Which style of gameplay fo you find hard?

  • Stealth

    Votes: 34 16.0%
  • Fighting

    Votes: 108 50.7%
  • Driving/Racing

    Votes: 34 16.0%
  • Sports

    Votes: 41 19.2%
  • Strategy/Simulation

    Votes: 75 35.2%
  • Horror

    Votes: 34 16.0%
  • Shooters

    Votes: 36 16.9%

  • Total voters

Metro Cow

Nov 28, 2020
Soulsborne games

I don't have the time or energy to spend hours nowadays learning boss patterns and endlessly repeating sections of a game.


Oct 27, 2017
Fighting games stress me out from the realtime action of it all.

I love watching people play horror games, but I usually can't play them myself because I'm a baby. "Adjust the brightness until the box is barely visible"? Haha, no.


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't realize how so many struggle with fighting games compared to other genres.

It's horror games for me. I love horror movies but I think it's easy to watch things unfold versus something that you have to actively play, knowing that something is just around the corner. The last horror game I played was Resident Evil on GameCube, so nearly 20 years ago. I had to play it in half hour increments because it was stressing me out. lol

A recent game that invoked that type of stress/intensity for me was The Last of Us Remastered, which I played through last year. Love the game but some sections really got to me. Basically all of the night segments where you have to enter an enclosed environment/building and any spore-filled areas.


Aug 11, 2020
It's not on there but Metroidvania games are ones I can't wrap my head around. I've tried many and could never get through it. Always seem to get stuck.
Oct 27, 2017
My favorite games are for sure stealth related like TLOU, or horror. Love em and I'm pretty good at being a sneaky killer.

Hard games are probably traditional fighting games like Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. Sports games like NBA2K with friends who really know how to play. Shooters can be tough, especially online play like COD. Racing games can be very hard, too, like Driveclub.

Soulsborne/Fromsoft games are probably the hardest, though.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Horror games.
I don't like the feeling of being scared. I'm anxious enough in real life.


Oct 26, 2017
Strategy, turn based, and tactics games

I've had an interest in them for years, I'd try the odd one here and there, and give up. I'm trying to change that though, I went through Wasteland 3 recently and fell in love with it. I'm going to return to Xcom 2 eventually and give that another whirl, as well as Civ VI. I've already got a backlog of games added that I want to try out in those genres.


Oct 27, 2017
Two spring to mind immediately:

Strategy/tactical. It's the one genre that at a base level I love, but every time I play one, I feel like I get outsmarted/overwhelmed and then think that every decision I'm making is the wrong one. It's an awful feeling... and yet I have Fire Emblem, Into the Breach, Tactics Ogre, Disgaea, etc. installed.

Graphic/point-and-click adventures. I've loved these games since the old Zork/King's Quest days, but like the strat/tactical comment above, there comes a point where I have no clue where I should go next, or some puzzle or puzzles will perplex me, and I end up having to look up solutions, which just makes me feel dumb. When the solution is convoluted, I don't mind that much since that's just a symptom of poor design, but when it should have been obvious, I start to question my own intelligence. LOL


Dec 8, 2020
I really suck in Stealth games, I think I don't have enough patience and I can handle stealth sections in action games, but a game that depends only on stealth mecanics just doesn't work for me. I love horror movies and horror books, but somehow, survival horror games makes me so anxious that is impossible for me to play


Oct 25, 2017
I voted shooters and strategy games but its more so that I kind of lose track of enemy locations all the time.
For strategy its that and having to micromanage resources doesn't sound appealing to me, but maybe I just need to play the right one.

It is kind of wild how many people vote or say fighting games lol. They're hard but not THAT hard to start learning!


Oct 28, 2017
I would never touch online fighting matches but atleast i can finish the single player modes. With RTSs and similar strategy games i mostly only finish the campaigns on easy mode or using cheats, with some exceptions.


Jan 14, 2018
In fighting games I can't execute a simple combo more than 50% of the time. No idea why. I have no problem with beat-em-ups which can be similar. doesn't make sense.


Nov 8, 2017
I've accepted after all of these years that I'm bad at fighting games, but not so bad that I can't appreciate them. I can go online and get mostly destroyed but the occasional match I win makes the whole experience worth it.

RTS games on the other hand are basically unplayable to me. I can't get past the tutorial in some of them.

