
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
It's been so long I can't even remember much about it, but Silent Hill 3 was a game I only played in short sessions because it was too much for me.

Oddly, I don't remember having an issue with the first and second.
Silent Hill 3. I remember even being afraid of opening the damn thing. After that I think I became immune to scary games lol, not a single game makes me scared anymore. I love horror tho.
Silent Hill 3. And no, not the mirror room.

Early on in the mall, I was in a storeroom and I was in the basement with my parents' room right above me. I was wearing headphones cause I was streaming the game for a friend. As I walked into the room, I heard loud and intense stomping above me and froze, looking upstairs thinking that something was wrong. Like someone had broken into the house. I was panicking and my heart was about to pop out of my chest. I was even more terrified because after I took my headphones off, there was dead silence.

I typed that I thought someone was in the room and I was about to call the police when my friend had to assure me it was sound from the game, one of SH3's many, many elements that are there with the sole purpose of fucking with you.

One of the scariest moments of my life, lmao. Also RE7 in VR is incredibly terrifying, even as someone who has played it many times outside of VR.
- Silent Hill 2 and 3, the latter especially. I had to quit Silent Hill 3 barely an hour after playing it
I got to the Otherworld Mall and was terrified and just couldn't continue.
In comparision I actually managed to beat SH2 (just barely) though it terrified me a ton it wasn't as bad as SH3's first hour.

- Resident Evil 2. Was the first ever survival horror game I ever saw. Was only 7 years old and visiting a friends house and her brother was playing it on the PS1. He made me watch him play it and I had nightmares for weeks.
You all got me curious since I only played SH1 and SH2 and thought they were creepy but not outright scary. Watched some play through of the other world mall and good lord that game is too much! Couldn't even finish the video lol. Here's the link for those curious


Oct 27, 2017
I'd still say Vampire Masquerade's Ocean House level. It probably had to do with me not expecting to be scared there at all.


One Winged Slayer - Shinra Employee
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
PT/A good chunk of Silent Hill: [STRESS INTENSIFIES]
Resident Evil 7 in VR but just the intro: [STRESS LEVELS MAXIMUM]


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Alien Isolation.

Those god damn footsteps, I had a literal jump out of bed nightmare the week of my playthrough because I thought I heard the alien running down my hallway one night.


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
-Resident Evil 1 (I was 8 lol)
-Silent Hill 1
-Fatal Frame (1 or 2, don't remember, didn't finish it)
-Amnesia The Dark Descent (probably the scariest game ever for me)


Oct 27, 2017
Besides PT, Fatal Frame because fuck ghosts.



Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Resident Evil 7, the first Outlast and P.T. are the best examples this gen.

Really glad that first person horror has picked up nicely and especially for AAA gaming, though i definitely wish there should be more of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Orginal Slenderman
Dead space 1, 2
Alien Isolation
Fear 1 and 2 (that ending in fear 2...)


Oct 25, 2017
It's been so long I can't even remember much about it, but Silent Hill 3 was a game I only played in short sessions because it was too much for me.

Oddly, I don't remember having an issue with the first and second.

Glad to see I'm not the only one, I've told a few people this exact thing in the past and they found it weird. But compared to 1 and 2, 3 was just way too much which was a shame too as I was so excited to get to finally play as heather.

Silent Hill 3. And no, not the mirror room.

Early on in the mall, I was in a storeroom and I was in the basement with my parents' room right above me. I was wearing headphones cause I was streaming the game for a friend. As I walked into the room, I heard loud and intense stomping above me and froze, looking upstairs thinking that something was wrong. Like someone had broken into the house. I was panicking and my heart was about to pop out of my chest. I was even more terrified because after I took my headphones off, there was dead silence.

I typed that I thought someone was in the room and I was about to call the police when my friend had to assure me it was sound from the game, one of SH3's many, many elements that are there with the sole purpose of fucking with you.

One of the scariest moments of my life, lmao. Also RE7 in VR is incredibly terrifying, even as someone who has played it many times outside of VR.

Glad to see I wasn't the only one who was terrfied of that other world mall. Hopefully one day I'm able to be able to play the game past it and not be extremely terrified. I loved RE7 and am both excited but terrified for when I'm able to play it in VR.

You all got me curious since I only played SH1 and SH2 and thought they were creepy but not outright scary. Watched some play through of the other world mall and good lord that game is too much! Couldn't even finish the video lol. Here's the link for those curious

It really is terrifying, I give Team Silent credit, the games they make are among the most terrifying ever, physiological horror is always more terrifying then zombies/gore/serial killer horror for me.


Oct 27, 2017
While I absolutely love them, horror games can give me scare jumps, but they never manage to really scare me. Soma managed to scare me with some of its themes though.

