Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
2010: Ex-fiancee broke up with me on MLK day almost a decade ago 24 hours after I proposed. Contemplated suicide, slept around a lot, let myself get out of shape, and was in a go nowhere job living in an area I couldn't stand. I did manage to distract myself by going back to school for my Masters degree.

Now: Have a wife, a kid, bought a house, got my mental health issues taken care of, I'm in good shape (could be better), moved away from a toxic section of the country to a very nice town that's an ideal place to raise a family, and even though I'm looking for a new job since I'm bored with what I'm doing, I'm making more money now than ever.

I like to tell my story to those as a reminder that you don't have to let life keep you down.


Oct 28, 2017
2010 - getting ready to go out clubbing as I was in my third year of University.

2020 - in bed next to my wife in the house we own. Our 4 month old baby is in a next2me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I could check Facebook but I don't want to.

Highschool Facebook is dark and full of terrors.


May 20, 2019
Interesting thread.

January 2010: Just bought my first house.2nd year in my career as a licensed psychologist. I was married to my first wife. Seemed like life had unlimited potential.

Now: Married to someone else. Progressed heavily in my career to a lead psychologist. Live in a different state. Have a daughter. Make a lot more money. Starting to feel a bit old though.


Oct 27, 2017
2010: Recently hired as a shipping clerk, lived at home, no relationship

2019: Shipping Manger, Moved Out, Living with Partner, Trying for 1st child

Life comes at you fast

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
I don't even remember, i was 19 and i think i was about to start my first job after highschool and a failed college enrollment. I had good friends.

Now ten years later i've just finished college and started a new career working what i love and with the best friends i've ever had close by.

What doesn't transpire there is the wreckage that defined my early twenties, the emptiness and small jobs here and there, and the complete and utter lack of expectations for any possible future, or even life. And the collossal effort of three years of college at top of the class all the while working weekends and anyother free time i had.

So glad there's no god to thank. The thanks are mine to have and to those who deserve it. Me and my friends can take all the blame and glory of what's transpired and what we achieved.

Deleted member 179

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sophomore in highschool, living a normal family life, wishing I could get a girlfriend but seeing my friends enough and at school all the time. Loved video games.


Working a dead end job while trying to study for IT certs so I can finally build a career on something, living with my grandparents because my mom went midlife crisis and divorced/kicked out everyone. Had the gf, she went crazy so she gone. Wishing I could see friends more. Still love video games tho.


Nov 29, 2017
Coming out of my failure at University on 2010 and trying to recover.

2019: Just finished University after coming back to study in 2015 and on 2020 I'll get my degree. Also planning to go to Japan.


Oct 28, 2017
Was 19 and had my first two semesters of college in which I flunked and got academically dismissed. Graduated in 2019 and now have a job as a teacher.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm doing now what I should have done 10 years ago. I feel guilty about it but I feel more optimistic.
Oct 28, 2017
I'm 32 years old now.

Starting the 2010s I was 22 years old. Broke, no job, obese, and depressed (I seriously thought about ending it all a couple of times and thoughts of imagining everyone's life around me without me always entered my head).

Now, I have decent-paying steady job, with lots of opportunities to grow, with full health benefits, a 401(k), and a Roth IRA. No longer obese and ugly (lol, I was able to lose 80 pounds and dropping all that weight made me a lot more attractive). I started bench pressing this year. At the beginning of this year I could barely bench 30 pounds and now I'm up to 110 lbs.

I feel better than I've ever felt before and I'm still not done.


Oct 27, 2017
2010: Had been living with my GF, in a house we recently bought.

2020: Married (same person) with 2 kids, just built a new house.
Oct 25, 2017
2010: Junior in highschool, on break. Doing highschool shit, not really thinking about the future (that's next year). Things are good.

2020: 4 year previous college grad with barely any work experience trying to piece my life back together/return to work after successfully putting my Crohn's disease into permanent remission (no long term drug physical & financial dependability) through hard work, trial and error, and wonderful familial support. The past 3+ years have been rough as fuck, but things are now great.

