
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely Rose and Jar Jar Binks.

Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Tampa, FL
I guess but in terms of the Canto Bight storyline, or the Finn and Rose adventure, I saw that as more of a way to prop up Poe's arc primarily and Finn and Rose secondary. At least with Finn's arc in TFA it seemed more of his own.

Aside from the mere fact that Poe sending Finn and Rose away on this mission behind Holdo's back is a major factor in his arc, there's nothing really about what happens on Canto Bight that has anything to do with Poe. That could've been an off-screen mission with unnamed soldiers, and it wouldn't do anything to Poe's arc.


Oct 25, 2017
Good old Hayden Skywalker

I know a lotta people mention Lucas's directing when defending him.

George's limp direction couldn't have helped, but sometimes good actors can overcome adversity on a shoot and turn in a good (or at least interesting) performance.

Hayden did not have that in him. His interpretation just flat out sucks, and it's sad to be now forced to picture his passionless spirit inside the Vader suit.


Oct 25, 2017
Tampa, FL
I am saying that it's insulting for someone to say to me "You don't like this female character? Wow, you're a racist, sexist piece of shit." The author of the article in question has written other articles like this, even saying that anyone who doesn't like The Last Jedi only feels that way because they don't like diversity. It's ridiculous and insulting, like I said.

Now if you want to get into the character of Rose, I actually like her and think she was a good addition, but was also poorly written. She was given extremely mediocre scenarios to work with, her character was primarily revealed through forced exposition, and her leaps in development felt unwarranted (a common thread for all characters in this series).

You clearly didn't read the whole piece, because this is the exact opposite of what she's saying.

I don't think every human who disliked The Last Jedi is an evil, evil misogynist. I do think that we have so deeply internalized sexist narrative tropes that we see them as "correct" and "good filmmaking" while seeing their absence as "flaws." We read female characters differently than male characters, and we have internalized expectations for female character arcs. Instead of seeing this film for what it is, people are criticizing it for not conforming to the expectations they have of female characters. It's fine to dislike something, but we should all spend a little more time thinking deeply about why before we charge onto the internet with "I'm fine with female-driven films, BUT . . ."


Oct 25, 2017
Without question it's Jar Jar Binks. He destroys whatever scene he's in.

He is an immersion severing disaster.. a walking, talking racist cartoon making poop and fart jokes.
You just rewatched the PT right?

I don't think people get how bad it is with The Walking Minstrel Show(I actually don't want to say his name bc this is a better description)



Oct 26, 2017
C-3PO is an annoying prick and his permanent presence makes him easily win this contest


Oct 25, 2017
You just rewatched the PT right?

I don't think people get how bad it is with The Walking Minstrel Show(I actually don't want to say his name bc this is a better description)


I don't think people understand that he's a main character in the film with a fuckton of screentime.

He legitimately ruins the film. It'd be a little different if he were in a scene here and there as a gag, but he's a main. Fucking. Character. in EP1

Walking down the street? Step in poop. Indoors, talking? Grab food with tongue, trip over something, break something, mess something up.

Fighting in a war? Accidentally (and successfully) attack enemies while tripping over yourself. Repeat several times.


Oct 25, 2017
Aside from the mere fact that Poe sending Finn and Rose away on this mission behind Holdo's back is a major factor in his arc, there's nothing really about what happens on Canto Bight that has anything to do with Poe. That could've been an off-screen mission with unnamed soldiers, and it wouldn't do anything to Poe's arc.

DJ betraying Finn and Rose have a bigger implication on Poe's storyline than you think considering that info lead to the entire resistance army being obliterated on the transports. This reflects on Poe making stupid decisions, as you said behind Holdo's back, in order to play a hero and in Holdo's words, 'risked two of her agents' in order to achieve that. Poe seeing the entire Resistance army obliterated was a major turning point into him being a competent leader.
Oct 27, 2017
Obi-Wan Kenobi:

- Trained Darth Vader
- Played a major part in the creation of the Stormtroopers
-Lived right by Luke Skywalker for 19 years but didn't bother helping him until the absolute last possible moment
-Led Luke and Han into the biggest military base in the galaxy and then intentionally let himself get killed and stranded them there
-Died on purpose so that he could be "more powerful than you could ever imagine" and then did almost nothing for the next two movies
-Lied to Luke about who his Dad was and waited until the worst possible moment for him to find out when he could have told him at any time, including when Luke was right about to leave and have a lightsaber fight with him
-Had the nerve to stand next to Anakin, who he knew slaughtered children, at the ending party


Oct 27, 2017

I don't think people understand that he's a main character in the film with a fuckton of screentime.

