Which one?

  • Realism

    Votes: 30 8.2%
  • Cartoon

    Votes: 131 35.9%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 22 6.0%
  • Both

    Votes: 129 35.3%
  • It depends

    Votes: 53 14.5%

  • Total voters


Nov 7, 2020
These are pretty explanatory but let's go over it. Realism is to make the game look as realistic as possible to emulate real life. Personally I find this boring because they end up looking generic a lot of the time. Cartoon is where they make it look like animated shows or movies or anime. You don't have to settle with looking like it's real, it can look unique because of the artstyle or generic. I find this one more interesting because no two games in this style unless in the same series(possibly) look alike


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Realism as a sole defining feature isn't just incredibly limiting, it dates the game immensely in a medium that made rapid jumps in graphics tech every console generation. Metal Gear Solid 1 used to be realistic looking.

"Cartoony" can mean anything.


Oct 27, 2017
Somewhere in between most of the time.

BotW did a charming, colorful visual style perfectly.

Immortals Penyx Rising did colorful with creepy faces.

The latest Assassin's Creed games go for a colorful and semi-realistic style. I like it.

King Kingo

Dec 3, 2019
It ultimately depends on the video game and what they were trying to achieve with the visual style.


Oct 26, 2017
Cartoony more, but not necessarily graphically weaker. Something like the new Ratchet looks better to me than anything I've seen from next gen for example.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Cartoony more, but not necessarily graphically weaker. Something like the new Ratchet looks better to me than anything I've seen from next gen for example.



Handicapped Duck

▲ Legend ▲
May 20, 2018
Cartoon ages a lot better; I remember when Gears of War 1 looked amazing, now there has been so much improvement that it looks dated even compared to the newest Gears. Something like Wind Waker on the other hand still looks fantastic to this day.


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Something stylised.

Most games that go for realism look embarrassing a few years later.
Oct 29, 2017
I don't want a mammal that jumps obstacles looking like a real animal, but I would rather have vehicles and athletes from sport and racing sims looking like the real thing.

Super Mario Odyssey doesn't work if it looks like a real man stepping on critters, Microsoft Flight Simulator doesn't work if it looks like a toy plane.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't really have a preference. Uncharted looks great, Persona looks great, FFXV is kind of a middle ground and looks great.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017

LoL I don't know about that playa. Fighting games, boxing games (both used to be cream of the crop when it came to 3D models back then) and cgi movies were already a thing.

Obviously the stapled together piles of Lego with no eyes that communicate by hurriedly nodding their heads are not realistic now, but what I was trying to say is that "realistic" is something that is relative in game design. That's as good as they looked then and we didn't know better until the next graphical leap showed us what we were looking at.


Oct 25, 2017
I like both and think they both have their strengths and drawbacks.

I think a stylized realism is the best way to go.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd agree that something stylized (maybe not necessarily cartoon-y) ages better than a game that's going for realism. Thinking on the types of games I usually replay it is my preference. Games that are going for high realism didn't use to age that well but starting with the 360 era I think that became less true (especially in the PC space where you can find texture mods for the games you'd usually want to replay). In those cases what makes revisits more unappealing are gameplay mechanics that have fallen out of favor.


One Winged Slayer Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Generally I'd say I prefer cartoony artstyles compared to games that aim for realism.
Like, when I'm playing CoD I never once stand still and marvel at the environments even if they are very well crafted on a technical level.
There are exceptions to this, though. Ghost of Tsushima certainly has a more realistic style but can provide lots of beautiful vistas. Game is almost constant Photo Mode bait.
Similarily TLoU pt.2 is so rich in detail, I love how every place you go to, every room you visit tells its own little story just from the visual design. Honestly insane how much microdetail they put into that game.


Nov 7, 2020
I like both and think they both have their strengths and drawbacks.

I think a stylized realism is the best way to go.
The problem is most of the time it isn't stylized atleast for me. Every game that tries for realism up looking like dayz gone or something similar to it. Trying to make it's own style doesn't happen often. It ends up being generic shooter or fantasy. At least for me.
Oct 29, 2017
I think we are at the brink of having realistic games as a whole be more visually consistent than cartoony ones thanks to the current tools available to artists.