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
I turned 18 in early 2010. I had just failed my last year of high school and literally didn't know what to make of my life.

I quit my job in late 2019. Uncertainty hit again. My country went to shit. I managed to land a much better job one week ago though. Looking forward to it!


Oct 25, 2017
late 20s in 2010, owned my first late 30s retired enjoying life with my family


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
I turned 21 in 2010. I was in my 2nd year studying chemistry towards a BSc.

Going to be 31 now in 2020. Have a girlfriend since two years, hopefully a permanent contract at my job early this year and a nice group of friends. No big plans, really.


Oct 26, 2017
2010: Shy, introverted nerdy kid. I was probably in my dorm playing WoW. Didn't really have a ton of friends in college, and my HS friends were 2 states away.

2020: Shy, introverted nerdy dude. I've grown up quite a bit though this decade. I've lived abroad for 4 years, I experienced my first relationship, and while I'm still introverted, I try to push myself into more social situations because turns out staying home by yourself gets boring after awhile. I've had a career change (if you can call not ever using your degree to something more in demand a career change). There's a ton of things I want to get done this coming decade, I'll be 30 this year so realistically this is probably it if I want to have kids (I'd love to be a dad). Considering I'm not in a relationship at the moment, I'm hoping it doesn't take me 25 years to get into my next one. I'd like to see as much of the world as I can in the next 10 years (planning a trip to Iceland this summer!), and I'm hoping that overall I just continue to break out of my shell and become a better, stronger person than what I was 10 or 20 years ago. Career-wise I enjoy what I do, but I'm not particurly in love with it. I wouldn't mind teaching for a few more years and than transitioning into something like curriculum development.

Deleted member 7572

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I was finishing my communications degree and working for a mattress retailer that I later took a corporate position with. I was pretty introverted, I hated it.

10 years later, I've met my soon to be wife, I did college again and I'm a geotechnical engineer. I now live by "better to beg for forgiveness than ask permission," and a lot happier.


Oct 27, 2017
2010. Just finished 4 years of film school with a writing major. Of course didn't find a job in the business, and around new year I just started in retail. Was dating my gf for almost 2 years, still lived at my parents.
2020: been doing screenwriting jobs for 8 years. Had some successes, some failures that ended in development hell. Looking forward to a first feature project (co-written, came on board quite late when they needed a fresh look) finally being shot at the end of january. Another feature might get funded and shot in the summer, but still is no 100% go. (Worked on that one since 2015. Sole writing credit on the script, though it is an original story based on an old Belgian tv-show)
Married to the GF from 2010 for almost 5 years.
Got a bit of overweight.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
2010 I was in college making the best friends of my life, having the time of my life, about to start University with this newly established group of friends. It was the best time of my current existence, and I still pine for those days on a daily basis.

Now I'm a loner in a 44 hour a week dead end job, with no social life, watching all these people be successful while I stay stuck, immobilised by anxiety. I'm happy for them, but I'm the unhappiest I've been in my life.


Oct 30, 2017
2010: I was 21 and still in the Air Force. I was just coming back from a 365 extended deployment.

2020: College graduate and I have been working for the government for a number of years now.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
2010: In the middle of my first year studying animation. Had moved from Calgary to Vancouver only afew months prior, and was living on my own. Single, and sad about it. Was hung up on a terrible breakup and it was hurting badly.

2020: Now, I'm a storyboard artist with a half-decent resumè, a loving fiancee, two cats, own a condo. Possibly considering to go to Los Angeles for a year after a crazy job proposition. The hardest thing right now is really that we lost our mother a year ago, and my siblings and I are all still kinda hurting from it. I'm also coming to terms with certain aspects of my mental health that went untreated and how it has hurt myself and my relationships. I'm grateful I have an amazing partner who I know has my back though.


Feb 28, 2018
I was a literal child in like 6th grade.

Now I'm in my last year of college, got my first job, am learning to be a responsible adult and live alone.



Oct 27, 2017
At the turn of 2010, life was bleak. I was about to turn 24, struggling to afford college with a retail job, and my dad was in the hospital for leukemia which would take him a few weeks later.

