
Oct 27, 2017
Also, tbh, in my mind at this point, the politician's other qualities matter way more than their specific policies. I wish we spend so much time arguing over the single vector of "moderates" and "progressives" when things are so much more complicated than that.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Basically the party needs another Obama, but somehow a better version of him.

It's a very tough ask.


Oct 25, 2017
They're pretty fucked. Even if somehow Democrats get the senate in the GA runoff, Biden is not going to spearhead any truly fundamental changes to improve people's lives. Then in 2022 as the red wave comes in to recapture the senate and house, Biden will accomplish even less. By 2024 we're back in the same in the same situation the US has been in for decades with the "outsider" candidate promising change getting the most support in the general election. Unless Republicans end up propping up some ghoul who wore a suit everyday in middle school and has been in government for decades, I don't see how they could fuck this up.


Oct 27, 2017
For all the love this forum throws at Obama, they forget how he ran his campaign and won twice with a healthy margin while being called the Antichrist Socialist Muslim by the right.
And its all because he boiled his message down to something everyday people could understand. Ivy league law professor from Hawaii knew how to talk to rural moderates better than all the white centrist dems running around all chicken little because they saw red seats flip back to red after a 2018 blue wave.


Nov 26, 2018
Focus on improving the economy of the poor and medium class. When they are in power they can pass progressives measures affecting minorities, but the message should focus on things that affect as many people as possible, and that's money.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
For all the love this forum throws at Obama, they forget how he ran his campaign and won twice with a healthy margin while being called the Antichrist Socialist Muslim by the right.
Obama and Trump show that personality matters more than policy for driving high turnout during a presidential election.

This is why it's probably a good idea to not keep going to the "safe" candidate. Because the "safe" candidate is also the boring one that has to appeal to people with policy instead of personality.

One thing that the Democratic Party needs to seriously fix is low turnout during midterms. And that is where you need to focus HARD on policy.


Oct 28, 2017
With the exception of Trump, voting against something often loses out against voting for something. Democrats need to give their voters to go out and vote for something. Relying on "The otherside is terrible, so you have no choice but to vote for us" does not inspire people to go out of their way to vote.

Uncle at Nintendo

▲ Legend ▲
Jan 3, 2018
Honestly, I'm not optimistic about the dem party's chances in the future. Best thing I can hope for the next few years is AOC primarying Chuck.


Oct 27, 2017
Obama and Trump show that personality matters more than policy for driving high turnout.

This is why it's probably a good idea to not keep going to the "safe" candidate. Because the "safe" candidate is also the boring one that has to appeal to people with policy instead of personality.

100%, it's like people forget that Obama was the most charismatic politician of the decade and was an amazing orator and ran an amazing campaign. and the narrative of his campaign didn't focus on a specific super progressive policy. He doesn't grow on trees.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
100%, it's like people forget that Obama was the most charismatic politician of the decade and was an amazing orator and ran an amazing campaign. and the narrative of his campaign didn't focus on a specific super progressive policy. He doesn't grow on trees.
There are a lot more charismatic people than Joe Biden though.

It also makes focusing hard on exciting policy important during midterms, because he won't be able to drive up voters when he can't even drive up attendance during a presidential election.

Deleted member 4874

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. free community college/trade school at least. pro-union initiatives. minimum wage increase. If you can get people back to work post-Covid, they can win 2024


Oct 28, 2017
Also, there's no way on Earth, as she is right now, Kamala Harris can win in 2024. It took a pandemic, Trump bungling the pandemic, over 200,000 Americans dead, and and economic downturn for a someone as "safe" and milquetoast as Biden to barely scrape by.

Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
100%, it's like people forget that Obama was the most charismatic politician of the decade and was an amazing orator and ran an amazing campaign. and the narrative of his campaign didn't focus on a specific super progressive policy. He doesn't grow on trees.
Obama had a ton of charisma but he ran a pretty inspiring campaign that made folks excited to turn out for him. I don't think you need someone as talented as he to replicate his strategy and successes. It starts with messaging


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Be an actual opposition party, stop playing nice with Republican politicians. Stop lurching towards the right, stop ignoring your minority, young and progressive base. Focus harder on class solidarity, stop letting rich old white people and their donors/advisors call the shots. Excite your fucking base and make them want to rush to the polls to vote for your candidate, not just "well, he's better than the Republican." Stop playing defense on the socialist attacking, just keep pressing on and ignore it, it legitimizes the attacks.