Look at something like Assassin's Creed Valhalla vs Immortals Fenyx Rising

If we haven't already, we are nearing this point in which competently made realistic games can't look ugly anymore. The tech and resources available facilitate mimicking reality, but with cartoony art styles you will always have the chance to misfire.


Nov 7, 2020
I think we are at the brink of having realistic games be more visually consistent that cartoony ones thanks to the current tools available to artists.

Look at something like Assassin's Creed Valhalla vs Immortals Fenyx Rising

If we haven't already, we are nearing this point in which competently made realistic games don't look ugly anymore. The tech and resources available facilitate mimicking reality, but with cartoony art styles you will always have the chance to misfire.
I'd rather a misfire than something that looks the same for every game, a misfire is still unique


Oct 27, 2017
It's more of a spectrum that varies depending on the type of game but I would agree that less realistic art style tends to age better


Mar 13, 2018
Depends on the execution. Realism can be colorful as well, for example, and there's cartoony games that can feel bland or overdesigned.
Oct 29, 2017
I'd rather a misfire than something that looks the same for every game, a misfire is still unique
Sure at the entry level indie realistic games may not be able to come up with whole unique settings and unique looks of their realistic AAA peers, but I don't think that's necessarily that bad. Maybe we end up with games resembling the indie film scene. Sure they are set on their home towns and and cities instead of Alien planets, but they don't have to look samey. Low budget films often look incredibly beautiful only using the simplest of tools that medium has.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Is "cartoon" the only word people have for stylised graphics?
Cartoon sounds silly imo.

Anyway, depends on the game and how well it's done. Art direction needs to be top notch.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Depends on the art direction, this binary question is a bit too simplistic. There's heavily stylised character art that leans towards realism but is still either heroic proportions or a recognisable style just by looking at the silhouettes. Generally I like stuff to be more stylised if it's more effective, gets characters to stand out from backgrounds or makes them look cool/imposing/whatever if that's what's intended etc. Aiming for photorealism can just look dull in comparison, being able to adding the touches of style through art is what separates games from films. Often even games that people think of as a 'realistic' art style are heavily stylised and animated one way or another, even if they aren't 'cartoons'.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, it just depends on the game, so both I guess. Overall, more of my favorite games are "realistic". I don't like anime style basically at all.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Nov 2, 2017
I think something realistic can be stylized like Star Wars or Red Dead or Ghost of Tsushima, and something cartoony can also be kind of realistic like Sea of Thieves (water graphics), Final Fantasy XV (landscapes and set dressing), or Breath of the Wild (snow and grass physics, for example). Personally, if it suits the game, I'm happy with it. I don't think Red Dead would be as good of a game if it were done in Ratchet and Clanks art style and I think Ratchet and Clank would suffer trying to achieve Red Dead's art style, but they are both look good to me and I don't really prefer one over the other.
Oct 29, 2017
Of course in the unlikely scenario that realistic graphics don't become more accessible to do at all, but the contrary. Then realistic games are going to be a few high budget titles, and when you look that the industry's output as a whole, they are ones that are a dime in a dozen, with the rest of the industry being derivative cartoony styles.
Oct 27, 2017
A stylized realism like say, Ghost of Tsushima. It goes for a more painterly look and color palette, which helps it overcome more technical shortcomings.


Oct 27, 2017
Depends of the game and what they are trying to achieve, but my favorite is colorful stylized realism, games like Uncharted,Ghost of Tsushima.


Oct 27, 2017
Visuals designed to look as close to real life as possible are the first to start appearing dated - look at something like Gran Turismo 1 which once upon a time everyone was championing as being photorealistic. I'd prefer a cohesive and colourful art style that will still have charm no matter how many decades removed you are from its original release, such as the likes of Rez or Jet Set Radio.


Feb 13, 2019
I don't know if cartoon is the best, but stylized is not better. Realistic graphics can be stylized, otherwise all live-action movies would look the same.

Merriam Webster Definition:
: to conform to a conventional style
specifically : to represent or design according to a style or stylistic pattern rather than according to nature or tradition

American Dictionary Definition:
tr.v. styl·ized, styl·iz·ing, styl·iz·es
To represent in or make conform to a particular style, especially when highly conventionalized or saliently artistic rather than naturalistic.


Oct 25, 2017
I want to say both, but I admit that a unrealistic, stylized, art direction would catch my eye faster than one that goes for realism.