
Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
Exactly :)
I can just chuckle off these kinds of one-off hissy fit messages but one time I had an actual stalker on Reddit who made accounts with my name and numerials at the end and words like (fuck) as a prefix, and kept telling me to kill myself. I had to notify Reddit staff 10 times to get him banned before he stopped coming back.
Oh I remembered another incident from a few years ago. I was in a group chat on Skype (yeah... I said a few years ago okay! this was pre-Discord >_>) for PvP fight clubs and it was generally a decent community despite being a bit boys club, or so I thought... and mind you, I have pretty thick skin, but then at some point they made fun of a rape victim and everyone laughed. So I left and never looked back.


Oct 30, 2017
Oh I remembered another incident from a few years ago. I was in a group chat on Skype (yeah... I said a few years ago okay! this was pre-Discord >_>) for PvP fight clubs and it was generally a decent community despite being a bit boys club, or so I thought... and mind you, I have pretty thick skin, but then at some point they made fun of a rape victim and everyone laughed. So I left and never looked back.
Wow, that's really disgusting.

I guess for me ignorance has been a bliss. I think I've just avoided online communities largely until a few years back.

Deleted member 15395

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
Every community has a degree of toxicity caused by a, generally, small yet vocal number of individuals. It's the nature of the beast, people with good behavior don't run around telling everyone how well behaved they are. Toxic people will naturally always stand out. You should perhaps look for a community that has stricter (within reason) moderation rather than expect the community itself to be toxicity free.

I've only been playing for about a month but I've found that FFXIV in general is full of friendly, helpful people that want to have a good time. I've not reached the super end-game content yet so that may change but so far its been surprisingly welcoming.
Oct 27, 2017
FF14 is the best one I've ever experienced. People are helpful if you are new and usually aren't toxic towards anyone throughout my hundreds of hours playing. Sometimes people get upset when you reset in stuff but that's about it.

Now with warframe I can say it's was a pretty toxic community from what I saw in the Xbox chat in the game. People making racist, sexist and just being a prime example of what a toxic cesspool is.


Dec 23, 2017
xiv Must've done a 180
It was positively vile back when I was playing it
Was actually pretty shocked by the vitriol

Xi was nice
As long as you are not competing for the same monsters/loots
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Oct 26, 2017
I have fond memories of the communities on RFOM on PS3. Although I'm sure there were plenty of toxic people i never experienced it so much.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Ironically enough right now. Star Citizen. It's the detractors who want it to fail and aren't playing that are toxic.

Oh. I think I may have misunderstood. Not sure I can say SC has a socially progressive audience or not. I just meant as far as toxicity. Everyone I've met has been nice. Full stop and from what I've heard (anecdotally of course) it's the same experience most others have had as well.
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Oct 27, 2017
Not sure about "progressive", but the Dark Souls/Bloodborne community has always been very welcoming. Just don't say you don't like the games.


Oct 25, 2017
I approve with everyone that said FFXIV, it's by far the friendliest and nicest community of all of them that I've experienced. It's pretty surreal actually, in like 500h of gameplay, I've only met one toxic dude, other than that pretty much everyone I've talked with is super friendly.
Dec 5, 2018
Bethesda, North Wales
Didn't have any negative encounters while playing a lot of Final Fantast XIV and Monster Hunter: World.

But maybe I was lucky.

I'd agree with this, I've never encountered a group of players more willing to help and educate new players than the people I have met in these two games, spent 400+ hours in both and never encountered anything more than a "Look, you really need to PAY ATTENTION" in chat.


Dec 10, 2018
FF14 is the best one I've ever experienced. People are helpful if you are new and usually aren't toxic towards anyone throughout my hundreds of hours playing. Sometimes people get upset when you reset in stuff but that's about it.

Generally the community was pretty good on FF14 I agree. If a player says they're new to a raid/dungeon, most players will understand.

I have had players PM me and call me "faggot" and other nasty shit because I did not play my Paladin "their way" or used my limit break towards the end of a fight. I have even been abused for carrying healing duties because the healer was not healing everyone. Some people are unhappy regardless


Oct 27, 2017
I think the kindest online community I have encountered is Warframe on the Switch.
Oct 25, 2017
From my experience...

Maybe the DDR community?

lol. My first experience with the DDR community was submitting pictures I took of my TV with my proudest high score feats (a Max 300 AA with only 14 greats I was really proud of), and most of the responses were people wondering if they were fake.

All the people I meet at tournaments have been really nice though.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
In terms of non-toxic, definitely Warframe and Destiny, their PVE focused nature means lots of people looking to help.

With regards to progressiveness...Destiny's character lore is very pro-LGBT, and the community has always been cool and supportive of that.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
FFXIV. 99% of the dungeon runs, and the one I just finished a minute ago, has people saying hi in the beginning and thx at the end. That small gesture goes a long way.


Usage of alt-account.
Oct 27, 2017
Does Animal Crossing count as online? That has probably the most wholesome and altogether positive community I've seen for any game. No real fights about which game is better, no dick measuring contests, just a bunch of people that enjoy being creative. It's all pretty wonderful, and it's one of the few fanbases ever that I'm good with.

For definitively online, it's for sure Splatoon. There's some dumb stuff here and there, but overall it's a very light and positive community. I always crack a smile looking at all the passionate drawings people make in the hub area. Just a lot of love going around.


Oct 25, 2017
Monster Hunter is the first that comes to mind. Really any PvE game i play stands out to me as being more welcoming and less toxic than most.


May 2, 2018
Having just got into Diablo 3 on console, I found the community there pretty friendly. Many were happy for my meek character to tag along on the higher raids, and they would often drop and trade loot my way for nothing in return.

Also while I only have a few hours played, my initial social experience with Sea of Thieves was super friendly. Most people were using mics, and often multiple members of my crew would vie for my attention, competing to explain X mechanic, or show me Y landmark. They genuinely seemed like they wanted me to fall in love with the game and join their community. Ultimately I gave up on the game as I couldn't quite get into the gameplay loop, controls, and progression system, but it was super refreshing to join a multiplayer game as a newbie and to be met with help rather than flame.
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Amico fun conversationalist
Nov 4, 2017
Seattle, WA
Here's a weird one: Iron Brigade/Trenched on Xbox 360, from Double Fine. The only people who matchmade into that game were into it and grown-up, I always found. Especially after roughly a year.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Having just got into Diablo 3 on console, I found the community there pretty friendly. Many were happy for my meek character to tag along on the higher raids, and they would often drop and trade loot my way for nothing in return.
Yep, that's Diablo 3 alright. My top recommendation. Lots of helpful people, easy to find folks doing whatever you are doing or need help with.

Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
FFXIV had someone come up to my level 10 character, welcome me to the game, tell me they hope I enjoy my time with it, gift me 25k gil and leave. Lmao

Sumio Mondo

Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
FFXIV community are decent, some of them can be really elitist though if you don't know what you're doing right away (those who have been through a dungeon 5 times expecting newcomers to know the boss strategy, for example).