
Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
No I'm cool with not having racist games on shops. I'm cool with not having games that glorify rape on shops. There should be a bare minimum required, this libertarian philosophy sucks and it's why Steam is full of forums with Nazi sympathizers.

No one is defending the inclusion of these games.

And every gamer forum is filled with alt-righters, except maybe this one.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
That last video including Catlateral Damage? Piss off. That game certainly has a limited concept but it isn't shovelware.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
No one is defending the inclusion of these games.

And every gamer forum is filled with alt-righters, except maybe this one.

They aren't specifically defending these games, but by making the general argument "we shouldn't have curation because there might be a good game that gets rejected" they are allowing games like School Shooter whatever to be sold in certain situations.

And why is this forum different? Because it has curation!


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Because curation and censorship is nearly always stupid, exceptions of course do and should exist but it's easier to deal with case by case.


Oct 31, 2017
It's way less of a problem on PS4 because the storefront is pretty well-curated. You actually kinda have to dig deep to reach the really bad shovelware. Besides, placing quality restrictions can be tricky because, well, quality is subjective. For what it's worth, the PS4 store is still leagues better than the Switch's.


God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
I think a lot of crappy games just comes with the territory of not curating games. I'm ultimately against curation because I don't like the idea of someone else telling what to like and not like.

Also Undertale and Minecraft will forever be great examples of games that at a glance you wouldn't peg for a million seller, let alone a billion dollar IP.


Oct 25, 2017
Detroit, MI
I can see why it could be an issue, but one of the problems that come with "curation" is who gets to say what is and isn't worthy of being on a store front? Of course it would ultimately be up to the platform holder but some of the games they may deny could be seen as art to another.

It's not such a black and white issue. Sure; devs will have a harder time standing out amongst the pile of other releases and "trash/shovelware", but you're also allowing another entity to decide what is good for you instead of making that decision yourself.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Every game still has to be ESRB rated, so there is still a level of curation happening on Switch/Xbox/PS4 that isn't happening on Steam. Platform holders are historically very bad at determining what is and is not 'shovelware' so I think this ends up being better even though some amateurish stuff comes through.

Plenty of people enjoy those easy Platinum trophy games (and honestly most of the games, while mediocre, are actual indie games that are playable and have, like, actual mechanics). If they want to buy them then who cares?

Switch eShop is full of stuff I don't care about but even 90% of those games are genuine efforts by indie devs, even if they don't end up being very good.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
This is a problem on every storefront. Switch storefront is worse IMO. I guess the logic is 'some money is better than no money and it outweighs customer annoyance with our store being cluttered' or something like that. Curation is key. They need more filters too. Let me filter by release date, by price, by ESRB rating, by genre, by popularity, by tag, etc. Steam does the best job with helping you cut through the clutter, but its not perfect.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
They aren't specifically defending these games, but by making the general argument "we shouldn't have curation because there might be a good game that gets rejected" they are allowing games like School Shooter whatever to be sold in certain situations.

And why is this forum different? Because it has curation!
The games you are describing can't make it through the ESRB, so what you are describing is a Steam-only problem and not a problem with the PSN, which is the subject of this thread.

I don't even really disagree with you, I'm just pointing out that the specific games you are talking about are not on PSN either, because there are some base-level barriers to publishing a game on console.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
They aren't specifically defending these games, but by making the general argument "we shouldn't have curation because there might be a good game that gets rejected" they are allowing games like School Shooter whatever to be sold in certain situations.

And why is this forum different? Because it has curation!

This kind of content should never be allowed, and if they are they should be removed asap (which I believe Steam did for that school shooter game).

It has nothing to do with refusing games because they "look bad".


alt account
Dec 13, 2018
The question comes down to "what makes one game more worthy of being on a store than another?" There's no right answer to that, if they aren't breaking any rules/laws.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
The games you are describing can't make it through the ESRB, so what you are describing is a Steam-only problem and not a problem with the PSN, which is the subject of this thread.

I don't even really disagree with you, I'm just pointing out that the specific games you are talking about are not on PSN either, because there are some base-level barriers to publishing a game on console.

Point taken. I guess I take exception to the "no curation" arguments and let my argument get away from me. Appreciate the correction.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I might be misremembering, but WiiWare was mostly fine. There were some very low-budget games in there, sure, but I don't remember asset flips.
Asset flips didn't really exist back then, that was long before development tools were as widely available as they are now.
Point taken. I guess I take exception to the "no curation" arguments and let my argument get away from me. Appreciate the correction.
No problem.


Oct 27, 2017
Definitely tons of it, but there's at least attempts at curation, especially with Apple Arcade
This isnt about subscription systems its not like Sonys is giving out this trash to their PS+ subs or MS will put shit into GamePass.

iOS still has endless number of shovelware. So has every mayor platform.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Definitely tons of it, but there's at least attempts at curation, especially with Apple Arcade
Apple Arcade is not really curation of iOS as a platform, it's an entirely separate service you have to pay for. iOS is one of the worst platforms for this kind of thing because they rarely do anything about straight-up stolen assets and IP infringement. Even Steam cracks down on that stuff.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
that comment falsely implies there ever was curation on Switch eShop at some point, didn't it launch with a mobile port of a witch using her broom that didn't work?

