Oct 27, 2017
Writing around those size differential scenarios and still making it a compelling encounter that's believable is actually kind of tricky. So instead most productions opt for the illogical but much easier direct route. It can be done well even if it doesn't make sense on the surface.

This was the dumbest fucking shit. This is an example of it being done in the worst way.
Oct 26, 2017
This clip always makes me want to rewatch Man of Steel.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
You can't expect writers to write their way out of a job.


Nov 14, 2017
Also with regards to the specific scene in the OP, there are ways to show the main character in imminent danger from a powerful threat without hamstringing the villain or making them behave like an imbecile.

The raptor kitchen scene in JP1, the Aragorn vs head Orc fight in Fellowship, Smith vs Morpheus and Smith vs Neo in og Matrix, Cap vs Winter Soldier, Cap vs Thanos... the scenes generally look better when the bad guy is actually trying to win.


Oct 28, 2017
He threw him some and tried to deliver death blows that were dodged. That's the thing about death blows they wind up and telegraph where as a super throw is different.


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
*Pitch guy* "because the movie needs to happen"


Oct 25, 2017
Sandy Eggo
One thing i always hated is when super heroes survive being thrown through buildings or surviving Super Mega Kamehamehas and then dying or being taken out by a dumb sword or a gun. Like, you survived a city block destroying bomb but then a dumpy blade instantly kills you.


Dec 11, 2017
Wolverine's even worse when he's in a team. 'Cause somehow all the baddies know that they're allowed to go all out against Wolverine, but keep pulling their punches with everyone else. So it just highlights the discrepancy.

Either that or Logan has developed a fighting style consisting of "tank everything because healing factor." And like, one the one hand that kinda makes sense, but on the other hand he's supposed to be a top-tier fighter, and it just makes him look clumsy and dumb that he's getting torn apart all the time while Cyke and the rest barely get a scratch, y'know?


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I'm with you OP, it's annoying and every single time I think the baddy is going out of their way to not kill the hero and that feels like a plot hole and that's annoying.


Nov 22, 2019
Invincible (comics and to a slightly lesser extent the show) avoids this trope constantly.

Very few heroes or villains hold back, so when there is a vast delta in power levels between two characters, someone loses a limb or outright dies. After reading the whole series, I do think it's a more "realistic" portrayal of some of the power gaps they show in comics. Spiderman is anywhere from 5x-10x stronger than Captain America, Iron man 4x stronger than that, the thing 2x stronger than that, base Hulk 2x stronger than that... getting hit by someone 2x stronger than you wouldn't be pretty, let alone 10x or more.
That's one of the things I always liked about Spider-man, that Peter Parker's conscience and ethos means he's always pulling his punches, he's doesn't want to kill anyone. Otherwise he'd have flat out punched the jaw off Doc Ock, Vulture etc the first time he landed a blow on them, especially when it's usually combined with the velocity of his acrobatics/webslinging. It makes the few times when he does cut loose much better, especially when his allies and enemies alike are like 'holy shit'. Or when, in Superior Spider-man, Ock is controlling his body and is like 'all this power and he only used a fraction of it'. Kinda works as an explanation for how Spidey can trade blows with both strong characters and physically weaker ones.
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2018
I am sure I have watched one of those youtube video essays on the whole ridiculousness of the "hero toss". They even used the terminator example on the newer movies vs. old ones where Cameron made sure that the terminator never actually touches the main character, as that would be the end. Can't find the video though.
Have to say, the fact the villain could and would break the hero if given a chance instead of tossing them like bag of pillows gives a lot more intimidation factor.


Oct 28, 2017
That's one of the things I always liked about Spider-man, that Peter Parker's conscience and ethos means he's always pulling his punches, he's doesn't want to kill anyone. Otherwise he'd have flat out punched the jaw off Doc Ock, Vulture etc the first time he landed a blow on them, especially when it's usually combined with the velocity of his acrobatics/webslinging. It makes the few times when he does cut loose much better, especially when his allies and enemies alike are like 'holy shit'. Or when, in Superior Spider-man, Ock is controlling his body and is like 'all this power and he only used a fraction of it'. Kinda works as an explanation for how Spidey can trade blows with both strong characters and physically weaker ones.

