Do you think Red Dead Redemption 2 is overrated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 980 45.3%
  • No

    Votes: 868 40.1%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 130 6.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 84 3.9%
  • Can you repeat the question?

    Votes: 103 4.8%

  • Total voters


Oct 28, 2017
It's an Era thing. Don't be fooled into thinking any significant portion of the general population believes it's overrated.


Oct 25, 2017
Controls, controls, controls.... this is starting to become comical, almost like a meme.

It's like people who haven't even touched the game have a thing in their minds that they have to mention "controls" whenever RDR2 discussion pops up.

Just because you are annoyed by people mentioning what they dislike about a game in a thread about what people value or criticize in a game it doesn't make their criticism less legit or their opinion less valuable. What's even your point here?

It's an Era thing. Don't be fooled into thinking any significant portion of the general population believes it's overrated.

Lmao. Where is this crazy idea coming from? I didn't let era influence my opinion on it. I didn't even read about it on here much when I was playing it. I'm more active on other forums anyway and the opinion on it is as divisive there as it is here. This is just a way to easily dismiss criticism without much thought.


Oct 31, 2017
Besides the controls, I found that:

-The game has a really poor mission design
-The combat sequences are not that great, and the aiming system feel really bad
-Lots of gimmicky mechanics with no depth
-Pacing was not that great, I felt a little bit tired of the same structure every chapter at the middle point of the game or so

Really don't understand how games like The Witcher 3 can get a pass for controlling like shit when RDR2 is more than serviceable and even works well (especially in firefights when you know what you're doing).
This is a good point, but I feel that both games have the same problem: bad controls, mediocre combat and bad mission design. I can understand that graphics, writing, atmosphere, story segments... can make a game feel great even with some gameplay problems, but the two games you've listed have subpar gameplay and controls, which is a shame and makes them "good but no great", games to me.


Oct 26, 2017
Gaithersburg MD
I would be curious to see what controllers people used who say the game plays like shit. This is not an excuse for the game, but I think playing with a controller that has paddles really makes the game much more comfortable to play. I am personally fine with the "sluggishness" of the controls, but I can see how having to take you thumb off the right stick to run/ride the horse would be annoying, but paddles completely fix this issue.


Jun 28, 2019
It has the single worst mission design I've ever experienced in a game - not just in how restrictive it is, which people talk about a lot, but what people don't talk about is how shocking basic the missions are. Walk up to this thing, press a button, shootout, cutscene. Loop x100. Killed the rest of the game for me, along with the very poor shooting mechanics. You can't be a 10/10 with two huge flaws like that. I swear to God the Micah prison mission has a prompt that says, 'Press Triangle - Grab Lever' and then Arthur did everything for me. Player is just along for the ride, no control. R* is actually the one playing the game. It is a game that actively shatters the entire point of being an interactive experience.

No amount of graphics or story can fix the play experience. This story really shoulda been a film. It doesn't fit the game medium to be so restrictive and straightforward. Like how many times am I going to do the same mission over again? And even the story is generic as hell. They begin every plot at the end of the story, which makes sense with the themes of the game being about the end of the Wild West, but that makes it so that the player misses all the interesting politics and stuff that happened before. We're just there at the end to blow things up. Game has so many problems.


Oct 27, 2017
It's vastly overrated just like GTA IV. It is far from a bad game, but due to the myriad of issues it is more of a 8.5/10 instead of a 9.5-9.7/10. It has sluggish controls, too many animations to drag things out, and just isn't that fun to play compared to the amazing graphics/presentation. Lackluster mission design yet again doesn't help either.


Aug 31, 2018
Even the first game had better mission variety.

Comparing this game to any GTA, the difference in variety is even bigger. Way bigger.

The amazing presentation really goes a long way to sell the game, obscuring it's many limitations.
Mecha Meister

Mecha Meister

Next-Gen Guru
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
"I've noticed a trend on ResetEra" That's the problem. Don't come to the forum looking for overall trends.


I mean, if you call the controls, the most fundamental aspect of gameplay, tolerable, you already answer your own question without any further factors requiring attention. How can a game with merely tolerable controls be a 97/100? In my eyes, it cannot.

I'm not really concerned about Metacritic scores to be honest, in my opinion the best critic of anything is yourself as everyone has their own tastes and knows what they like, hence the reason there is this divide on the topic of the thread.

