
"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Hey ERA,

I'm the kind of person that very rarely remembers their dreams, in fact I often feel like I don't dream at all most nights. In fact, the one I'm going to talk about was probably more of a vivid thought while laying in bed half-awake rather than a full blown dream, but's let's brush aside those technicalities for the purposes of this thread, shall we?

Yesterday I dreamt about having a girlfriend... And it wasn't the first time. I know for sure that I've dreamt with that same person two or three times before. I don't think anything romantic or sexual happened in those first couple of dreams, we were just hanging out, laughing or doing mundane stuff, but to be honest I only have the feeling that I dreamt about her before, I have only but the faintest recollection of that happening.

However, yesterday's dream really shook me to the core. We were at her house, with her dad in the room (him being a completely made up person, I could clearly see his face on the dream, unlike my supposed girlfriend). But then, at some point we left the room and went somewhere more quiet to talk and, for the first time in these dreams, kiss... And then, I said something along these lines: "You know, it somehow feels like I couldn't remember who you are, but it doesn't really matter anymore... I love you for who you are now".

I instantly woke up after saying that. "Wow", I thought, "this is really fucked up...". I started to really try to remember anything about these dreams and I realized that I couldn't really remmber her face, just her body shape, and of course, I believe that she looked like my ex, although I feel like she behaved in a slightly different way and had a different hair style. I also think that the dream logic is that I had had some sort of accident which caused me amnesia, so I knew I was in a relationship with this person even though I didn't really know her, but then again I may be extrapolating far too much based on the last quote.

Anyway, sadly it makes sense that I would dream about something like this. I'm single for the first time in my adult life after a 13 year relationship with my first and only girlfriend. She always was (and still is) the most important person in my life, and I still care very deeply about her even though we broke up because I wasn't sure if I loved her anymore after some bad things she did to me that lead me to go to therapy for years... It's been six months and somehow I feel like I miss her more now than the first couple of months after breaking up. I've been feeling specially down lately and I guess I miss having someone to talk to, and just being comfortable around someone. But yeah, this is probably a bit of a warning sign that I'm dwelling too much in the past and that perhaps after 6 months it's time to try again with someone new...

Oh well! Sorry about the rambling, I had to get it off my chest. So, what was your saddest dream ever, ERA?


Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
No dream is ever as sad as the feeling of waking up each day and being reminded of reality.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't remember the specifics but one involved a deep rift forming between me and my family in part due to me lashing out and saying horrible stuff.
Alternatively, I recently felt sad after having a good dream. What made me sad was how much happier I felt in the dream, which was even more poignant from me since the dream was relatively mundane and short.
For whatever reason I often find I feel emotions resulting from dreams very acutely.


Nov 8, 2018
I kept dreaming of my Ex a few years ago. She would suddenly appear, holding hands with a stranger, and I would hide my face and walk in the opposite direction. But she kept appearing arms linked with a complete stranger in every direction. Stuff of nightmares really. lol


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
Those dreams where you meet someone special but then you wake up and damn life feels empty for the whole day with that person from the dream lingering in your mind.


Oct 28, 2017
1 week after she broke up with me, I had the dream that she called me and said that she is sorry and want to come back to me. After I woke up it was so sad...
Oct 27, 2017
I had a dream once where I was married to this beautiful woman and she was everything I ever wanted and my life was completely perfect. Then I woke up and realised how not that my current relationship/girlfriend was. I described this to my friend in a message and my girlfriend read it and was really upset, of course. We didn't last much longer. So not a sad dream but it made my life feel sad.


Oct 28, 2017
After my mum died I had an incredibly vivid dream where she was alive and my family were telling me that her death had been a dream. I really thought it was real. She came in to the room and I could tell something wasn't right even though she was smiling and as she walked towards me to give me a hug I realised I was dreaming, I started to scream and her face dropped as she realised I knew she wasn't real, she looked so sad and as she put her arms around me I woke up.

Stuck with me for days afterwards.


User requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
I remember well a dream I had in a similar vein to yours, OP. Very simple, I dreamt that I married a girl that I love. Then woke up and remembered that actually she's still dating my good friend. Really didn't feel like being alive anymore at that moment, ugh.


Nov 1, 2017
I lost someone I love back in 2012.

