
I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
If you don't, cool, get outta here. If you do and want to complain about something in this thread, cool, get outta here.


I see a lot of toxicity in this particular fandom, but it's also hugely popular, meaning it must have aspects that resonate with people. Let's see if we can generate some positivity!

What do you personally like about the franchise?

Me? It's the fantasy/sci-fi fusion. You have plasma cannons and lightsabers and spaceships, but also an underlying narrative about a greater force and the need for good and balance in the universe. You have an order of space samurai monks who were in charge of protecting and enforcing this balance. There's a novelty to seeing this fusion fully realized that no other sci-fi series outside of books does quite as effectively, I think. And it's created to be cinematic and flashy, making it feel wholly unique from books in that respect.

I also love its simplicity. There is a value to depth and nuance in stories, but sometimes you want more of a blockbuster feel, a feel-good story. Star Wars is this. There's good and evil, the technology is designed to look cool, and the story never gets overly complicated outside of a few instances. It's mostly about selling you the spectacle of awesome space technology and magic powers, and it does a really good job at doing that.


I think these things are enough to make an otherwise cliche narrative engaging. Darth Vader is the basic black knight trope, but he's got robot armor and a laser sword, so it feels new and exciting. There's a mix of simplicity (overt use of tropes such as the fallen hero, redemption, temptation, the hero's journey, etc.) and creativity (in the setting, world building, and aesthetic design) that works together to create a gripping universe.

I really love the tech and magic seen in the series.

What about you?


Oct 25, 2017
I love sci-fi and fantasy (fantasy to a lesser extent) and find Star Wars to be the perfect mix between them. I love the idea of the Force, I love that these Samurais worship and are able to wield it. I love all the designs, from the tech to the creatures. I love the music, I love the characters.

Star Wars is cool, yo.


Nov 27, 2017
I was one of those kids who did fanfiction in their head about cats like Boba Fett and IG-88 without knowing what fanfiction was.


Oct 25, 2017
The music is really great and it feels unique compared to most other movies.

KOTOR is my favourite piece of media from the franchise though.


Oct 27, 2017
The spaceships the myth, the opera/drama

The technology/science is far less interesting to me, but the cool spaceships and how things work in that galaxy captured my imagination and never let go.
This is why I appreciate Star Trek for its nuance and Star Wars for its mythos.

So things like Jedi power levels and all the angry minutae youtube videos don't make any sense to me. Those people should go into Trek fandom instead.


Oct 29, 2017
- The soundtrack has some amazing pieces and is extremely memorable
- Some of my favorite video games were spawned from this franchise (e.g. Jedi Knight series, KOTOR)
- Some of the characters have highly memorable, even iconic designs
- The mentioned mix of sci-fi with cool fantasy shit like lightsabers and force powers

The movies might be less than the sum of their parts due to stupid storyboarding and baffling directorial decisions, but the ingredients of the series/universe as a whole are great.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I like it for the artistic merit it has. Reading the "art of" books from the last movies i've really come to appreciate the care that's involved in all the artistic decisions, be it character design, cities, props, the droids and creatures, etc. Lately i've felt a lot more interested in SW mostly for the bigger role of women on the movies and the drive to represent more minorities.

Also, i have really fond memories of watching the clone wars, especially for the Annakin depicted there, Obi Wan and Ahsoka Tahno. Great characters so much better realized than in the prequels.


Oct 27, 2017
The world building and the music. They had some really good video games in the past.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
I'm not sure I even know. Star Wars is so formative to me that I like other things because I like Star Wars. It informed my taste in film, music, literature, everything.


The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I like the pew pew pew, and the wooowwaaowoawoa bzzzzzzz ching ching woosh blllzzzzzzzz.

I was trying to onomatopoeia a light saber btw.


Nov 1, 2017
Space battles
Light sabers
Good triumphing over evil
Philosophy of learning to control your anger
Overcoming your demons
Not letting your past determine your future
Protecting those who can't protect themselves
Luke and Vader's relationship
Space drama/space opera feel
Amazing music
Great mix of sci-fi and fantasy (Star Wars is space fantasy)
The Tie-Fighter PC game


Oct 27, 2017
I've always had an interest in comparative mythology, and the myths on display in the OT and PT are like a love letter to them. Also like many who grew up in the 80's I view Williams as the GOAT, and his music in all the films bring the stories to life.