I enjoy the Gunplay, but my main complaint with it is unresponsive it can be due to the arguably high input latency and the use of analogue sticks for aiming which are slower and less precise than a mouse. Hopefully the input latency will be significantly lower in the PC version of the game.

Then there's the game's movement, which feels weighted but also appears to be significantly affected by the high input latency, it would be great to see reductions in the input latency here, as well as to see speed improvements for things such as looting objects from people and the environment.
Perhaps the game would feel much more responsive if it was 25-50% faster to loot things from people and cupboards. I think a sizable amount of this delay may rely on the speed that the animations play at, but I could be mistaken.

Edit - Made post clearer.
Last edited:


Dec 28, 2017
This is a good point, but I feel that both games have the same problem: bad controls, mediocre combat and bad mission design. I can understand that graphics, writing, atmosphere, story segments... can make a game feel great even with some gameplay problems, but the two games you've listed have subpar gameplay and controls, which is a shame and makes them "good but no great", games to me.
Yeah, true. But I feel when it comes to reviews or whatever, a game can get away with mediocre controls as long as everything else is pretty much solid. The controls are not the end all be all of a video game. After all, games are greater than the sum of their parts, right? It's about how it all comes together and I think RDR2 nails it in that department.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
All I know is when I saw Ellie quickly loot stuff in the The Last of Us Part 2 gameplay footage yesterday I was relieved. I picked maybe, because the game looks boring and tedious so I wouldn't touch it.


Oct 27, 2017
This game will age just like GTA4. Hailed as a masterpiece at first but will be looked at as a great but flawed game that pioneered a few gameplay elements that will be standard by then.


Oct 28, 2017
Everything high regarded is overrated. Anything else is underrated.

Rules change if i like/dislike the game.

Deleted member 58846

User requested account closure
Jul 28, 2019
The amount of dissonance and arrogance to actually feel like your one singular opinion trumps general consensus must be insane. RDR2 is widely beloved and sells upwards of a million copies every quarter, it's not doing that because of its name, word of mouth would have killed it long ago if that was the case. Most people continue to love it, because it's an amazing title that achieves almost everything it sets out to do spectacularly.


Nov 7, 2017
It is quite possibly the least responsive and most sluggish game that I've ever played. There's a bunch of menus/subsystems and a hundred different buttons to do useless menial tasks. Coupled with a really awful aiming and sub-par gunplay, it's one of the most boring shooters ever made.

It also relies too much on cinematics to tell it's story, just let me play the damn game.


Nov 3, 2017
Bad gameplay and one trillion systems oh god. I played games with bad gameplay like deadly premonition before, but the game has enough charm to keep me playing. Not red dead 2.


Oct 28, 2017
I've found the sentiment about the game being overrated is similar on other sites as well, even places that aren't filled with enthusiasts.
In so many ways the game surpasses the best of what the industry has to offer and as a technical achievement it is peerless but the controls are such a fundamental thing, the game takes way too long to register your inputs and even when it does the character continues to move far too long after your thumb leaves the stick.

Then there's the issue with the restrictive nature of the mission design, where you try to come up with a creative solution to an objective and you get a mission failed for it. The long journeys to objectives are part of the experience I guess but it would be really nice to have the option to skip them.


Oct 31, 2017
After all, games are greater than the sum of their parts, right?
Yes, of course. But every player has some tolerance and preferences. I disagree with most these hyperbolic "this game is shit", "GOAT", "masterpiece"... comments most of the times, as I think that most AAA games are indeed good products overall and have both strong and weak points that will be more or less noticeable depending on the player.

I value controls, smooth gameplay over anything else, so even if my time with both RDR2 and TW3 was good (some sections were even great), and I appreciate this kind of mature, cinematic and atmospheric games, I don't consider them great as both fail in what I think should be the basics. Obviously every player wants a different thing from games, so some people will notice bad writing or bad stories in most games more than I do, so I get why this kind of games are always well received by some players.

At the end, it's IMO really easy to understand why some players will not agree that a game that has what can be considered big gameplay flaws has been rated with one of the highest scores ever.


Oct 29, 2017
I mean, games are more than the sum of their parts

AC Odyssey has complete free form mission design and ultra responsive controls and looting can be done on horseback while you're zooming around. Yet, I still would give that game 8/10 at most, while RDR 2 is my favorite of the gen.