I always marvel at how people say "shouldnt Spiderman be beating these guys to a pulp" not understanding that Peter knows he could fuck these people up, he is consciously choosing not to outright kill everyone with each punch.
He is a hero after all.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
you know, in general, people do not want to kill other people, especially not by twisting their bony necks intro mush


Oct 25, 2017
Wolverine's even worse when he's in a team. 'Cause somehow all the baddies know that they're allowed to go all out against Wolverine, but keep pulling their punches with everyone else. So it just highlights the discrepancy.

Either that or Logan has developed a fighting style consisting of "tank everything because healing factor." And like, one the one hand that kinda makes sense, but on the other hand he's supposed to be a top-tier fighter, and it just makes him look clumsy and dumb that he's getting torn apart all the time while Cyke and the rest barely get a scratch, y'know?
I think I have heard that in story he's got a ton of experience and skill (train with samurai, been fighting forever) but because he doesn't need it most of the time he just straight up coasts on healing and berserker rage and claws.

Basically he's just hella washed up and old

Doesn't make it any more fun tho but that could explain that

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
They do, sometimes. Depends on the media and how much plot armour the character has ;)
that scene in Arcane felt a bit like that


Dec 6, 2017
Sure it's a contrivence to keep the plot going, but I think the real complaint is just about poor scene construction. You have to figure out a way to write a scene without negating the threat you've built up. It's hard not to want to call directors lazy on this stuff.


Nov 16, 2017
Sure it's a contrivence to keep the plot going, but I think the real complaint is just about poor scene construction. You have to figure out a way to write a scene without negating the threat you've built up. It's hard not to want to call directors lazy on this stuff.

I have to agree. I've seen it so many times that it actively becomes annoying and distracting. Often times the villain also gets built up to be depicted as ruthless, usually killing random bystanders and others as collateral damage...

But then the villains gets the hero in their two hand grasp and.... tosses them away?? Its extremely silly. Inspires me to avoid the trope entirely in my own writing. I really have no idea why it isn't just avoided, we can show a hero having a hard time with a fight without being overtly captured and having some unrealistic out

Senator Toadstool

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Sure it's a contrivence to keep the plot going, but I think the real complaint is just about poor scene construction. You have to figure out a way to write a scene without negating the threat you've built up. It's hard not to want to call directors lazy on this stuff.
I don't think the directors are always at fault for how a seen was written. lots of times the writers are the ones doing this and hamstringing a director who's not going to rewrite a seen


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's the DBZ equivalent of throwing countless ki blasts and a big smoke ball forming: you know the guy will come out of this unscathed and will fuck up the other guy soon.

Bunty Hoven

Oct 30, 2017
This is why Ora-Ora is the most logical common use of a Superman powerset in comics. Speed + strength = pneumatic drill beatdown.


Oct 26, 2017
These movies are literally cartoons, in what world would any realism comes into play????


Oct 25, 2017

The terminators gets the complete drop on John Conner. But does he just punch threw his chest? Does he crush his skull like Gregor Clegane?

Nope, he just throws him around a bit, allowing John to eventually take him out.

Idk, there's no moment in this scene where he can punch through John IMO, because he has to keep one of his arms on the ground to not fall over. He's missing both his legs and is left crawling around, he's clearly not in the best condition.

The scene with the T-800 (Arnold) later on is much more ridiculous lol


Oct 27, 2017
My biggest pet peeve is that happening to a regular human being, they get up, shake it off, and jump back in to the fight.

If you're just a regular Joe or Jane and you get thrown thirty feet through the air, smack against a wall or pillar, and fall the rest of the ten feet down...you're dead. Or at least broke so many bones in your body that the last thing you wanna, or can do, is get back up.


Oct 25, 2017
My biggest pet peeve is that happening to a regular human being, they get up, shake it off, and jump back in to the fight.

If you're just a regular Joe or Jane and you get thrown thirty feet through the air, smack against a wall or pillar, and fell the rest of the ten feet down...you're dead. Or at least broke so many bones in your body that the last thing you wanna, or can do, is get back up.
Meanwhile, just a little knock in the back of the head makes them unconscious for 10+ minutes lol


Oct 27, 2017
Idk, there's no moment in this scene where he can punch through John IMO, because he has to keep one of his arms on the ground to not fall over. He's missing both his legs and is left crawling around, he's clearly not in the best condition.

