
Oct 25, 2017
I have no problem with vegans, but I will say in comparison to vegetarians I've encountered a much higher rate of them that are rude, standoffish, etc. It seems to be the ones that appear to be malnourished in comparison to the ones that look healthy.

I haven't really encountered many of either that are overly/outwardly rude about people's food choices, although I'm sure they exist. In general there seem to be more on the other side(i.e. meat eaters) that are rude about that whole thing

Dongs Macabre

Oct 26, 2017
In the example given that started this conversation, it is literally calling itself chicken wings.

Vegan chicken wings is both an oxymoron and a flat lie. The fact nobody believes the lie doesn't make it not a lie. It is a false assertion.
You may find yourself equally offended when you learn about the lack of canine meat in the average hot dog.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Because they're afraid of the fact that vegans are right lmao. People always talk about the annoying preachy vegan, but what about the preachy meat eaters that appear in troves whenever a vegan does?

"I'm vegan-"

"Why do vegans act like they're so morally superior?" Because they are, buddy. I'm pretty sure the person not causing animals to be slaughtered is objectively on the higher moral ground. Of course then the usual arguments whatabout into "well they're wearing clothes probably made by suffering children" etc etc and it's just embarrassing.

And I say all this as a meat eater. The vegans got to me two years ago and started making me question where I stand morally. In the end, I accepted that I am a hedonistic pig and that I do not put the atrocious meat industry above my personal enjoyment of Whoppers and buffalo wings. I'm part of the problem, but I get one life so y'know, YOLO and all.


Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: Inflammatory generalizations
Most of them are preachy, holier than thou assholes about it. That's always going to rub people the wrong way.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't hate vegans or vegetarians for that matter. Though like any 'fan base' of anything a vocal minority can be annoying.

That said one time at work I was in the hospitals cafeteria getting a sandwich with chicken and cheese on it. And the director of risk management who is a vegetarian, starts talking to me and is like "you should go vegetarian, you'll be much healtier."
I found this slightly ironic because she was all of 5'2" and probably weighed 250-275 lbs.
Oct 27, 2017
The only vegans I dont care for are the crazed PETA types and the ones who are anti-vaccine and abortion(which is laughable).


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego-ish
This is the equivalent of saying "I don't hate <racial minority>. I just hate gang members and thugs."

If your brain is equating vegans with preachy jerks, then the bias already exists.
I don't have a bias against vegans at all. I'm just saying that the only time I've seen someone get annoyed by a vegan is when they were being preachy. I don't think I've ever met a person who hates vegans for just being vegans.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't have a bias against vegans at all. I'm just saying that the only time I've seen someone get annoyed by a vegan is when they were being preachy. I don't think I've ever met a person who hates vegans for just being vegans.

Sorry, bad word choice on my part. I meant "your" in the general sense, not to call out you specifically.

And there are definitely people who hold that sort of bias. For instance, this post a few above yours:

Most of them are preachy, holier than thou assholes about it. That's always going to rub people the wrong way.


Nov 1, 2017
Yup. I dont drink. Bothers few. If I say no drinking is inherently a morally superior position and that those who dont drink are better people, bothers many.

I dont drive. Bothers few. If I say not driving is inherently a morally superior position and that those who dont drive are better people, bothers many.

This guy been out here low key trolling hard... has to be... I hope anyways..
Cmon man.. Not drinking or driving equates to not killing something for food when its not necessary? Some interesting logic..


Nov 2, 2017
I have no problem with vegans. I don't like people who shove the fact that their vegan in your face constantly. If we're not eating, I don't need to know about your eating habits, and I definitely don't need to be constantly reminded.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
I don't hate vegans, I hate [insert people of any lifestyle here] who act like their lifestyle choices make them better than me, or them trying to force me into also adopting that lifestyle. I don't mind if you're vegan, religious or anything but that in no way makes you better than me and in no way gives you the right to also try to force that choice on me.


Nov 1, 2017
I don't hate vegans, I hate [insert people of any lifestyle here] who act like their lifestyle choices make them better than me, or them trying to force me into also adopting that lifestyle. I don't mind if you're vegan, religious or anything but that in no way makes you better than me and in no way gives you the right to also try to force that choice on me.
Yeah true true... A lot of people think that opinions or beliefs should be personal, and not affect others who may disagree. That's cool and everything, but if you think that applies to veganism, you're looking at it backwards. Non-vegans/we are raised to believe that actually killing others is totally fine. That belief requires others to die for you. Is that not a problem?

Aren't you forcing your way of life onto a third party who may disagree? Veganism is actually what fits your definition don't you think?
Oct 27, 2017
This guy been out here low key trolling hard... has to be... I hope anyways..
Cmon man.. Not drinking or driving equates to not killing something for food when its not necessary? Some interesting logic..

No, I didntt say they were equal. Not driving is good for the environment, not drinking is good for yourself. Both are sacrifices you could use to say you're a better person for making. Those are some of the similarities. It's taking an action on something you feel strongly about, which is good, but then telling other people they are bad for not taking the same action, which is not good.

