.VA from overwatch is super popular with women and young girls in Korea, and it's cool that they consider her to be a strong leader deserving of respect and admiration...but she's still a 17 year old in a catsuit.


Oct 25, 2017
every time I see a game with anime style art by a korean artist it is oversexualized to an insane degree. Like Blade & Soul, Tera, like any korean MMO


Oct 27, 2017
With the possible exception of Tera, aren't all of the Korean examples getting mentioned from the same character designer?


Oct 26, 2017
With the possible exception of Tera, aren't all of the Korean examples getting mentioned from the same character designer?
Yes, though to be honest, the designs from most Korean games feature a lot of oversexualized and objectifying designs (much like Japan in the 90s, it wasn't always this way). Destiny Child is almost entirely done by female artist hyulla and... well. Probably best if I don't link it. Black Desert Online, Black Survival... they're all pretty problematic.

I'd say Hyung Tae-Kim's work cover a gamut, even as many of the designs he creates are deeply problematic (and I'm a fan of his line work even to this day).

For more info on what's currently happening in South Korea's game industry... it's not exactly inspiring - if anything it might be even worse than Japan:
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Oct 25, 2017
The only thing I would say about Tera is that it is an equal opportunity sexualiser. Male characters in that game are absolutely sexualised to hell and back, particularly the devil and high elf races.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
You know what Battleborn had at launch that Overwatch 3 years later continues to not have?

A playable black woman.

I went back and played some battleborn recently and was reminded how cool Reyna is, one of the better characters in that game for sure

the overwatch situation is really shitty because they've known for a while that people have wanted even just one playable black woman in the game and had the opportunity to do it with Ashe, but instead gave us another skinny 37 year old anime girl with perfect skin and a hilariously dumb backstory (I was bored of being rich and privileged so I became a rebel)

hell, even paladins not only had a black woman playable at launch, she was front and center in their first promo illustration
and in a game known for having very sexualized female character designs (who almost all also fall under skinny, young anime girl category, but with more skin and boob physics), Kinessa actually looks pretty normal and cool


Oct 25, 2017
and in a game known for having very sexualized female character designs (who almost all also fall under skinny, young anime girl category, but with more skin and boob physics), Kinessa actually looks pretty normal and cool

Not sure if you saw, but in recent years the game have received some pretty good designs both on defaults and alts... not the best game ever but still way above average the f2p genre




And one of the latest champions was another black women, which while does not have the best of designs, it has the best of hairs


which impressed me a lot because one of her skins is .... a version of her bald, which is a very non sexy idea... at least non normal sexy



Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure if you saw, but in recent years the game have received some pretty good designs both on defaults and alts... not the best game ever but still way above average the f2p
yeah, I've gotten pretty into it within the past few days, it's rad
the overwatch comparisons are apt but it's still different enough to be its own thing, sorta like how someone might be into both COD and battlefield but they seem like basically the same game to me lol

honestly the character designs were my main deterrent from getting too into it early on, both the sexualized designs but also... they can be just kinda all over the place in quality imo? like Kinessa and Inara are cool but Vivian and Lian are super boring sexy anime girls
Ashe and Maeve are neat though and Imani is fantastic; cool design (even with the battle corset), great voice, and a ton of fun to play

on the sexualization front at least, it seems they're trying to be a bit more even? these concepts for summer skins coming this year aren't bad and the artist even responded to the initial reddit complaints towards Fernando's (more body hair, bigger butt and bulge, and etc lol)
they need to give Atlas a sexy skin though imho


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, we're getting better as time goes on, but no one game creation is free from guilt when it comes to objectification in video games. I think burgeoning markets in China, Taiwan, Korea, India, etc, are bound to fall into the same pratfalls that others have fall into, especially when the culture isn't pushing back as hard on stuff like objectification or oversexualization as the majority of noise are made by the male consumers. D.VA from overwatch is super popular with women and young girls in Korea, and it's cool that they consider her to be a strong leader deserving of respect and admiration...but she's still a 17 year old in a catsuit.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
yeah, I've gotten pretty into it within the past few days, it's rad
the overwatch comparisons are apt but it's still different enough to be its own thing, sorta like how someone might be into both COD and battlefield but they seem like basically the same game to me lol

honestly the character designs were my main deterrent from getting too into it early on, both the sexualized designs but also... they can be just kinda all over the place in quality imo? like Kinessa and Inara are cool but Vivian and Lian are super boring sexy anime girls
Ashe and Maeve are neat though and Imani is fantastic; cool design (even with the battle corset), great voice, and a ton of fun to play

on the sexualization front at least, it seems they're trying to be a bit more even? these concepts for summer skins coming this year aren't bad and the artist even responded to the initial reddit complaints towards Fernando's (more body hair, bigger butt and bulge, and etc lol)
they need to give Atlas a sexy skin though imho
Brock Lesner level tattoos...fucking yikes.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Has Grandblue been brought up here cause it in a bizarre position of being male gaze and having interesting designs.

GrandBlue needs a writer, because it's plot and characterization is the most blase of blase, but they're TRYING in their design department to meet a happy medium of skinship and sensible design.

Emphesis on TRYING because...[/img]


And the series is rife with boob armor and thigh gaps and dumb clevage and see through skirts and and and....

But some of these designs are real good.


Grandblue Fantasy is no oasis, and if you think it is, you will drown in summer bikini dlc.


Oct 25, 2017
Ladies and gentlepersons ... I have created a minimum rule for sexy male characters. You know how the Bechedel Test is the minimum possible?

I call it the Leon Chiro Test
The bare minimum a character needs to be discussed if fits in the sexy category is : "Will Leon Chiro change anything when he cosplays the character?" If no, than we can start talking.

Dante from Devil May Cry 5 ?
Sorry didn't passed

Modded Leon ? Passed

Pokemon's Sobble? nope

We should vote whenever a Jojo pose on a non Jojo character counts as changing the character
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Oct 25, 2017
Ladies and gentlepersons ... I have created a minimum rule for sexy male characters. You know how the Bechedel Test is the minimum possible?

I call it the Leon Chiro Test
The bare minimum a character needs to be discussed if fits in the sexy category is : "Will Leon Chiro change anything when he cosplays the character?" If no, than we can start talking.

Dante from Devil May Cry 5 ?
Sorry didn't passed

Modded Leon ? Passed

Pokemon's Sobble? nope

I spat out my morning drink so I hope you're happy.
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