Oct 26, 2017
I actually played Final Fantasy VI first, so I was primed for the whole "melodrama with magic and friendship set against a backdrop of resistance to an evil Empire". By the time the "one last time" 1995 VHS releases of the OT came out, I realized FF owed its flavour to Star Wars, and I was hooked.

I think what I love is that it's a space fantasy, not hard sci-fi. It's fun and light, while still having a well of personal pathos that still makes it resonate as spiritually important to me.

Van Bur3n

Oct 27, 2017
Because General Grievous inspires me that one day I will reach the peak performance that he has.


Nov 1, 2017
I also really do enjoy the community for the most part. The fan art, the music remixes, the's all pretty cool. Loved the expanded universe in the 90s and playing the video games and talking about all of it with my friends who were also into it at the time.


Oct 25, 2017
didnt take long for the star wars fan to tell us how miserable he is and shit up the thread

didnt take long for the star wars fan to tell us how miserable he is and shit up the thread

most toxic/childish fandom in existence, by far.

That's the only thing I don't like about Star Wars.

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
I like it's combination of mostly sci/fi-fantasy pulp adventure fun with operatic good vs evil struggle in just the right dose, and a helping of internal philosophical struggles. It's a good mix of grand and low key (when the balance is right).

Deleted member 18021

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Cool ships, cool mythos, cool characters. Growing up watching the movies helped a lot.

Also TIE Fighter was a cool video game and it makes me sad we'll never ever get another game as great as it.

Don't care at all for most of the fandom, so I'm not really an active member of it anymore. The childishness and sheer toxicity drive the fun right out.

I rewatched the prequels recently for the first time in forever and found them not nearly as bad as several decades of hate on the internet would drive you to believe.

Sequels are fine too. Nothing as stupid as the Old EU got.


Developer at Insomniac Games
Oct 25, 2017
Burbank CA
because the original trilogy was amazing as a kid in the 80s and captured the imagination in a way most other media didn't. it felt like a real world. so what happened there and to those characters mattered.


Oct 26, 2017
didnt take long for the star wars fan to tell us how miserable he is and shit up the thread

didnt take long for the star wars fan to tell us how miserable he is and shit up the thread

most toxic/childish fandom in existence, by far.
It was a positive fandom before the prequels.... Been pretty toxic for awhile now. I weep at anything Star Wars related recommended by my youtube feed. The whole anti-SJW, anti-TLJ, anti-Disney, anti-Kathleen Kennedy rabbit hole is so gross (if you just dislike TLJ nothing wrong with that).


Oct 27, 2017
Rotorua, NZ
Pure escapist adventure
Majestic sweeping soundtrack
Epic story telling and world buiilding with relateable characters.
OT has all of this :-)


Oct 26, 2017
For me it was the realized worlds. Seeing so many different species of alien on camera. I was drawn to how everything seemed actually lived in/used rather than the more regular hyper clean sci-fi aesthetic.

Also laser-swords are cool, and the sound effects are great. Plus John Williams.


Oct 30, 2017
the original trilogy is one of the greatest fantasy adventures in cinema


Oct 27, 2017
For such a futuristic society, their tech looks so ancient. Lack of displays, holograms look like trash, buttons, and knobs, among other things there is simply physical.

Star Trek had the sense to update its tech with the times, instead of looking the same as in 1977.


Nov 2, 2017
Now, it's mainly the music that draws me in but as a kid, I loved the idea of space, aliens and lightsabers. Shit was cool.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The original trilogy is basically a fairy tale with space wizards in it. You have the young farmboy who is recruited by a knight to help him defeat a villainous Black Knight, a princess locked away in the dungeons, a rogue of questionable morals, a wizard in a swamp, a cruel and despotic king... You even have a giant fire breathing dragon for the hero to defeat, except it's a space station that blows up planets.

Which is really just about the coolest thing ever.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
3 year old me got hooked watching my dad's OT VHS set. Probably the lightsabers and space battles the most. It just stuck.

I also like the fact that people get upset over The Last Jedi "ruining" the franchise while they felt embarrassed to be a fan as it played in the theater.