He legitimately ruins the film. It'd be a little different if he were in a scene here and there as a gag, but he's a main. Fucking. Character. in EP1

Walking down the street? Step in poop. Indoors, talking? Grab food with tongue, trip over something, break something, mess something up.

Fighting in a war? Accidentally (and successfully) attack enemies while tripping over yourself. Repeat several times.

meanwhile rose says one or two kinda cringey lines, and she's apparently in the same league


Deleted member 32679

User requested account closure
Nov 12, 2017
Obi-Wan Kenobi:

- Trained Darth Vader
- Played a major part in the creation of the Stormtroopers
-Lived right by Luke Skywalker for 19 years but didn't bother helping him until the absolute last possible moment
-Led Luke and Han into the biggest military base in the galaxy and then intentionally let himself get killed and stranded them there
-Died on purpose so that he could be "more powerful than you could ever imagine" and then did almost nothing for the next two movies
-Lied to Luke about who his Dad was and waited until the worst possible moment for him to find out when he could have told him at any time, including when Luke was right about to leave and have a lightsaber fight with him
-Had the nerve to stand next to Anakin, who he knew slaughtered children, at the ending party
But He Also Gave Us This

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017

I don't think people understand that he's a main character in the film with a fuckton of screentime.

He legitimately ruins the film. It'd be a little different if he were in a scene here and there as a gag, but he's a main. Fucking. Character. in EP1

Walking down the street? Step in poop. Indoors, talking? Grab food with tongue, trip over something, break something, mess something up.

Fighting in a war? Accidentally (and successfully) attack enemies while tripping over yourself. Repeat several times.
He's also in 2. And the clone wars series.

Rose isn't even in the same league.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Im sure its Jar Jar but I refuse to watch that movie again so I cant remember.

For now its Rose.
That crappy CG moment when BB8 and her are riding the headless AT-ST and she shouts "need a ride?" all jolly to Finn, as Snoke's ship falls apart.
Get that Disney animated crap out of my Star Wars.


Nov 3, 2017
I didn't even dislike Rose. That movie had a lot of problems, and Rose's scenes are sure some of them, but picking *her* out as the problem with the film (let alone all of them) is ridiculous.

Anyone that doesn't say Jar Jar wasn't there during all the episode 1 prerelease hype. You know, the waiting outside of the theater in a tent for a month stuff. Following the original trilogy, which was family-oriented but still covered some fairly heavy and dark events, Jar Jar felt like they were turning the franchise into one for preschoolers. That was a rough burn. Every scene that *thing* is in hurts to watch. I can't bear to fire that movie up anymore; I'll watch Attack of the Clones over it any day.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow I just read through more of this thread and there are lots of people saying they think

Rose is worse than Jar Jar Binks

Holy shit, that is some next level mental gymnastics

Either that or you brain zapped yourself with the thing from Men In Black and forgot all of the PT


Oct 25, 2017
Rose, and its not even close.

She's not that bad at all. Some stupid lines, which Fin is also guilty of (chrome dome is the single worse line of dialogue I've heard this year in a film), but she was decent. Poe on the other hand is a complete imbecile. I liked his character a lot in TFA, and I hated his guts in TLJ.
Dec 9, 2017
Jar Jar and Rose are in no way comparable.

Jar Jar is up there with Skidz and Mudflap from Revenge of the Fallen in terms of awful stereotype characters while Rose is just somebody who tagged along with Finn and said some terrible lines.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
I know a lotta people mention Lucas's directing when defending him.

George's limp direction couldn't have helped, but sometimes good actors can overcome adversity on a shoot and turn in a good (or at least interesting) performance.