The last ten years have had a lot of ups and downs, and those ups were my proudest moments so far. As of today, stuff took an unexpected turn and I'm afraid this decade is going to start off rough as well.
Oct 28, 2017
27. Moved back in with parents after losing my job due to my ex wife at the time.

Unemployed, damaged credit, self esteem at an all time low.

Now got my old job back, great credit, new car, beautiful apartment with my fiancé. Life's pretty good.



Oct 27, 2017
2010 was some pretty rock bottom dead end shit

2020 not particularly thrilled with my life but, damn, it's been quite a leap


Oct 25, 2017
Then: A 22-year-old newlywed and relatively new college graduate (back in June '09) living with my husband in our apartment in Columbus, OH, with our 2 kittens. Unemployed because I left my Big 4 accounting job due to stress. Looking for another, less stressful job so I could get experience to get my CPA license.

Now: Married 10 years with my husband in our house in metro Boston, MA, with the same 2 cats, plus their brother who was returned, and 2 other cats for a total of 5 cats, all over 10 years old. Working 2 days a week as an accountant for a law firm making more than I did working more than full time in public accounting, and I love my job. A CPA for over 9 years.

Things turned out pretty well other than the myriad of minor health problems I've accumulated in the past 10 years.
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Oct 25, 2017
Toronto, ON
2010, I was in my second year of PhD study, living in upstate this point in the year, I was celebrating New Years with my family in Vienna, and I got on a plane back to school in the morning. I was single and unsure of where my future would go, except for a vague idea of wanting to be a professor. Spent a lot of time studying but also tons of time hanging out with my friends. Great time in my life in so many ways.

2020, I'm married and we're having a baby in about a week. I live in Toronto, where I've been for about three years. Decided to jump out of academia and help to start a publishing company, where I spent most of today before coming home to go for a walk with my wife. We then watched Terrace House for a bit and now she wants to watch that epic Japanese marathon show where people try to make each other laugh. Will probably fall asleep exactly at 12:01. Incredibly different from ten years ago....I feel like a completely different person.

Life has been good to me and I've been really lucky all the way. Thinking back on these past ten years reminds me of that. Thanks for the thread, OP.


Oct 27, 2017
2010: Just starting community college, not particularly social (it took until 2012 or so before I came out of my shell), probably playing some RPG like Dragon Age or KotOR on my newly-built PC.

2020: Have a BA in English, and am working a job that is generally chill if not particularly high-paying or career-building. Got my gallbladder out. I'm back to barely being social (as most of those college friendships gradually disintegrated post-graduation), but at least I'm more at peace with myself than I was a few years ago. Trying to clear the backlog that has accumulated over the past decade.
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Oct 25, 2017
12/31/09-1/1/10: I was a resident on call by myself in the hospital, and I remember that it was a very busy night. I didn't even realize that midnight had passed since I had multiple patient issues that came up that night. I was extremely sleep deprived, single with no chance of meeting anybody due to my work schedule, and overall just miserable.

12/31/19-1/1/20: I'm an attending doctor, circling back to where I did my residency (after years at other jobs) now in charge of the residency program. I have a wonderful wife, and two kids, though one is a newborn so my sleep deprivation looks about the same. I'm a lot happier though now.


Oct 25, 2017
2010 was in the middle of my Freshman year of High School. Nerdy and awkward as hell with dreams of becoming a doctor and helping people. Now in my third year of Medical School working out most days and keeping up with a lot of friends. Definitely hit some bumps but proud of how far I've come.


Oct 25, 2017
12/31/09-1/1/10: I was a resident on call by myself in the hospital, and I remember that it was a very busy night. I didn't even realize that midnight had passed since I had multiple patient issues that came up that night. I was extremely sleep deprived, single with no chance of meeting anybody due to my work schedule, and overall just miserable.

12/31/19-1/1/20: I'm an attending doctor, circling back to where I did my residency (after years at other jobs) now in charge of the residency program. I have a wonderful wife, and two kids, though one is a newborn so my sleep deprivation looks about the same. I'm a lot happier though now.