Bloodborne was able to scare me too. Mainly because I hate spiders, but there's also a moment when you dive into full darkness and my imagination did the rest of the work.


May 29, 2020
Metroid Prime. Being in a dark room and a face appears right in front of my fucking eyes, staring straight into my soul.

... turns out when a rocket explodes next to you, the light lets you see Samus' reflection on her visor for a brief moment. Terrifying.


Dec 4, 2017
P.T. is the winner. Pure terror that still stays with me. It has permanently affected me.

The only other two I can think of are RE7 in VR (mainly due to immersion/shit happening less than an inch away from your eyeballs), and the original Alone in the Dark (even hearing the music would trigger my childhood fear of that game).


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't played too many horror games, Eternal Darkness, Resident Evils 0, 1remake, 2 original a bit, 4, Revelations 1 and 2. None of them are that scary. Then I played one of the Fatal Frame games on PS2 I think and the demo of whatever was on Switch (or was it Wii U). Not too scary either.
But one game was quite scary that I wasn't sure if I could even continue it at one point and that was ZombiU. Especially the part where I went to the school area. But I did man enough and beat the whole game, it was a great experience all in all.


Oct 30, 2017
RE7 in VR is the definition of scare you shitless experience. The technology is a breakthrough for horror, it's still excellent on a flat screen: but VR will truly terrify you. It really feels like you're trapped in a nightmare house trying to survive.

And PT, how is something so short so damn chilling.


Oct 27, 2017
Silent Hill 1 scared me so bad, I had to put the game down for 2 weeks. I was a kid at the time, and I got to where you enter the other world for the second time. One of those monkey things jumped out the darkness to attack me. First time seeing one. I turned the system off.

I also found SH3 to be terrifying as fuck.

I love SH2 to death and its the one I've 100% completed, but I consider 1 and 3 to be far, far scarier than 2. Shoot, 4 is scary too. The actual apartment becomes nightmare fuel if you pick up this random doll at some point.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
PT was the last one that actually made me feel legit apprehension and nervousness as I played it. I've definitely felt tension in horror games outside of that, like RE7 and Alien Isolation, but only PT has actually caused me true distress as I played it this generation.

Half-Life 1 as a preteen was fun as hell and also scary af. The sound design was just insanely effective at the time it released. Everything was so loud and sharp and intense.

My age at the time that Silent Hill 2 came out made that deeply terrifying for me — early teens. I've since revisited it and it's kinda got that tense-but-not-terrifying vibe to it now. It was just a little bit later but REmake terrified me in almost the same way, Crimsonheads and Lisa creeped me the fuck out, especially since I was very familiar with the RE series up to that point.

I legit got terrified at Dead Space 1 but it was because I was a passive viewer of my brother's playthrough. I was in my early 20's when it came out. I think if I'd had actual control over the play and the catharsis of controlling the combat, I'd have been a bit more mellow on it.
Oct 27, 2017
I agree with RE7. I could only only play it for about 30 minutes at a time. It's scary, but the tension is really what gets to me. I've replayed and speed run the whole game 4 times now lol.

The Evil Within was more of a "shooter" for me and I had a lot more "fun" with it, but it has it's heart pounding "oh shit. Oh shit! OH SHIIITTTT!!!" Moments lol.

Alien Isolation got under my skin for real, and the androids are actually more terrifying than the alien. Just very disturbing when they grab hold of you and you have no way of defending yourself. Ughhh.

Outlast 1 and 2 were also incredible, though I found the 1 to be a bit more memorable. Insane asylums are a perfect background for horror games.

it's actually amazing how P.T has stayed so relevant for gamers even though it never became a legit thing. If next gen delivers anything, it should be a complete Kojima Silent Hill reboot (aka PT the full game). That being said, Silent Hill 2 is GOAT.
Last edited:


Dec 11, 2019
Bloodborne is my fav horror game in terms of making me feel scared. Evil Within is pretty good too.
Oct 25, 2017
PT, Half-Life: Alyx, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Resident Evil 7 (VR) and Alien: Isolation come immediately to mind. These are all intensely scary games that made me feel almost physically ill because of the emotional drain they had on me at times. PT is the first game I can think of that made me literally put the controller down, call a friend, and tell them that there was something in a game so scary I felt like I couldn't open a fucking door at the end of a hallway. HL: Alyx, while not purely a horror game, puts you in some outstandingly terrifying situations that are the absolute best VR can do right now and it's absolutely magic. Resident Evil 7 was my first VR exposure and set the stage for seeing horror in a completely new way. Amnesia lays dread on so thickly at times that you just become paralyzed. Alien: Isolation made my favorite creature come alive in a videogame for the first time in a way that felt like I was IN the movies I adored.