So basically nothing that needs to happen will happen.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't tell if the "further left" folks are being genuine here. That is quite obviously the exact opposite of what needs to happen for the Democratic party to remain relevant.

If the last election didn't prove it to you, this one should've -- half the country is still extremely conservative. To them a run-of-the-mill centrist like Biden looks like a radical. We cannot just ignore these people. They are not going away. We cannot win without some of them. ffs, that is unbelievably obvious by now.

Deleted member 46493

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
You will lose the non-Mexican and Puerto Rican Hispanic vote if you run AOC or any Democratic Socialist.
We lost them with Biden, so what's the solution? Also, those supposedly conservative voters voted for a $15 minimum wage. Montana conservative voters voted for weed legalization. Why aren't Dems making those bipartisan issues front and center of their campaigns?


May 28, 2020
The Democratic Party is in a tough situation

either they appeal to Latinos with more conservative policies and alienate the far left and other more left leaning minorities or they appeal to them and lose Latino and White support

Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I can't tell if the "further left" folks are being genuine here. That is quite obviously the exact opposite of what needs to happen for the Democratic party to remain relevant.

If the last election didn't prove it to you, this one should've -- half the country is still extremely conservative. To them a run-of-the-mill centrist like Biden looks like a radical. We cannot just ignore these people. They are not going away. We cannot win without some of them. ffs, that is unbelievably obvious by now.
Yup let's keep going further right. Maybe it'll work this time. Not like we got destroyed doing that same thing just now


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I can't tell if the "further left" folks are being genuine here. That is quite obviously the exact opposite of what needs to happen for the Democratic party to remain relevant.

If the last election didn't prove it to you, this one should've -- half the country is still extremely conservative. To them a run-of-the-mill centrist like Biden looks like a radical. We cannot just ignore these people. They are not going away. We cannot win without some of them. ffs, that is unbelievably obvious by now.

Biden is like the most right-wing you can get outside of actually running ex-Republicans. Stop chasing the fucking right-wing base and focus on getting your OWN base out. Try new things. A young black man who was called a Muslim socialist won the biggest mandate for the Democrats since World War II. It's completely doable.

Not every voter thinks strictly in left/right wing. Progressive policies are winning in places Biden lost.


Oct 28, 2017
Obama had a ton of charisma but he ran a pretty inspiring campaign that made folks excited to turn out for him. I don't think you need someone as talented as he to replicate his strategy and successes. It starts with messaging
It seems like Democrats have completely forgotten that being for a candidate is much better than just hating and voting out the other side. Even on this site, how many times have you see the argument "You have to vote Dem because the GOP is terrible." That may be true, but that doesn't inspire someone to not just vote, but evangelize their support to people within their social circle that may not vote or is a fence.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't tell if the "further left" folks are being genuine here. That is quite obviously the exact opposite of what needs to happen for the Democratic party to remain relevant.

If the last election didn't prove it to you, this one should've -- half the country is still extremely conservative. To them a run-of-the-mill centrist like Biden looks like a radical. We cannot just ignore these people. They are not going away. We cannot win without some of them. ffs, that is unbelievably obvious by now.

Maybe they should get Trump to run as a Democrat in 2024, I hear he's pretty popular!

Deleted member 7572

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Absolutely zero identity politics. As much as it sucks, half the voting base of this country will literally turn to fascism over voting blue if you mention social politics. Do that stuff in the background, but absolutely do not mention or run on it. The one and only focus of the democratic party needs to be focused on is how to help the middle class. The blue collar workers are the core of the GOP base. The democrats must actually offer them a way forward into a new green economy or they are going to continue to turn to the party that is at least giving them lip service for trying to help by bringing jobs back to America. Medicare for all and help the middle understand it will put more money in their pocket needs to be another goal. No fucking trade deal talk either. American jobs must be the #1 priority.

Nah, you can't abandon one for the sake of the other. It's all about tailoring your message to who you're speaking to. Focusing entirely on identity issues without addressing class leads to hollow, performative gestures that serve no one. Focusing on class without viewing the issue from the standpoint of identity ensures that people will continues to fall through the cracks and some won't have their material needs met.


