
Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Nah. Whatever it is they use in sugar free drinks, I can taste. Coke Zero, Diet coke, diet whatever has a weird aftertaste to me.
I'd say if you can stand the taste, go nuts. Personally I find anything with sweetners, even the 'natural' ones like stevia, absolutely foul, with a nasty bitter aftertaste.

Same here. I've yet to find any beverages that have sugar free/diet/0 calorie versions to not leave me with a disgusting after taste.
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
I don't like Diet Coke, it foams too much and does have a bad aftertaste. Coke Zero on the other end tastes great.


Oct 30, 2017
There are a lot of unsubstantiated claims that sugar substitutes and sweeteners are bad for you in this thread.
backed up by reasons such as 'they have a lot of syllables' and then some personal anecdotes thrown in to really sell it.

I have not seen any evidence that artificial sweeteners are harmful to health, and even the claim that they might lead to overeating to compensate for the zero calories is inconclusive at this point.

You go for it OP, don't let the FUD get to you, it's just people using the naturalistic fallacy.

Deleted member 81119

User-requested account closure
Sep 19, 2020
I once bought a whole bag of werthers original sugar free to eat by myself, because I thought like you.

If you ever wanted to know how quickly you can make a Cactuar poop itself, just feed it a bag of sugar free werthers original.


Oct 25, 2017
I straight up hate diet sodas. They taste horrible to me, and would rather drink water if there's no other option.
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I wish sugar free stuff tasted the same, it very much does not to me. I can sort of tolerate drinks that are "low sugar" or whatever they call them (the ones where there's both real and fake sugar) but otherwise it's just so bad to me.

Also, a few years back there was a period of 3 months where I kept trying various sugar free items, including ice cream and Arizonas, and I ended up getting a lot of fevers during that time.

So I very rarely consume sugar free products.


Oct 31, 2017
Coca-Cola Zero Sugar tastes so close to the original that witchcraft must be involved.

It's close but it tastes off to me making me not a fan, coke is one of the worst offenders so I decided to not buy coke anymore or only on special occasions.

Edit: I realized you were talking zero and not Lite.


Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Yes, there is.

Aspartame is basically poison.

If you only drink every now and then, that's totally fine. If you're the type of person that drinks it like it's water, well, that's bad for you. But so is everything in excess.

And for those that are saying that Coke Zero is close to regular, what's the matter with you? I really like it and actually prefer it, but it's nowhere close to regular coke, lol.

EDIT: Also, beware of some sugar substitutes. There are a lot of them that actually spikes your glucose just like regular sugar (sucrose). The only beneficies these substitutes usually have is the lower calories count.
Oct 25, 2017
Not just Maltitol, also Sorbitol, Xylitol, any sugar-free candy that has an ingredient that ends in -tol is using a sugar alcohol that can have a very, very, very strong laxative effect with only a very small serving.

Xylitol is perfectly fine. And it's actually beneficial for your teeth.

There's a loooooot of weird superstition about artificial sweeteners. They're some of the most studied substances in the world, yet people still share unfounded myths about them.

Obviously anything in excess is going to be bad for you, but no, artificial sweeteners are not as bad as sugar. The best advice if you're dieting is to take it easy, read your labels and get to know your sweeteners and how you react to them. And use them instead of sugar, just try not to get addicted to anything in general.

Yes, there is.

Aspartame is basically poison.

Hasn't basically every fda-type entity in the world stated that there is absolutely no evidence to back up such claims?
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Funny Face

Dec 5, 2017
theDidact, isn't Swerve effectively branded erythritol? Because of the cost, I moved pretty quickly to bulk containers of erythritol like Whole Earth 4 lb. erythritol for about $16 on Amazon. Anthony's 2.5 lb is really good too and about $13.
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Oct 25, 2017
Generally speaking, diet soda is phenylalanine based. Most sugar free candy is sorbitol. The former can cause a weak dependency (I get massive headaches if I stop drinking Diet Coke) and the latter can cause gastrointestinal issues in most people. If you suffer neither then go for it.

The other argument is artificial Sweeteners fool your body because it jacks up your desire for cheap calories and yet supplies none so you crave more calories.