There are others, I'm sure, but these are the ones that immediately manifest as the most important ones to me.
Mar 5, 2020
From this generation? Definitely Alien: Isolation and SOMA. They did it in a completely different ways, though - but the atmosphere in both of them was beyond oppressive and also they had some bleak, nihilistic existential feel to them, but with a different spin.

I still can't, up to this day, bring myself to finish the Crew Expendable DLC. I always get too scared to handle the vents scene in which Lambert navigates you through some really cramped corridors. And the funniest thing is, I have beaten the game twice, on Hard.
Oct 27, 2017
You all got me curious since I only played SH1 and SH2 and thought they were creepy but not outright scary. Watched some play through of the other world mall and good lord that game is too much! Couldn't even finish the video lol. Here's the link for those curious

Goddamn do I love Silent Hill 3. My personal favorite of the series.

The most recent game to give me some good dread was probably SOMA. You've got to meet it halfway - if you don't suspend some disbelief, it's probably not going to pull you in hard enough to really grab you. But I was willing to get into the vibe and the game is damn scary.

Deleted member 27551

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
None till I played resident evil in VR, FUCK THAT. Finished it a few months before without VR and well it ain't scary at all but VR creeped me out.


Nov 12, 2019
Until Dawn is very good and scary.

Dead Space 2 was fun and started very scary, it was the first proper horror game I played myself, but by time I had enough upgrades to feel powerful it was wiped out to be honest. Still good though.

The Resident Evil games all scare me, I love the series and it's story but zombies in general are like my worst nightmare. I want to play through them all but I don't know how it's gonna go.

Alien Isolation is such a cool game I think, but I don't know if I could ever play it, the concept of being perpetually followed by something that you have no real power against is just... pure anxiety.


Oct 27, 2017
Cologne, Germany
None, i am not affected by horror games or movies.

the only game that comes somewhat close to being scary was Silent Hill 2 at the time it released but that was more because you don´t really know whats going on till much later in the game.

Alien Isolation can make you feel stressed out at times but scared? nope

Until Dawn is very good and scary.

Really? that game is the definition of "teen horror" to me..


Nov 25, 2017
I just started alien isolation an hr ago. Does feel creepy. Need to put on headphones. I want to play it all the time at night without headphones. Lol

Wallace Wells

May 24, 2019
PT, Resi 2 and 7

it's just something or someone that chases you and can appear at any minute that terrifies me so much

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
Outlast. I think that's what it was called. I'm not really into horror games (I'm a shit bag) but gave that a try years ago.

There was a jumpscare and I kicked my leg out. Thing was I was sitting at my desk which is against a concrete wall. Hurt my ankle and was limping for a while lol. I noped right out that game and uninstalled it.

I did play Alien Isolation but didn't really scare me. It was tense and the atmosphere was insane but the Alien didn't scare me.


May 31, 2019
I will concur with a few others: Dead Space was terrifying; it was a mix of fear and disgust. I mean the basic gameplay loop involves dismembering limbs with a laser tool. The whole package was almost too much.

RE7 was a real freak out, I still can't understand how you could play that in VR and not go mad.

I got quite scared in Bloodbourne and Dark Souls series at times, mainly from all the dying and agony. I still wilt like a baby at BloodBorne's brain head things. Sekiro's headless FREAK ME OUT.

There is that area in Demon Souls with the witch in the dark and a narrow pathway, that was scary.


Oct 25, 2017
I never play horror games, so they really terrify me.

Amnesia The Dark Descent scared me shitless as I was first playing it in late 2010.
There was a particular section where you are moving through a big room with windows and the game outright fakes out the monster spawning right behind you only for the figure to vaporize. Problem is, that very first time I saw that I was able to notice that the misty form the game spawns is perfectly shaped as the monster, so I 100% almost peed myself right there, feeling of loose bladder and everything LOL.

Allen Isolation had an incredible atmosphere and it had me on edge all throughout my first run.
No joke, very early on when the androids first become hostile I trapped myself in a corner and as the android approached me I paused, returned to main menu and quit.
I actually didn't come back to the game until a couple of years later, and I'm glad I did. I am sadly immune to that game now as a result of finding the collectibles, and I'll have to go back to beat the highest difficulty one day.

Silent Hill 3 was the first SH I played on my own instead of watching someone else play it. The otherworld mall stopped me in place, and only continued once a friend who was more experienced with horror games helped me push through. The mirror room, and a room where a creature crawls out from under a bed fucked us up though.

My backlog includes almost 10 horror games, I guess this is the best month to go for some.