If I want to eat meat it's necessary to kill an animal. I imagine lab grown is coming soon enough maybe itll be moot before we know it.

Taking an action doesnt bother most people. Saying you're better (and they would be better, too) for taking that action bothers people. That's all my post was illustrating.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't care if someone is vegan. It's when someone starts preaching. I'm not sitting down at the pew.


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
You can go without meat, a vegan can't eat meat. This is not the same thing at all.

Vegans won't offer meat because that's buying into the meat industry which is completely against the core of their beliefs.

It's a two-way street. Both parties should show the same courtesy. You can buy wastage food from the stores, that would be thrown into trash otherwise. Serving it instead would ensure it wouldn't go to waste.

But non-vegans can eat vegan food. Do you expect a Muslim or Jewish cook to serve pork to their guests??

It's pretty telling, that veganism is equated with religion. Is it forbidden for them to serve pork? After all, you could buy ready-made food like snacks, or delegate its preparing to someone else.

Incredible. You came late to the game and outdid yourself with the worst take of the thread. Congratulations!

I'm flattered, since it triggered that kind of juvenile response.


User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
It's a two-way street. Both parties should show the same courtesy. You can buy wastage food from the stores, that would be thrown into trash otherwise. Serving it instead would ensure it wouldn't go to waste.

It's pretty telling, that veganism is equated with religion. Is it forbidden for them to serve pork? After all, you could buy ready-made food like snacks, or delegate its preparing to someone else.
Anti-veganism is not a sensibel position, so trying to both sides this is really dumb.
Wastage food is not suddenly cruelty free and by buying it you still support the same inudstries.
Vegans can't suddenly ignore thier morals when buying food for others.


Dec 12, 2017
I don't get it myself. People just love grouping and generalizing. Some may get overzealous, but instead of arguing try to understand where they are coming from. I think most vegans choose their lifestyle for a good cause. Eating less meat won't kill anyone. The vegans who're patronizing and guilt-tripping others shouldn't be so aggressive either. Both sides need to be empathetic for the other.

Food like music is a universal language we should all just enjoy.


Alt Account
Apr 20, 2019
I just don't wanna feel judged for eating meat. I've gone out with vegan/vegetarian friends and I always feel like they're internally judging me when I order something with meat in it.


Oct 26, 2017
Helsinki, Finland
Anti-veganism is not a sensibel position, so trying to both sides this is really dumb.
Wastage food is not suddenly cruelty free and by buying it you still support the same inudstries.
Vegans can't suddenly ignore thier morals when buying food for others.

No, it's not. If your stance is that your needs have to be catered, but you aren't willing to do the same for others, it's just selfish, and underlines the holier than thou attitude.

So, it's better to leave the food to be thrown away, than to serve it to your quests? It's not endorsing the meat industry to avoid needless wastage.

EDIT: Plus, you can buy from independent cruelty-free companies.


User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
No, it's not. If your stance is that your needs have to be catered, but you aren't willing to do the same for others, it's just selfish, and underlines the holier than thou attitude.

So, it's better to leave the food to be thrown away, than to serve it to your quests? It's not endorsing the meat industry to avoid needless wastage.

EDIT: Plus, you can buy from independent cruelty-free companies.
Yes, it is. There is no reason to refuse to eat vegan food out of principle other than to be a dick to vegans.

Curelty-free meat, diary and egg production is not a thing.


Oct 27, 2017
My wife went vegan earlier this year and has tried to keep it quiet but it's been amazing to see the, sometimes horrible, reactions of family and friends. Like the earlier poster I suspect there's a lot of meat eaters who feel like they're being judged, when they're not.

Xiao Hu

Chicken Chaser
Oct 26, 2017
The only thing that bothers me about vegans is that the food that vegan foodie-Youtubers present looks mostly bland even though, judged by the ingredients, it should taste great.

I'm also annoyed by the promotion of overpriced meat/dairy substitutes as if every one could afford them. Promote more DIY and experimenting cuisine in this regard (see Sauce Stache for example).

Plus, stop buying tofu in plastic packaging.....


Oct 27, 2017
I don't have a bias against vegans at all. I'm just saying that the only time I've seen someone get annoyed by a vegan is when they were being preachy. I don't think I've ever met a person who hates vegans for just being vegans.
I do after I started dating a vegan. It's especially bad having many men around you. Most people are plain insulted suggesting to go for a vegan spot.


Oct 27, 2017
1% a small number of very vocal vegans can be quite obnoxious
99% people feel guilty about the cruelty and environmental impact of meat/dairy


Oct 25, 2017
the actual reason is people don't want to feel guilty. the vast majority of vegans aren't out preaching. that's a caricature that's mostly made up and anytime it actually appears is amplified x1000. Also PETA

I'd also add that there's an absurd pride/cultural component in regard to eating meat that causes people to lash out.