The scene with the T-800 (Arnold) later on is much more ridiculous lol

The timestamp opens up with the Terminator coming up behind John when it throws him away. Why grab and throw him, when his metallic hands could just go straight through his body?


Oct 25, 2017
Without plot armor there would be only a handful of comic book superheroes and villains left.

I'll echo the sentiments that Invincible seems to avoid these issues. "The Boys" too for the most part.

But no Marvel/DC aren't killing off their billion dollar franchise characters. Not for long anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
The timestamp opens up with the Terminator coming up behind John when it throws him away. Why grab and throw him, when his metallic hands could just go straight through his body?
He can barely reach up to John's shoulder. I assume he doesn't have enough balance to stand up and punch through him.

I guess technically he could have crushed John's legs or something...


Oct 25, 2017
If you have Super Power, you least likely practice submission skill I guess

shit even in real life, MMA athlete with KO power more often than not rarely practice their jiujitsu.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Same reason characters with telekinesis don't just crush their opponents' skulls or tear their limbs apart... usually.


Oct 27, 2017
He can barely reach up to John's shoulder. I assume he doesn't have enough balance to stand up and punch through him.

I guess technically he could have crushed John's legs or something...

I'd think those metal fingers could do some real damage digging into any sort of flesh. Even if it's just an upper leg or something. Didn't Arnold in T1 and T2 have some sort of software to minimize/maximize damage?

But perhaps the robot in that clip is a grab-and-throwinator, the less lethal version that just wants to thow things around.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh I hate it so much when that happens, I get having the hero survive and all that, but it shouldn't be from the lack of effort on part of the villain to kill the hero. Just write it in a way that makes sense, like the hero uses a hidden weapon or something to temporary blind the baddie.

Another annoying one is when there's a female character fighting alongside the hero, but she gets lightly tapped on the shoulder or something and is knocked out of the fight. Such BS.


Oct 25, 2017
lol OP I was thinking about pretty much any Terminator film after Cameron's films.

Cameron explained that the Terminator will always take the quickest route to get the job done as it's about efficiency. Like him ripping the punk's heart out at the start of T1.

That Salvation scene was always beyond dumb for the reason you mentioned. It could have just crushed his throat instead of throwing him away. Made no logical sense. It's called lazy writing. The writers couldn't conceive of a scenario that had the Terminator constantly nipping at the protagonists heels like they constantly do in the first two films. Because the writers of T4 are the same shitty writers of T3.


Oct 27, 2017
A lot of the time I can excuse it as the villain playing with their food, but not when it's a fucking Terminator.


Oct 25, 2017
That's why I'm team Battle Beast



This is a guy who enjoys his work. And its beating people into a pulp.
Oct 28, 2017
Why don't Jedi/Sith just use the force to move someone's internal organs? Stop with the lightsaber fights. Just make their heart stop beating in a second.

David Addison

Oct 28, 2017
That Salvation scene was always beyond dumb for the reason you mentioned. It could have just crushed his throat instead of throwing him away. Made no logical sense. It's called lazy writing. The writers couldn't conceive of a scenario that had the Terminator constantly nipping at the protagonists heels like they constantly do in the first two films.

Lazy writing, eh?

Also RIP Speedo Guy, you lasted a surprisingly long time in a brawl with a cyborg killing machine.


Nov 1, 2017
It is lazy writing when it's a clearly shown killer who is without remorse just taking out non threats in a blink of an eye, yet then when it comes time to kill the main threat they instead play with the targer? Book of Boba Fett was awful with this, killers sent to kill, have their target in hand, but don't ever bother to actually deliver a killing blow.

Had this complaint about 95% of the fights in Supernatural

Yea it was super annoying, you had so many super powered being who can at a flick of their wrist kill people, rip them apart with a single hand, snapping necks left and right.

Then when they get to fight Sam and Dean, they toss them around the room for 5 mins instead.


May 20, 2019
That's one of the many reasons why I like Unbreakable. That final climactic fight with David Dunn against that home invaded guy is amazing. There are no fancy fighting moves or choreography or anything like that. He just grabs the bad guy around the neck and hangs on until his opponent suffocates. It's realistic, effective, and brutal.