
tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
So really this is a sort of RTTP thread

I didn't actually play FFVII until 2012, and despite needing a few hours to get used to the graphics (this game actually served as the catalyst that caused me to go back and play all the classics I missed out on by being a Nintendo kid in the 90s) I thought the game was fantastic

Fast forward to 2018, and I needed a new Vita game to play on my lunch break and decided to fire up FFVII. I didn't intend to replay it but I got a few hours in and decided to beat the game again

Even though I first played this game when it was 15 years old, and now it's 21 years old, I still think it's pretty easy to go back to, and on the OLED Vita screen the game looks great

It takes a while to understand where areas end and what doorways and pathways you can enter, but after a while it kind of just makes sense

Right now I'm just trying to recruit Yuffie, and I'm about 8 hours in. I think the opening hours are paced really well for a PS1 title, the action and story both move at a brisk pace and the soon as you break out of Midgar you get a nice playable flashback sequence that serves to pull the player into the story. The music is also still best in class

FFVII is often considered to be one of the best games of all time, but when was the last time you played it, and how do you think it held up?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I play it every year and every year I realize that nothing will ever become as great as this game.

It literally becomes better for each passing year.


Oct 28, 2017
Maybe three months ago. I play it probably twice-ish a year.

Holds up amazingly well. The simple character models + pre-rendered backgrounds make it look a lot better than the jaggy shit that is a lot of FF8/FF9. Also the fast battle speed makes it a lot easier to play than those games IMO.

Get kind of bored during certain quests but it's never enough to deter me. After playing it so many times though I've come to be pretty tired of Midgar. I know it's a great part of the game but I'm always in a rush to leave it. And I hate doing the entire WAll Market sequence.


Oct 25, 2017
I played it again like two years ago and still thought it was fantastic. I was playing it with my girlfriend who had never played it and she really enjoyed it too.


Oct 27, 2017
Played it about a decade ago on PSP, still held up nicely and the characters were just as charming as I remember.


Oct 30, 2017
6-8ish years. Still held up. Finished it like 12 times overall tho, so I'm used to everything.


Oct 25, 2017
Santa Albertina
Actually playing it in a very slow pace... took me close to year to reach the last dungeon... now I'm grinding to kill the ancients weapons before beat that gray hair killer.

Personally it holds pretty well even when compared with my experience in 1997... I'm playing the PS4 version based in PC that have the fast forward feature that greats helps in grind materias.

Well imo I'm having more fun with it than FFXIII or FFXV. The graphics otherwise really did get dated while the CGI never lost it charm.

The gamer community is heavy starving for games like it and the gameplay didn't get old at all.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Held up. A couple of years ago? 2015? Whenever that ps4 port came out.


Oct 26, 2017
Last time I played it was probably like 5-10 years ago, it was also my first time playing through it. I quit after the first disc, I just couldn't tolerate the ugly graphics. And I was pretty much just holding the fast forward buttons in the random battles.


User requested ban
May 18, 2018
Somewhere deep in space
A year ago, and it's better than ever now. The battles are fast so the randomness of encounters doesn't get annoying. And something about the villians being corporate facists literally sucking the lifeblood from the earth is very relevant these days -_-;



Oct 27, 2017
Played it when they released the pc port (or was it mobile port?) on PS4 A few years back and it was still as magical as the first time I played it.


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Actually playing it in a very slow pace... took me close to year to reach the last dungeon... now I'm grinding to kill the ancients weapons before beat that gray hair killer.

Personally it holds pretty well even when compared with my experience in 1997... I'm playing the PS4 version based in PC that have the fast forward feature that greats helps in grind materias.

Well imo I'm having more fun with it than FFXIII or FFXV.

The gamer community is heavy starving for games like it and the gameplay didn't get old at all.

The bolded is something else I'm interested in, as I said in the OP I first played the game in 2012 so it would be cool to get the impressions of people who played it back when it released


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Last time I played it was probably like 5-10 years ago, it was also my first time playing through it. I quit after the first disc, I just couldn't tolerate the ugly graphics. And I was pretty much just holding the fast forward buttons in the random battles.