Oct 30, 2017
And its all because he boiled his message down to something everyday people could understand. Ivy league law professor from Hawaii knew how to talk to rural moderates better than all the white centrist dems running around all chicken little because they saw red seats flip back to red after a 2018 blue wave.

this is the part that gets me! what are the two words people remember most from obama's campaign? what is the single message from 2008?
  1. hope
  2. change
what drives people to vote, especially poor/minority voters, is the promise that you will do something to help fix their problems. so promise it! and run on it! if you gotta say "it's on my website" it might as well not even exist! campaign on the minimum wage, or healthcare, or weed, or climate change. tell them how you will make their lives better. these are people who need help, so say you'll help them, and they'll vote for you.


Oct 27, 2017
Florida voted for a $15 minimum wage. Focus on what you're going to do for people and stop with this "We have to win the Republican voters" because it ain't fucking happening. Having John Kasich at the DNC isn't doing shit but disenfranchise voters.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't tell if the "further left" folks are being genuine here. That is quite obviously the exact opposite of what needs to happen for the Democratic party to remain relevant.

If the last election didn't prove it to you, this one should've -- half the country is still extremely conservative. To them a run-of-the-mill centrist like Biden looks like a radical. We cannot just ignore these people. They are not going away. We cannot win without some of them. ffs, that is unbelievably obvious by now.

No half of the country is never ever going to vote Dem. Stop capitulating to them, they are a lost cause. There are so many people and youth who do not vote, that is who we need. Further left is the only way forward, the planet literally does not have the time for us to not dramatically shift our direction. Stop letting the GOP drag us right, we need to leave them in the past and drag the center to the left.


Oct 25, 2017
richmond, va
preferably a lot of them go to the dumpster and people who actually want to enact policy instead of sit around getting kickbacks and tweeting get voted in


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
If Bernie couldn't get past the primary process, I doubt AOC would do better.

Processive need to focus on grassroots. Changing public opinion rather than hail mary on presidential candidates.

Yup let's keep going further right. Maybe it'll work this time. Not like we got destroyed doing that same thing just now

I don't see the logic.

Biden got a win by the skin of his teeth with record voter turnout and COVID hurting Trump.

Somehow, a more radical person is going to beat the republicans. Because why?


Apr 1, 2019
I can't tell if the "further left" folks are being genuine here. That is quite obviously the exact opposite of what needs to happen for the Democratic party to remain relevant.

If the last election didn't prove it to you, this one should've -- half the country is still extremely conservative. To them a run-of-the-mill centrist like Biden looks like a radical. We cannot just ignore these people. They are not going away. We cannot win without some of them. ffs, that is unbelievably obvious by now.

And just how well did running centrists go with Hillary Clinton & Joe Biden so far? Nowhere.


Nov 18, 2017
If Bernie couldn't get past the primary process, I doubt AOC would do better.

Processive need to focus on grassroots. Changing public opinion rather than hail mary on presidential candidates.

I don't see the logic.

Biden got a win by the skin of his teeth with record voter turnout and COVID hurting Trump.

Somehow, a more radical person is going to beat the republicans. Because why?
You could turn around your reasoning. Biden got a win by the skin of his teeth with record voter turnout and COVID hurting Trump because he was as is.

Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If Bernie couldn't get past the primary process, I doubt AOC would do better.

Processive need to focus on grassroots. Changing public opinion rather than hail mary on presidential candidates.

I don't see the logic.

Biden got a win by the skin of his teeth with record voter turnout and COVID hurting Trump.

Somehow, a more radical person is going to beat the republicans. Because why?
I'm saying this strategy of inching further right blew the fuck up in our faces. Moderate Dems ate shit and Biden is looking to barely scrap by in what should have been a fucking blow out. So why is the takeaway here "let's do the same fucking thing all over again"?


Oct 25, 2017
No half of the country is never ever going to vote Dem. Stop capitulating to them, they are a lost cause. There are so many people and youth who do not vote, that is who we need. Further left is the only way forward, the planet literally does not have the time for us to not dramatically shift our direction. Stop letting the GOP drag us right, we need to leave them in the past and drag the center to the left.
Many of them would've told you they would never, ever vote Republican just 25 years ago. Our current ideologies are not set in stone.

Shifting left needs to be a gradual process that feels comfortable. This election had unprecedented turnout and a ton of that turnout still voted for Trump. You put an overt progressive on the ticket and the conservative turnout will explode too. It's not just leftists who don't vote. The republicans leave millions of votes on the table every year too. An actual admitted socialist would be a strong motivator for them to get off their asses. It would be the same shit again.

