
Oct 29, 2017
Was just thinking I grew up in the 90's in the suburbs with a working class blue collar family that watched tons of tv. I remember Fox News coming on but my parents just never watched refused watched Iran war on cnn.
But what was the appeal when it started it was not as right wing from what I remember. Was it better personalities or animations and graphics?


Giant Bomb
Oct 25, 2017
they waved a lot of american flags after 9/11, when Americans really wanted some nationalism and white supremacy, and hey -- that's just good, disgusting business.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It was a deliberate project in the post Nixon era to develop a pro-business and anti-left media conglomerate specifically to prop up right wing causes. It is not accidental. Look up Rupert Murdoch and Robert Ailes. Also roger Stone has something to do with its inception I believe.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
They tell a lot of people what they want to hear instead of the truth

And that attracts a lot of people


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Up until very recently they were the only Conservatively aligned major TV news org. MSNBC and CNN are certainly not leftist outlets but they're still very much cut from that Clinton-era "Third Way" strand of the Democratic Party.

They were largely uncontested as far as viewership tastes went.


Dec 25, 2017
Fox News always leaned right and made conservatives feel good about their beliefs.


Not the Ron Paul Texas Fan.
Oct 26, 2017
Everyone thought that newsrooms were too liberal, specifically CNN.

"Fair and Balanced" meant "Right wing news"


Oct 25, 2017
Frisco, Tx
Bill Oriely and their 911/Iraq War 2 coverage was ahead of alot of others and captured the national interest in the early 2000's and hooked them. They were more entertainment and snazzy graphic based then the compitition.


Apr 18, 2018
1. Scare uneducated, middle class white people that there's an invisible boogeyman out there keeping you from being rich.
2. ???
3. Profit.

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
The basically took what Rush Limbaugh and all his copiers were doing on the radio, slicked it up for TV, and blasted it to mainstream. Preys on fear, racism and prejudice... so, easy money


Oct 28, 2017
Ironically the The Simpsons saved the network from going under in the 90's. I sometimes wonder if it would have been better for Simpsons to not exist.

Ex Lion Tamer

Oct 25, 2017
I can't speak for others but for myself my Dad became enamored with the channel after he lost his career from the 2008 financial crash. They gave him easy targets to blame, based on no evidence.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
One of the biggest things was putting Opinions shows on the forefront. These shows were modelled after their radio counterparts and rarely allowed open debate.

That gave these types--O'Reilly and Hannity--an unchallenged forum to air their drivel.

Media literacy and critical thinking being so horrible in the US, many saw those opinion shows as fact, rarely questioning their arguments.


Oct 29, 2017
Was just thinking I grew up in the 90's in the suburbs with a working class blue collar family that watched tons of tv. I remember Fox News coming on but my parents just never watched refused watched Iran war on cnn.
But what was the appeal when it started it was not as right wing from what I remember. Was it better personalities or animations and graphics?
Sort of this, in a way

There's was a business strategy that was less about delivering the news and more about capturing their audience with a mix of endorphin triggering personalities and manufactured conflict, sex appeal, sensationalism, sensory overload through graphics and design, and targetted toward reinforcing their audience's beliefs through those tools. Beginning with a lot of sensationalist coverage about various Clinton scandals and really amped up after 9/11.

People that aren't old enough probably don't realize how the news before Fox was largely absent a lot fo that stuff. Or where it did exist, it wasn't dialed up to a 10 constantly and the focal point of every broadcast.

Fox really changed the news business and not in a good way. Fox's success essentially broke the model of how news was delivered and presented. Altering the model entiriely. Gone were expensive investigative journalist teams chasing stories for weeks or months that may or may not actually deliver ratings or even newsworthy content. Gone were tons of journalists embedding in conflicts all over the world. In were paid pundits, unpaid contributors pushing their latest book, editorial personalities, conflict orientated discussion, and a focus on sensationalism all the time. All presented with sensory overloaded graphics to evoke constant stimulation.

It was cheaper, more effective, and more sustainable.

And as Fox grew in power and influence, they were able to amplify that influence by essentially becoming the most powerful arm of the Republican party, endorsement or talking points about you could make or break you. Because increasingly they set the stage for the stories the rest of the right-wing ecosystem would focus on. So what O'Reilly or Hannity says during the evening becomes what Rush, the WSJ editorial page, Drudge, and the growing right-wing blogosphere talks about the next day. Which is a power to this day that only Fox enjoys. Their ability to almost single-handidly drive the right-wing conversation and influence politicians because of their pull gives them enormous influence, even if you don't watch them.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
What's more entertaining: a clown show or actual news?

That's how. Even if you don't trust them as a news source people watch for bullshit.


Apr 14, 2018
Read this:

Why Fox News was created

Richard Nixon and his aides wanted a TV network of their own

If Fox News had a DNA test, it would trace its origins to the Nixon administration. In 1970, political consultant Roger Ailes and other Nixon aides came up with a plan to create a new TV network that would circumvent existing media and provide "pro-administration" coverage to millions. "People are lazy," the aides explained in a memo. "With television you just sit — watch — listen. The thinking is done for you." Nixon embraced the idea, saying he and his supporters needed "our own news" from a network that would lead "a brutal, vicious attack on the opposition."


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
People live a secure, boring life devoid of danger and excitement so they need someone who tells them daily that they are brave and daring freedom fighters who are constantly oppressed and in danger of being eliminated by people who have it out for them. They need this fear in order not to feel as unremarkable and unimportant as they truly are, they want to be the Greatest Generation, they want to be able to tell stories about how bad they had it and how everyone was gunning for them.

Fox News transports them into a Tom Clancy novel version of our actual world where they can feel like they mean anything in the big picture.


