James or Sirius?

  • James was kind of a jerk

    Votes: 618 62.0%
  • Snape WAS a loser

    Votes: 379 38.0%

  • Total voters


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
If it came from Sirius, I would agree. But Lupin was the one that said it, and Lupin was pretty upfront about his behavior in school. Lilly also mentions to Snape how the people he hangs around with are always cursing people, and Snape shrugs it off as "just joking"

And again, in the end, James grew up.
IIRC, Lupin was still pretty cagey about talking about what they did.

But that was shit that happened when they were children. There is no reason it should dictate the rest of their lives.

*Glares at the ending of book 7*


Oct 27, 2017
I mean Snape became the wizard equivalent of a Nazi, so I think that makes him worse by far. But, some of the blame has to go to the school that basically stood by and watched the entire Syltherin house become a Nazi clubhouse. At some point they should have started cracking down on that.

Cop or a Jock

Heaven forbid we pay off the running theme of the DADA being cursed by having someone who was damn good at teaching take the position and stabilize it in a time of peace...

A fucking cop


Wow, it really is a pretty disappointing outcome when you put it like that. Rowling really didn't give the characters a lot of options once they graduated. You either took a vaguely define government job, became a pro athlete, or taught at the same school you went to as a kid. At least the teacher job would have been thematically interesting.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, it really is a pretty disappointing outcome when you put it like that. Rowling really didn't give the characters a lot of options once they graduated. You either took a vaguely define government job, became a pro athlete, or taught at the same school you went to as a kid. At least the teacher job would have been thematically interesting.

May 26, 2018
Snape was a racist asshole to Lily's sister before any of them went to Hogwarts. But he was in love with Lily because Lily (unlike her sister) was racist-approved, despite her filthy Muggle heritage.

Lily was sorted into Team Gryffindor before either James or Snape (alphabetically, it went Evans > Potter > Snape), and when James was sorted into Team Gryffindor, Snape got jealous because he he saw James making eyes at his waifu. And yet, that jealousy still wasn't enough to get Snape to turn away from Team Slytherin, because Slytherin is the house that aligns with all of his racist ideals. Racism was more important to Snape than love, despite his incel whining about his unrequited love being the most important thing in the world.

James Potter made friends with Sirius Black, a kid who was thrown out of his house for rejecting racism, and let Sirius stay with him. James Potter learned how to become an animal in order to bridge the gap between himself and a kid who was afflicted with lycanthropy.

James and Lily became matching animals because they loved each other. They developed matching Patronuses because they loved each other. Snape made a copy of Lily's Patronus because he's an unhinged stalker.

Lily regularly stood up for Snape, despite everything Snape did and everyone telling Lily that Snape was trash. Until finally one day she took Snape's side after losing a fight with James, and Snape couldn't handle her pity, so he attacked her by revealing that he's disgusted by her Muggle heritage.

Snape went on to become a literal Wizard Nazi, and was fine with killing and torturing people, until the bridge too far was a threat against his unrequited waifu.

Snape is and always was 100% worse than James Potter. Doesn't matter if James kinda had some rough edges as a kid.


Oct 25, 2017
Snape was a wizard nazi and James was a bully. How is James winning the poll right now.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Because nazis start shit and then have a victim complex about people not letting them get away with it all the damn time. Victimhood is kind of the nazi MO. Motherfucker hangs out with a group that hangs around cursing people as "jokes" and when literally hoist by his own petard (because, again, Levicorpus is his curse. He invented it), goes crying about how he's the fucking victim.
For the new page


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I mean Snape became the wizard equivalent of a Nazi, so I think that makes him worse by far. But, some of the blame has to go to the school that basically stood by and watched the entire Syltherin house become a Nazi clubhouse. At some point they should have started cracking down on that.
Hogwarts is kinda fucked up in general.


Oct 25, 2017
James was a douchebag as a kid, but dear god, Snape grew up to be a true piece of shit.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
More than 15 year since the last time I read Harry Potter, but from what I remember Syltherin being equal no Nazis seems like a big stretch. I may be wrong though.
I mean, I'd argue you're wrong in terms of Snape's generation of Slytherin who all went on to be Death Eaters, but I more take issue with the notion that an "asshole" is worse than an "incel bigot" whether or not that incel bigot is a nazi.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, it really is a pretty disappointing outcome when you put it like that. Rowling really didn't give the characters a lot of options once they graduated. You either took a vaguely define government job, became a pro athlete, or taught at the same school you went to as a kid. At least the teacher job would have been thematically interesting.
I just couldn't believe the stupid epilogue where she went and then he became a cop, I literally assumed he was going to be the DADA Teacher because the instability of the position was such a prominent feature of the the entire series and she went out of her way to make it clear Harry was actually good at teaching....

Fuck me for believing in basic forshadowing.