Nah, Vroom in the Night Sky was developed specifically for Switch and actually uses a Nintendo engine(the same on Tetris 99 and Super Mario Party use), it was made by a longtime Wiiware/DSiware/3DS developer who Nintendo had published for before. It's a terrible game but Nintendo had no reason to turn the developer down, and their curation was always based on who the developer was rather than specific games.


May 7, 2018
Free market is better than a curated market.

Do people actually just go deep into the PSN store and download any random game they see?


Nov 5, 2017
Would you walk into a Gamestop and buy a game at random because "Gamestop would never sell a BAD game"? No? Then why you want to do the same in an online shop? "Curation" is short for "I want to look at a small list of games and tell myself they're the only ones worth looking at". It may feel good but it's bullshit.


Oct 29, 2017
Steam at least does a good job of making their front page look good and having a decently set-up recommendations algorithm.

Son'y shop isn't bad either, but other than the featured titles is practically impossible to browse. But then eShop is in the same boat (plus runs like total ass for some reason).

But that's sort of the downside of all online shopping: you better know exactly what you want or you better go with what the storefront wants to sell you because the days of browsing the shelves looking for a surprise are over.


Oct 25, 2017
I was scrolling through the Switch eShop and it's just flooded with games that look embarrassingly bad.
And then I wonder, who even buys these? Then I also wonder what it's like to be on the dev team for those games.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Remember those obscure crappy games on Steam Jim Sterling makes fun of? Sony thought it was a good idea to have them on PS4 too

I remember last gen when PSN was curated, less releases meant less navigating thru the horrible games and slow store. I used to find cool deals scrolling down the sales events but stopped because it became too overwhelming after Sony opened the gates.

"Even if it's given to you don't play it."

I said damn...


Oct 26, 2017
Because content curation is the wrong approach, what you need to work on is discoverability on your store.

Also so much NintendoToo™ in here.
Oct 27, 2017
Hey, atleast you can sort them and find what you want.

on Switch I have a hard time going through games to find something good when there is a sale going on.


Oct 25, 2017
I honestly feel like I don't see this stuff much while browsing PSN? Or I just go by it without registering. Maybe it's because I only ever look through the sales.


Nov 8, 2018
is there a good argument why "asset flips" should be allowed on console storefronts?
Oct 29, 2017
Sorry but what year is it? This is the oldest news.

It's because they only care about money. The Eshop is bad too but add the Eshop UI in and it's the absolute worst.

At least one of the big three has some decent quality control.


Oct 27, 2017
No I'm cool with not having racist games on shops. I'm cool with not having games that glorify rape on shops. There should be a bare minimum required, this libertarian philosophy sucks and it's why Steam is full of forums with Nazi sympathizers.

Those kind of games don't get through though do they? Probably best not to equate light touch or minimal curation with no curation at all.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
Those kind of games don't get through though do they? Probably best not to equate light touch or minimal curation with no curation at all.

I'm responding to people advocating no curation. Games like school shooters have 'gotten through' on Steam and platforms that offer no curation.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Probably because Playstation Store is huge now. I used to get a lot of PS Store ads all the time for the last couple years. I guess it helps having a thick library of games despite the quality of most of them XD

Now as for the Eshop...

I mean there's Softcore Pornography on Nintendo Switch eShop, think about that.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Curation, at least in terms of denying shovelware, is doomed to be arbitrary and expensive with no measurable benefit to platform holders. As long as your storefront can do a decent job of directing users towards content they're interested in it doesn't make much sense to do it.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Gamers on enthusiast forums clamoring for better visibility and curation is kind of weird to me anyway. It's not like we're undiscerning customers incapable of using other means to find what we want. Occasionally I do browse the stores randomly and they all offer fine enough search options to look at things that interest me. If I happen to look at trash while searching... ok? Not a huge deal. For some reason the PS Store is as slow as molasses with some frustrating user experience quirks, but it's not the lack of curation that makes it a painful experience, it's that the shop runs like garbage. Which is kind of weird, you'd think some of the biggest game companies in the world could create competent software to their store portals for customers to buy more stuff from them, but...

I don't mean to defend any part of the store though. PS Store is hot garbage, and Sony should be ashamed to have that as their built in portal to more content. I forgive the eShop for being just as shitty because at least it doesn't lag and hang up for 10+ seconds whenever I click on a title. Both are still shitty, but I'd rather have a shitty store with all content than a good store with some content. ... I'd rather have a good store with all content though... I guess I just don't know what people are exactly after though.


The Fallen
Nov 6, 2017
You know something is shovelware when it isn't on Wikipedia
Otherwise I only buy games on sales, but even that have too much shovelware nowadays.

But honestly, I just want to search by Metroidvania or Zelda like games


Oct 27, 2017
Remembered when "curation" kept a few Japanese from PS1/PS2 days getting US release?

Deleted member 8593

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'd love to see one of the major platform holders just straight up refuse a shitty or unfinished game by one of the big publishers just for the reactions on here. Like Sony saying no to Anthem.