Hayden did not have that in him. His interpretation just flat out sucks, and it's sad to be now forced to picture his passionless spirit inside the Vader suit.

It's not his interpretation. Lucas literally says that Hayden is portraying him how he wants to and it's just that fans don't like the character.

Almost everything you think Anakin is in the PT is what Lucas wants you to think of Anakin.

Lucas even related that Hayden complained about playing someone so whiny and that he wants to play Darth Vader but Lucas responded well you're not going to play who you thought. That's the character. He's a petulant teen.


Oct 27, 2017
I know you said he doesn't count but honestly Boba Fett is the worst for me.

I don't understand why people like him aside from his armor (Which I suppose IS the reason why). He honestly sucks. He jobs to a blind Han Solo. The fascination with him in the old EU was baffling.

I don't understand how someone can say Rose though, I honestly kinda liked her. Maybe some terrible lines but her character at least seemed like she had real heart and I appreciated that considering the theme of the film.


Oct 25, 2017
Jar Jar for now, he was really bad in TPM and sorta became meh in the final two prequels. That CGI singing monstrosity Lucas added was pretty bad too. Rose could top tier worst character depending on what she does in Episode 9, her arc in 8 was pretty awful but as a character we really didn't get to know her at all (which is part of the problem), she could get redeemed in 9, get shoved off to the sidelines ala Jar Jar, or just drag down her moments on screen with more odd pronouncements on how love wins over evil.


Smooth vs. Crunchy
Oct 25, 2017
Rose is fine, y'all crazy. Poe is the worst character in TLJ, but in terms of the overall franchise I'd have to go with either Anakin or Jar-Jar. The former is, through no fault of their own, led through a ludicrous series of poor decisions and bizarre judgement calls into a painfully manufactured fall from grace scenario, and the latter is... Jar Jar. The worst, most intrusive slapstick character possibly ever, and filled to brim with diet racist shite.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I swear, people need to fucking rewatch the Jar Jar stuff.

You're free to dislike them, but there is no way -- no way -- anyone from the sequel trilogy is doing anything as bad as the Jar Jar. moments.

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
I know you said he doesn't count but honestly Boba Fett is the worst for me.

I don't understand why people like him aside from his armor (Which I suppose IS the reason why). He honestly sucks. He jobs to a blind Han Solo. The fascination with him in the old EU was baffling.

I don't understand how someone can say Rose though, I honestly kinda liked her. Maybe some terrible lines but her character at least seemed like she had real heart and I appreciated that considering the theme of the film.

Boba shows up in TCW and he's pretty cool and he's on a lot Legends EU stuff that's fun.

Boba was also originally going to kill Mace in the PT too during the Jedi Massacre.

And when he was writing the PT, he seriously almost turned Boba Fett into Anakin's stepbrother.....which would've been interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
I swear, people need to fucking rewatch the Jar Jar stuff.

You're free to dislike them, but there is no way -- no way -- anyone from the sequel trilogy is doing anything as bad as the Jar Jar. moments.
No one with a straight face can watch EP1 in 2018 and say Rose is a worse character than Jar Jar Binks.


Nov 12, 2017
Mods, please ban me, I don't feel comfortable posting on a forum where a significant number of idiots think Rose is a worse character than Jar Jar Binks (or Anakin or Padme) and feel strongly about it enough to say so.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
No one with a straight face can watch EP1 in 2018 and say Rose is a worse character than Jar Jar Binks.

Difference is, Lucas was a fucking lunatic, surrounded by yes men and calling all the shots. Or thats the impression I have. So its like, of course Jar Jar Binks would exist.

These movies are being made by sane people who tell each other when something sucks, I would hope. So, nothing against the actress, but her characters writing and sugary sweet naive persona was completely jarring and off putting.


Oct 25, 2017
I know a lotta people mention Lucas's directing when defending him.

George's limp direction couldn't have helped, but sometimes good actors can overcome adversity on a shoot and turn in a good (or at least interesting) performance.

Hayden did not have that in him. His interpretation just flat out sucks, and it's sad to be now forced to picture his passionless spirit inside the Vader suit.