Literally the dream for me in ten years.


Oct 25, 2017
2009: I was a 14-year old high school freshman. I don't think I knew I was gay yet. Played too many video games and was generally not well liked.

2019: I'm 24 and doing the retail thing. I have some debt, working on building new relationships and finding ways to finally live on my own.


Nov 4, 2017
Graduated high school in 09 and just didn't do anything until 2015

I now have a direction to go in but I don't have the time dedicated to pursue that direction. Better than I was in 2010 at least.


Oct 26, 2017
I had just started chemistry studies at a university at the end of 2009.

Now I'm almost finished with my PhD in chemistry and I will be looking for an industry job soon.


Oct 28, 2017
2009 I had just started college and had no idea what I truly wanted to do.

2019 The year started horribly for me losing an extremely close family member seemingly out of nowhere. I also had just broken up with a GF right before and was in a dark place for most of the year. End of the year I landed essentially my dream job that I had wanted out of college and also in my favorite city that I had always wanted to move to.

So 2020 is starting much better than last year and I hope the ride can keep trending upwards.


Oct 28, 2017
Just graduated from college, was 21, single, amazing job.. it was great.

2020, own my own homes have my dream cars, fam.. I'm good.


Oct 25, 2017
09-10: I was in the middle of senior year, desperately wanting to get it over with. I was allowing my health to fail due to extreme depression but it hadn't gotten bad yet. Single, not a lot of hope for the future.

19-20: I just finished up a chapter of my life that (while fun and exciting) was incredibly stressful and while I'm happy it's over, it's already time for the next chapter. I managed to turn my health around entirely but will face consequences in my future for the mistakes I made years ago. My partners will help me get through all of that, though, and I'm happy with who I am now compared to back then.


Jul 25, 2018
A couple days after Christmas 2009, I moved in with my boyfriend of six months. By 1/1/2010 I was wondering why I moved in with an introvert with major mental health issues.

1/1/2020, I'm married to my adorable little introvert, living 2k miles away from our 2010 apartment, and my spouse has changed genders. Still working the same job, though, for inexplicable reasons. Also still playing Zelda all the freaking time, just a different Zelda game.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
2010: Bout to take my last year at highschool, celebrating with my entire family at my parent's house
2020: An architect at a big tech company, alone since I broke up with my fiancee (whom I live with) a few hours ago and I'm now staying at the apartment my in-laws use when they're in town, which means I'm just sitting here alone playing sad songs on my guitar and drinking coke since I don't have any alcohol around. I am successful at my job though!


Product Management
Oct 27, 2017
2010: Bout to take my last year at highschool, celebrating with my entire family at my parent's house
2020: An architect at a big tech company, alone since I broke up with my fiancee (whom I live with) a few hours ago and I'm now staying at the apartment my in-laws use when they're in town, which means I'm just sitting here alone playing sad songs on my guitar and drinking coke since I don't have any alcohol around. I am successful at my job though!
Sounds like a mixed bag, but I appreciate that must've been a hard decision and you did what you deemed the right thing. Rock on and here's to a bitchin 2020.


2010: dropped out of college and working 80+ hour weeks as manager of a QSR
Now: fairly successful product management/production professional, but my gf is asleep on the couch and I want to be out partying or at the very least have her company
Oct 25, 2017
I was finishing middle school. Discovering Minecraft.

Now I'm a couple months into my job in law enforcement. I love being able to spend money.


Oct 27, 2017
2010: 23, working as a programmer in the video game industry. Came in towards the end of one title which had recently shipped and been generally well-received; probably working on the next, or maybe in still in limbo between projects. Having some trouble adjusting to life in the real world (graduated college in 2008), but starting to make some real friends on the whole feeling pretty good about things.

2020: 33, working as a part-time lube tech at Jiffy Lube. Been in therapy for depression for six year, out of "real" work for four. Social life hanging by a thread. There's still time to turn things around, but not particularly optimistic. I have a couple cute dogs, though, so that's a plus.