Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
We have such a nice and pure government don't we? This goin on. People taking bribes from powerful money interests. Such a good time to be alive.


Oct 27, 2017
Judgement refers to the Senate vote. The senate can vote to remove him from offie and disqualify him from further office, but the impeachment itself cannot.
That's only when it's also confirmed by Senate, so unlikely to have any relevance for the 2020 election
Ah damn that's too bad, I didn't realize that til just now. Hopefully this will still deal a fatal blow to the Trump campaign.
Jun 6, 2019
So say republicans try to make the argument that there is no direct evidence of any sort of quid pro quo exchange here. I think there is clear evidence of that but I think I have already seen republicans saying there is no direct evidence of that. Is asking a forgeign government to investigate a US citizen/political opponent inherently illegal?

Basically, assume that Trump did not do anything in regards to withholding aid to Ukraine (even though I think he definitely did), would the act of asking a foreign government to investigate Biden alone be considered illegal and if so by what law.

I just really want to stress that I do not believe Trump to be innocent at all, I just want to anticipate how Republicans will try to argue against all this (saying there is no quid pro quo) and then see if you can still easily point to the asking for Biden to be investigated as illegal, thus necessitating impeachment.

Then again, based on what others have answered, impeachment does not seem to require an overtly illegal act, just whatever congress deems as something unfit for office. The only reason I am asking about what is considered legal/illegal is I cannot imagine republicans would ever support impeachment based on something being considered "not proper." I think for any republicans to actually switch sides it has to be something overtly illegal, which is incredibly stupid but that is where we are.

it's illegal for a campaign to solicit help from a foreign government. Quid pro quo doesn't matter.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
I dont think anything will come out of this and this seems to me more like the democratic party doing it for publicity and PR but hey, make the fucker sweat
Jun 20, 2019

As a Canadian I was curious about this too but didn't want to ask in this thread due to the hostility. We could use less knee jerk posts calling people nazis or assuming there is ill-intent for asking legitimate questions on this forum. It's not unusual to want to be made aware of the actual laws we are discussing when we say someone "broke the law".
The bigger point is that no one has to demonstrate he broke a law. The standard in the Constitution is "high crimes and misdemeanors" which means precisely nothing more or less than what Congress wants it to mean.

For example, the President is required to take an oath of office; the language of it is written out in the Constitution itself. This isn't a law; it isn't a criminal statute; there is no defined sentence for breaking that oath. But it certainly falls under the umbrella of "high crimes and misdemeanors" to break the a Presidential oath of office, and Congress could remove him for doing it.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
Really would have been great if Mueller didn't affirm the precedent of a sitting president not being allowed to be indited.


Nov 6, 2017
The obvious answer is that he just likes access. He'll do anything for it.

There's a really revealing interview where the interviewer just straight up asks him why he changed and his answer is basically "He's the president, so I want to be the guy the president counts on."

Here's the original but you need an account: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/25/magazine/lindsey-graham-what-happened-trump.html

Lindsey Graham is the text book definition of a sycophant.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017

Deleted member 3896

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I dont think anything will come out of this and this seems to me more like the democratic party doing it for publicity and PR but hey, make the fucker sweat
Congressional Dems have a constitutional DUTY to impeach here. It's nothing to do with publicity or PR and everything to do with upholding the law and trying to protect this democracy and its future elections.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017

As a Canadian I was curious about this too but didn't want to ask in this thread due to the hostility. We could use less knee jerk posts calling people nazis or assuming there is ill-intent for asking legitimate questions on this forum. It's not unusual to want to be made aware of the actual laws we are discussing when we say someone "broke the law".

well if you don't call everyone in the thread ignorant in the middle of your earnest question i'm sure you'll be fine

justin haines

Nov 27, 2018
yeah there seems to be this thing with him where he feels like if admits to things they are ok, bc he's admitting it, and people will lap it up.

i suspect his fan base might actually be ok with this phone call now that he's released it. Myself, I think he's a POS and if he gets impeached I'm going to ride that high til I die


Oct 25, 2017
I dont think anything will come out of this and this seems to me more like the democratic party doing it for publicity and PR but hey, make the fucker sweat
Well if by nothing will happen means he won't be removed from office, true. But this is a pretty easily to follow example of illegal activity by the president and we are just at the opening here. Moderates are not going to favor the president come election time.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Why bother releasing a rough transcript when it's incriminating. Either release the verbatim one so you can at least say you did it or have the rough summary not include the actual crime.



Oct 25, 2017
Look good in election season. Otherwise why not start impeachment proceedings oh, I dont know, anytime the last 3 years for the myriad of horrible shit hes done?
Because nothing else presented has been in plain view, current, easily explainable to the public, etc. This is a perfect storm scandal to actually make the attempt to take him down with because it's all right there.

Also that Clinton is unpopular and Biden isn't unfortunately plays into how people reacted in 2016 vs 2020.


Oct 25, 2017
According to Article I of the Constitution, yes. "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States;"

To be honest, I'm not sure how much that document matters anymore, though.

Wait - is this impeachment *and* conviction? Or just being impeached disqualifies him?


Oct 25, 2017
Well if by nothing will happen means he won't be removed from office, true. But this is a pretty easily to follow example of illegal activity by the president and we are just at the opening here. Moderates are not going to favor the president come election time.
You have way more faith in moderates than I do


Oct 27, 2017

As a Canadian I was curious about this too but didn't want to ask in this thread due to the hostility. We could use less knee jerk posts calling people nazis or assuming there is ill-intent for asking legitimate questions on this forum. It's not unusual to want to be made aware of the actual laws we are discussing when we say someone "broke the law".