Well, yeah, bad writing + bad actor isn't gonna make a convincing character. I've been watching The Clone Wars series, and Anakin is so much better there - he actually feels like a competent and serious Jedi, while still having his character flaws from the movies, but the character is much more likeable than Hayden's interpretation. I just can't take him seriously in the movies.


Oct 25, 2017
Tampa, FL
Difference is, Lucas was a fucking lunatic, surrounded by yes men and calling all the shots. Or thats the impression I have. So its like, of course Jar Jar Binks would exist.

These movies are being made by sane people who tell each other when something sucks, I would hope. So, nothing against the actress, but her characters writing and sugary sweet naive persona was completely jarring and off putting.

We're grading on a curve now?

Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
I actually don't like Rose that have nothing to do with the acting but because I don't like the archetype that she was based on and a couple of groan-worthy lines.

Also the forced romance made me feel uncomfortable.

As my friend said, "I assumed Rose was a love interest so Finn wouldn't be paired up with Rey."


Oct 25, 2017
Difference is, Lucas was a fucking lunatic, surrounded by yes men and calling all the shots. Or thats the impression I have. So its like, of course Jar Jar Binks would exist.

These movies are being made by sane people who tell each other when something sucks, I would hope. So, nothing against the actress, but her characters writing and sugary sweet naive persona was completely jarring and off putting.
The context of how each character was created is meaningless. Jar Jar is obviously a worse SW character than Rose, as evidenced in the movies themselves.

I actually like her.

But "I dislike Rose" is different than "she's worse than Jar Jar Binks"
Oct 25, 2017
Louisville, Kentucky
Generally speaking, in most franchises there would probably be some healthy room for debate.

In this specific example, the carnival of offensive racist stereotypes in the prequel trilogy exist. Jar Jar, Watto, and the Trade Federation are pretty much by default the answers you can pick from, because they rather specifically embody derogatory stereotypes about entire groups of people.

By comparison, Rose having a few cringey lines and being part of a subplot that may or may not have been executed super well doesn't even register on the scale.

Shout out to people who say Obi-Wan (and a couple others) for in-universe reasons about all the damage their actions ultimately caused though, it's not technically the version of the question I think is being asked but it's a good and clever answer nonetheless.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
Rose is fine, y'all crazy. Poe is the worst character in TLJ, but in terms of the overall franchise I'd have to go with either Anakin or Jar-Jar. The former is, through no fault of their own, led through a ludicrous series of poor decisions and bizarre judgement calls into a painfully manufactured fall from grace scenario, and the latter is... Jar Jar. The worst, most intrusive slapstick character possibly ever, and filled to brim with diet racist shite.

At least Anakin's character is redeemed in TCW. He's still holds all those simplistic, binary, naive views from the movies, but you actually see his competency in his strategy, piloting, and fighting skills. In regards to war, they make him literally a genius.

Jar Jar still sucks in TCW tho
Oct 25, 2017
It's not his interpretation. Lucas literally says that Hayden is portraying him how he wants to and it's just that fans don't like the character.

Almost everything you think Anakin is in the PT is what Lucas wants you to think of Anakin.

Lucas even related that Hayden complained about playing someone so whiny and that he wants to play Darth Vader but Lucas responded well you're not going to play who you thought. That's the character. He's a petulant teen.

And I personally loved that. :p

When I first watched the OT as a kid, I imagined that Anakin would have been a power hungry, angsty and angry person. Lucas gave me exactly what I wanted.

Mods, please ban me, I don't feel comfortable posting on a forum where a significant number of idiots think Rose is a worse character than Jar Jar Binks (or Anakin or Padme) and feel strongly about it enough to say so.

Jesus fucking Christ.

That other thread about the worst fan bases was right on point.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
The context of how each character was created is meaningless. Jar Jar is obviously a worse SW character than Jar Jar Binks, as evidenced in the movies themselves.

I actually like Rose

To me it isnt. TPM was an awful movie. Jar Jar binks being in it hardly made it worse. It was terrible anyway. It might have gone from a 2 to a 1.

Rose made TLJ a lot worse for me. If you cut every scene she is in. I believe its a better movie. Bad character/ bad writing ? I dunno. Just what I think.