Quad Lasers

Oct 26, 2017
Genuinely laughing at the "we need to go more Center" crowd in an election where the House is losing seats and Joe Motherfucking Biden is currently barely scrapping through in battleground states in a year with a global viral outbreak that wiped out a bunch of people's jobs and bank accounts.

That's really what we need. Just play footsies a little more with racism and tax breaks for the rich.


Oct 28, 2017
Why are Democrats obsessed with winning disgruntled GOP voters when those voters always, always "come home" when they start filling in their ballot?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Many of them would've told you they would never, ever vote Republican just 25 years ago. Our current ideologies are not set in stone.

Shifting left needs to be a gradual process that feels comfortable. This election had unprecedented turnout and a ton of that turnout still voted for Trump. You put an overt progressive on the ticket and the conservative turnout will explode too. It's not just leftists who don't vote. The republicans leave millions of votes on the table every year too. An actual admitted socialist would be a strong motivation for them to get off their asses. It would be the same shit again.

Republicans got RECORD turn out against the most right-wing Democrat candidate in years. Their base is already motivated. We have to motivate OURS.

Deleted member 46493

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
Even if we're stuck with moderate Dems, they need to push for specific causes the give people hope. Higher minimum wage, decriminalization, healthcare. These aren't radical at all!!! Present these in a better way. People do want these things. Dems are so scared of upsetting conservatives they'll let them run the narrative.


Oct 25, 2017
Many of them would've told you they would never, ever vote Republican just 25 years ago. Our current ideologies are not set in stone.

Shifting left needs to be a gradual process that feels comfortable. This election had unprecedented turnout and a ton of that turnout still voted for Trump. You put an overt progressive on the ticket and the conservative turnout will explode too. It's not just leftists who don't vote. The republicans leave millions of votes on the table every year too. An actual admitted socialist would be a strong motivation for them to get off their asses. It would be the same shit again.
Don't make me tap the sign



Apr 6, 2019
Don't start infighting when clearly the Republicans won't have that problem in 2022/2024.
We were told to sit down and shut up for Biden. Now you tell us to keep quite for longer. No. The dems need to pick a side the barely won the rust belt because of corona, if it never happened we would be in a Trump victory. Ether become Republican lite or run a with actual ideas.


Oct 25, 2017
Progressives are good people but America might not be ready for forward thinking and doing the right thing.

To WIN they need to sell the benefit they are giving to people. I think that is all most Americans care about.

I would focus on cheaper health care and education in a tangible way. Like building a federal hospital to serve poor people in underserved areas. And maybe pay for it by canceling the order for one of the aircraft carriers we don't need. Could be something else. Better roads, subsidized internet, but something that you can give away to rural and more urban areas.


Oct 26, 2017
The "half this country is conservative" talking point is fucking stupid.


Presidential turn out is around ~60%. I didn't check the 2020 numbers yet because I'm not sure they're available. Divide that by two and:

30% of Americans are liberal
30% of Americans are conservative
40% of Americans thinks presidential politics is not worth their time

And the Politics Understanders are seriously suggesting "we need to go after the 30% who are consistently conservatives. Literally less than 1/3rd of this country can be described as consistently conservative.

FAKE EDIT: Oh I found some 2020 numbers.

Okay so the breakdown is literally 33%/33%/33%.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
strategy of inching further right blew the fuck up in our faces. Moderate Dems ate shit and Biden is looking to barely scrapped by and what should have been a fucking blow out. So why is the takeaway here "let's do the same fucking thing all over again"?

Do you genuinely think that someone like Bernie Sanders would of preformed better?

If you can't get people to vote for you in the primary, how are you going to get people to vote for you in the general?


Oct 28, 2017
What's the justification of doing same strategy of moving further right when this election just proved that doesn't work? The GOP understands that you first must super serve your base then go after the moderate voter. The Democrats have this completely backwards. They first spent all their time chasing after phantom GOP voters they think they can pick off at the expense of their base and then they browbeat/shame their base to vote for them...or else. That's a completely backwards way to win elections.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
Even if we're stuck with moderate Dems, they need to push for specific causes the give people hope. Higher minimum wage, decriminalization, healthcare. These aren't radical at all!!! Present these in a better way. People do want these things. Dems are so scared of upsetting conservatives they'll let them run the narrative.

Exactly. You don't have to purge every elected official that is to the right of AOC but holy shit the moderate Dems are the most unexciting teacher pet politicians. Right wingers see right through them. Run on popular and exciting policies.