Have dreams where she is alive. It either goes "oh, I never died, I moved away and now I'm back. Everything is good!" And I feel like shit after I wake up.

Other times it's "I'm alive, I was faking to get away from you" which leaves me feeling shitty all day.


Oct 25, 2017
A close cousin of mine was in a car crash around 6 years ago which left her severely disabled and partly brain damaged. She is still there inside, but she can't communicate and her motor function is severely limited now and she needs constant care.

Every so often I get a dream where I see her at my relatives house as if she's made a full recovery, and each time I am amazed as I can't believe it. I have tears of relief and happiness as I hug her and I choke up as I tell her it's so good to see her like that again. Then I wake up.


Oct 27, 2017
I sometimes have dreams about someone I loved/love and it ended without any real closure.

I don't wish her any ill will and genuinely hope she's happy, but I still sometimes have those dreams and wake up sad.


Oct 31, 2017
I don't really have sad dreams per se but I do have dreams in which everyone's just angry at me, giving me the silent treatment, this is also coupled with dreams in which I am furious and yelling. I always wake up feeling miserable but appreciate all my friends and family soon after.

Dreams like this usually happen when I'm frustrated about something but haven't spoken up about it to someone, my suppressed feelings outing themselves in my dreams.

I also on a rare occasion dream about my childhood best friend who passed away around 15 years ago from Leukemia, it's been so long I can barely remember what he looked and sounded like because were both very young but he sometimes pop ups in my dreams but I never remember what he looked like in my dreams.

Dreams only feel sad when I wake up and feel lonely.For about a month I had a dream every other night where my teeth were wobbly. They never fell out interestingly.

I had those a lot too back in the day, I believe they represent your insecurity, that's what I've read at least. And it makes sense because you're both insecure as a kid and your teeth were wobbly in reality as well. I both had the Wobbly teeth and dreams in which my teeth just fell out, like I lived "The Fly" every time I went to sleep. I woke up with a new appreciation of my teeth.
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Sputnik Sweetheart

Oct 31, 2017
Dream itself wasn't sad - more dull. Spent time with my mum cleaning and sorting stuff.

Woke up. Realised she was still dead. Took the day off to try and get back to the dream.


Oct 27, 2017
When I was more depressed, dreams were dreadfully sad, aye.

Mostly better dreams nowadays, with occasional sleep paralysis involving spooky figures and the inability to move.

Pall Mall

Oct 25, 2017
I saw my mother get hit by a car in front of me, and I felt so much real pain collapsing to the ground and crying that I woke up almost immediately afterward in the saddest state of shock.


Oct 25, 2017
happy family dream. wife kids, etc. lots of quality time with the kids doing dad stuff. great relationship with my spouse, no money worries, the whole nine. more bittersweet, but sad because I felt like I had it. Extremely real.

I've had 'wtf-tragedy' dreams too where I'm soo so super glad they were only dreams.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
I have had a recurring dream for months that involve an ex of mine and its me apologizing to her for everything that is wrong with me and mistakes I made. She forgives me and tells me we are gonna okay. She walks me towards a door. I walk through and I wake up. Its literally my own sub-conscience admitting everything thats wrong with me to the only truly serious love I have ever had.

And I have been having it on and off for months now. It kills me everytime, I can never go back to sleep, and is a major cause for my darker depression days.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't recall what nonsense I was dreaming but it was in the past and a cat we had back then was there. When I woke up I was sad and angry dream me didn't pet the cat in the dream. Stupid moron dream me. I loved that cat.

Awesome Kev

Jan 10, 2018
Me and all my family were at a wedding. Out of nowhere this helicopter starts descending on us from about 50 or so yards away. We all stopped and looked at it and after a few confusing minutes it shot a rocket towards us and exploded killing a ton of us and the rest of us scattered. Then all of these soldiers came out trying to pick off the rest of us. They were playing sad music to try and discourage us and get us to give up so they could kill us easier. Everyone was crying and it was crazy.

Deleted member 9971

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Dreaming about my ex brittish girlfriend cuz i hate her for what she put me through. So the sex dreams are the worst. I guess waking up i could look at the bright side that it was just a dream shes not there anymore to taunt/hurt me.

Dr Doom

Oct 25, 2017
I was 8-10 years old. I woke my mom was back from work. Then I woke up from that dream was still at work.

