
Oct 25, 2017
Hard Corps for me. It's just really hard to go back to playing a Contra game without a slide. Also, Hard Corps is just ridiculous and amazing.


Oct 28, 2017


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
South Central Los Angeles
Alien Wars. Hard Corps is close, but Alien Wars is more polished and carefully crafted. Hard Corps was a break away from the formula, but Alien Wars was an elevation of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Cuck Zone
Contra is the best one; particularly the Famicom version. Then Shattered Soldier then III. I have Hard Corps but haven't had a chance to play it yet. Soon I hope.


Oct 27, 2017
Hard Corps for me. It's just really hard to go back to playing a Contra game without a slide. Also, Hard Corps is just ridiculous and amazing.

A while ago I watched a longplay on YouTube, just 20 minutes, the amount of variation there is in just 20 minutes is insane, some games today should revisit it and take notes.


Oct 25, 2017
Hard Corps Uprising and Contra 4 are pretty neat. Haven't played Neo Contra for myself, but it had the best opening.



Oct 25, 2017
A while ago I watched a longplay on YouTube, just 20 minutes, the amount of variation there is in just 20 minutes is insane, some games today should revisit it and take notes.
Contra: Hard Corps is a really funny game to watch people play for the first time. I really enjoyed Giant Bomb's "This is the Run" feature for Contra: Hard Corps. Seeing Dan and Vinny react to each new section (and even some new surprises when revisiting old sections) was very entertaining.

And yeah, Contra: Hard Corps has a ton of variety. Branching paths, five endings, tons of boss battles. There's so much to see.

Sheng Long

Oct 27, 2017
Alien Wars just edges out Hard Corps for me. Shattered Soldier was also great. I even liked Neo Contra.

Hard Corps Uprising was pretty good after I got used to it.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
I have a hard time choosing between them, there's loads of good ones.

I prefer Super Probotector/Contra III to Hard Corps, and Contra 4 to Rebirth. Uprising has been on my list to play for years, but I don't have anything that can play that or Rebirth anymore.

The one I enjoyed the most as a kid was Probotector GB/Operation C, it's not the best but it captured what I loved about the series in a way I could play more easily.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
1 and 3 for gameplay, setting, and music.

Super C (2) is cool, but I prefer 1 and 3.

This is just one track from the awesome soundtrack of 3. Godly. I love how it evolves as you fight several final bosses from 1 and 2.



Oct 27, 2017
I've had the ps2 version tucked away for around 15 years and not played it yet.


Oct 25, 2017
the original is a masterpiece, controls are tight, music is insane, and it's a timeless fun coop game, like I'm sure you could play this game in 20 years with a friend and still love it.
Agree, the original Famicom game (not arcade)

For me the top 5 is
  1. Contra (Famicom)
  2. Super Contra (Famicom)
  3. Contra Spirits
  4. Contra 4
  5. Contra GB/Operation C - solid sort of mash up of 1 and 2
All other games (yes I have all of them) mess with the formula (making them boss rushes with a bunch of cutscenes, fixed gun selection etc) setting (Rambo vs Aliens) or aesthetics/sound (bright bold colours, big orchestral style melodic scores) too much and wreck it for me.

I'm a much bigger fan of classic run 'n gun Contra than the newer boss rush type Contra.

That said, Contra NES still reigns supreme for me. Contra 4 is a very close second.
Agree, the balance of regular levels with platforming and bosses/set pieces is great in the numbered games, and off in the non-numbered games (except Operation C).


Oct 25, 2017
I've only played Contra 4 but that game was fucking amazing.

I'd wish for some kind of Contra Collection if we weren't dealing with modern-day Konami.


Oct 27, 2017
I've played Hard Corps (Genesis) for the first time last year and it's now my favorite, it's just relentlessly cool. It's got a reputation for being balls-hard and of course, it's no cakewalk, but I found it to be very doable. It's a typical learn- from-your-mistakes game and you learn fast.

I've still got a soft-spot for Contra 1, but Super C is probably the better game (the overhead stages were way more fun than the corridors of 1).

Contra III The Alien Wars is also pretty damn great and is probably my nr. 3.

I still haven't played enough Contra 4, the few times I tried to play it, it didnlt really click. Same with Hard Corps: Uprising, which I put some time in, but it never clicked like the old games did. Both are still very much on my to-do list though and I consistently hear great things, so I just have to really play it seriously.

/edit: Rebirth was alright too, but I really dislike the cheap, cartoony art-style they used and it feels more like a greatest hits than a proper entry in the series. It was supremely silly too, which is alright in and by itself, but the tone was off compared to Contra proper. Gameplay was fine though.


Oct 25, 2017
It's so difficult to pick a single favorite. Hard Corps: Uprising is the biggest masterpiece the series produced (love its giant moveset, complex stages, and excellent bosses) but there are so many great Contras that it's tough to say it stands above them all, especially since it is a little long for an arcade-style game. Aside from that I especially love 3 (hard mode is brilliant, full of exciting setpieces and interesting, fast-paced boss fights), Hard Corps (probably has the best presentation in the series and is full of variety, but might be a little too easy to memorize) and the NES port of the original (on the easy side, but still has great pacing - Japanese version is better due to being marginally more difficult and intense than the US one).