I'm actually bad at all of the genres listed in the poll. There are some fighting and racing games I'm decent at though, and all the rest I understand the mechanics of I'm just usually not good compared to the playerbase, but good compared to the random person who picks up a controller. Shooters and horror games I can get through on easy. I'm about as bad at stealth and sports games as I am at RTS games but I imagine that's because I don't like them. With Stealth games it's because I don't have the patience which goes hand in hand with not liking them, maybe if I liked them I'd have the patience. For sports games it's because I didn't grow up understanding sports so I often don't even really know the rules to Madden.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Never could get into fighting games outside of Smash. Granted I haven't tried super hard to get into them, but remembering all the combos and whatnot is just really off-putting for me.


Oct 27, 2017
i love fighting games and 2D platformers, absolutely suck at them.

i prefer arcade over sim for sports/racing games, and i'm not a fan of the soulsbourne genre.


Oct 25, 2017
Stealth and Horror for me. Both are severely limited by the current state of the medium IMO. Both require an immersion into an environment that encapsulates all the possible senses to really be satisfying. I'm often thrown off by the compromised gameplay choices to make each genre work.


Sep 29, 2018
Yeah, I'll have to say that I have encountered a game from each genre found in the poll that I've struggled with and has pushed my skills to the limit. So all of them.


Nov 16, 2017
All of them? Out of this list probably fighting games the most. Not even good at smash. I just forget that shield, dodge and grab exist every match.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
Fighting games and Strategy games. The thing is, I really like strategy games (fighting games, less so). I play a lot of X-Com 1/2, Into the Breach, and various Strategy RPG's, but I suck at all of them. The only one I've ever managed to beat is Wasteland 3....but now I have even more of that strategy bug. Excited for Desperados 3 to get added to Game Pass, so I can get super frustrated with that game too.


Apr 22, 2019
Stealth and shooters. Stealth because I get bored almost immediately by the idea of just sneaking around (stealth sections in any game are the absolute worst), and Shooters because I really don't get the appeal. Skills-wise I'm sure I could get them but if I can't stay engaged long enough of course I'm rubbish.


Oct 25, 2017
Given enough time I can get into any genre of game if it's good enough, but I guess I've had the least experience with shmups and really dense strategy/simulation games.

With shmups it's really just a matter of my not having set aside the time to explore the history of the genre or whatever.

I'm fine with strategy RPGs like Fire Emblem or FF Tactics. I would need a lot more time though to get into something like Unity of Command or one of those 4X games. I guess you can throw MOBAs in there too because I'm not really interested in them.


Oct 29, 2017
I picked almost every genre here, lol. My aim is shit in FPS, I am a coward for Horror games, I have NO patience for stealth game (always ended fucking it all up, and having to shoot everyone-except for MGSV, I was able to play that one somehow correctly), I'm terrible at driving and sports games, mostly because I haven't really played them since 98 and I am the dumbest motherfucker when it comes to strategy games. I have no patience and no insight, so I fuck it up so much. The only exception for me was Fire Emblem Awakening, but having too many options stress me the fuck up. I was never able to beat the original Pikmin, for instance. I suck at that shit.

Weirdly enough, if I like a fighting game, I will become pretty damn good at it. Nowhere near competitive level though, just good enough to beat the game without struggling. Soul Calibur, Smash and MvC being my favorites.

Caped Baldy

Dec 11, 2017
I'm just really, really bad at shooters. Especially on console. To the point where I just don't care about them any more, and I used to play CoD, Battlefield, and Rainbow six all the time. I just got tired of doing OK through single player campaigns and then getting my ass handed to me in multiplayer.

I'm also really terrible at pulling off combos in fighting games. I don't have the patience to learn more than one or two for each character. I guess that's why people "main" certain characters, but where is the fun in that? If I have to pause the game to dial up a combo list, then I'm not having fun. Shame, because I really dig the lore in a lot of them.

Kudos to Dragonball FighterZ for having a combo system that anyone can get into really easily, and for making button mashing look impressive on the screen.

Caped Baldy

Dec 11, 2017
Fighting and character action games (DMC, Bayonetta, etc.) that require unintuitive button combo memorization.

Ah, I forgot about these. Yeah, sucks because they look so fun. Throw Ninja Gaiden on that pile too. Yet another game that looks like a lot of fun, but I just don't have the time to be competent at.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm fine with arcade style driving games but I'm rubbish at the more realistic games like Gran Turismo. I know fuck all about tuning and engines or which company is better than the other. I really like racing games do it's always annoyed me.


Jun 6, 2020
RTS/Grand strategy. I like tactics rpgs and simpler stuff like XCOM but stuff like Crusader Kings just look so daunting to learn, even though I think that stuff looks rad.