Weight Loss Champion 2018: Biggest Change
Oct 25, 2017
They sell fear, drama, and sensationalism.

That type of shit is what attracts the most views. It's proven that negative news articles garner exponentially higher views compared to positive news articles. It's all about money.

Frankly, like virtually every other problem our planet is facing today, the underlying issue is unregulated capitalism.


Oct 28, 2017
If there's one thing conservatives are good at that I want leftists to emulate is playing the long game. From union busting, to packing the courts, to having their own popular news orgs, all these accomplishments of theirs was seeded decades ago and they stuck to them, even when it was politically expedient for them to abandon them.
Oct 27, 2017
It was a deliberate project in the post Nixon era to develop a pro-business and anti-left media conglomerate specifically to prop up right wing causes. It is not accidental. Look up Rupert Murdoch and Robert Ailes. Also roger Stone has something to do with its inception I believe.
They sell hate and fear to achieve the above stated end goal.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Read the Loudest Voice in the Room or watch the Showtime adaptation. Simply put, Rupert Murdoch wanted to make his news channel as profitable as possible and let Roger Ailes do whatever he wanted as long as the money was coming in. They became the most watched news network by focusing on the conservative niche and providing them with a 24/7 schedule of fearmongering bs that encouraged viewers to sit and watch it all day, every day.


Oct 27, 2017
The Why was Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, and the removal of the Fairness Doctrine.

The How was their biting coverage of the Monica Lewinsky scandal at a time when the Dem Senate was sweeping it under the rug and people were looking for someone to call them out.

Think you can flip the two and it'd be the same.


Oct 25, 2017
Because what they were spouting was already in American hearts and minds and they were speaking their truths 24/7.

Deleted member 34725

User-requested account closure
Nov 28, 2017
Rich white people have been cultivating and cashing in on poor white people's bigotry for a very long time. Fox news is just a more modern extension of that.
Oct 27, 2017
When many people get older they get fearful, fearful that someone will take away everything they've "earned". This really speeds up after retirement when you're basically living on savings. Couple that with little to no safety net in the US and you get millions of people who are constantly afraid someone will take everything they have
Fox taps into this fear and exploits it for money

That and the Racism


Oct 25, 2017
boomers got scared that the world around them was changing so they latched onto the one news channel that reinforced there dated views.


Oct 29, 2017
The Why was Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, and the removal of the Fairness Doctrine.

The How was their biting coverage of the Monica Lewinsky scandal at a time when the Dem Senate was sweeping it under the rug and people were looking for someone to call them out.

Think you can flip the two and it'd be the same.
Someone would need to verify this, but my understanding was that the fairness doctrine only applied to broadcast licensees, therefore, Fox News never would have been affected by the repeal of The Fairness Doctrine.

Now, maybe I could see the argument that repealing the Fairness Doctrine did help give rise to people like Limbaugh and the sort of model of personality he had was what Fox News seemingly used when shaping their own editorial shows. So maybe the Fox News we get instead is less toxic(or maybe they figure it out ont heir own over time), but that's hard to say.


Nov 29, 2017
Concentrated effort by Roger Ailes:

"For loyal viewers, it was the network of choice to hear repeatedly about the moral failings of Bill and Hillary Clinton, questions about Barack Obama's birthplace, doubts about the patriotism of American Muslims, grumblings about the war ostensibly being waged on Christmas, and warnings about "death panels" that would supposedly flourish under the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare.

After the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Fox News embraced the American flag as if it were its own, then became an uninhibited booster of the Iraq War and an unabashed critic of those who opposed it.

The network also made itself a haven for Republicans who had fallen from political grace and hoped to restart their careers, among them Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, Sarah Palin and Rick Santorum. Mr. Hannity's show was effectively a public-relations vehicle for one presidential candidate who made it to the top: Donald J. Trump.

Even more than he embraced political combat, Mr. Ailes keenly understood television and its reliance on attention-grabbing flourishes. He learned the medium's emotional impact in the 1960s as the young producer of "The Mike Douglas Show," a syndicated daytime variety program. To hold people's interest, "you have to be punchy and graphic in your conversation," he wrote in a 1988 book, "You Are the Message.""

How Roger Ailes Built the Fox News Fear Factory

The onetime Nixon operative has created the most profitable propaganda machine in history. Inside America's Unfair and Imbalanced Network

Fear, in fact, is precisely what Ailes is selling: His network has relentlessly hyped phantom menaces like the planned "terror mosque" near Ground Zero, inspiring Florida pastor Terry Jones to torch the Koran. Privately, Murdoch is as impressed by Ailes' business savvy as he is dismissive of his extremist politics. "You know Roger is crazy," Murdoch recently told a colleague, shaking his head in disbelief. "He really believes that stuff."

To watch even a day of Fox News – the anger, the bombast, the virulent paranoid streak, the unending appeals to white resentment, the reporting that's held to the same standard of evidence as a late-October attack ad – is to see a refraction of its founder, one of the most skilled and fearsome operatives in the history of the Republican Party. As a political consultant, Ailes repackaged Richard Nixon for television in 1968, papered over Ronald Reagan's budding Alzheimer's in 1984, shamelessly stoked racial fears to elect George H.W. Bush in 1988, and waged a secret campaign on behalf of Big Tobacco to derail health care reform in 1993. "He was the premier guy in the business," says former Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins. "He was our Michelangelo."


Oct 25, 2017
Because america is racist.
This is the correct answer.

People need to stop pretending that Fox News or Rush or Trump hypnotizes people into being horrible pieces of shit.

Thats who a lot of America always was.

Fox News doesn't make these people stupid assholes. It just shines a light onto what America is for a lot of people.

Same with Trump. His supporters love him because he is voicing a lot of the racist and shitty thoughts that they wanted to say out loud but couldn't.