JK Rowling the Vince McMahon of the literary world


Oct 27, 2017
More than 10 years since the last time I read Harry Potter, but from what I remember Syltherin being equal to Nazis seems like a big stretch. I may be wrong though.

Dumbledore says that they aren't all evil, yet the books never show us a single good Slytherin, they are all Nazi supporters. When Voldemort attacks the school, the entire Slytherin House has to be escorted out because none volunteered to oppose Voldemort and some even straight called for Harry to be given over. And Snape wasn't good either, he was a creep and that's the only reason he helped.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
JK Rowling literally went out of her way to say that not a single Slytherin stayed to fight against Voldemort, and either went home or joined him.


Fucking nada.

Yeah they literally are the House of Nazis and cowards.

But but Merlin


Then JK had to go oh shit and say uh uh uh wait the students that came with Slughorn... they were Slytherin it just didn't say that in the book because.... Hey look over there Pottermore shop discounts!


Oct 27, 2017

Yeah, this kind of puts into words a lot of frustrations I had with the series when I was younger. The way the series framed Hermione and her desire to free the House Elves was just gross. At the beginning, the setting felt really interesting, but by the end I really hated it.

JK Rowling literally went out of her way to say that not a single Slytherin stayed to fight against Voldemort, and either went home or joined him.


Fucking nada.

Yeah they literally are the House of Nazis and cowards.

But but Merlin


Then JK had to go oh shit and say uh uh uh wait the students that came with Slughorn... they were Slytherin it just didn't say that in the book because.... Hey look over there Pottermore shop discounts!

This was just infuriating. I truly believed that the whole school was going to come together by end, instead Syltherins were just all evil and I think Ravenclaws just fled. It honestly feels like fans have spent more work fleshing out the houses then Rowling did with her entire franchise.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Hey. Slughorn came back.
1 Slytherin stayed and fought. Slughorn.

He barely counts. He wasn't a student anymore.

The passage I'm talking about which was about students literally states none stayed.
The real hilarious thing is how much the Pottermore description of why you;d want to be Slytherin reads like fascist propaganda

1. Not evvvvery Slytherin is Evil: Sure our founder was a racist who wanted to kill the "impure" and feed them to his snake.... but Snape!!!!!
2. We have a kick ass dungeon to hang out in
3. MERLIN!!!!
4. SNAKES!!!!
6. We have great uniforms


6 reasons why it’s great to be a Slytherin | Wizarding World

When an 11-year-old boy is chanting ‘NOT SLYTHERIN! NOT SLYTHERIN!’ endlessly into a Sorting Hat, you may get the impression that this Hogwarts house has an iffy reputation.

Like this is actually hilarious

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly it's such a shame JK wasn't able to do much with the universe. It's a world with possibilities so rich to be expanded on that is locked down by someone who isn't able to do much with it. Her attempt at expanding the world with Potter more were laughable at best, and the fantastic beasts movies is just sad. All she had to do was make the plot of the movies about exploring the magical world, seeing different countries, seeing the creatures, expanding the universe but nope. Nazi cool Anime special effects battle time.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
both trash that I would have avoided like the plague if I went to school with them, blech


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, I'd argue you're wrong in terms of Snape's generation of Slytherin who all went on to be Death Eaters, but I more take issue with the notion that an "asshole" is worse than an "incel bigot" whether or not that incel bigot is a nazi.
Snape didn't just "go on" to become a Death Eater, Snape (and all of Snape's "friends" who Lily had a problem with) was a "Death Eater" in the service of Lord Voldemort, while he was still in school. Young Snape literally joined the Hitler Youth.

Snape had a grudge against James, because James made eyes towards Snape's waifu property. James had a grudge against Snape because... no reason is ever really given.

Snape: "James Potter is a bully! He started our fight by having unclean intentions towards my waifu! Also, he sticks his nose where it doesn't belong and pushes back when me and my Hitler Youth buddies play pranks against the filthy Blacks and Jews who have disgracefully been allowed to enter this school. Plus, I heard that James breaks curfew, that he doesn't listen to the teachers, that he's arrogant, and that he doesn't think the rules apply to him. He gets good grades all the time without even studying. He's a fucking asshole."

Resetera: "Well, I do hate bullies..."


May 31, 2019
Every Harry Potter thread deserves the reminder that wizards used to shit themselves.

Also deserves mentioning that, assuming wizard kids didn't learn magic until they turned 11 back then as well, then kids basically weren't potty trained until 11. Or perhaps older, because teleportation spells (to teleport the shit to the Pacific Ocean or whatever) are harder than basic kid magic.

Moral of the story is that Harry Potter is dumb and isn't worth too much thought (except for that greentext that's been posted in here).


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly part of the problem is JK decided to give us the most direct glimpse of James through Snape, the good stuff he did is only told not shown to us....