I don't like NES Super C as much as the first one. The top-down stages are absolutely better than the original's middling behind-the-back segments, but the sidescrolling stages are overall worse. There's way less environmental variety (a bunch of the levels are just flat terrain lacking the platforming that spiced up the first game's battles), there's a lame autoscroller halfway through, and the game has a few obnoxious gotcha moments that the first lacked (like the turrets in the final stage). Still a great game but I don't think it quite measures up to the original.


Oct 28, 2017
Hard Corps Uprising was so cool. As much as I'd like to see a new legit Contra, I wish Uprising would come back in some form.


Oct 27, 2017
There's been many decent games like contra over the past decade indie stuff mostly that do it just as well or not better. There's nothing really distinct about contra it's just another run and gun 2d side scroller in 2018.

It's one of those series that's not unique anymore really imo. Unlike castlevania which is unique in its setting atmosphere systems and story.


Oct 25, 2017
Contra Force is the best one.


Sure, the above statement is a lie, but I love the game nonetheles.

Contra Force has the best music out of the NES games at least.

If I have one problem with Hard Corps, it's the brutal difficulty. The Japanese version may have been too easy with a life bar and unlimited continues but they went too far in the other direction when bringing the game to other countries.

It came out during a period in the 90s when game rentals were the new boogeyman of the month for publishers. So they would impose unreasonable difficulty on games to make sure there was no chance to finish a game over one rental session.
Oct 25, 2017
London, UK
Yeah, good point wy doesn't anyone ask for a new one?

Did they every try and update Contra to 3D? i don't remember them doing it during that phase of turn ign all 2d properties into 3d but could well be wrong


Feb 2, 2018
Hard Corps is terrific but christ the western version is tough, even by Contra standards D: Really going to have to give the Japanese version a go sometime

As it stands I'd probably go with C3, helps that I'm one of those weirdos who likes the top down stages. C4's pretty high up there too


Jan 10, 2018
Blazing Chrome is a fairly shameless Contra: Hard Corps/Probotector rip-off that should be coming out soon:

It triggered all my nostalgia feels, hope they finish it soon.


Oct 28, 2017
Isn't that Neo Contra?

As to the main question, the original NES game, and its sequel are near perfect, but I will usually reach for Contra: Shattered Soldier when it is time to shoot some alien scum in the face.

And the less said about Hard Corps Uprising, the better. Fucking hideous game.

Hm I guess that is which is surprising because I remember not loving Neo Contra. I do love Shattered Soldier but its been ages since I've played it.


May 23, 2018
Yeah, good point wy doesn't anyone ask for a new one?

Did they every try and update Contra to 3D? i don't remember them doing it during that phase of turn ign all 2d properties into 3d but could well be wrong

A 3D Contra? I'll pass. This was 3D back in the day. The original Contra gave you side scrolling and "3D," what a game. Still the best.


SUPER PROBOTECTOR is the best one.

I actually had to look this up because it's like the second time this word was mentioned in this thread and I'm like what the fuck are they talking about. Turns out Konami released the series under the name "Probotector" in the PAL region. Sometimes I just shake my head at past video game marketing incompetency, even 30 years after the fact.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll stand up for Contra 4 any day, what a stellar game. Beautiful, sounds great, amazing set pieces, good length, great dual screen gameplay, it's a total package. I haven't played Hard Corps though.


One Winged Slayer
Dec 28, 2017
Hard Corps went too far with the difficulty. Which is pretty crazy in a series known for its difficulty.
For me my favorite is Super C but I think the best is 4. The series never looked so good and it played perfectly.

I actually had to look this up because it's like the second time this word was mentioned in this thread and I'm like what the fuck are they talking about. Turns out Konami released the series under the name "Probotector" in the PAL region. Sometimes I just shake my head at past video game marketing incompetency, even 30 years after the fact.

Wasn't a marketing decision per se. Iirc the EU wasn't keen on killing humanoid characters so they released it as Probotector and changed all the humanoid sprites to robots. Probotector was even an unlockable character in Contra 4 and was my favorite to use.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Hard Corps has everything I could ever ask for in a Contra videogame. I still have the soundtrack stuck in my head, it's that good.
Oct 26, 2017
New York
It came out during a period in the 90s when game rentals were the new boogeyman of the month for publishers. So they would impose unreasonable difficulty on games to make sure there was no chance to finish a game over one rental session.

Very true. That's exactly why if there's ever a re-release, there should be a choice on the level of difficulty. More lives and continues available so the player can decide how hard the game should be, instead of sticking to misguided decisions made by the publishers decades ago.


Oct 28, 2017
The 1st is still the best! Just remake it and package the original along with it.


Neo•Geo Saver
Oct 27, 2017
Hard Corps > 3 > Contra > Super C

Haven't gotten around to playing 4 but I hear nothing but good things. The entries on the original Game Boy were half decent too!

Skip the rest imo


Oct 27, 2017
Contra was cool back in its day before Metal Slug arrived.

Yeah, surprised no one said this yet.

I also tend to this twin stick shooters stole the Contra thunder.

For me the original is obviously the most nostalgic but I also really liked Contra 4 and somehow don't think I've ever played Hard Corps. I have played Hard Corps Uprising and no thanks.