Feb 13, 2018
Morgana, though I don't think he's supposed to be annoying and most of the hate comes from him telling you to go to sleep.

Also Luke from stales of the Abyss if he counts. Probably one of my favorite RPG characters period.


音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
That's Karol, so I assume you mean Karol. Lloyd is the main character of Tales of Symphonia, a completely different game.

And put me in the camp that actually likes Karol. He has good character development.
I misremembered the name. I knew I should have looked it up!

I really didn't like Karol, though. I found him to be quite insufferable.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 2, 2017
Mitsuru "Marin Karin" Kirijo


Morgana hijacked Haru's screentime with his fit-throwing so maybe him.


Dec 5, 2018
Riki obviously. He's the heropon, tho it helps that he's also imo the all around best party member in gameplay.

Shining Star

May 14, 2019
People are too quick to balk at anything that isn't straight "cool." There's nothing remotely bad or annoying about Karol.


Jun 29, 2019

Nanami from Suikoden II. I never had any problems with her, but she is your step sister who always force her way into your party most of the game and always asking you give up on the fighting. Generally the comic relief at times in the game, but
that changes when you storm Rockaxe Castle and she takes a arrow to the chest to save her step brother and his former best friend from being killed by the evil lord of the castle. Depending on your reaction and if you got all 108 Stars, she dies or only revealed to be alive after the final boss and duel.
Aug 13, 2019
I love Tama and the Kupos from World of Final Fantasy. They're adorable and the way they talk isn't nearly as annoying as people let on.

Tora needs to be deleted from existence.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
I really don't mind Teddie or Morgana at all but I know most people hate them.

I dont mind morgana that much but i sure hate teddie and his squeaky shoes

Morgana hijacked Haru's screentime with his fit-throwing so maybe him.

haru never had screen time
if anything without morgana she would be even more forgotten because 3 out of the only 5 things she does after joining are related to him


Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
How dares OP call Heropon annoying! D: He's the best character of the game. Soon in HD!



Oct 25, 2017
Does Magilou in Tales of Berseria count? Cause if she does then it's her.

If not then its Riki and Oiliver.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017

Joshua from The World Ends With You is a condescending jackass who treats Neku like an idiot and can barely fight. He's one of the best characters in videogames.
Yes, this.

Also "can barely fight"? I beg to differ on that one when....
Jesus Beams happens


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rikki and Tora are good.

I think H'aanit was generally considered the most annoying character in Octopath because of her speech style, but I liked her a lot.


Oct 28, 2017
That little round shit from Xenoblade Chronicles that acts as the goofy mascot anime cliche. Made me drop the game.


Nov 1, 2017
I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, the absolute opposite answer to your thread is Lymle from Star Ocean 4.

I don't think there's a worse character in any game period.
Nov 17, 2017
He starts by being sad that his mom died then spend an entire half of the game being emo and getting close to snow hes going to tell him AHHHH no he isnt
The first half of the game is like, what, less than a week in real time? And that whole time, he's basically a fugitive and cursed for life? He's also like, 14? I mean, I get calling him annoying but emo? He's just a grieving and distressed kid.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Riki is pure and great

I'm genuinely fine with most mascots though, it only crosses the line when they get pervy, like Tora and Teddie. Morgana tows the line.

also Hope is fine, and actually pretty great in XIII-2. Lightning Returns was weird tho.

Oh and people seem to hate Alphinaud but after Shadowbringers I kinda love him. He was an idiot who made huge mistakes, but in a rare twist they actually let him grow from it over time, rather than instantly.


533.489 paid youtubers cant be wrong
Oct 28, 2017
The first half of the game is like, what, less than a week in real time? And that whole time, he's basically a fugitive and cursed for life? He's also like, 14? I mean, I get calling him annoying but emo? He's just a grieving and distressed kid.
I dont think its annoying for him to be sad that his mom died. Its him being emo as hell with his "I WILL TELL SNOW NOW HEY SNOW maybe later ughhh" over and over and over that pisses me off. that has nothing to do with his feelings or him being 14, its just poorly written


Oct 28, 2017
I dont think its annoying for him to be sad that his mom died. Its him being emo as hell with his "I WILL TELL SNOW NOW HEY SNOW maybe later ughhh" over and over and over that pisses me off. that has nothing to do with his feelings or him being 14, its just poorly written
This is nonsense. Dude is 14, watched his mother die right before his eyes and the last person to see her alive was Snow, a shit "hero" who did more harm than good. He was also branded as a fugitive/terrorist, made a L'cie which at the time meant he thought he was literally going to die as well.
He was a 14 year old kid thrust in to a situation that was completely out of his control and he was was upset at the world for what happened to him. Hope is one of the best written characters in the series.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm genuinely fine with most mascots though, it only crosses the line when they get pervy, like Tora and Teddie. Morgana tows the line.
Morgana's perviness gets overblown because really the only character he's like that around is Ann, while he's normal around every other female character. It's just that Ann is the only prominent female character for the first several hours of the game


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going with Pascal from tales of graces.
In a series full of ever changing jargon for magic, she just leans into science babble speak to avoid explaining shit, just roll with it.
And ironically her role as the wacky character in this cast of goobers actually makes her not the annoying one despite the game's best efforts.
The one character not taking the mess of a story particularly seriously.

HM to Riki but really outside his intro he's played pretty straight oddly enough, silly speech style aside.

Also Karol could never be the annoying character when patty is right there


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Midori Komaki from Devil Survivor.


Devil Survivor is a very grounded, very dark game about what happens when you put a section of Tokyo on lockdown while demons invade and give regular, very fallibly humans control of those demons.

Midori above is a cosplayer caught inside the lockdown and thinks she's a magical girl who can save people with the power of love.

She's annoying, completely oblivious to the shit happening around her and all the problems her "power of love" mindset causes, but it just works so. damn. well. Given SMT's recent games, you'd be forgiven for thinking she's in the game to pander to the anime waifu crown. She's actually quite the opposite: a deliberate deconstruction of the magical girl archetype, much like the game in general is a deconstruction of games like Pokémon. She's even better in the remake, Overclocked, courtesy of Erin Fitzgerald, who gave her the most obnoxious voice. Think of Persona 4 Golden Chie but on crack.

Best of all, if she survives until the end of the story, she receives some solid character development and the game actually partially reconstructs her idealism... by causing a Jack Frost to evolve into Black Frost out of idealism alone and letting him join your party as a full fledged party leader.

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
This dude.


HB from Xenoblade Chronicles X.

He's the most pompous ass left alive in the universe. He drives a police car mech. Look at that statue you get for doing his side quests. Look at it.

He's the best. Don't even compare your other loser annoying sidekicks to him.


Oct 30, 2017

Jansen Friedh of Lost Odyssey!
He was great.

And Riki the Heropon was a blast. The fact he's just a dad trying to do what's best for his family despite his many flaws makes him awesome.
The fact he tries to adopt Shulk when he learns he doesn't have a family of his own just clinches it.


Oct 25, 2017
Including Steiner with the others mentioned here feels odd because Steiner is one of the few mentioned characters you aren't meant to like when he first appears since his whole arc is about him growing as a person

boy power

Jul 29, 2019
I don't understand why people hate Hope so much. He was a pretty believable teen character to me, unlike all those 16-18 year olds in JRPGs and anime that don't at ALL act like their age. So I guess for me it's Hope.