Just don't eat a pound of the stuff and expect everything is fine because it's low calorie. Moderation is always key.
I won't say if the sweetener in Diet Coke is addictive, but caffeine definitely is. The main caffeine withdrawal symptom is headaches.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
Can someone recommend sugar free foods that do not taste like shit? Like what are all good sugar free/low sugar desserts, drinks and candy? Also agreed on Coke Zero's magic. It works.
Oct 27, 2017
I drink 3-4 litres of flavored sparkling water a day without any issues, so no, I think it's fine to be critical?

And let's be real here, if someone is going hard into sugar free alternatives, it means they usually lack portion control. I certainly do.

I drink a lot of diet coke each day, have for decades (120 oz maybe?). Im just waiting. Because I read the same stuff in every diet soda thread, yet I keep getting clean bills of health at every physical. Still relatively young, been waiting for the other shoe to drop. I would be dead for sure if I drank as much coca cola as I have diet coke. I have been like Tom Arnold levels (who drank a case a day). And yeah I get addicted to everything, sparkling water would be better, as would caffeine free diet, but so far I've drank a shit load of diet coke while maintaining healthy weights (I do yo-yo quite a bit though) and clean physicals.

Diet soda is always famously used as anti food science propaganda and fear mongering (beware the chemicals!), eventhough im more than willing to admit my habit is far from healthy regardless.
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Oct 25, 2017
The last I heard, and hasn't been that long, still stated that it's bad in the long run. I could be wrong tho, I'll do some research about it.

Yeah I was just searching, and all I could find are statements from like the american cancer society, an ms society, fda, fda-types in europe and elsewhere saying there's no evidence after decades of testing.

Herr Starr

Oct 26, 2017
I held back for the longest time from sugar-free drinks since they tasted worse to me and I didn't want to give up sugary sodas. Then, last year, I tried to go exclusively sugar-free for just a few weeks. Then the weeks turned into months, and now 1 1/2 years. The surprising thing to me is that I don't miss the sugary drinks at all as the sugar-free alternatives are so good these days that they cover all my cravings.

This thread, though, is a good example of why people are skeptical to sugar-free alternatives. Bogus science, "I heard somewhere", and fear of the unknown all contribute to a feeling that "if so many people say it's bad, it's got to be bad, right?"

The truth is, few foods have been as meticulously researched as sweeteners, and they have all been cleared as safe within surprisingly large margins. According to most studies I've seen, you should be able to consume 4-5 liters of drinks containing aspartame every single day for your entire life without any negative effects. Honestly, you have way more reason to be concerned for your dental health at that point.

Some people have minor reactions to certain sweeteners, though, but that goes for just about anything that is edible. If you find yourself getting headaches or loose bowels, try a different sweetener.

The one sweetener you should be careful with is sorbitol, however. It is a laxative to almost everyone, and some people get that effect the moment they get anything with sorbitol inside their bodies.

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
Sugar free stuff with artificial sweetness of most varieties tends to give me massive gas and bloating. I wish it didn't and I never figured out why
Oct 25, 2017
Can someone recommend sugar free foods that do not taste like shit? Like what are all good sugar free/low sugar desserts, drinks and candy? Also agreed on Coke Zero's magic. It works.

Check out the various keto subreddits out there, and you'll find what you're looking for.

Sugar free jello is pretty decent. I like to blend low-sugar fruits like limes with ice to make a smoothie if I'm going very low sugar. Greek yogurt or cottage cheese with a dash of cinnamon and some sweetener of your choice can be nice. Peanut butter mixed with raw oats and protein powder and rolled into little balls can make for a nice treat.


Oct 25, 2017
I was on sugar free soda for a few years. It helped me lose weight when I needed to. Eventually I discovered though, that it was one of the leading causes for me not "feeling good" regularly. Brain fog and an overall "blahh" feeling. After being off them for a few years now, anytime I accidentally have artificial sweeteners, I can fully taste their chemical flavor (or strange stevia after taste) and want nothing to do with them.

i pretend la croix or other brands taste good, and have an occasional regular soda
Oct 27, 2017
I held back for the longest time from sugar-free drinks since they tasted worse to me and I didn't want to give up sugary sodas. Then, last year, I tried to go exclusively sugar-free for just a few weeks. Then the weeks turned into months, and now 1 1/2 years. The surprising thing to me is that I don't miss the sugary drinks at all as the sugar-free alternatives are so good these days that they cover all my cravings.