I think the controls, while certainly could be improved on (and the 60+ fps on Pc will more than likely do just that, like with GTA 5) actually worked fairly well with the slow paced nature of the game. And the mission design, while, yes, annoying with its fail states, didn't bother me much at all simply because each mission felt hand crafted and part of a narrative, like mini tv episodes. If it was more free form, maybe it'd have been less frustrating at times, but quite possibly not nearly as memorable.

It could be better on both fronts, yes, but... in the end people rate and consider their overall experience, not dissect everything to bits and then average everything out. The game, as a package, absolutely blew my mind, and clearly the reviewers' too, hence the 97 average.

It's pretty much the only game ever where I walked around aimlessly in the open world and essentially "role played" as a civilian. And I did this for many hours.... it's just ridiculously immersive and detailed. It actually reminded me of the first time I booted GTA 3 up.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm still waiting for the PC port but I've got an anecdote about the game. I have a friend who recently played the game and she's a very casual gamer but that didn't stop her from making a write up on her blog about how boring the game was and how its attempt for realism hurt many aspects of the experience. She was not a fan of the rigid structure either.

It's interesting to see hardcore and casual players agree on a lot about the game. I'm curious if I'll enjoy it as the first RDR was amazing and I even like LA Noire but hated GTAV.
I know a lot of people that also just bought the game at launch, only played like 4 hours and then stopped but were wowed by the presentation and graphics.


Oct 27, 2017
I didnt finish it but I would guess that it's because it's a very well made game for a small portion of the video game audience. And that portion LOVES it.


Oct 25, 2017
It controls poorly and the gameplay as a whole is a slog in parts.

The story and characters are more than a little hackneyed but enjoyable enough.


Oct 31, 2017
If you ask me, I'm gonna say it's overrated, but I don't care for it tbh. People need to chill.


Oct 27, 2017
Because some people can't handle that others liked the game they disliked.
The amount of dissonance and arrogance to actually feel like your one singular opinion trumps general consensus must be insane. RDR2 is widely beloved and sells upwards of a million copies every quarter, it's not doing that because of its name, word of mouth would have killed it long ago if that was the case. Most people continue to love it, because it's an amazing title that achieves almost everything it sets out to do spectacularly.
And yet everyone who likes the game is?

because some people can't handle that others disliked a game they liked.

Serious Sam

Oct 27, 2017
The most overrated game ever made by a mile. It's reviewers rating is obscenely high considering how fundamentally bad it is to control among other things.

The game also has the worst fans who just wave of any and all criticism. We can't all be wrong ffs.
Oh please, RDR2 fans are bad? In what way? Negative RDR2 threads vastly outnumber positive ones here on ERA. How would you feel if your beloved game got shat on day after day with "criticism" or just because people feel personally insulted by Metascore?


Oct 27, 2017
Oh please, RDR2 fans are bad? In what way? Negative RDR2 threads vastly outnumber positive ones here on ERA. How would you feel if your beloved game got shat on day after day with "criticism" or just because people feel personally insulted by Metascore?

I'd probably feel fine knowing the game still has a 97, but that's just me.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
Rockstar games are stuck in a vicious cycle where they're overrated by critics in the beginning which causes it to be underrated by players in response.


Oct 25, 2017
Shovel Knight controls better, has more memorable characters, music, story, and environments, gameplay is linear but not nearly as restrictive, but its rated lower than RDR2 is so RDR2 is definitely overrated


Oct 26, 2017
I don't care for trying to decipher whether it's an overrated or underrated game, I just know that my experience with it was largely positive, enough so to outweigh the negatives. It is completely understandable to me how the game didn't gel with a lot of people, most of the known issues were not something that slipped past me, I just gave myself over to Rockstar's obvious intention of having me wholly inhabit the protagonist and world. Their approach to immersion seems to share the same mentality I had as a kid, where I'd feel compelled to walk everywhere in games to create a sense of believability for myself. It's something I rarely do anymore but for the sake of this one game and in appreciation for the meticulous world they developed, I was happy to play along even with some of the more cumbersome aspects. All that being said, I'm not sure it's a game I ever want to play again; if I ever do, I know it will be years and years from now.

For the record, I actually thought the controls and movement were fine. It's no MGSV, of course, but I felt as though they were signifcantly improved from most of their previous games.


Oct 25, 2017
It's overrated for me because behind all the production that impresses everyone, I didn't think it was a fun game.