Stronger fighter?

  • Kratos

    Votes: 893 55.5%
  • Doomguy

    Votes: 715 44.5%

  • Total voters

Jimmy Joe

Aug 8, 2019
Put the thesaurus down lol.

Also, doom slayer was already a "god" when they sealed him in the sarcophagus.
I didn't use any thesaurus words

Also I know he was blessed by the seraphim when they sealed him, it's in one of the slayer testaments for 2016. I think the fourth one?

That... wasn't really the point of the post


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Before putting him against Doomguy, what would Kratos even do against a generic FPS soldier campering him with a AWP from a safe distance? How resistant to a headshot would Kratos be?
lol Kratos sits comfortably in the higher tiers of OP video game characters. He could casually rip through most of the gaming world before running into a threat.


Oct 25, 2017
Before putting him against Doomguy, what would Kratos even do against a generic FPS soldier campering him with a AWP from a safe distance? How resistant to a headshot would Kratos be?
Kratos survived blows from mountain-sized titans and gods strong enough to literally tear open canyons with their strength. What's a bullet going to do? That would be like the equivalent of a dust mote hitting his skin. The biggest gun in the world couldn't produce enough force to compare to what we see his godly opponents do


Jan 16, 2018
lol Kratos sits comfortably in the higher tiers of OP video game characters. He could casually rip through most of the gaming world before running into a threat.

Yep, going by "playable Characters" i know of, i think only Bayonetta, Asura and Dante (and Kirby) are in the same league as Kratos. Doom-Slayer in Eternal might bu up there, but the whole Doom Universe seems to be more "grounded" than GoW in the sense that everthing is at max a bionically enhanced living being that can be shotgunned to death/takes physical damage at all.


Mar 18, 2018
Before putting him against Doomguy, what would Kratos even do against a generic FPS soldier campering him with a AWP from a safe distance? How resistant to a headshot would Kratos be?

In this scenario Kratos would probably acquire a magic gun of his own. Some BS thing that never runs out of ammo and can juggle people.


Oct 25, 2017
Canonically, does the Doom guy wear the sentinel armor and have the crucible? Cuz that stuff makes him tear through everyone without even worrying about health or durability


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
At first I thought this was a super dumb thread. After playing Eternal and reading all the codexes Doom Guy would clean up shop tbh