Wow, you sounds like a nazi troll!!

Just kidding of course.

Also, very big thanks to The Albatross!


Dec 18, 2017
I honestly can't wait until Trump is gone. Trump is seemingly more in the news than Bush was during his presidency.


Oct 27, 2017
Why bother releasing a rough transcript when it's incriminating. Either release the verbatim one so you can at least say you did it or have the rough summary not include the actual crime.


I think this is clear proof that all the rational people that could have told Trump this was a bad idea are already out. Now all Trump can do is make poor choices, have some terrified flunkies *maybe* suggest he not do that, do it anyway, and then fire said flunkies once bad idea proves to be bad, because no one told him it would be bad, even though people did.

We're basically at the frothing Nero/Despot stage of the White House now. Everything Trump does will be self-inflicted, but he'll blame it on others since the ones that could have kept him from doing something so suicidal are now gone.


Apr 1, 2019
Look good in election season. Otherwise why not start impeachment proceedings oh, I dont know, anytime the last 3 years for the myriad of horrible shit hes done?

The Democrats have only been in the House of Representatives for 9 months now. Starting impeachment earlier would have been a mistake because the Senate isn't going to convict & an impeachment with no conviction would hand Trump a 2020 victory. By starting impeachment now, the actual procedure will drag into the election season. Not only will this tie Trump's resources up into fighting this instead of campaigning but people will be exposed to all the evidence that the Democrats have against Trump. By the time the process is over & the Senate actually takes the vote, the actual verdict won't matter because it'll be too close to November 5th for Trump to capitalize on the Senate voting it down.

Sure, the hardcore right-wing won't change their vote, but this is more about making sure that everyone up to the moderate right don't vote for Trump. Ultimately, the actual verdict is less important than the damage that the process will do to Trump's election chances. It's long term planning.
Last edited:

Deleted member 31923

User requested account closure
Nov 8, 2017
I dont think anything will come out of this and this seems to me more like the democratic party doing it for publicity and PR but hey, make the fucker sweat

I don't really see a scenario where Trump doesn't get impeached at this point. That's extremely rare and a very big deal. There's also a chance of resignation or removal via the Senate, but those a lot less likely of course, though not impossible to see.

It's kind of like the 2018 election. The main goal was winning the House, and as you see, that mattered A LOT. The Senate was a longshot, more of icing on the cake that didn't happen, but it all still mattered in the end.


Oct 25, 2017
According to CNN, the rough transcript was reviewed by several House and Senate Republicans prior to release:

Sen. David Perdue tells CNN that he was among a small group of House and Senate Republicans who reviewed the rough transcript at the White House before it was released

Perdue said White House Counsel Pat Cippolone was in the room, and that the President called in and said everything was fine about his conduct.

When asked if any Republicans raise concerns, Perdue said "no."

Congressional Republicans aren't even trying to save Trump.


Oct 26, 2017
I keep forgetting to ask but,

Say if the impeachment gets past the house, is that enough for him to not be allowed to actually run for president? or does he have to get fully impeached by the senate first?


Nov 20, 2017
What gets me is just how much of the call is useless masturbatory praise to each other. "Good morning Mr. President, let me jerk you off. Oh you're jerking me off now? How gracious of you Mr President. Let me return the favor! Oh my goodness, sir, another wank for me? Tis surely kind."


Oct 25, 2017
NYT profile on Pelosi, which is actually pretty awful as it tries to paint a ridiculous (but politically useful) history of why we're going to Impeachment now that claims its due to the merits and not the slam-dunk politics of the scandal that got all the worried red-district people off the fence. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/25/us/politics/pelosi-intelligence-impeachment.html

However there is one kind of amazing anecdote here:
In 1998, she helped write a law protecting intelligence community whistle-blowers — the same law that Democrats argue that Mr. Trump is flouting.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Fingers crossed that this shit will lead us to a world where neither Trump nor Biden is president.

Job 1 is obviously getting the orange shitstain out of office for good, but if this also means we don't have to deal with President Biden, that's an added bonus.


Oct 27, 2017
Really would have been great if Mueller didn't affirm the precedent of a sitting president not being allowed to be indited.

Hey, hasn't been tested in court.

We really don't know what would happen, he's merely following DoJ guidance.

If it actually gets worse once the whistleblower report comes out, then I hope someone at least brings this up.


Oct 27, 2017
Because nothing else presented has been in plain view, current, easily explainable to the public, etc. This is a perfect storm scandal to actually make the attempt to take him down with because it's all right there.

Also that Clinton is unpopular and Biden isn't unfortunately plays into how people reacted in 2016 vs 2020.
Explainable to the public is key here. You can explain exactly what was done wrong in one sentence. "Trump withheld 400 million dollars in aid (with no reason given) to the Ukraine, and when discussing the matter, directly asked the Ukrainian leader to dig up dirt on a political opponent." Very straightforward.


Oct 25, 2017
For some reason, the "I stayed at your hotel" really sticks out to me. I would not be surprised if there's some financial impropriety there.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll be preeetty damn happy to be wrong about this and for Trump to be kicked to the curb, trust me

Look good in election season. Otherwise why not start impeachment proceedings oh, I dont know, anytime the last 3 years for the myriad of horrible shit hes done?

The Democrats have only been in control of the House for nine months.