Dream within a dream


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
I had a dream where one of my best friends was shot and died in my arms...woke up in tears and called him right after processing the dream. I thought it was like one of those "future" dreams but after like 5 years nothing has happened.(and hopefully never will)


Oct 25, 2017
Don't remember the saddest one but I do remember the most horrific of mine:
My entire family & friends were lined up and shot in the head one by one in front of me. I literally woke up in a cold sweat as the last bullet went through mine. Fuck my childhood, glad I don't remember my dreams as often anymore.


Jan 11, 2018
When I was in middle school, I had a dream where I swapped lives with a girl whom I was not familiar with. We were both still ourselves (i.e. I was still a boy), but it was as if we had always led these lives. She (and now I) did ballet. I worked so hard for months, and I was still horrible at it. Even worse, my old friends (who wouldn't have recognized me) made fun of me relentlessly for doing ballet. The stress was so bad, I started smoking cigarettes. I started spending all of my time doing ballet, trying to become the best. I was still just mediocre. I utterly broke down in my dream (and in real life after waking up). That's all I remember. My brain showed me toxic masculinity when I was in middle school.

Also, last week, I had a dream that my friends broke out into a spontaneous orgy around me while I was just sitting in a corner trying to read a book. That one was more scary than anything, though.
Oct 27, 2017
Had a dream recently about my dead father and he couldn't talk in the dream. Just crying and sad about something. Then I started crying. And then I woke up


Apr 10, 2019
Dreams where I realize I'm dreaming when talking to people I've lost and I remember that I will have to wake up in a world without them.
I don't know if that's exceptionally sad for the purposes of this thread, I'm sure everybody has something similar.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
I fell asleep with my arms under me the other night and they went numb. In my dream someone had cut my arms off and I was trying to get something out of a dresser and finish cooking something on the stove while my friends were outside waiting on me.


Oct 28, 2017
A very surreal, and rather terrifying dream i had, involved me and a mix of family members, co workers, friends , and people i used to go to at school all being in a building about to be flooded by a sky high tsunami. Woke up as soon as the wave hit us and we all presumably died.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my recurring dreams is that my mother didn't pass away.

What bothers me the most is that sometimes my dream self remembers my mother passing away, but the dream is insists she "got better" or otherwise just gaslights me, "she's back, that's what matters".

Wake up in tears every time.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm away from my fiancee and little boy working, been away for over two weeks and probably going to be away for at least another two weeks.

Had a dream about a week ago that we were at a resort, theme park or something like that, and we were arguing about some trivial shit and not paying attention to our son, and he wandered off or was taken and we couldn't find him. We searched all over and he wasn't there. I was talking to her about how I could just see his face, and she was going on about how I'm talking like he's already gone...

I've never been so relieved to wake up. We have been arguing a bit lately due to stresses in our situation: I don't have to be Carl Jung to get it.


Oct 27, 2017
Queens, NY
That my family wasn't being evicted when I was a kid. To wake up and realize we were still being evicted was heartbreaking all over again.


Oct 26, 2017
I had a dream where I experienced an entire life play out. From when I landed a good job, met an amazing woman, then to getting married, having arguments with each other, laughing, crying, holding my daughter for the first time, watching her grow up, and finally waking up just at the moment when I was gray and old, giving her away down the aisle. I woke up and was legitimately disoriented. All I felt was sadness and emptiness after I realized it was all a dream.


Oct 27, 2017
I used to have dreams all of the time about my deceased boyfriend coming back to life through some unexplained but generally accepted means (because dreams are weird like that) and not remembering who I was or what we had. I'm always stuck trying to be part of his life while he moves on without me.

Those dreams happen less often, but they never fail to make me wake up crying. It's been many years since he died and I've since recovered from his unexpected death. I'm happily married. But, he was an important person in my life.


Mar 18, 2018
There was dream were me and my father worked things out and genuinely struggled through it. It was a pretty coherent dream and he acted the way he would in real life in it.

So it was a shittier waking up than usual, knowing that ain't ever gonna happen,I'll admit.


Oct 27, 2017
United States
I had a long conversation with my grandma at her dinner table drinking coffee. She passed a few days prior to that dream. When I woke up I just cried for a bit.


Oct 25, 2017
One person I miss. Dreaming off them always gives me an empty feeling for the entire day.