This thread, though, is a good example of why people are skeptical to sugar-free alternatives. Bogus science, "I heard somewhere", and fear of the unknown all contribute to a feeling that "if so many people say it's bad, it's got to be bad, right?"

The truth is, few foods have been as meticulously researched as sweeteners, and they have all been cleared as safe within surprisingly large margins. According to most studies I've seen, you should be able to consume 4-5 liters of drinks containing aspartame every single day for your entire life without any negative effects. Honestly, you have way more reason to be concerned for your dental health at that point.

Some people have minor reactions to certain sweeteners, though, but that goes for just about anything that is edible. If you find yourself getting headaches or loose bowels, try a different sweetener.

Dude, thanks for the info. I honestly always assumed my docs were just missing something, or something nefarious and diet coke related was biding its time behind one of my internal bits. Because yeah I've pushed that 3-4 liters everyday more than I'd like to admit.


Oct 26, 2017
I've switched to Coke Zero/Cherry Coke Zero over regular Coke a few months ago to wean myself off of regular Coke.

Honestly, I kinda prefer Coke Zero.

Eventually, I'll cut out Coke/soda completely, but I'm someone who has to do it gradually.

Herr Starr

Oct 26, 2017
Dude, thanks for the info. I honestly always assumed my docs were just missing something, or something nefarious and diet coke related was biding its time behind one of my internal bits. Because yeah I've pushed that 3-4 liters everyday more than I'd like to admit.

The thing that throws some people off is the fact that many of these sweeteners are toxic... in certain quantities. Sweeteners are extremely concentrated, so the quantities needed for something like aspartame to become deadly are incredibly small. But that's what the research has measured, and 4-5 liters a day should be well within safe levels for your body to get rid of excess sweetener before it can become toxic. You should be careful going above that level per day, though.


Oct 25, 2017
I 100% disagree, I think all 0 calorie "sugars" taste disgusting and I do not eat or drink anything with them. They also sometimes give me stomach issues.


Apr 19, 2020
The downside is taste. Im sure there is stuff that tastes great but for instance coke zero, no matter hoe much coca cola and some other people claim that it tastes the same, i guarantee you i could do a blind test and tell you 100 times out of a 100 if its coca cola or coca zero


Oct 25, 2017
I used to have massive headaches and generally felt like shit until I cut sugar free stuff out of my life.
Your mileage may vary, but just a warning.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
I avoid "sugar free" as much as possible to be honest. I can always tell a difference in taste and also the replacement is always some chemical with 13 syllables. It can't be that much "better" than just regular sugar. And if you were trying to avoid that stuff, "sugar free" stuff is still unhealthy anyway.

whether you can pronounce a chemical ingredient or not has nothing to do with its safety or health (I'm a chemical bioengineer).

there is no evidence that sugar free substances are more dangerous than real sugar: in fact, since it's metabolically neutral, it's probably better overall for your health.


May 1, 2020
I've been keto for a couple years now and I agree, there's a lot of great sugar-free stuff. I mostly use erythritol/stevia/ monk fruit sweetener to bake with or I buy food that uses them.

The only sugar free sweetener I actively avoid is maltitol, because of it's crazy laxative effects and because it's higher up on the glycemic index and spikes blood sugar almost as much as table sugar anyway.

The Bear

Forest Animal
Oct 25, 2017
Sugar free stuff is a godsend to a type 1 diabetic like me. It lets me enjoy sweet tasting stuff without constant anxiety.

That said, everything in moderation.
Mar 23, 2019
After making a conscious effort to cut a bunch of sugar from my diet I definitely started to adapt to the taste of diet drinks. Before that when I was drinking regular coke etc. I couldn't stand the taste of diet stuff, always had this weird flavor/aftertaste. I guess it's something your body has to adjust to over time. Strangely enough regular soda tastes almost too sweet now. Still, too much of anything is no good best thing to drink is water. Also think it's kinda nuts how much sugar they use in the food we eat, never noticed it before I made the switch but some food items have an absurd amount of sugar in them.