Oct 31, 2017
Because they're afraid of the fact that vegans are right lmao. People always talk about the annoying preachy vegan, but what about the preachy meat eaters that appear in troves whenever a vegan does?

"I'm vegan-"

"Why do vegans act like they're so morally superior?" Because they are, buddy. I'm pretty sure the person not causing animals to be slaughtered is objectively on the higher moral ground. Of course then the usual arguments whatabout into "well they're wearing clothes probably made by suffering children" etc etc and it's just embarrassing.

And I say all this as a meat eater. The vegans got to me two years ago and started making me question where I stand morally. In the end, I accepted that I am a hedonistic pig and that I do not put the atrocious meat industry above my personal enjoyment of Whoppers and buffalo wings. I'm part of the problem, but I get one life so y'know, YOLO and all.
You took the words out of my mouth. I'm not a vegan and I'm about 80% vegetarian. I don't feel the need to defend the ethics of eating meat and to a lesser extent eating animal products. There's no doubt in my mind that people hate vegans because subconsciously they don't like people reminding them that they take part in a monstrous industry.


Oct 27, 2017
To the people who say vegans are self righteous/preachy, how would you react if someone said they ate dog or horse meat? I guarantee you that many of the meat eaters in this thread would be on their soapbox instantly.

Everyone becomes preachy when it's something they care about.


User requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
To the people who say vegans are self righteous/preachy, how would you react if someone said they ate dog or horse meat? I guarantee you that many of the meat eaters in this thread would be on their soapbox instantly.

Everyone becomes preachy when it's something they care about.
I mean as long as it's not my dog or horse


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I never met a vegan who never tried giving me a sermon. I'm not trying to convert stomach faiths here. The belly wants what the belly wants.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean as long as it's not my dog or horse
Unfortunately lots of people react pretty harshly if someone says they eat dog or horse, which is hilarious because they're often chowing down on animals themselves. If a restaurant started serving dog meat, I'm pretty sure many meat eaters would turn militant right on the spot.


Oct 25, 2017
It's a two-way street. Both parties should show the same courtesy. You can buy wastage food from the stores, that would be thrown into trash otherwise. Serving it instead would ensure it wouldn't go to waste.
No, it's a one way street.

A vegan can't buy meat as it goes entirely against the core of their belief. It doesn't matter if it's "wastage" or not, they shouldn't be expected to buy meat. A meat eater can eat a vegan meal every now and then, jfc at the idea they can't. That is the only courtesy that matters here.

A mear eater should NEVER expect a vegan to prepare them meat for a meal. The fact some of you people can't comprehend this is so crazy.
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Deleted member 426

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
the actual reason is people don't want to feel guilty. the vast majority of vegans aren't out preaching. that's a caricature that's mostly made up and anytime it actually appears is amplified x1000. Also PETA
Bullshit, sorry. 10 years ago when I became aware of the caricature it was absolutely true of a significant number of vegans. Maybe not the majority, there's literally no way to know, but enough to annoy people.

I haven't seen that kind of behaviour for years, so I agree it's an outdated stereotype, but let's not pretend it just popped up from nowhere. Also even just you saying that people have a guilt complex is exactly the kind of holier than though attitude that riles people up, not because you're hitting a nerve, but because you're accusing people of being pricks.

Awesome Kev

Jan 10, 2018
I never met a vegan who never tried giving me a sermon. I'm not trying to convert stomach faiths here. The belly wants what the belly wants.

That's a shame and I'm not surprised.

However, just know there are plenty of us out here who don't preach, it's just likely that you don't know were here because of the fact that we don't preach about it.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Bullshit, sorry. 10 years ago when I became aware of the caricature it was absolutely true of a significant number of vegans. Maybe not the majority, there's literally no way to know, but enough to annoy people.

I haven't seen that kind of behaviour for years, so I agree it's an outdated stereotype, but let's not pretend it just popped up from nowhere. Also even just you saying that people have a guilt complex is exactly the kind of holier than though attitude that riles people up, not because you're hitting a nerve, but because you're accusing people of being pricks.
Opting to support a cruel industry does say something about your character. How could it not? I would defend this position to my death.


Oct 25, 2017
Bullshit, sorry. 10 years ago when I became aware of the caricature it was absolutely true of a significant number of vegans. Maybe not the majority, there's literally no way to know, but enough to annoy people.

I haven't seen that kind of behaviour for years, so I agree it's an outdated stereotype, but let's not pretend it just popped up from nowhere. Also even just you saying that people have a guilt complex is exactly the kind of holier than though attitude that riles people up, not because you're hitting a nerve, but because you're accusing people of being pricks.
No, it never existed as the standard.


User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
To the people who say vegans are self righteous/preachy, how would you react if someone said they ate dog or horse meat? I guarantee you that many of the meat eaters in this thread would be on their soapbox instantly.

Everyone becomes preachy when it's something they care about.
Speciesism is defiently pretty big in the west. So many people get angry that people eat dogs in other nations.
Eating pigs and cows is totally fine though, even though there is no meaningful difference between these species.