Yeah the graphics were an issue for me during my first playthrough, but I then kind of got on board with them. I really love how PS1 games look, and it's one of the more iconic looking titles. The graphics are objectively bad but the pre-rendered backgrounds have so much character to them, and the combat models are good

I played the PSN version on PS3 back in 2012 and I'm playing the same version on Vita now, but being able to put the Vita to sleep has made it a lot easier to pick up and play. Does the PS4 version let you save anywhere?


Oct 28, 2017
Few years ago when I found an original copy at a yard sale for 5 bucks. Still loved it.
Oct 25, 2017
Playing the PC version with the Beacause retranslation patch on stream with friends over the past few weeks and have had a blast with it.

The game holds up great.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I replay it pretty much every year and it still never gets old. Still my favorite FF game and favorite JRPG ever by far.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
Played at launch, then again about 4 years ago - if anything, it was better than I remembered it.


Good Vibes Gaming
Oct 24, 2017
So I first played FF7 I believe in 2011? It immediately became one of my favourite games ever and I've played it essentially every year since then. It absolutely holds up and I'm worried how certain scenes will transition over to the remake. There's already some uncomfortable content in there such as the Black Materia scene - that'll play out questionably in a realistic style.


Oct 27, 2017
The English Wilderness
Played it through last year. In hindsight, it's actually quite light on content, especially compared to V and VI, and a lot of the characters are woefully underdeveloped. The pacing is pretty off, too - not nearly FFXV levels, but still guilty of cramming way to much stuff into the later acts.

It remains an impressive achievement, however, especially given the limited development time.

Citizen Rizer

Oct 27, 2017
I played it again about 2 years ago after not playing it since it first came out and it held up beautifully. Obviously the character models are terrible, but everything else is great. The actual art direction is outstanding and doesn't get brought up enough. So many of the camera shots of the environments are burned into my memory (the elevator in the mako reactor, the Shinra president's office, the end of the highway in Midgar, the streets of Junon, I could go on and on...) I was surprised how effective the storytelling still is. It's trendy to hate on it now, but it's still one of the best stories in games IMHO.


Oct 25, 2017
Played it for the first time in 2016 and thought it was really fun. Not one of my GOATs or anything but a great game I'd replay


Oct 26, 2017
I played it all the way through for the first time around 4 years ago now I think. I played on a PSP Go. I hadn't played it since I was like 10 or something playing it on my brother's PlayStation. It ended up being my favorite game of the entire franchise. Really loved the story, characters, designs, music, everything. And it was fun! The materia system was very easy to follow and keep up with, leveling was basic, and I just had a blast. I really don't think the game is overrated in the slightest. Went on to enjoy Crisis Core as well. The Vincent game and Advent Children though, bleh. Hope the remake is good.


Oct 27, 2017
When the PS4 release came out.

Still holds up, still a lot of fun, but I don't think I could play it without the speed increase now.


Oct 27, 2017
I put in 5 hours or so last year, holds up great. (Edit, originally beat it in 2001)

A year ago, and it's better than ever now. The battles are fast so the randomness of encounters doesn't get annoying. And something about the villians being corporate facists literally sucking the lifeblood from the earth is very relevant these days -_-;

Haha, queue up the Trump is Shinra thread (or was that in the old place?).

Deleted member 41651

User-requested account closure
Apr 3, 2018
Replayed it two years ago. It's never not great. But I definitely don't possess that insane drive to do the endgame shit before Sephiroth like when I was a kid.
Oct 28, 2017
First and last time was last year, it was my first turn based combat game and I sucked. Fortunately I could activate cheats with L3 and R3 and at least enjoyed the story.


Oct 26, 2017
Just a few months ago. Ps1 version. Better than I remembered it, really. The battle system is fun and there's a steady sense of progression. I'm very retro-oriented so the graphics are still great to me.


Oct 25, 2017
Played it well over a decade after it came out. Only really badly aged stuff was the controls.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Detroit, MI
Final Fantasy VII is my video game comfort food. I play it A LOT, although at this point, it's mostly a 'pick up and play' thing and I'll set it down again for a month or two before coming back to it. I honestly can't judge if it's aged well or not, because it's just what I know. It just is.