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
I drink a lot of diet coke each day, have for decades (120 oz maybe?). Im just waiting. Because I read the same stuff in every diet soda thread, yet I keep getting clean bills of health at every physical. Still relatively young, been waiting for the other shoe to drop. I would be dead for sure if I drank as much coca cola as I have diet coke. I have been like Tom Arnold levels (who drank a case a day). And yeah I get addicted to everything, sparkling water would be better, as would caffeine free diet, but so far I've drank a shit load of diet coke while maintaining healthy weights (I do yo-yo quite a bit though) and clean physicals.

Diet soda is always famously used as anti food science propaganda and fear mongering (beware the chemicals!), eventhough im more than willing to admit my habit is far from healthy regardless.
Have you actually stopped drinking Diet Coke for a prolonged period of time to see if your quality of life changes? I took me years to figure out that it was the source of my headaches, night reflux, sleep issues, etc, issues that I'd long normalized. I had no idea how much better life would be until making that change.

And to be fair I still passed physicals fine when eating and drinking poorly, that doesn't say everything. Affects people differently. I certainly feel and look a lot better now though.
Oct 27, 2017
Have you actually stopped drinking Diet Coke for a prolonged period of time to see if your quality of life changes? I took me years to figure out that it was the source of my headaches, night reflux, sleep issues, etc, issues that I'd long normalized. I had no idea how much better life would be until making that change.

And to be fair I still passed physicals fine when eating and drinking poorly, that doesn't say everything. Affects people differently. I certainly feel and look a lot better now though.

Yes, I'm actually surprised how easy it is to stop (I guess having experience quitting cigs and alcohol help there), and it gives me mild headaches for a few days. The only issue you mentioned above i have had is sleeping, and thats solved for me by cutting out caffeine early enough (I can drink DC until about 8 PM) and exercising enough to be physically tired and not just mentally.

I think my body is the only part of me that DOES look good, and I'm not sure cutting out DC will fix my teeth gaps, my hairline, jawline, or lack of enough facial hair to grow a real beard. I'm not claiming to be nutritionally set, or even a good example. But DC is not even in the top 5 of diet changes I should be making based on my research.
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Oct 31, 2017
Sugar free powerade and gatorade tastes soooo much better than the regular versions. IDK how that's possible.


Oct 31, 2017
Even if they don't taste the same or as good the benefit of not ingesting all that sugar is definitely worth the trade off.


Oct 25, 2017
Diet Coke sucks compared to Coke Zero

But yeah, I like how I can drink something sweet without feeling as guilty if I were to drink the original. I was against the aftertaste before but it's actually not that bad moreso with Zero


Nov 27, 2017
Most sugar-free stuff uses aspartame and that seems to be just as unhealthy? At least that is what some people claim, I don't know if there is data that backs it up. Would be interesting to know. Certainly, there are experts in this board who might clarify.

Well, I just try to be practical about it. Just don't drink/eat too much of either. I like both sugar-free and sugar drinks, but I try to limit it to one glass a day if any at all.
It's a myth, most long term studies have shown no side effects, it was a MSG level campaign for reasons
On keto atm and I really like swerve, though it's pricey.
I've avoided extra drinks but yeah there's plenty of good options. But a lot of sugar free stuff isn't because the substitutes still involve a lot of carbs
I've been keto for a couple years now and I agree, there's a lot of great sugar-free stuff. I mostly use erythritol/stevia/ monk fruit sweetener to bake with or I buy food that uses them.

The only sugar free sweetener I actively avoid is maltitol, because of it's crazy laxative effects and because it's higher up on the glycemic index and spikes blood sugar almost as much as table sugar anyway.
Basically this. Been on Keto since May myself, down ~50 lbs(I have stalled out tho :( ), and Malithol is pure evil.

also a reminder sugar alcohols and Stevia are naturally occurring