Because you know JK gonna JK
Jan 31, 2018
What a dumb question. One literally joined the equivalent of the nazi party and was a firm believer right up until it affected him personally (Lily's death). The other was bully. Oh the horror.

Like I get what with Snape's sob story of a childhood but still, absolutely asinine comparison.

Also, that 4chan post is all kinds of dumb.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly part of the problem is JK decided to give us the most direct glimpse of James through Snape, the good stuff he did is only told not shown to us....

Because you know JK gonna JK
It also doesn't help many like myself haven't read the books since our childhood so all we really got was the scenes in the film of James bullying Snape and snape crying over lily's body. I genuinely could not remember that Snape did in fact join the magic Nazis besides the period he was acting as Dumbledores spy.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly it's such a shame JK wasn't able to do much with the universe. It's a world with possibilities so rich to be expanded on that is locked down by someone who isn't able to do much with it. Her attempt at expanding the world with Potter more were laughable at best, and the fantastic beasts movies is just sad. All she had to do was make the plot of the movies about exploring the magical world, seeing different countries, seeing the creatures, expanding the universe but nope. Nazi cool Anime special effects battle time.
I honestly came to the opposite conclusion: The Harry Potter universe feels incredibly small and limited. The wizarding world simultaneously is too divorced from our own while being too similar to spark the imagination. All those possibilities don't really amount to much beyond "'magic exists".

The only place where there is a decent framework is Hogwarts, and I don't think it's a coincidence that basically all Harry Potter fan content is Hogwarts centric; the Wizarding World outside Hogwarts is just not very interesting even in comparison to our own.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Aug 21, 2018
One of those 2 people grew up to be a wizard Nazi


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
It also doesn't help many like myself haven't read the books since our childhood so all we really got was the scenes in the film of James bullying Snape and snape crying over lily's body. I genuinely could not remember that Snape did in fact join the magic Nazis besides the period he was acting as Dumbledores spy.

Doesn't help that Snape was beautiful lovely Alan Rickman


Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
They both suck and Lily ending up with James does not speak highly of her judgement.

That said, I kinda love that Harry Potter's family isn't made up of saints like they're made out to be.


Legendary Duelist
Oct 25, 2017
Costa Rica
I mean if you want to consider the trash fire that is Cursed of Child as canon

Slytherins can be good people, just have difficult personality traits that often makes them assholes

And I say this as someone who has Cursed Child as his most hated sequel to something he loves, beating Dragon Ball GT, The Rise of Skywalker and fucking Eureka Seven AO

They both suck and Lily ending up with James does not speak highly of her judgement.

That said, I kinda love that Harry Potter's family isn't made up of saints like they're made out to be.

James was 15....

You can absolutely grow and change from your asshole teenage self. Snape grew into a Nazi.
Jan 31, 2018
Also, kind of funny that Snape became an entirely unrepentant bully towards an innocent child in Harry for as long as he knew him.


Oct 27, 2017
James was a good person even in school. Everyone loved him. Oh, except the racist kid that deserved all James dished at him.

Is there evidence that James was a jerk to anyone else besides Snape? It's been forever since I read the books.


It's been awhile since I've read the books but I've always hated James. The arguments for Snape are definitely more solid though. Maybe I'll read the story again and see how I react to everything, especially knowing that Rowling is a TERF now.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, since it bears repeating, Snape invented the spell "Levicorpus" for the purposes of attacking and humiliating other students. When James Potter turned the tables and used that exact same spell to humiliate Snape (James had to have seen it often enough to learn it), Snape called that "bullying" and cried that it was totally unfair.

So Snape sulked off and created his new spell, "Sectumsempra", which was basically a laceration shotgun that was entirely capable of permanently maiming or even killing people (George Weasley's ear can never grow back, not even with magic). It's not clear if Snape actually used the shotgun he was carrying to class and James found a way to counter it, or if Snape was just biding his time walking around school carrying a loaded shotgun in his bag, waiting for the right moment to go on his school-shooting rampage.

"Both sides."


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Sectumsempra brings up another question: How the hell do people invent new spells in Harry Potter? Do they just say random shit until something works? Why is a teenager on the cutting edge (pun intended) of spell engineering?


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Snape was a blatant goddamn racist. Being an overt racist is way worse than being a bully.

Snape was an absolutely horrible human being. Which of course makes the stupidity of Harry naming his kid after the guy even worse.

The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
So Snape sulked off and created his new spell, "Sectumsempra", which was basically a laceration shotgun that was entirely capable of permanently maiming or even killing people (George Weasley's ear can never grow back, not even with magic).
Given that there's already a murder spell that is better in almost every way than Sectumsempra, and that the only want Sectumsempra is better is if you want your target to suffer before dying, he 100% invented it to maim.