Of course VII isn't perfect though and there are always people ready to tell you that, but I cherish it and every character, every mistranslated word, every blocky lego model. It only grows better with age.
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Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
first played in 1999 i believe, last time i played was 2015.
Still holds great imo, this last time i played the ps4 version and i had to get the platinum and the theme.
but if we can say unnoficial versions i played the NES hacked improved version of FF7 this year and i recommend to EVERY fan to play it. Seriously play that stuff its awesome.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Still one of the best ever. Graphics are terrible(not for the time) but it's all about the gameplay and story.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
When did the PS4 version come out? I played it for about 4 or 5 hours and then moved on to something else.
Not sure why since it's a fantastic game. I really need to stick with it next time.
Oct 25, 2017
Played it again a few years back after having been obsessed with the game to the point of completing it 30+ times back in the day. Thought it was pretty god damn trash. Really boring exploration and gameplay. Poorly written/translated story, super flat side characters bordering on caricatures, Aeris specifically. She's literally the worst trope in gaming and everyone who played the game swallowed it whole-sale. She's literally just there as an emotional device to get the player to care because she's a defenseless woman who needs to be rescued by the cool dude. She ends up being fridged just for the sake of cheap impact and none of it was earned whatsoever IMO. Feels like she was written for the sole purpose of indulging players with a toxic view on womanhood. The less said about Barret, the better. Cid is a fucking domestic abuser and the game does everything it can to justify him while providing little to no critique??? What the actual fuck. The only interesting part of the cast is Cloud being poisoned and exploring his internal insecurities, but even then - it's so extreme and hypothetical that's it's incredibly hard to relate, especially when he pretty much wakes up and goes "oh I'm over it now let's go stab a dude!" with little to no reflection and insight gained. Zzz.

I'd argue that the game is fondly remembered primarily for two reasons: It had an insane amount of optional content that gave a huge amount of "bang for your buck" back in those days when people like me only really had a couple of games to play. The second reason was the completely absurd (for the time) marketing push. This game was literally unavoidable, especially with press hype being off the charts.

Pass the salt and give me FF5 any day of the week. At least that game had interesting gameplay systems.

(Edit: Oh yeah, the soundtrack is fucking amazing. Probably the GOAT alongside SotN and Bravely Default in that respect.)


Nov 21, 2017
Played it on Steam a couple years ago. It help up fine. Graphics are meh but I wouldn't be surprised if there's mods to make them look better.


Oct 25, 2017
I play it once a year, last time was April 2017 (1st time on PS4, as I knew I'd end up using the cheats if I did..Which I ended up using the super speed constantly,but I don't have my PS3 anymore and my PSTV has been acting up for a while). Holds up well, this year's playthrough I'll be going for the platinum, all I need is the Barrett date.

2019 will likely be the Steam version, which I'd only put 20mins into for the same reason the PS4 version was untouched for a while.


Oct 27, 2017
I tried a few years ago to get into it after I finally got into JRPGs, after I'd finished 6. I didn't like it. Thought the translation was iffy and generally found it slow and dull. Dropped it before leaving Midgar. Tried again a year or so later and got to disc 2 and just... stopped. I never really found the story compelling at all, the combat was just so slow to me after 6 and I didn't like the characters.

Shame. Probably just came to it too late.


One Winged Slayer Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Played it about 2 years ago on a PSP. First time I did a full playthrough. I watched my brother play through it before back on PS1 but never played through it myself. The game is really great and holds up imo.
That said, I'm actually glad that the remake will be a different take on it. If I want the original I can always go play that.


Oct 26, 2017
Haven't played it since release. Only ff I think I never replayed, and I even replayed 9 once I think. It's just not a good game. If it was your first rpg, I get it, but for those of us who were on our 100th imported rpg by then, it really was a badly designed game, and easily the weakest of the psx era games. Especially when we had grandia, Sakura taisen, el dorado, and just a whole slew of Saturn/Psx/dreamcast games that destroyed it.